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power transmission
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2432
Power transmission shaft systems, incorporating "composite" material components, capable of transmitting more than 2 MW;
sistem prenosa moči, v katerem so komponente iz "kompozitnih" materialov z zmožnostjo prenosa več kakor 2 MW moči;
2 Pravna redakcija
Power transmission shaft systems, incorporating "composite" material components, capable - of transmitting more than 1 MW;
sistem prenosa moči, v katerem so komponente iz "kompozitnih" materialov z zmožnostjo prenosa več kakor 1 MW moči;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Construction of overhead electrical power lines with a voltage of 220 kilovolts or more and a length of 15 kilometres or more and other projects for the transmission of electrical energy by overhead cables.
Gradnja nadzemnih električnih daljnovodov z napetostjo 220 kilovoltov ali več in dolžino 15 kilometrov ali več ter drugi projekti za prenos električne energije po nadzemnih vodih.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
measures in support of the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant; measures for the environmental upgrading in line with the acquis and modernisation measures of conventional production capacity to replace the production capacity of the two Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant reactors; and other measures which are consequential to the decision to close and decommission this plant and which contribute to the necessary restructuring, environmental upgrading and modernisation of the energy production, transmission and distribution sectors in Lithuania as well as to enhancing the security of energy supply and improving energy efficiency in Lithuania.
ukrepe v podporo razgradnji Jedrske elektrarne Ignalina; ukrepe za sanacijo okolja v skladu s pravnim redom Unije in posodobitev obstoječih zmogljivosti proizvodnje, ki so potrebne za nadomestitev proizvodnih zmogljivosti dveh reaktorjev Jedrske elektrarne Ignalina; in druge ukrepe, ki izvirajo iz odločitve o zaprtju in razgradnji te elektrarne in ki prispevajo k potrebnem prestrukturiranju, sanaciji okolja in posodobitvi proizvodnje energije in sektorjev prenosa in distribucije, kakor tudi k večji varnosti dobave energije in k izboljšanju energetske učinkovitosti v Litvi.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
1.7. Demanding works are such buildings whose total volume exceeds metricconverterProductID5,000 m35,000 m3 and that are more than metricconverterProductID10.00 metres10.00 metres in height, measured from the ground to the eaves, a civil engineering works whose bearing spans are greater than metricconverterProductID8.00 metres8.00 metres , a works intended for the storage and handling of radioactive substances, works with deep foundations, an underground works whose level of structure is more than metricconverterProductID10.00 metres10.00 metres below the ground, pre-stressed structure, dams more than metricconverterProductID10.00 metres10.00 metres in height, bridges on which at least one clearance between two successive columns is more than metricconverterProductID8.00 metres8.00 metres , tunnels, public railways, motorways, fasts, main or regional highways, harbours, public airports, passenger cable cars or any other cable cars that pass over buildings, silos or reservoirs with a volume of more than metricconverterProductID1,000 m31,000 m3 , power facilities with a thermal rating of more than 10 MW or electric power ratings of more than 5 MW, electric transmission lines with a voltage of 110 kV or more and the appurtenant transformer stations, long-distance water pipelines, wastewater collectors, solid waste dumps for two or more municipalities, any hazardous waste dumps, gas or oil distribution pipelines, or any other works that are more than metricconverterProductID18.00 metres18.00 metres in height.
