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pig trap
1 Končna redakcija
meat, pig products, semen, ova or embryos shall not be moved from the holding for intra-Community trade;
promet z mesom, izdelki iz prašičjega mesa, semenom, jajčeci ali zarodki prašičev z gospodarstva za trgovanje v Skupnosti se prepove;
2 Končna redakcija
With the exception of cuts of solid outer pig fat and belly, fresh cut meat must in all cases be provided with a protective packaging unless it is transported hanging up.
Z izjemo kosov prašičjega sala in trebuha se mora sveže razsekano meso v vseh primerih embalirati v zaščitne ovoje, razen če je med prevozom obešeno.
3 Končna redakcija
no meat, pig products, semen, ova or embryos of pigs, animal feed, utensils, materials or waste likely to transmit African swine fever may leave the holding without an authorisation issued by the competent authority;
odvoz mesa, izdelkov iz prašičjega mesa, semena, jajčec ali zarodkov prašičev, živalske krme, orodja, materialov ali odpadkov, s katerimi bi se lahko prenesla afriška prašičja kuga z gospodarstva, je možen samo z dovoljenjem pristojnega organa;
4 Končna redakcija
these measures shall at least include the ban on moving pigs, their semen, embryos or ova from the infected area for intra-Community trade and may include a temporary ban on pig production and on the establishment of new holdings;
ti ukrepi morajo vključevati vsaj prepoved premikov prašičev, prepoved prometa z njihovim semenom, zarodki ali jajčeci iz okuženega območja, za trgovanje v Skupnosti, lahko pa vključujejo tudi začasno prepoved prašičereje in ustanavljanja novih gospodarstev;
5 Končna redakcija
If Decision No 1/64 of the High Authority of 15 January 1964 prohibiting alignment on quotations for steel products and pig iron from State-trading countries or territories is extended after accession, that prohibition shall not apply until 31 December 1975 to products for the Danish market ( fn ).
Če se po pristopu podaljša Odločba Komisije št. 1/64 z dne 15. januarja 1964, ki prepoveduje usklajevanje ponudb za jeklarske izdelke in surovo železo iz držav ali ozemelj z državno trgovino, se takšna prepoved ne uporablja do 31. decembra 1975 za izdelke za danski trg ( fn ).
6 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Pig traps
Zaporni sistemi za varno spuščanje robotov za avtomatski nadzor okvar, korozije in razpok v cevovode
7 Pravna redakcija
meat, pig products, semen, ova and embryos shall not be moved from the holding for intra-Community trade;
meso, proizvodi prašičev, seme, jajčeca in zarodki se ne smejo premakniti z gospodarstva zaradi trgovine znotraj Skupnosti;
8 Pravna redakcija
whereas this grading is also intended to make the market more transparent as regards trade in pig carcases;
ker je namen tega razvrščanja večja preglednost trga glede trgovine s prašičjimi trupi;
9 Pravna redakcija
production of steel immediately transformed to iron by recarburizing (manufacture of special pig-iron) in the line
proizvodnjo jekla, ki se takoj pretvori v železo z naogljičenjem (izdelava posebnega grodlja), v vrstici,
10 Pravna redakcija
whereas measures adopted for lard and other pig fats in respect of trade with third countries and the marketing rules adopted for lard and other pig fats should therefore be extended to fats from bones or waste of swine;
ker je zato treba ukrepe, sprejete za prašičjo mast in druge prašičje maščobe za trgovino s tretjimi državami in tržna pravila, sprejeta za prašičjo mast in druge prašičje maščobe razširiti na maščobe iz kosti ali odpadkov prašičjega mesa;
11 Pravna redakcija
Since live animals are listed in Annex I of the Treaty, one of the Community's tasks in the veterinary field is to improve the state of health of pigs, thereby facilitating trade in pig and pig products to ensure the development of this sector.
Ker so v Prilogi 1 Pogodbe navedene žive živali, je ena od nalog Skupnosti na področju veterine izboljšati zdravstveno stanje prašičev in s tem olajšati trgovino s prašiči in proizvodi iz prašičev, da se zagotovi razvoj tega sektorja.
12 Pravna redakcija
The traps must be placed for several hours in the pig stalls preferably during the night and in any event in shady areas out of the daylight.
pasti morajo biti nastavljene v hlevih prašičev po več ur, najbolje ponoči in vsekakor na mestih, zavarovanih pred dnevno svetlobo.
