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product comparison
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
6.5 For the purpose of paragraph 3(c), price undercutting shall include any case in which such price undercutting has been demonstrated through a comparison of prices of the subsidized product with prices of a non subsidized like product supplied to the same market.
6.5 Za namene tretjega (c) odstavka izpodbijanje cen pomeni vsak primer, v katerem se tako izpodbijanje prikaže v primerjavi cen subvencioniranega proizvoda in nesubvencioniranega enakega proizvoda, ki se dobavlja na isti trg.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
However, comparison may be made with the price in the country of origin, if, for example, the products are merely transshipped through the country of export, or such products are not produced in the country of export, or there is no comparable price for them in the country of export.
Možna je primerjava s ceno v državi porekla, če so na primer proizvodi v tranzitu v državi izvoza ali če se taki proizvodi ne proizvajajo v državi izvoza ali pa ne obstaja primerljiva cena za te proizvode v državi izvoza.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
2.2 When there are no sales of the like product in the ordinary course of trade in the domestic market of the exporting country or when, because of the particular market situation or the low volume of the sales in the domestic market of the exporting country[30], such sales do not permit a proper comparison, the margin of dumping shall be determined by comparison with a comparable price of the like product when exported to an appropriate third country, provided that this price is representative, or with the cost of production in the country of origin plus a reasonable amount for administrative, selling and general costs and for profits.
2.2 Če prodaje enakega proizvoda ni v redni trgovini na domačem trgu države izvoznice ali če zaradi določenih tržnih razmer ali nizke prodaje na domačem trgu države izvoza(2) taka prodaja ne dopušča prave primerjave, se stopnja dumpinga ugotavlja s primerjavo s primerljivo ceno enakega proizvoda ob izvozu v ustrezno tretjo državo pod pogojem, da je ta cena značilna, ali s stroški proizvodnje v državi porekla ob dodanem razumnem znesku administrativnih, prodajnih in splošnih stroškov in dobička.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
2 Sales of the like product destined for consumption in the domestic market of the exporting country shall normally be considered a sufficient quantity for the determination of the normal value if such sales constitute 5 per cent or more of the sales of the product under consideration to the importing Member, provided that a lower ratio should be acceptable where the evidence demonstrates that domestic sales at such lower ratio are nonetheless of sufficient magnitude to provide for a proper comparison.
2 Za prodajo enakega proizvoda, ki je namenjen porabi na domačem trgu države izvoznice, običajno velja, da je v zadostni količini za ugotavljanje normalne vrednosti, če taka prodaja pomeni 5 odstotkov ali več od prodaje določenega proizvoda v članici uvoznici, pod pogojem, da je nižji delež sprejemljiv, če dokazi kažejo, da je domača prodaja v takem nižjem deležu v zadostnem obsegu, da zagotavlja pravo primerjavo.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
(b) Members whose total volume of textile and clothing exports is small in comparison with the total volume of exports of other Members and who account for only a small percentage of total imports of that product into the importing Member shall be accorded differential and more favourable treatment in the fixing of the economic terms provided in paragraphs 8, 13 and 14. For those suppliers, due account will be taken, pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 1, of the future possibilities for the development of their trade and the need to allow commercial quantities of imports from them;
(b) članice, katerih celoten obseg izvoza tekstila in oblačil je majhen v primerjavi s celotnim obsegom izvoza drugih članic in ki predstavljajo le majhen odstotek celotnega uvoza tega proizvoda v članice uvoznice, se pristransko in ugodneje obravnavajo pri določanju gospodarskih pogojev, ki jih določajo osmi, trinajsti in štirinajsti odstavek. Za te dobavitelje se na podlagi drugega in tretjega odstavka 1. člena upoštevajo prihodnje možnosti za razvoj njihove trgovine in potreba, da se zanje odobrijo komercialne uvozne količine;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Comparison for exporting producers granted MET
Primerjava za proizvajalce – izvoznike, ki jim je bila zagotovljena obravnava tržnega gospodarstva
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
Only domestic and export sales relating to the same or a comparable product type can be used for a transaction by transaction comparison, otherwise the comparison cannot be valid.
Samo domače in izvozne prodaje, ki se nanašajo na isto ali primerljivo vrsto izdelkov, se lahko uporabljajo za primerjavo po posameznih poslih, sicer primerjava ne more biti veljavna.
8 Končna redakcija
A comparison shall be made between an offer price of the Spanish product, as calculated under (b), and a Community offer price.
primerjata se ponudbena cena španskega proizvoda, izračunana v skladu z (b), in ponudbena cena Skupnosti.
9 Končna redakcija
A comparison shall be made between an offer price of the Portuguese product, calculated in accordance with (b), and a Community offer price.
primerjata se ponudbena cena portugalskega proizvoda, izračunana v skladu z (b) in ponudbena cena Skupnosti.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
a comparison of price levels in each Member State and EFTA State by each party to the concentration and a similar comparison of price levels between the Community, the EFTA States and other areas where these products are produced (e.g, Russia, the United States of America, Japan, China, or other relevant areas);
primerjavo cenovnih ravni v vsaki državi članici in državi EFTE za vsakega udeleženca koncentracije in podobno primerjavo cenovnih ravni med skupnostjo, državami EFTE in drugimi območji izdelave takšnih proizvodov (npr, Rusija, Združene države Amerike, Japonska, Kitajska ali druga ustrezna območja);
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0210
A list of products is necessary to permit alignment between production statistics and external trade statistics and to afford comparison with the Community product nomenclature (CPA).