1.7. zahtevni objekt je vsaka stavba, pri kateri seštevek prostornin vseh prostorov presega metricconverterProductID5.000 m35.000 m3 in je višja od metricconverterProductID10,00 metrov10,00 metrov , merjeno od terena do kapi ali gradbeni inženirski objekt, če so nosilni razponi večji od metricconverterProductID8,00 metrov8,00 metrov , objekt, namenjen hrambi in ravnanju z radioaktivnimi snovmi, objekt z globokim temeljenjem, podzemski objekt, katerega stropna konstrukcija je več kot metricconverterProductID10,00 metrov10,00 metrov pod nivojem terena, prednapeta konstrukcija, pregrada višja od metricconverterProductID10,00 metrov10,00 metrov , most, pri katerem je vsaj ena svetla razdalja med dvema zaporednima opornikoma večja od metricconverterProductID8,00 metrov8,00 metrov , predor, javna železniška proga, avtocesta, hitra, glavna in regionalna cesta, luka, javno letališče, žičnica za prevoz oseb in vsaka druga žičnica, ki poteka nad stavbami, silos in rezervoar s prostornino nad metricconverterProductID1.000 m31.000 m3 , energetski objekt s toplotno močjo nad 10 MW ali električno močjo nad 5 MW, daljnovod z napetostjo 110 kV in več s pripadajočimi transformatorskimi postajami, magistralni vodovod, zbirni kanal za odvod odpadne vode, odlagališče komunalnih odpadkov, če je namenjeno dvema ali več občinam, vsako odlagališče posebnih odpadkov, plinovod in naftovod in vsak objekt, ki je višji od metricconverterProductID18,00 metrov18,00 metrov ;
6 Končna redakcija
Posebne dejavnosti na drugih področjih gradbeništva (vključno s postavljanjem prometnih znakov in semaforjev ter oznak na morju, energetskimi napeljavami in cevovodi za prenos plina, vode in ogljikovodikov ter napeljavami električnih daljnovodov in telekomunikacijskih zvez)
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
power supply services, communication and information, transmission, monitoring and process control systems;
sisteme preskrbe z električno energijo, komunikacijske sisteme in sisteme obveščanja, sisteme prenosa, spremljanja in krmiljenja;
8 Končna redakcija
As to space segment capacity, the extension of the geographic market will depend on the power of the satellite and its ability to compete with other satellites for transmission to a given area, in other words on its range.
V zvezi z zmogljivostjo vesoljskega segmenta bo širitev geografskega trga odvisna od moči satelita in njegove zmožnosti, da tekmuje z drugimi sateliti pri oddajanju na določeno območje, z drugimi besedami od njegovega dosega.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Where mobile operators are required to share towers or masts for environmental reasons, such mandated sharing may lead to a reduction in the maximum transmitted power levels allowed for each operator for reasons of public health, and this in turn may require operators to install more transmission sites to ensure national coverage.
Kadar morajo mobilni operaterji souporabljati stolpe ali drogove iz okoljevarstvenih razlogov, lahko taka predpisana souporaba povzroei zmanjšanje najvišjih prenesenih moenostnih nivojev, ki jih sme vsak operater uporabljati zaradi javnega zdravja, to pa spet utegne zahtevati, da operaterji postavijo vee oddajnih postaj, in tako zagotovijo pokrito st vse države.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0637
All equipment operating in these frequency ranges should comply with the objectives of this arrangement and implement the automatic transmitter identification system (ATIS) as defined in Annex B of ETS 600698 and shall not be able to be operated above a defined maximum transmission power on the service categories "ship-to-ship", "ship-to-port-authorities" and "onboard-communication".
Vse naprave, ki delujejo v teh frekvenčnih območjih, naj bodo v skladu s cilji tega sporazuma in razpolagajo z avtomatskim sistemom za identifikacijo radijskih oddajnikov (ATIS), kakor je opredeljeno v Prilogi B k ETS 600 698, pri kategorijah storitev "ladja-ladja", "ladja-pristaniške uprave" in "komunikacija na ladji" pa naj njihova zmogljivost delovanja ne presega največje prenosne zmogljivosti.
