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plant health inspection
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41993D1130
The Office for Veterinary and Plant-Health Inspection and Control shall have its seat in a town in Ireland to be determined by the Irish Government.
Urad za veterinarske in fitosanitarne preglede in nadzor ima svoj sedež v mestu na Irskem, ki ga določi irska vlada.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41993D1130
Having regard to the Decision of 18 December 1991 under which the Commission approved the establishment of the Office for Veterinary and Plant-Health Inspection and Control,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa z dne 18. decembra 1991, s katerim je Komisija odobrila ustanovitev Urada za veterinarske in fitosanitarne preglede in nadzor,
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0029
4 Končna redakcija
health inspection of fresh meat held in the cutting plant and intended for intra-Community trade; - health inspection of fresh meat intended for intra-Community trade, prior to cutting and when it leaves the cutting plant;
zdravstveni pregled svežega mesa v razsekovalnici, ki je namenjeno trgovini med državami članicami ES; - zdravstveni pregled svežega mesa, namenjenega trgovini med državami članicami ES, pred razkosanjem in ob izhodu iz razsekovalnice;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0668
The health certificate provided for in paragraph 2 must be presented to the competent authority at the border inspection post at the first point of entry of the goods into the Community, and thereafter a copy must accompany the consignment until its arrival at the plant of destination.
Zdravstveno spričevalo, predvideno v odstavku 2, je treba predložiti pristojnemu organu na mejni kontrolni točki v prvem kraju vstopa blaga v Skupnost, in po tem mora kopija spričevala spremljati pošiljko do prispetja v namembni obrat.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0668
The health certificate provided for in paragraph 3 must be presented to the competent authority at the border inspection post at the first point of entry of the goods into the Community, and thereafter a copy must accompany the consignment until their arrival at the plant of destination.
Zdravstveno spričevalo, predvideno v odstavku 3, je treba predložiti pristojnemu organu na mejni kontrolni točki v prvem kraju vstopa blaga v Skupnost, in po tem mora kopija spričevala spremljati pošiljko do prispetja v namembni obrat.
7 Pravna redakcija
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to goods other than those produced in the Community or in an EFTA State except in cases where, by their nature, they present no plant health risk or in cases where they have undergone a plant health inspection on entering the territory of the respective Contracting Parties, and are found, at the time of such inspections, to meet the requirements relating to plant health laid down in their legislation.
Odstavka 1 in 2 se uporabljata samo za blago, ki se proizvaja v Skupnosti ali v državi Efte, razen če blago po svoji naravi ne ogroža zdravja rastlin ali če se ob vstopu na ozemlje posameznih pogodbenic opravi fitopatološki pregled blaga in se pri tem ugotovi, da blago izpolnjuje fitopatološke zahteve, ki so določene v zakonodaji pogodbenic.
8 Pravna redakcija
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to goods of other than Community or Swiss origin except in cases where, by their nature, they present no plant health risk or in cases where they have undergone a plant health inspection on entering the territory of the respective Contracting Parties, and are found, at the time of such inspections, to meet the requirements relating to plant health laid down in the legislation of each Contracting Party.
Odstavka 1 in 2 veljata le za blago s poreklom iz Skupnosti ali Švice, razen kadar je iz njegove narave razvidno, da ne predstavlja nikakršne fitopatološke nevarnosti, ali pa kadar je bil opravljen fitopatološki pregled ob vstopu na ozemlje ene od pogodbenic ter je bilo ob teh pregledih ugotovljeno, da blago izpolnjuje zahteve glede zdravja rastlin, predpisane v zakonodaji vsake pogodbenice.
9 Pravna redakcija
Certain seeds are not included amongst the plants, plant products and other objects, listed in the Annexes to this Directive, which must be subjected to a plant health inspection in the country of origin or the consignor country before being permitted to enter in the Community or in intra-Community trade.
Nekatera semena niso zajeta v rastlinah, rastlinskih proizvodih in drugih predmetih, navedenih v prilogah k tej direktivi, ki morajo opraviti fitosanitarni pregled v državi izvora ali državi pošiljateljici, preden se jim dovoli vstop v Skupnost ali trgovino znotraj Skupnosti.
10 Pravna redakcija
In order to prevent infections by harmful organisms introduced from third countries, there should be a Community financial contribution aimed at reinforcing the plant health inspection infrastructure at the Community's external frontiers.
Da bi preprečili infekcije s škodljivimi organizmi, vnesenimi iz tretjih držav, mora biti finančni prispevek Skupnosti namenjen krepitvi infrastrukture za zdravstvene inšpekcijske preglede rastlin na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti.