13 Pravna redakcija
Appropriate measures on pig transport and movements must be in place according to this plan for preventing a spread of disease between holdings of a different status;
V skladu s tem načrtom se pri prevozu in premikih prašičev izvajajo ustrezni ukrepi za preprečevanje širjenja bolezni med gospodarstvi z različnimi statusi;
14 Pravna redakcija
whereas it should be amended in the light of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2342/86 of 25 July 1986 on the marketing stage to which the average prices for pig carcases refers and laying down transitional rules for the application of Regulation (EEC) No 3220/84 (6), which redefines the basis for determining the average market price for pig carcases;
ker je treba to uredbo spremeniti glede na Uredbo Komisije (EGS) št. 2342/86 z dne 25. julija 1986 o fazi trženja, na katero se nanašajo povprečne cene prašičjih trupov, in o prehodnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe (EGS) št. 3220/84(6), ki na novo opredeljuje osnovo za določanje povprečne tržne cene prašičjih trupov;
15 Pravna redakcija
whereas it is therefore necessary to allow some Member States to continue, during a transitional period, to apply the method of grading pig carcases laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2760/75,
ker je torej treba dovoliti nekaterim državam članicam, da v prehodnem obdobju še vedno uporabljajo metode za razvrščanje prašičjih trupov, določene v Uredbi (EGS) št. 2760/75,
16 Pravna redakcija
no meat, pig products, semen, ova and embryos of pigs, animal feed, utensils, materials or waste likely to transmit classical swine fever may leave the holding without an authorisation issued by the competent authority;
meso, proizvodi prašičev, seme, jajčeca in zarodki prašičev, krma za živali, oprema, material ali odpadki, s katerimi bi se lahko prenašal virus klasične prašičje kuge, ne smejo zapustiti gospodarstva brez dovoljenja, ki ga izda pristojni organ;
17 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 3220/84 (3) determined a new Community scale for grading pig carcases to replace that applied under Regulation (EEC) No 2760/75 (4) by the end of a transitional period expiring on 31 December 1988 at the latest;
ker je Uredba (EGS) št. 3220/84(3) določila novo lestvico Skupnosti za razvrščanje prašičjih trupov, ki najpozneje ob koncu prehodnega obdobja, ki se izteče 31. decembra 1988, nadomesti lestvico, ki se uporablja v skladu z Uredbo (EGS) št. 2760/75(4);
18 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Government of the Polish People's Republic has, furthermore, stated that it is prepared to communicate regularly to the Commission, through the State foreign trade agency Animex, details of exports of live swine and pig carcases to the Community and to enable the Commission to exercise continuous supervision of the effectiveness of the measures it has taken;
ker je vlada Ljudske republike Poljske nadalje izjavila, da je Komisiji prek državne agencije za zunanjo trgovino Animex pripravljena redno poročati podrobne podatke o izvozu živih prašičev in prašičjih trupov v Skupnost ter omogočiti Komisiji izvajanje stalnega nadzora učinkovitosti ukrepov, ki jih je sprejela;
19 Pravna redakcija
whereas they should therefore be given the possibility of maintaining the status they have acquired and preventing the reappearance of the disease on their territory by strengthening the safeguards which they enjoy as regards trade in the products concerned, in view of the adverse effects of this disease on the productivity of pig herds and on the income of those working in this sector,
ker jim je zaradi tega z vidika negativnih učinkov te bolezni na produktivnost čred prašičev in dohodek zaposlenih v tem sektorju treba dati možnost ohranitve tega statusa in preprečevanja ponovnega pojava bolezni na njihovem ozemlju s krepitvijo jamstev, ki jih lahko imajo glede trgovine z zadevnimi proizvodi,
20 Pravna redakcija
whereas they should therefore be given the possibility of maintaining the status they have acquired and preventing the reappearance of the disease on their territory by strengthening the safeguards which they enjoy as regards trade in the products concerned, in view of the adverse effects of this disease on the productivity of their pig herds and on the income of those working in this sector;
ker jim je zaradi tega z vidika negativnih učinkov te bolezni na produktivnost njihovih čred prašičev in dohodek zaposlenih v tem sektorju treba dati možnost ohranitve tega statusa in preprečevanja ponovnega pojava bolezni na njihovem ozemlju s krepitvijo jamstev, ki jih lahko imajo glede trgovine z zadevnimi proizvodi;
21 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the competent authorities of the Hungarian People's Republic have, furthermore, stated that they are prepared to communicate regularly to the Commission, through the foreign trade agency Terimpex, details of exports to the Community of pig carcases and of cuts of pigmeat and to enable the Commission to exercise continuous supervision of the effectiveness of the measures they have taken;
ker so pristojne oblasti Ljudske republike Madžarske nadalje izjavile, da so Komisiji preko agencije za zunanjo trgovino Terimpex pripravljene redno poročati podrobne podatke o izvozu prašičjih trupov in kosov prašičjega mesa v Skupnost ter omogočiti Komisiji izvajanje stalnega nadzora učinkovitosti ukrepov, ki so jih sprejeli;
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0380
The carcases, originating from the slaughter floor, after chilling in refrigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internal temperature of 7 °C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 °C, located in the same group of buildings as the chillers.