11 Pravna redakcija
Propellers, power transmission systems, power generation systems and noise reduction systems, as follows:
propelerjev, sistemov za prenos moči, za proizvodnjo energije in za zmanjševanje hrupa:
12 Pravna redakcija
Water-screw propeller or power transmission systems, as follows, specially designed for surface effect vehicles (fully skirted or rigid sidewall variety), hydrofoils or small waterplane area vessels specified in 8A001.f., 8A001.g., 8A001.h. or 8A001.i:
vijačni propeler ali sistemi za prenos moči, posebej izdelani za vozila, ki delujejo na površini (popolnoma opremljena s ščitniki ali s trdnimi stranskimi stenami), hidrokrilna plovila ali plovila z majhno plovno površino iz točk 8A001.f, 8A001.g, 8A001.h ali 8A001.i:
13 Pravna redakcija
At the high speeds envisaged for the trans-European high-speed rail system the interaction of the overhead contact line and the pantograph represents a very important aspect in establishing a reliable power transmission without undue disturbances to railway installations and of the environment.
Pri visokih hitrostih, predvidenih za vseevropski železniški sistem za visoke hitrosti, predstavlja medsebojno delovanje voznega voda in odjemnika toka zelo pomemben vidik pri vzpostavljanju zanesljivega prenosa električne energije brez nepotrebnih motenj na železniški napeljavi ali v okolju.
14 Pravna redakcija
active noise reduction or cancellation systems, or magnetic bearings, specially designed for power transmission systems, and incorporating electronic control systems capable of actively reducing equipment vibration by the generation of anti-noise or anti-vibration signals directly to the source;
sistemi za aktivno zmanjševanje ali popolno dušenje hrupa ali magnetni ležaji, ki so izdelani posebej za sisteme za prenos moči in vsebujejo sisteme elektronskega krmiljenja z zmožnostjo aktivnega zmanjšanja vibracij opreme z ustvarjanjem protizvočnih ali protivibracijskih signalov neposredno na vire;
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2432
Active noise reduction or cancellation systems, or magnetic bearings, specially designed for power transmission systems, and incorporating electronic control systems capable of actively reducing equipment vibration by the generation of anti-noise or anti-vibration signals directly to the source;
sistemi za aktivno zmanjševanje ali popolno dušenje hrupa ali magnetni ležaji, ki so izdelani posebej za sisteme za prenos moči in vsebujejo sisteme elektronskega krmiljenja z zmožnostjo aktivnega zmanjšanja vibracij opreme z ustvarjanjem protizvočnih ali protivibracijskih signalov neposredno na vire;
16 Pravna redakcija
Water-screw propeller, power generation systems or transmission systems designed for use on vessels, as follows:
vijačni propeler, sistemi za proizvodnjo energije ali sistemi za prenos moči, izdelani za uporabo na plovilih:
17 Pravna redakcija
All power supply systems include resonance, due to the resonance of transmission lines and cables, some also due to passive filter components.
Vsi sistemi oskrbe z energijo vključujejo resonanco, ki izhaja iz resonance prenosnih vodov in kablov, v določeni meri pa tudi zaradi komponent pasivnih filtrov.
18 Pravna redakcija
Where the braking power is derived from or assisted by a source of energy independent of the driver but controlled by him, the reserve of energy in the device is likewise part of the transmission.
Kadar zavorna moč izvira iz vira energije ali k njej prispeva vir energije, neodvisen od voznika, vendar pod njegovim nadzorom, je zaloga energije v tej napravi prav tako del prenosnega sistema.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
5. Transmission system operators shall, as far as technically possible, net the capacity requirements of any power flows in opposite direction over the congested interconnection line in order to use this line to its maximum capacity.
5. Upravljavci prenosnih omrežij, kolikor je to tehnično možno, združijo vse zahteve po prenosni zmogljivosti v nasprotni smeri po prezasedeni povezavi, da bi ta daljnovod uporabili do najvišje možne zmogljivosti.
20 Pravna redakcija
This can be a statement that the power levels and installation are such that the immunity levels of this Directive offer sufficient protection when subject to transmission alone, i.e. excluding transmission in conjunction with the tests specified in paragraph 6. This Directive does not authorize the use of a communication transmitter when other requirements on such equipment or its use apply.