11 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture informed the Commission that a new infestation of Xanthomonas campestris, strains pathogenic to Citrus was detected in the Collier County, Florida;
ker je Inšpekcijska služba za zdravstveno varstvo živali in rastlin ameriškega ministrstva za kmetijstvo obvestila Komisijo, da je bila odkrita nova okužba s sevibakterije Xanthomonas campestris, patogenimi za rod Citrus, v okrožju Collier na Floridi;
12 Pravna redakcija
The pile shall undergo fumigation with pure methyl bromide which is carried out at a minimum rate of 240 g/m3 of total volume under cover for 72 hours and at an initial temperature of the logs of + 5 °C at least, and which meets any additional requirement set up by the official plant protection organization of either Canada (i.e. 'Agricultural Canada') or the United States of America (i.e. 'Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service' - APHIS).
Skladovnica se zaplini s čistim metil bromidom v minimalni višini 240g/m 3 celotne količine pod pokrivalom 72 ur pri začetni temperaturi hlodov najmanj +5 °C in v skladu z vsemi dodatnimi zahtevami uradne organizacije za varstvo rastlin bodisi Kanade (t.j. "Agricultural Canada") bodisi Združenih držav Amerike (t.j. "Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" - APHIS).
13 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with Community law, the Contracting Parties shall waive the plant health inspections and presentation of plant health certificates required under Community law for the types of plant and plant products:
V skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti pogodbenice ne zahtevajo fitopatološkega pregleda in fitopatoloških potrdil za vrste rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov:
14 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with Community law, the Contracting Parties shall waive, for certain types of plant and plant products, the plant health inspections and presentation of plant health certificates required under Community law.
V skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti pogodbenice za nekatere vrste rastlin in rastlinskih izdelkov ne zahtevajo fitopatološkega pregleda in fitopatoloških potrdil, potrebnih po zakonodaji Skupnosti.
15 Pravna redakcija
In order to confront the situation created by the completion of the internal market with the necessary guarantees, it is essential to reinforce the plant-health inspection infrastructure at national and Community level at the Community's external frontiers, paying particular attention to those Member States which, by reason of their geographical situation, are points of entry to the Community.
Da bi za stanje, ki je nastalo z dokončnim oblikovanjem notranjega trga, pripravili potrebna jamstva, je nujno okrepiti infrastrukturo za zdravstvene inšpekcijske preglede rastlin na nacionalni ravni in na ravni Skupnosti na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti, ter zlasti v državah članicah, ki so zaradi svojega geografskega položaja vstopne točke v Skupnost.
16 Pravna redakcija
On the basis of information collected in the United States of America during a mission carried out by the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) in March 2000, and supplied by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, it appears that new infestations of Xanthomonas campestris, strains pathogenic to Citrus were detected in Broward, Hendry and Hillsborough Counties in Florida;
Na podlagi informacij, ki jih je v Združenih državah Amerike zbral Urad za prehrano in veterinarstvo (FVO) med misijo marca 2000 in predložila Inšpekcijska služba za zdravstveno varstvo živali in rastlin ameriškega ministrstva za kmetijstvo, je razvidno, da so bile odkrite nove okužbe s sevi bakterije Xanthomonas campestris, patogenimi za rod Citrus, v okrožjih Broward, Hendry in Hillsborough na Floridi;
17 Pravna redakcija
Plant health inspections of imports shall take the form only of random checks and sample testing except in duty justified circumstances.
Fitopatološki pregledi uvoza se odvijajo v obliki naključnih pregledov in testiranja vzorcev, razen v utemeljenih okoliščinah.
18 Pravna redakcija
Plant health inspections of imports shall take the form only of random checks and sample testing except in duly justified circumstances.
Fitopatološki pregledi pri uvozu se razen v ustrezno utemeljenih okoliščinah opravljajo samo z naključnimi preverjanji in pregledovanjem vzorcev.
19 Pravna redakcija
The inspections, where they are plant-health checks, shall be carried out at the places where the inspections are carried out as referred to in the third subparagraph or near to those places.
Inšpekcijski pregledi, če gre za zdravstvene preglede rastlin, se opravljajo na mestih, na katerih se opravljajo inšpekcijski pregledi, kakor je navedeno v tretjem pododstavku, ali v bližini teh mest.
20 Pravna redakcija
This paragraph shall apply in particular to monitoring compliance with rules on commercial transport permits, roadworthiness of means of transport, veterinary inspections and animal health checks, veterinary checks on health and hygiene, including meat inspections, plant health inspections and monitoring the transportation of dangerous goods and hazardous waste.
Ta odstavek se zlasti uporablja za nadzor upoštevanja pravil o dovolilnicah za komercialne prevoze, za opravljanje preskusov primernosti prevoznih sredstev za vožnjo po cesti, veterinarske preglede in preverjanje zdravstvenega stanja živali, veterinarsko-sanitarne preglede, tudi za preglede mesa, fitopatološke preglede ter nadzor prevoza nevarnih snovi in nevarnih odpadkov.