Klavni trupi, ki izvirajo iz klavnic, se po hlajenju v hladilnicah, kjer je temperatura zraka pri izpuhih iz hladilnih teles taka, da se lahko trupi ohladijo na notranjo temperaturo 7 °C v 48 urah za goveje trupe in v 20 urah za svinjske trupe, prevažajo v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne presega 12 °C in ki se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0118
However, trade in and imports of pig bristles from countries or regions in which African swine fever is endemic are prohibited except for pig bristles which:
Vendar pa sta prepovedana trgovina s prašičjimi ščetinami in njihov uvoz iz držav ali regij, v katerih je afriška prašičja kuga endemična, razen za prašičje ščetine, ki:
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0118
Unprocessed sheep's wool, ruminant hair, pig bristles, feathers and parts of feathers (the goods) may only be traded in or imported if they are securely enclosed in packaging and dry.
Nepredelano ovčjo volno, dlako prežvekovalcev, ščetine prašičev, peresa in dele peres (blago) se lahko uvaža ali se z njimi trguje samo, če so dobro zaprti v embalaži in suhi.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
With the exception of cuts of solid outer pig fat and belly, cut meat and offal must in all cases be provided with a protective wrapping unless it is suspended throughout its transport.
Z izjemo kosov prašičjega sala in trebuha se morajo razsekano meso in klavnični proizvodi v vseh primerih embalirati v zaščitne ovoje, razen če so med prevozom obešeni.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0090
Z izjemo kosov prašičjega sala in trebuha se morajo razsekano meso in klavnični proizvodi v vseh primerih embalirati v zaščitne ovoje, razen če so med prevozom obešeni.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
An indirect trapping ELISA using isotype-specific monocolonal antibodies to detect swine IgG or IgM specific for swine vesicular disease virus is helpful in assessing the time of infection in the pig or on the infected premise.
Indirektna ELISA z izotipsko specifičnimi monoklonskimi protitelesi za dokazovanje prašičjih IgG ali IgM, specifičnih za virus vezikularne bolezni prašičev, je v pomoč pri določanju časa okužbe prašiča ali kontaminacije prostora.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
Whey to be fed to animals of susceptible species and produced from milk treated as described in paragraph 1 must be collected at least 16 hours after milk clotting and its pH must be recorded as < 6.0 before transport to pig holdings.
Sirotka, namenjena hranjenju živali dovzetnih vrst in pridobljena iz mleka, obdelanega, kakor je opisano v odstavku 1, se sme posneti vsaj 16 ur po sesirjenju mleka in mora imeti izmerjeno vrednost pH < 6,0, pred prevozom na gospodarstva z rejo prašičev.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0118
Sheep's wool, ruminant hair and pig bristles shall be considered to be 'unprocessed' if they have not undergone factory washing or been obtained from tanning, and feathers and parts of feathers shall be considered 'unprocessed' if they have not been treated with a steam current or by some other method ensuring that no pathogens are transmitted.
Ovčja volna, dlaka prežvekovalcev in ščetine prašičev se smatrajo kot "nepredelane", če niso bile tovarniško oprane ali dobljene pri strojenju, peresa in deli peres se pa smatrajo kot "nepredelani", če niso bili obdelani s tokom pare ali s kakšno drugo metodo, ki zagotavlja, da ne pride do prenosa povzročiteljev bolezni.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0231
whereas they should therefore be given the possibility of maintaining the status they have acquired and preventing the reappearance of the disease on their territory by strenghtening the safeguards which they enjoy as regards trade in the products concerned, in view of the adverse effects of this disease on the productivity of their pig herds and on the income of those working in this sector;
ker jim je zaradi tega z vidika negativnih učinkov te bolezni na produktivnost njihovih čred prašičev in dohodek zaposlenih v tem sektorju treba dati možnost ohranitve tega statusa in preprečevanja ponovnega pojava bolezni na njihovem ozemlju s krepitvijo jamstev, ki jih lahko imajo glede trgovine z zadevnimi proizvodi;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0260
The carcases, originating from the slaughterfloor, after chilling in refrigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internal temperature of +7° C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed +17° C, located in the same group of building as the chillers.
