Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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petitioner of the proceedings
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) The date of the oral hearing shall also be notified to the petitioner of the proceedings and injured party.
(3) Dan ustne obravnave se sporoči tudi predlagatelju postopka in oškodovancu.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) The court shall not be bound to the petition submitted by the petitioner of the proceedings with regard to the legal evaluation of the act.
(3) Sodišče ni vezano na predlog predlagatelja postopka glede pravne presoje dejanja.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Managers of collections of personal data shall be obliged to submit to the petitioner of the proceedings, at the latter's request and free of charge, all information required for drawing up and lodging the accusation petition.
Upravljavci zbirk osebnih podatkov so dolžni predlagatelju postopka na njegovo zahtevo brezplačno posredovati podatke, ki so potrebni za sestavo in vložitev obdolžilnega predloga.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
- if in addition to a fine a secondary sanction is envisaged for the misdemeanour, or if the misdemeanour authority or petitioner of the proceedings assess that conditions are in place for imposing a secondary sanction pursuant to this Act;
- če je za prekršek poleg globe predpisana stranska sankcija oziroma če prekrškovni organ ali predlagatelj postopka glede na naravo kršitve oceni, da so podani pogoji za izrek stranske sankcije po tem zakonu;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(4) The exclusion of the public shall not apply to the accused person, the latter's legal representative and defence counsel, representative of a legal person, petitioner of the proceedings, injured party, the latter's legal representative and their authorised person.
(4) Izključitev javnosti ne velja za obdolženca, njegovega zakonitega zastopnika in zagovornika, zastopnika pravne osebe, predlagatelja postopka, oškodovanca, njegovega zakonitega zastopnika in njunega pooblaščenca.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
- on the petitioner, other participants in the proceedings, senders and receivers of applications:
- predlagatelja, drugih udeležencev v postopku, pošiljateljev vlog oziroma prevzemnikov:
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) The introduction of a misdemeanour judgement shall specify the title of the court which issued the judgement, personal name of the judge who issued the misdemeanour judgement, title or personal name of the petitioner of the proceedings and the reference number of the accusation petition, personal name of the accused person and defence counsel, name and head office of the accused legal person and the misdemeanour which is the subject of the proceedings.
(2) Uvod sodbe o prekršku obsega naziv sodišča, ki jo je izdalo, osebno ime sodnika, ki je izdal sodbo o prekršku, naziv oziroma osebno ime predlagatelja postopka in označbo obdolžilnega predloga, osebno ime obdolženca in zagovornika, firmo in sedež obdolžene pravne osebe ter prekršek, ki je predmet postopka.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) If the court finds that the violations are in place referred to in the first and second indents of Article 62 of this Act, or that the procedure for taking evidence needs to be supplemented in order to establish the actual situation correctly and completely, its shall pass a judgement abolishing the misdemeanour decision and adjudicate on the misdemeanour by itself pursuant to the provisions applying to ordinary court proceedings on misdemeanours, where the misdemeanour decision shall be deemed to be an accusation proposal and the misdemeanour authority shall have the status of a petitioner of the proceedings.
(2) Če sodišče spozna, da so podane kršitve iz prve in druge alinee 62. člena tega zakona oziroma da je za pravilno in popolno ugotovitev dejanskega stanja potrebno dopolniti dokazni postopek, s sodbo odpravi odločbo o prekršku in samo odloči o prekršku po določbah, ki veljajo za redni sodni postopek o prekršku, pri čemer se odločba o prekršku šteje za obdolžilni predlog, prekrškovni organ pa ima položaj predlagatelja postopka.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
If it finds that the petition is incomplete or incomprehensible, it shall request from the petitioner of proceedings to amend or rectify the petition within fifteen days.
Če ugotovi, da je predlog nepopoln ali nerazumljiv, zahteva od predlagatelja postopka, naj ga v petnajstih dneh dopolni oziroma popravi.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) The appeal shall be lodged in writing with the court which issued the misdemeanour judgement in a sufficient number of copies to submit the appeal to the court conducting the proceedings, petitioner, accused person and defence counsel.
(3) Pritožba se vloži pisno pri sodišču, ki je izdalo sodbo o prekršku in v zadostnem številu izvodov za sodišče, ki vodi postopek, za predlagatelja, obdolženca in zagovornika, da se jim vroči.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Exclusion may be requested by the accused or representative of an accused legal person or petitioner who proposed the proceedings immediately after they become aware of a reason for exclusion and subsequently by the time a misdemeanour judgement is issued.
(1) Izločitev lahko zahtevajo tudi obdolženec ali zastopnik obdolžene pravne osebe ali predlagatelj postopka takoj, ko izvejo za razlog izločitve, pa vse do izdaje sodbe o prekršku.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
if the accused person has already been found liable on the basis of a final judgement, or if the proceedings against him were stopped, unless they were stopped because the accusation petition was lodged by an ineligible petitioner (paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 103);
če je bil obdolženec za isti prekršek že pravnomočno spoznan za odgovornega ali je bil postopek zanj ustavljen, razen če je bil ustavljen, ker je obdolžilni predlog podal neupravičeni predlagatelj (prvi in drugi odstavek 103. člena);
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Misdemeanour proceedings shall be instituted ex officio when the misdemeanour authority, within the framework of its jurisdiction, performs any official act to this end, or upon the submission of a written petition by the injured party, state prosecutor or state authority, public power holder or local government community (petitioners).
(1) Postopek o prekršku se začne po uradni dolžnosti, ko opravi prekrškovni organ v okviru svoje pristojnosti v ta namen kakršnokoli dejanje, ali z vložitvijo pisnega predloga oškodovanca, državnega tožilca ali državnega organa, nosilca javnih pooblastil ali samoupravne lokalne skupnosti (predlagatelji).
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) If the misdemeanour authority fails to institute proceedings following an accusation petition lodged by the petitioners laid down in this Act, the latter may, within 15 days of receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 51 of this Act, propose to the competent authority which pursuant to the law supervises the misdemeanour authority, to lodge an accusation petition before the court.
(2) Če prekrškovni organ ne začne postopka na predlog predlagateljev določenih s tem zakonom, lahko ti v 15 dneh po prejemu obvestila iz petega odstavka 51. člena tega zakona pristojnemu organu, ki po zakonu nadzoruje delo prekrškovnega organa predlagajo, da vloži obdolžilni predlog pred sodiščem.
15 Končna redakcija
3. if a petition in bankruptcy has been presented and if an advance payment has been made for commencing bankruptcy proceedings pursuant to Article 93 (1) of ZPPSL or if the petitioner in bankruptcy has been exempt from advance payment pursuant to Article 93 (3) of ZPPSL.
3. če je bil vložen predlog za začetek stečajnega postopka nad gospodarsko družbo in založen predujem za začetek stečajnega postopka po prvem odstavku 93. člena ZPPSL oziroma je bil predlagatelj stečajnega postopka oproščen plačila predujma po tretjem odstavku 93. člena ZPPSL.
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petitioner of the proceedings