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post-clearance inspection
1 Pravna redakcija
Was the debt established following a post-clearance inspection fn?
Ali je bil dolg ugotovljen na podlagi naknadnega preverjanja deklaracij( fn )?
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
However, it is necessary to lay down specific rules regarding the practical management of the certificate in situations where consignments receive veterinary clearance at the border inspection post but remain under customs supervision for fiscal reasons for some time.
Vendar je treba določiti posebna pravila za praktično ravnanje s spričevali, kadar pošiljke dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, vendar ostanejo nekaj časa pod nadzorom carine zaradi fiskalnih razlogov.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The official veterinarian or the person responsible for the load shall notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary clearance of the consignment as provided for in paragraph 1 by submitting the original of the CVED, or by electronic means.
Uradni veterinar ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, obvesti carinske organe mejne kontrolne točke o veterinarskem dovoljenju za pošiljko, kakor je predvideno v odstavku 1, tako da predloži izvirnik SVVD ali z elektronskimi sredstvi.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where consignments of products have received veterinary clearance at the border inspection post as provided for in Article 3(1), but remain under customs supervision and are released for free circulation at a later stage, the procedure set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall apply.
Kadar pošiljke proizvodov dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, kakor je predvideno v členu 3(1), vendar ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom in se sprostijo v prosti promet pozneje, se uporablja postopek iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where the laboratory tests are carried out on the basis of suspicion of irregularity, available intelligence, a previous notification from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) or a safeguard measure, and when testing concerns a substance or a pathogenic agent which presents a direct or immediate animal or public health risk, the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post who carried out the test or the competent authority must withhold the consignment from veterinary clearance and release until satisfactory results of the laboratory tests are received.
Kadar se laboratorijski testi opravijo zaradi suma nepravilnosti, razpoložljivih informacij, predhodnega obvestila sistema hitrega opozarjanja na nevarnost hrane in krme (RASFF) ali zaščitnega ukrepa ter kadar se testiranje nanaša na snov ali patogen, ki predstavlja neposredno ali takojšnjo nevarnost za zdravje živali ali ljudi, mora uradni veterinar, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko, ki je opravil pregled, ali pristojni organ zadržati veterinarsko dovoljenje in sprostitev pošiljke do prejetja ugodnih rezultatov laboratorijskih preskusov.
6 Pravna redakcija
Customs declaration checked after clearance, customs arrangements or customs use concerned (post-clearance inspections)
Preverjene carinske deklaracije po carinjenju, glede na carinski režim ali carinsko rabo ali uporabo (naknadno preverjanje deklaracij)
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
This also applies to those consignments that after receiving veterinary clearance as acceptable for free circulation, may be stored under customs control, and receive customs clearance at a later stage, either at the customs office on which the border inspection post is geographically dependent, or at another location.
To se uporablja tudi za pošiljke, ki se po prejetju veterinarskega dovoljenja kot sprejemljive za prosti promet, lahko shranijo pod carinskim nadzorom in so carinjene pozneje, bodisi na carinskem uradu, pod katerega zemljepisno sodi mejna kontrolna točka, ali kje drugje.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
(5) However, it is necessary to lay down specific rules regarding the practical management of the certificate in situations where consignments receive veterinary clearance at the border inspection post but remain under customs supervision for fiscal reasons for some time.
(5) Vendar je treba določiti posebna pravila za praktično ravnanje s spričevali, kadar pošiljke dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, vendar ostanejo nekaj časa pod nadzorom carine zaradi fiskalnih razlogov.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The official veterinarian or the person responsible for the load shall notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary clearance of the consignment as provided for in paragraph 1 by submitting the original of the CVED, or by electronic means.
Uradni veterinar ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, obvesti carinske organe mejne kontrolne točke o veterinarskem dovoljenju za pošiljko, kakor je predvideno v odstavku 1, tako da predloži izvirnik SVVD ali z elektronskimi sredstvi.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where consignments of products have received veterinary clearance at the border inspection post as provided for in Article 3(1), but remain under customs supervision and are released for free circulation at a later stage, the procedure set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall apply.
Kadar pošiljke proizvodov dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, kakor je predvideno v členu 3(1), vendar ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom in se sprostijo v prosti promet pozneje, se uporablja postopek iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
All products that will be presented for free circulation in the internal market including those that are acceptable but will be subjected to a 'channelling procedure' and those that after receiving veterinary clearance as acceptable for free circulation, may be stored under customs control, and receive customs clearance at a later stage, either at the customs office on which the border inspection post is geographically dependent, or at another location.
Vsi proizvodi, ki se bodo predložili za prosti promet na notranjem trgu, vključno s tistimi, ki so sprejemljivi, a bodo "usmerjeni", in tisti, ki se po prejemu veterinarskega dovoljenja kot sprejemljivi za prosti promet, lahko shranijo pod carinskim nadzorom in so carinjeni pozneje, bodisi na carinskem uradu, pod katerega zemljepisno sodi mejna kontrolna točka, ali kje drugje.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where the laboratory tests are carried out on the basis of suspicion of irregularity, available intelligence, a previous notification from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) or a safeguard measure, and when testing concerns a substance or a pathogenic agent which presents a direct or immediate animal or public health risk, the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post who carried out the test or the competent authority must withhold the consignment from veterinary clearance and release until satisfactory results of the laboratory tests are received.
Kadar se laboratorijski testi opravijo zaradi suma nepravilnosti, razpoložljivih informacij, predhodnega obvestila sistema hitrega opozarjanja na nevarnost hrane in krme (RASFF) ali zaščitnega ukrepa ter kadar se testiranje nanaša na snov ali patogen, ki predstavlja neposredno ali takojšnjo nevarnost za zdravje živali ali ljudi, mora uradni veterinar, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko, ki je opravil pregled, ali pristojni organ zadržati veterinarsko dovoljenje in sprostitev pošiljke do prejetja ugodnih rezultatov laboratorijskih preskusov.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
However, it is necessary to lay down specific rules regarding the practical management of the certificate in situations where consignments receive veterinary clearance at the border inspection post but remain under customs supervision for fiscal reasons for some time.
Vendar je treba določiti posebna pravila za praktično ravnanje s spričevali, kadar pošiljke dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, vendar ostanejo nekaj časa pod nadzorom carine zaradi fiskalnih razlogov.
Prevodi: en > sl
post-clearance inspection