Trupi se iz prostorov za klanje, po ohladitvi v hladilnicah, ki delujejo pri taki temperaturi zraka na izhodu hladilnega telesa, da se trupi lahko ohladijo na notranjo temperaturo + 7 ° C in sicer goveji v 48 urah in svinjski v 20 urah, prepelje v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne presega + 17 ° C in se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0235
The carcases, originating from the slaughter floor, after chilling in refrigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internal temperature of + 7 °C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed + 12 °C, located in the same group of building as the chillers.
Trupi se iz prostorov za klanje po hlajenju v hladilnih prostorih, kjer zrak, ki prihaja iz hladilnih teles, doseže tako temperaturo, da je mogoče goveje trupe v 48 urah, prašičje trupe pa v 20 urah, ohladiti na notranjo temperaturo + 7 °C, prenesejo v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne preseže + 12 °C in ki se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0562
The carcases, originating from the slaughterfloor, after chilling in referigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internatl temperature of + 7 °C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed + 12 °C, located in the same group of buildings as the chillers.
Trupi se iz prostorov za klanje po hlajenju v hladilnih prostorih, kjer zrak, ki prihaja iz hladilnih teles, doseže tako temperaturo, da je mogoče goveje trupe v 48 urah, prašičje trupe pa v 20 urah, ohladiti na notranjo temperaturo + 7 °C, prenesejo v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne preseže + 12 °C in ki se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990D0469
The carcases, originating from the slaughter floor, after chilling in refrigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internal temperature of 7 °C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for sheep and pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 °C, located in the same group of buildings as the chillers.
Trupi se iz prostorov za klanje po ohladitvi v hladilnih prostorih, kjer zrak, ki prihaja iz uparjalnikov, doseže tako temperaturo, da je mogoče trupe goveda v 48 urah, trupe ovac in prašičev pa v 20 urah, ohladiti na notranjo temperaturo + 7 °C, prenesejo v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne preseže + 12 °C in ki se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0363
The carcases, originating from the slaughterfloor, after chilling in refrigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internal temperature of +7 °C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for sheep and pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed +12 °C, located in the same group of buildings as the chillers.
Trupi se iz prostorov za klanje po ohladitvi v hladilnih prostorih, kjer zrak, ki prihaja iz hladilnih teles, doseže tako temperaturo, da je mogoče goveje trupe v 48 urah, ovčje in prašičje trupe pa v 20 urah, ohladiti na notranjo temperaturo + 7 °C, prenesejo v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne preseže + 12 °C in ki se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990D0030
The carcases, originating from the slaughterfloor, after chilling in refrigerating rooms operating with an air temperature at the outlet from the evaporators such that carcases can be cooled to an internal temperature of + 7 °C within 48 hours for bovine carcases and 20 hours for sheep and pig carcases, are transported to the cutting premises, the temperature of which does not exceed + 12 °C, located in the same group of building as the chillers.
Trupi se iz prostorov za klanje po ohladitvi v prostorih za hlajenje, kjer zrak, ki prihaja iz uparjalnikov, doseže tako temperaturo, da je mogoče trupe goveda v 48 urah, trupe ovac in prašičev pa v 20 urah, ohladiti na notranjo temperaturo + 7 °C, prenesejo v prostore za razkosavanje, kjer temperatura ne preseže + 12 °C in ki se nahajajo v isti skupini zgradb kot hladilnice.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0471
sterilisation devices for knives, knives (junction of blade and handle), hollow blood draining knives, elastrators, scalding tanks, bung bagging machines, scraping/gambrelling table (pig), sawblades and cutters, cattle dehiding, other carcase dressing instruments, polishing machine, shackles and containers for transport, transport conveyor belts, aprons, cutting tables, flap doors if touched by passing carcases, chutes for food organs, parts of the line often touched by carcases, overhead structures which may drip moisture, etc.
sterilizacijske priprave za nože, noži (spoj med rezilom ter ročajem), votli noži za puščanje krvi, gumijasti deli strojev (elastratorji), kotli za parjenje živali,, mize za garanje prašičev, rezila žag in rezalnikov, odstranjevanje kož s trupov govedi, drugi instrumenti za obdelavo trupov, stroji za poliranje, obešala ter kontejnerji za transport živali, tekoči trakovi, predpasniki, razsekovalne mize; nihajna vrata, če se jih dotikajo trupi med transportom; evakuacijski kanali za organe živali, ustrezne za prehrano ljudi, deli klavnih linij, ki se jih trupi pogosto dotikajo, stropne napeljave, s katerih lahko kaplja, itd.
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pig trap