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person lodging the complaint
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The person lodging the complaint shall be informed of the outcome of such inquiries.
Osebo, ki je vložila pritožbo, obvestijo o izidu poizvedb.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
.4 Ships which have been the subject of a report or complaint by the master, a crew member, or any person or organization with a legitimate interest in the safe operation of the ship, shipboard living and working conditions or the prevention of pollution, unless the Authority concerned deems the report or complaint to be manifestly unfounded; the identity of the person lodging the report or complaint must not be revealed to the master or the shipowner of the ship concerned;
ladje, o katerih je poročal ali vložil pritožbo poveljnik ladje, član posadke ali katera koli druga oseba ali organizacija, ki ima upravičen interes za varno delovanje ladje, življenjske in delovne razmere na ladji ali za preprečevanje onesnaževanja, razen če oblasti menijo, da je poročilo ali pritožba očitno neutemeljena; identiteta osebe, ki vloži poročilo ali pritožbo, se ne sme razkriti poveljniku ali lastniku ladje;
3 Pravna redakcija
The complaint must allow the person lodging the complaint and the object of the complaint to be identified;
V pritožbi morata biti razvidna pritožnik in predmet pritožbe;
4 Pravna redakcija
the person lodging the complaint may request that his complaint remain confidential.
pritožnik lahko zahteva, da njegova pritožba ostane zaupna.
5 Pravna redakcija
The Ombudsman may advise the person lodging the complaint to address it to another authority.
Varuh človekovih pravic lahko pritožniku svetuje, da pritožbo naslovi na drug organ.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0095
The identity of the person lodging the report or the complaint must not be revealed to the master or the owner of the ship concerned.
Identiteta osebe, ki poda poročilo ali prijavo, se ne sme razkriti poveljniku ali lastniku ladje.
7 Pravna redakcija
The Ombudsman shall as soon as possible inform the person lodging the complaint of the action he has taken on it.
Varuh človekovih pravic čimprej obvesti pritožnika o ukrepih, ki jih je sprejel v zvezi z njegovo pritožbo.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
An investigation under this Regulation shall be initiated upon the lodging of a written complaint on behalf of the Community industry by any natural or legal person or any association, or on the Commission's own initiative, if there is sufficient evidence of the existence of countervailable subsidies (including, if possible, of their amount) or unfair pricing practices within the meaning of this Regulation, injury and a causal link between the allegedly subsidised or unfairly priced air services and the alleged injury.
Preiskava s skladu s to uredbo se začne na podlagi pisne pritožbe, ki jo v imenu industrije Skupnosti vloži katera koli pravna ali fizična oseba ali zveza, ali na predlog Komisije, če obstajajo zadostni dokazi o obstoju izravnalnih subvencij (vključno z višino le-teh, če je to mogoče) ali o nepošteni praksi oblikovanja cen v smislu te uredbe, škode in vzročne povezave med domnevno subvencioniranimi ali nepošteno oblikovanimi cenami storitev zračnega prevoza in domnevno škodo.
9 Pravna redakcija
They shall also be required to treat in confidence any information which could harm the person lodging the complaint or any other person involved, without prejudice to paragraph 2.
Prav tako morajo brez poseganja v odstavek 2 zaupno obravnavati vse informacije, ki bi lahko škodile pritožniku ali drugim vpletenim osebam.
10 Pravna redakcija
A complaint shall be made within two years of the date on which the facts on which it is based came to the attention of the person lodging the complaint and must be preceded by the appropriate administrative approaches to the institutions and bodies concerned.
Pritožba je mogoča v roku dveh let od dne, ko se je pritožnik seznanil z dejstvi, na katerih pritožba temelji, pred tem pa je moral že uporabiti ustrezna pravna sredstva pri pristojnih institucijah in organih.
11 Pravna redakcija
The person lodging the complaint shall be informed by the Ombudsman of the outcome of the inquiries, of the opinion expressed by the institution or body concerned and of any recommendations made by the Ombudsman.
Pritožnika obvesti o izidih svojih preiskav, o mnenju pristojne institucije ali organa ter o morebitnih priporočilih varuha človekovih pravic.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0262
They shall also be required to treat in confidence any inforamtion which could harm the person lodging the complaint or any other person involved, without prejudice to paragraph 2.
Prav tako morajo brez poseganja v odstavek 2 zaupno obravnavati vse informacije, ki bi lahko škodile pritožniku ali drugim vpletenim osebam.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0262
A complaint shall be made within two years of the date on which the facts on which it is based came to the attention of the person lodging the complaint and must be preceded by the appropriate administrate approaches to the institutions and bodies concerned.
Pritožba je mogoča v roku dveh let od dne, ko se je pritožnik seznanil z dejstvi, na katerih pritožba temelji, pred tem pa je moral že uporabiti ustrezna pravna sredstva pri pristojnih institucijah in organih.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0042
the identity of the person lodging the report or complaint must not be revealed to the master or the shipowner of the ship concerned.
identiteta osebe, ki predloži poročilo ali pritožbo, ne sme biti razkrita poveljniku ali lastniku zadevne ladje.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
the identity of the person lodging the report or the complaint must not be revealed to the master or the shipowner of the ship concerned.
identiteta osebe, ki je vložila poročilo ali pritožbo, se ne sme odkriti poveljniku ali lastniku zadevne ladje.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
An investigation under this Regulation shall be initiated upon the lodging of a written complaint on behalf of the Community industry by any natural or legal person or any association, or on the Commission's own initiative, if there is sufficient evidence of the existence of countervailable subsidies (including, if possible, of their amount) or unfair pricing practices within the meaning of this Regulation, injury and a causal link between the allegedly subsidised or unfairly priced air services and the alleged injury.
Preiskava s skladu s to uredbo se začne na podlagi pisne pritožbe, ki jo v imenu industrije Skupnosti vloži katera koli pravna ali fizična oseba ali zveza, ali na predlog Komisije, če obstajajo zadostni dokazi o obstoju izravnalnih subvencij (vključno z višino le-teh, če je to mogoče) ali o nepošteni praksi oblikovanja cen v smislu te uredbe, škode in vzročne povezave med domnevno subvencioniranimi ali nepošteno oblikovanimi cenami storitev zračnega prevoza in domnevno škodo.
Prevodi: en > sl
person lodging the complaint