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proceeding for exemption
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
No appeal shall be allowed against the decree granting to the motion for exemption from payment of the costs of proceedings.
Zoper sklep, s katerim se ugodi predlogu stranke, ni pritožbe.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The exemption from payment of the costs of proceedings shall include the exemption from payment of court fees and advancements for costs of witnesses, expert examinations, inspections and court announcements.
Oprostitev stroškov postopka obsega oprostitev taks in oprostitev predujma za stroške prič, izvedencev, ogledov in sodnih oglasov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
b. With respect to the Commission of the European Communities, (i) proceedings for review of agreements and other cooperative arrangements among airlines involving international air transportation, in particular for alliance and other cooperative agreements involving airlines organized under the laws of the United States and the European Community, and (ii) consideration of individual or block exemptions from European Union competition law;
b. za Komisijo Evropskih skupnosti (i) postopki za pregled sporazumov in drugih dogovorov o sodelovanju med letalskimi družbami, ki vključujejo mednarodni zračni promet, zlasti za povezovanje letalskih družb in druge sporazume o sodelovanju, ki vključujejo letalske družbe, organizirane po zakonih Združenih držav in Evropske skupnosti, in (ii) upoštevanje posameznih ali skupinskih izjem iz zakonodaje Evropske unije o konkurenci;
4 Pravna redakcija
In cases falling under Article 56(1)(b) and (c), (2), second sentence and (3) of the Agreement, the surveillance authority which is not competent to decide on a case in accordance with Article 56 may request at all stages of the proceedings copies of the most important documents lodged with the competent surveillance authority for the purpose of establishing the existence of infringements of Articles 53 and 54 or of obtaining a negative clearance or exemption, and may furthermore, before a final decision is taken, make any observations it considers appropriate.
V primerih iz člena 56(1)(b) in (c), (2), drugi stavek, in (3) Sporazuma lahko nadzorni organ, ki ni pristojen za odločanje o primeru v skladu s členom 56, na vseh stopnjah postopka zaprosi za kopije najpomembnejših dokumentov, vloženih pri pristojnem nadzornem organu, zaradi ugotavljanja obstoja kršitev členov 53 in 54 ali pridobitve negativnega izvida ali izjeme, prav tako pa lahko še pred sprejetjem dokončnega sklepa predloži vse pripombe, ki se mu zdijo primerne.
Prevodi: en > sl
proceeding for exemption