To je lahko izjava o primernosti nivojev moči in vgradnje, da nivoji odpornosti po tej direktivi dajejo zadostno zaščito pri samem prenosu (oddajanju), tj. z izjemo prenosa v povezavi s preskusi iz točke 6. Ta direktiva ne dovoljuje uporabe komunikacijske opreme, če zanjo oziroma za njeno uporabo veljajo druge zahteve.
21 Pravna redakcija
This Specification is for stand-alone scanners; it does not cover multifunction products with scanning capabilities, network scanners (i.e. scanners that connect exclusively to a network and are capable of managing the scanned information for transmissions to multiple locations on the network) or scanners that are not powered directly by the building power supply.
Te specifikacije veljajo za samostojne optične bralnike, ne zajemajo pa večnamenskih naprav, ki so opremljene tudi za optično branje, omrežnih optičnih bralnikov (t.j. optičnih čitalnikov, ki se priključujejo izključno na omrežje in lahko pripravljajo prebrane informacije za pošiljanje na več mest v omrežju) ali optičnih bralnikov, ki niso priključeni neposredno na omrežno napetost v zgradbi.
22 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to enable the rules for the collection and statistical processing of data and for processing and transmission of the results to be clarified further, it is necessary to confer on the Commission, assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee set up by Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom (3), the power to adopt measures for the application of this Regulation,
ker je za uporabo pravil o zbiranju in statistični obdelavi podatkov ter o obdelavi in sporočanju rezultatov, ki potrebujejo dodatno pojasnilo, treba ob pomoči Odbora za statistični program, ustanovljenega s Sklepom EGS, Euratom 89/382 fn, prenesti na Komisijo pooblastilo, da sprejme ukrepe za uporabo te uredbe,
23 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to enable the rules for the collection and statistical processing of data and for processing and transmission of the variables to be clarified further, it is necessary to confer upon the Commission, assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee set up by Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom (5), the power to adopt measures for the application of this Regulation;
ker je, da bi omogočili veljavo pravil zbiranja in statistične obdelave podatkov in obdelavo in posredovanje spremenljivk, ki naj bi jih še dodatno pojasnili, potrebno na Komisijo, ki ji pomaga Statistični programski odbor, ustanovljen s Sklepom Sveta 89/382/EGS, Euratom fn, prenesti pooblastilo za sprejemanje ukrepov za izvajanje te uredbe;
24 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the experience of the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 2187/93 has shown the advisability of providing for a power to authorise the transmission of compensation offers to producers who fail to comply with certain conditions set out in the arrangements fixed in the Regulation, but whose circumstances nevertheless satisfy the conditions laid down in the judgments of the Court of Justice or Court of First Instance with regard to the liability of the Community,
ker so izkušnje pri izvajanju Uredbe (EGS) št. 2187/93 pokazale, da je priporočljivo predvideti pristojnosti za odobritev posredovanja ponudb za odškodnino proizvajalcem, ki ne izpolnjujejo določenih pogojev, določenih v dogovorih, predpisanih v uredbi, toda katerih okoliščine vseeno zadoščajo pogojem, določenim v sodbah Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti ali Sodišča prve stopnje glede odgovornosti Skupnosti,
25 Pravna redakcija
Reserving to one undertaking which markets telecommunications services the task of supplying the indispensable raw material - transmission capacity - to all companies offering telecommunications services proved, however, tantamount to conferring upon it the power to determine at will which service could be offered by its competitors, at which costs and in which time periods, and to monitor their clients and the traffic generated by its competitors, thereby putting that undertaking at an obvious advantage over its competitors.
Vendar se je pokazalo, da je, kadar je enemu podjetju, ki trži telekomunikacijske storitve, pridržana naloga dobave nujno potrebnih surovin - prenosne kapacitete - za vsa podjetja, ki ponujajo telekomunikacijske storitve, to enako, kakor če bi bilo podjetju dodeljeno pooblastilo, da se svobodno odloči, katero storitev bi lahko njegovi konkurenti ponudili, po kakšni ceni in v kakšnih rokih, ter da nadzoruje njihove stranke in promet, ki ga ustvarjajo njegovi konkurenti, s čimer bi imelo podjetje očitno prednost pred svojimi konkurenti.
