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post-clearance examination of declarations
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Post-clearance examination of declarations
Naknadno preverjanje deklaracij
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Where revision of the declaration or post-clearance examination indicates that the provisions governing the customs procedure concerned have been applied on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information, the customs authorities shall, in accordance with any provisions laid down, take the measures necessary to regularize the situation, taking account of the new information available to them.
Če se pri ponovnem pregledu deklaracije ali naknadnih preverjanjih izkaže, da so bile določbe o zadevnem carinskem postopku uporabljene na podlagi netočnih ali nepopolnih podatkov, carinski organi ob upoštevanju vseh sprejetih predpisov, sprejmejo potrebne ukrepe za ureditev položaja , pri čemer upoštevajo nove informacije, s katerimi razpolagajo.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Where, in accordance with Article 76, import goods are released for free circulation without being presented to customs and before the corresponding declaration is lodged, and the rules of assessment relating to those goods were ascertained or accepted at the time when the goods were placed under the customs warehousing arrangements, the said rules shall be considered to be those to be taken into account for the purposes of Article 214, without prejudice to a post-clearance examination within the meaning of Article 78.
Kadar je v skladu s členom 76 uvozno blago dano v prosti promet, ne da bi bilo predloženo carini in preden je vložena ustrezna deklaracija, podlage za izračun dajatev za to blago pa so bile preverjene ali sprejete v trenutku, ko je bilo blago dano v postopek carinskega skladiščenja, se šteje, da je omenjene podlage treba upoštevati za namene člena 214 in to brez poseganja v naknadno preverjanje v pomenu iz člena 78.
Prevodi: en > sl
post-clearance examination of declarations