21 Pravna redakcija
To assist the Commission in this latter task, Member States shall notify the Commission of the current national inspection procedures in the plant health field.
Kot pomoč Komisiji pri tej zadnji nalogi države članice uradno obvestijo Komisijo o zdajšnjih nacionalnih inšpekcijskih postopkih na področju zdravstvenega varstva rastlin.
22 Pravna redakcija
They shall have acquired, at least in one Member State, the qualifications required for persons in charge of carrying out and monitoring official plant health inspections.
Vsaj v eni državi članici so si izvedenci pridobili potrebno usposobljenost, ki se zahteva od oseb, pristojnih za izvajanje in spremljanje uradnih zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledov rastlin.
23 Pravna redakcija
If it is found, during an official inspection, that vegetable propagating and planting material cannot, by reason of non-compliance with a condition relating to plant health, be marketed, the Member State concerned shall take appropriate official measures to eliminate any consequent plant-health risk.
Če je med uradnimi inšpekcijskimi pregledi ugotovljeno, da razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic ne more biti dan na trg, ker ne izpolnjuje pogojev glede zdravstvenega stanja, država članica sprejme ustrezne uradne ukrepe za preprečitev vsakega nadaljnjega tveganja za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin.
24 Pravna redakcija
The measures pertaining to the fees to be charged in respect of plant health formalities and inspections shall be decided upon by the EEA Joint Committee in accordance with Article 93(2) of the Agreement.
O ukrepih v zvezi s pristojbinami, ki se zaračunavajo za fitopatološke formalnosti in preglede, odloča Skupni odbor EGP v skladu s členom 93(2) Sporazuma.
25 Pravna redakcija
Commission Directive 98/22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for carrying out plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, of plants, plant products or other objects coming from third countries
DIREKTIVA KOMISIJE 98/22/ES z dne 15. aprila 1998 o minimalnih pogojih za opravljanje rastlinskih zdravstvenih pregledov v Skupnosti tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in se opravljajo na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju njihove namembnosti (so na mejnih prehodih)
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0278
- Commission Directive 98/22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for carrying out plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, of plants, plant products or other objects coming from third countries
- Direktiva Komisije 98/22/ES z dne 15. aprila 1998, ki določa minimalne pogoje za izvajanje fitosanitarne kontrole v Skupnosti tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih proizvodov, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in se izvaja na inšpekcijskih mestih, ki niso v kraju njihove namembnosti
27 Pravna redakcija
There shall be a Community financial contribution to Member States in order to strengthen inspection infrastructures in so far as they relate to plant health checks carried out in accordance with paragraph 2(b) or (c).
Države članice prejmejo finančni prispevek Skupnosti za krepitev infrastrukture za inšpekcijske preglede, v kolikor ta zadeva zdravstvene preglede rastlin, opravljene skladno z odstavkom 2(b) ali (c).
28 Pravna redakcija
There shall be a Community financial contribution for Member States in order to strengthen inspection infrastructures insofar as they relate to plant-health checks carried out in accordance with the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 8.
Za države članice je predviden finančni prispevek Skupnosti, da bi okrepili infrastrukturo za inšpekcijske preglede, kolikor se nanaša na zdravstvene preglede rastlin, opravljene v skladu s četrtim pododstavkom odstavka 8.
29 Pravna redakcija
Establish an appropriate alignment strategy for veterinary and plant health Community legislation with as first priority the harmonisation of legislation to combat animal and plant diseases and upgrade enforcement capacity, in particular of laboratory testing, inspection arrangements and establishments.
Vzpostaviti ustrezno strategijo za usklajevanje veterinarske zakonodaje Skupnosti in zakonodaje Skupnosti glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin, pri kateri bi bila prva prednostna naloga usklajevanje zakonodaje za boj proti boleznim živali in rastlin, ter nadgraditi institucije in kadre za uveljavljanje, zlasti za laboratorijsko preskušanje, inšpekcijske ureditve in obrate.
30 Pravna redakcija
The rules governing the carrying out of identify checks on imports in relation to goods covered by plant health legislation shall be determined by means of decisions and the measures pertaining to the fees to be charged in respect of plant health formalities and inspections shall be the subject of recommendations made by the joint committee in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement.
Pravila, ki urejajo opravljanje identifikacijskih pregledov uvoza za blago, zajeto v zakonodajo o zdravstvenem varstvu rastlin, se opredeli s sklepi, ukrepi glede zaračunavanja za fitopatološke formalnosti in preglede pa so predmet priporočil skupnega odbora v skladu s členom 17 tega sporazuma.