26 Pravna redakcija
machinery and tractors, of machine-tools for working metal and of other tools and equipment for use with machines, the manufacture of plant for mines, the iron and steel industry and foundries, civil engineering and the building trade, of mechanical handling equipment and of transmission equipment for motive power, the manufacture of machinery for working wood and similar materials, of paper, paper goods, printing and bookbinding machinery, of laundry and dry cleaning machinery, of plant for the leather industry, including boot and shoe machinery, the manufacture of internal combustion engines, of waterwheels and water and heat tubines and other mechanical energy producing machinery, of compressors, pumps and equipment for operating machinery by hydraulic or pneumatic means, the manufacture of spaceheating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, of refrigerating machinery (except domestic type refrigerators and deep freeze units), the manufacture of non-electric industrial furnances and ovens, of non-electric welding equipment and the manufacture of office and data processing machinery.
strojev in vlečnih vozil, strojnega orodja za obdelavo kovin ter drugega orodja in opreme za uporabo s stroji, izdelava naprav za rudnike, železarsko in jeklarsko industrijo in livarne, gradbeništvo in mehanska oprema za mehansko manipulacijsko opremo in transmisijsko opremo za gibalno moč, izdelavo strojne opreme za obdelavo lesa in podobnih materialov, papirja, izdelkov iz papirja, strojne opreme za tiskanje in knjigoveštvo, strojev v pralnicah in čistilnicah, naprav za usnjarsko industrijo, vključno s stroji za izdelavo škornjev in čevljev, izdelavo motorjev z notranjim izgorevanjem, vodnih koles, vodnih in toplotnih turbin ter druge strojne opreme za proizvodnjo energije, izdelava kompresorjev, črpalk in opreme za delovanje strojne opreme s hidravličnimi ali pnevmatskimi sredstvi, izdelava opreme za ogrevanje prostorov, prezračevanje in klimatiziranje, strojev za zamrzovanje (razen gospodinjskih zamrzovalnikov in enot za globoko zamrzovanje), izdelava neelektričnih peči, neelektrične varilske opreme ter izdelava pisarniških strojev in strojev za obdelavo podatkov.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
first transmission after power on,
pri prvem prenosu po vklopu napajanja:
28 Prevajalska redakcija
Improving energy efficiency in power generation and transmission:
Izboljšanje energijske učinkovitosti pri proizvodnji in prenosu električne energije:
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
Water-screw propeller or power transmission systems, as follows, specially designed for surface effect vehicles (fully skirted or rigid sidewall variety), hydrofoils or small waterplane area vessels specified in 8A001.f., 8A001.g., 8A001.h. or 8A001.i.:
vijačni propeler ali sistemi za prenos moči, posebej izdelani za plovila, ki delujejo na površini (popolnoma opremljena s ščitniki ali s trdnimi stranskimi stenami), hidrokrilna plovila ali plovila z zmanjšano vodno linijo iz točk 8A001.f, 8A001.g, 8A001.h ali 8A001.i:
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
The arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilisation of other flammable oils employed under pressure in power transmission systems, control and activating systems and heating systems shall be such as to ensure the safety of the ship and persons on board.
Ukrepi za uskladiščenje, dovajanje in uporabo drugih vnetljivih olj, ki se pod pritiskom uporabljajo v sistemih za prenos moči, sistemih za krmiljenje in aktiviranje ter sistemih za ogrevanje, so takšni, da zagotavljajo varnost ladje in ljudi na ladji.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Transmission of power between self-propelled machinery (or tractor) and recipient machinery
Prenos moči med stroji na lastni pogon (ali vlečnimi stroji) in vlečenimi stroji
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0035
The arrangements for the storage, distribution and use of flammable oils employed under pressure in power transmission systems other than oil referred to in paragraph (10) in control and activating systems and heating systems shall be in accordance with the rules of a recognised organisation.
