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post-control plot test
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0045
Seed shall not be certified as certified seed unless due account has been taken of the results of official post-control plot tests on samples of basic seed taken officially and carried out during the growing season of the seed entered for certification as certified seed to ascertain whether the basic seed has met the requirements for basic seed laid down in respect of identity as regards the characteristics of the components, including male sterility, and the standards for basic seed laid down in respect of the minimum varietal purity laid down in point (b).
Seme se ne potrdi kot certificirano seme, razen če so se upoštevali rezultati uradnih naknadnih kontrol vzorcev osnovnega semena s poskusnega polja, ki so bili uradno odvzeti in pregledani v rastni dobi semena, prijavljenega za potrditev kot certificirano seme, da se ugotovi, ali osnovno seme izpolnjuje zahteve v zvezi s pristnostjo osnovnega semena glede lastnosti komponent, vključno z moško sterilnostjo, in standarde glede najmanjše sortne čistosti osnovnega semena, predpisane v točki (b).
Prevodi: en > sl
post-control plot test