31 Pravna redakcija
the Community's financial contribution towards specific veterinary measures, inspection measures in the veterinary field and programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases (veterinary measures) as well as towards plant health measures;
finančni prispevek Skupnosti za posebne veterinarske ukrepe, nadzorne ukrepe na področju veterine in programe za izkoreninjenje in spremljanje bolezni živali (veterinarski ukrepi) kot tudi ukrepe zdravstvenega varstva rastlin;
32 Pravna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EC) No 997/2002 of 11 June 2002 establishing detailed rules for the implementation of the provisions relating to the allocation of a Community financial contribution for Member States in order to strengthen inspection infrastructures for plant health checks on plants and plant products coming from third countries
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 997/2002 z dne 11. junija 2002 o podrobnih pravilih za izvajanje določb glede dodelitve finančnih prispevkov Skupnosti za države članice z namenom krepitve infrastrukture za zdravstvene preglede rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov iz tretjih držav
33 Pravna redakcija
By 1 November each year, and for the first time in 1993, the Commission shall forward to the Member States, after consulting them within the framework of the Standing Committee on Plant Health, a recommendation concerning a coordinated programme of inspections for the following year.
Komisija po posvetovanju z državami članicami v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin vsako leto do 1. novembra, in prvič 1993. leta, predloži priporočilo glede usklajenega programa inšpekcijskih pregledov za naslednje leto.
34 Pravna redakcija
The marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material which complies with the requirements and conditions of this Directive shall be subject to no restrictions as regards supplier, plant health, growing medium and inspection arrangements other than those laid down in this Directive.
Za razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic, ki ustreza zahtevam te direktive, ne veljajo nobene omejitve glede dobavitelja, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, rastnega substrata in ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, razen tistih, ki so navedene v tej direktivi.
35 Pravna redakcija
When, pursuant to Article 13a(2), for a certain group of plants, plant products or other objects originating in certain third countries, identity checks and plant health checks are being carried out at reduced frequency, Member States shall collect a proportionally reduced Phytosanitary fee from all consignments and lots of that group, whether subjected to inspection or not.
Če se skladno s členom 13a(2) za neko skupino rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov s poreklom iz nekaterih tretjih držav izvajajo preverjanje istovetnosti in zdravstveni pregledi rastlin z zmanjšano pogostostjo, države članice pobirajo sorazmerno znižano fitosanitarno pristojbino za vse pošiljke in partije v tej skupini, ne glede na to ali so podvržene inšpekcijskemu pregledu ali ne.
36 Pravna redakcija
Trials, or, where appropriate, tests shall be carried out in the Member States on samples to check that vegetable propagating and planting material complies with the requirements and conditions of this Directive, including those relating to plant health. The Commission may organize inspections of the trials by representatives of the Member States and of the Commission.
V državah članicah se izvedejo poskusi ali kjer je to primerno testiranje, na vzorcih z namenom, da se preveri ali je razmnoževalni in sadilni materiala zelenjadnic skladen z zahtevami te direktive, vključno s tistimi, ki se nanašajo na zdravstveno stanje rastlin. Komisija lahko skupaj s predstavniki držav organizira nadzor poskusov.
37 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, it shall be decided whether vegetable propagating and planting material produced in a third country and affording the same guarantees as regards obligations on the supplier, identity, characteristics, plant health, growing medium, packaging, inspection arrangements, marking and sealing, is equivalent in all these respects to vegetable propagating and planting material produced in the Community and complying with the requirements and conditions of this Directive.
Po postopku iz člena 21, je treba odločiti, ali razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjandic, ki je pridelan v tretji državi in daje enaka zagotovila glede, lastnosti, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, rastnega substrata, pakiranja, ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, označevanja in pečatenja, v vseh teh pogledih enakovreden razmnoževalnemu in sadilnemu materialu zelenjadnic, ki je pridelan v Skupnosti in izpolnjuje zahteve te direktive.
38 Pravna redakcija
The Commission is required pursuant to Article 16(1) of Directive 92/33/EEC to decide whether vegetable propagating and planting material, other than seed, produced in a third country and affording the same guarantees as regards obligations on the supplier, identity, characteristics, plant health, growing medium, packaging, inspection arrangements, marking and sealing, is equivalent in all these respects to vegetable propagating and planting material other than seed produced in the Community and complying with the requirements and conditions of that Directive.
V skladu s členom 16(1) Direktive 92/33/EGS mora Komisija odločiti, ali je razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic razen semena, ki je pridelan v tretji državi in zagotavlja enaka jamstva glede obveznosti dobavitelja, istovetnosti, značilnosti, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, načina pridelave, pakiranja, nadzora, označevanja in ožigosanja, v vseh teh pogledih enakovreden razmnoževalnemu in sadilnemu materialu zelenjadnic razen semena, pridelanemu v Skupnosti in v skladu z zahtevami in pogoji navedene direktive.
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plant health inspection