Naprave za shranjevanje, distribucijo in uporabo vnetljivih olj, razen olja, navedenega v odstavku (10), ki se uporabljajo pod pritiskom v sistemih prenosa pogona, v nadzornih in sprožilnih sistemih ter sistemih gretja, morajo biti v skladu z določbami priznane organizacije.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
active noise reduction or cancellation systems, or magnetic bearings, specially designed for power transmission systems, and incorporating electronic control systems capable of actively reducing equipment vibration by the generation of anti-noise or anti-vibration signals directly to the source; 8E002.a.
sistemi za aktivno zmanjševanje ali popolno dušenje hrupa ali magnetni ležaji, ki so izdelani posebej za sisteme za prenos moči in vsebujejo sisteme elektronskega krmiljenja z zmožnostjo aktivnega zmanjšanja vibracij opreme z ustvarjanjem protizvočnih ali protivibracijskih signalov neposredno na vire;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0368
3.4.7.Transmission of power between self-propelled machinery (or tractor) and recipient machinery
Prenos napajanja med strojem z lastnim pogonom (ali vlečnim vozilom) in gnanim strojem
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0078
power supply services, communication and information, transmission, monitoring and process control systems,
elektroenergetske storitve, komunikacije in informacije, prenos, sistemi za spremljanje in nadzor procesov,
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
power supply services, communication and information, transmission, monitoring and process control systems;
sisteme preskrbe z električno energijo, komunikacijske sisteme in sisteme obveščanja, sisteme prenosa, spremljanja in krmiljenja;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2700
Included are permanent installations such as water supply, central heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc. as well as construction expenditure related to oil wells (drilling), operational mines, pipelines, power transmission lines, gas-pipes, railway lines, port installations, roads, bridges, viaducts, drains and other site improvements.
Vključene so stalne instalacije, kot so vodovod, centralno ogrevanje, prezračevanje, osvetljava idr. Kakor tudi stroški gradnje za črpališča nafte (vrtanje), delujoči rudniki, cevovodi, vodi za prenos energije, plinovodi, železniški tiri, pristaniške naprave, ceste, mostovi, viadukti, odtoki in druge izboljšave gradbišča.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
pressurized pipes for the containment of transmission systems, e.g. for electrical power and telephone cables;
tlačne cevi za vsebovanje sistemov za prenašanje, na primer električne energije, in telefonske kable;
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0035
Main propulsion, control, steam pipe, fuel oil, compressed air, electrical and refrigeration systems; auxiliary machinery; boilers and other pressure vessels; piping and pumping arrangements; steering equipment and gears, shafts and couplings for power transmission shall be designed, constructed, tested, installed and serviced in accordance with the rules of a recognised organisation.
Glavni pogon, krmiljenje, parna cev, gorivo, stisnjeni zrak, električni in hladilni sistemi, dodatni stroji, kotli in druge tlačne posode, cevi in črpalne naprave, naprave in mehanizmi za krmarjenje, gredi in sklopke za prenos pogona so zasnovane, zgrajene, preskušene, nameščene in vzdrževane v skladu s predpisi priznane organizacije.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0320
The transmission of braking power from the coupling head to the trailer's brakes must be effected either by a rod linkage or by means of one or more fluids.
Do prenosa zavorne sile z glave naletne naprave na zavore priklopnika mora priti bodisi preko povezave z drogom ali pa s pomočjo ene ali več tekočin.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0054
This can be a statement that the power levels and installation are such that the immunity levels of this Directive offer sufficient protection when subject to transmission alone, i.e. excluding transmission in conjunction with the tests specified in paragraph 6.
To je lahko izjava o primernosti nivojev moči in vgradnje, da nivoji odpornosti po tej direktivi dajejo zadostno zaščito pri samem prenosu (oddajanju), tj. z izjemo prenosa v povezavi s preskusi iz točke 6.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0001
The factors by which the observed torque and power are to be multiplied in order to determine the engine torque and power under the reference atmospheric conditions specified in 4.2 and the mechanical efficiency of the transmission as specified in 4.5.
