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powers of scrutiny
1 Končna redakcija
In a traditional liberal model, the main role of the mass media is to scrutinize the use of government power.
V klasičnem liberalnem modelu množičnih medijev je njihova poglavitna vloga, da nadzorujejo delovanje oblasti.
2 Pravna redakcija
At the request of one of the bodies referred to in point 1.4. above, the Commission shall forward to that body with all due despatch any confidential information required for the exercise of the European Parliament's powers of scrutiny.
Na zahtevo enega izmed teles iz točke 1.4 Komisija kar najhitreje pošlje temu telesu vse zaupne podatke, ki so potrebni za izvajanje nadzorne funkcije Evropskega parlamenta.
3 Pravna redakcija
This Annex shall govern the forwarding to the European Parliament and the handling of confidential information from the Commission in connection with the exercise of parliamentary prerogatives concerning the legislative and budgetary procedures, the procedure for giving discharge and the exercise in general terms of the European Parliament's powers of scrutiny.
Ta priloga ureja pošiljanje zaupnih podatkov Komisije Evropskemu parlamentu in obravnavanje takih podatkov v okviru izvajanja parlamentarnih pristojnosti v zvezi z zakonodajnim in proračunskim postopkom, postopkom sprejemanja zaključnega računa ter splošnim izvajanjem nadzorne funkcije Evropskega parlamenta.
4 Pravna redakcija
The decision of the first court to open proceedings should be recognised in the other Member States without those Member States having the power to scrutinise the court's decision.
Sklep prvega sodišča, ki bo uvedlo stečajni postopek, bi morale priznati druge države članice z izjemo držav članic, ki imajo pooblastilo za pregledovanje sodnih odločitev.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
They may not themselves exercise the powers of scrutiny accorded to national officials;
Sami ne smejo izvajati pooblastil za preglede, dodeljene državnim uradnikom;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
Whereas the powers of the officials responsible for scrutiny and the obligations on undertakings to make commercial documents available to such officials for a specified period and to supply such information as may be requested by them should be defined;
ker je treba opredeliti pooblastila uradnikov, odgovornih za preglede, in dolžnost podjetij, da dajejo takšnim uradnikom trgovinske dokumente na voljo za določeno obdobje in jim na zahtevo predložijo takšne informacije;
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powers of scrutiny