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posting account
1 Končna redakcija
however, a frontier worker who is posted elsewhere in the territory of the same or another Member State by the undertaking to which he is normally attached and is prevented on account of such posting from returning daily or at least once a week to the place where he resides shall nevertheless retain the status of frontier worker for a period not exceeding four months;
če obmejnega delavca podjetje, ki mu sicer običajno pripada, napoti drugam na ozemlje te ali druge države članice,, obdrži status obmejnega delavca za dobo, ki ne presega štirih mesecev, tudi če mu je v tej dobi preprečen vsakodnevni ali vsakotedenski povratek v kraj stalnega prebivališča;
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0071
Allowances specific to the posting shall be considered to be part of the minimum wage, unless they are paid in reimbursement of expenditure actually incurred on account of the posting, such as expenditure on travel, board and lodging.
Šteje se, da so posebni dodatki, ki sodijo k napotitvi, del minimalne plače, razen če so izplačani kot povračilo za stroške, ki dejansko nastanejo zaradi napotitve, denimo potni stroški in stroški za stanovanje in hrano.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0071
post workers to the territory of a Member State on their account and under their direction, under a contract concluded between the undertaking making the posting and the party for whom the services are intended, operating in that Member State, provided there is an employment relationship between the undertaking making the posting and the worker during the period of posting;
napotijo delavce na ozemlje katere od držav članic na lasten račun in pod lastnim vodstvom na podlagi pogodbe, sklenjene med podjetjem, ki je delavce napotilo in pogodbenico, kateri so storitve namenjene, pod pogojem, da v času napotitve obstaja delovno razmerje med podjetjem, ki delavca napoti in delavcem;
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posting account