To sta faktorja, s katerima se pomnoži izmerjeni navor oziroma moč motorja, da se dobita navor oziroma moč motorja pri referenčnih atmosferskih pogojih, kot so določeni v točki 4.2, in pri mehanskem izkoristku prenosa moči, kot je določen v točki 4.5.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0041
Factors by which the torque and power measured are to be multiplied in order to determine the torque and power of an engine, taking account of the efficiency of the transmission (factor 2) used during the tests and in order to bring that torque and that power within the reference atmospheric conditions specified in 4.2.1 (factor 1).
To sta faktorja, s katerima je treba pomnožiti izmerjeni navor in moč motorja, da se dobita navor in moč motorja ob upoštevanju izkoristka pri preskusih uporabljenega prenosa moči (faktor 2) in da se prilagodita referenčnim atmosferskim pogojem, kakor so določeni v 4.2.1 (faktor 1).
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0041
Factors by which the torque and power measured are to be multiplied in order to determine the torque and power of an engine, taking account of the efficiency of the transmission (factor 2) used during the tests and in order to bring that torque and that power within the reference atmospheric conditions specified in 4.2.1 (factor d).
To sta faktorja, s katerima je treba pomnožiti izmerjeni navor in moč motorja, da se dobita navor in moč motorja ob upoštevanju izkoristka pri preskusih uporabljenega prenosa moči (faktor 2) in da se prilagodita referenčnim atmosferskim pogojem, kakor so določeni v 4.2.1 (faktor d).
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0001
Factors by which the torque and power measured are to be multiplied in order to determine the torque and power of an engine, taking account of the efficiency of the transmission (factor á1) that are possibly used during the tests in order to bring that torque and that power within the reference atmospheric conditions specified in 4.2.1 (factor á2).
To sta faktorja, s katerima se pomnoži izmerjeni navor oziroma moč motorja, da se dobita navor oziroma moč motorja ob upoštevanju izkoristka pri preskusih uporabljenega prenosa moči (faktor 1) in da bi se prilagodila referenčnim atmosferskim pogojem, kot so določeni v točki 4.2.1 (faktor 2).
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0320
Where the braking power is derived from or assisted by a source of energy independent of the driver but controlled by him, the reserve of energy in the device shall likewise be regarded as part of the transmission.
Če se moč zaviranja dobiva ali pa je podpirana iz vira energije, ki je neodvisen od voznika, vendar ga on upravlja, se rezerva energije v napravi šteje za del prenosne naprave.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
As to space segment capacity, the extension of the geographic market will depend on the power of the satellite and its ability to compete with other satellites for transmission to a given area, in other words on its range.
V zvezi z zmogljivostjo vesoljskega segmenta bo širitev geografskega trga odvisna od moči satelita in njegove zmožnosti, da tekmuje z drugimi sateliti pri oddajanju na določeno območje, z drugimi besedami od njegovega dosega.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
Transmission system operators shall, as far as technically possible, net the capacity requirements of any power flows in opposite direction over the congested interconnection line in order to use this line to its maximum capacity.
Upravljavci prenosnih omrežij, kolikor je to tehnično možno, združijo vse zahteve po prenosni zmogljivosti v nasprotni smeri po prezasedeni povezavi, da bi ta daljnovod uporabili do najvišje možne zmogljivosti.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0255
the applicant shall provide a test report stating that the level of power consumption in each of these modes has been measured using the procedures shown in EN 50301 (methods of measurement on receivers for TV broadcast transmission).
vlagatelj predloži poročilo o preskusu, v katerem navede, da je bila raven porabe električne energije pri posameznih navedenih načinih izmerjena s postopki, predstavljenimi v EN 50301 (merilne metode pri sprejemnikih za televizijske prenose).
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power transmission