Seznam proizvodov je potreben zaradi uskladitve med statistiko proizvodnje in statistiko zunanje trgovine ter zaradi omogočanja primerjave s klasifikacijo proizvodov Skupnosti (CPA).
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
It is therefore considered an appropriate basis to ensure a proper comparison between the normal value and export price for the same quality and presentation of the product concerned.
Zato ta sistem velja za ustrezno podlago za zagotavljanje pravilne primerjave med normalnimi vrednostmi in izvozno ceno za isto kakovost in obliko zadevnega izdelka.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41997D0018
The contributions from Iceland and Norway shall be calculated by means of a comparison of the gross domestic products of all Contracting Parties and the States of the Cooperation Agreement.
Prispevek Islandije in Norveške se izračuna na podlagi primerjave bruto domačih proizvodov vseh pogodbenic in držav Sporazuma o sodelovanju.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
Even assuming - for the sake of argument and without recognising the substance of the Brazilian exporter's claim - that a comparison between the cost of production of the exporting producer and Community producers were warranted in this context, such an analysis could only be based on a comparison of the dumping margin with the undercutting (not the underselling) margin.
Celo v primeru upoštevanja domneve zaradi razprave same in brez poznavanja vsebine pritožbe brazilskega izvoznika, da bi bila primerjava stroškov proizvodnje proizvajalca izvoznika s stroški proizvajalcev Skupnosti v tem okviru utemeljena, bi lahko takšna analiza temeljila le na primerjavi stopnje dampinga s stopnjo nelojalne prodaje po nižji ceni (in ne po prenizki ceni).
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
According to Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation, the amount of dumping was established on the basis of the comparison of the weighted average normal value of each product type with the weighted average export price of the same product type.
V skladu s členom 2(11) osnovne uredbe se je znesek dampinga določil na podlagi primerjave med tehtano povprečno normalno vrednostjo posamezne vrste izdelka in tehtano povprečno izvozno ceno iste vrste izdelka.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Based on a comparison of average ex-works prices charged by the Community producers and by exporting producers to the Community importers (cif EU border including customs duty), domestic prices were undercut throughout the five periods examined by between 2 and 12 %.
Na podlagi primerjave povprečnih cen franko tovarna, ki jih zaračunavajo proizvajalci Skupnosti in proizvajalci izvozniki uvoznikom Skupnosti (CIF meja EU, vključno s carino), so bile domače cene nelojalno znižane v petih obdobjih preverjanja za 2 do 12 %.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
This comparison showed that during the IP the products concerned originating in Pakistan were sold in the Community at prices which undercut the Community industry's prices by more than 50 %, when expressed as a percentage of the latter.
Ta primerjava je pokazala, da so se v obdobju preiskave zadevni izdelki s poreklom iz Pakistana prodajali v Skupnosti po cenah, ki so nelojalno nižale cene industrije Skupnosti za več kakor 50 %, izraženo v odstotku slednjih.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
This comparison showed that during the IP the products concerned originating in India were sold in the Community at prices which undercut the Community industry's prices, when expressed as a percentage of the latter, by between 26 and 77 %.
Primerjava je pokazala, da so bili v OP zadevni izdelki s poreklom iz Indije prodajani v Skupnosti po cenah, ki so nelojalno zniževale cene industrije Skupnosti, izraženo v odstotkih, za 26 do 77 %.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
The necessary price increase was then determined on the basis of a comparison of the weighted average import price, as established for the price undercutting calculations, with the non-injurious price of products sold by the Community industry on the Community market.
Potrebni dvig cene je bil potem izračunan na podlagi primerjave med ponderirano povprečno uvozno ceno, kot je bila določena za izračun nelojalnega nižanja cen, in neškodljivo ceno izdelkov, ki jih prodaja industrija Skupnosti na trgu Skupnosti.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
The necessary price increase was then determined on the basis of a comparison of the weighted average import price, as established for the price undercutting calculations, with the non-injurious price of products sold by the Community industry on the Community market.
Potrebno zvišanje cen je bilo torej določeno na podlagi primerjave med tehtano povprečno uvozno ceno, kakršna je bila določena pri izračunih nelojalnega nižanja cen, in neškodljivo ceno izdelkov, ki jih industrija Skupnosti prodaja na trgu Skupnosti.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
This price was calculated by taking the respective cost of production for the Community product (adjusted to take account of transport costs to ensure a proper comparison with imports delivered to the main geographical area for consumption) to which was added a profit margin of 6,8 %.
Ta cena je bila izračunana tako, da je bil upoštevan strošek proizvodnje za proizvod Skupnosti (prilagojeno tako, da so bili upoštevani prevozni stroški za zagotovitev pravilne primerjave z uvozi, dostavljenimi na glavno geografsko območje porabe), čemur se je prištela profitna marža 6,8 %.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
According to Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation the second symmetrical method bases the calculation of the dumping margin on a comparison of individual normal values of the different types of the product concerned with the corresponding individual export prices on a transaction-to-transaction basis.
V skladu s členom 2(11) osnovne uredbe izračun stopnje dampinga po drugi simetrični metodi temelji na primerjavi posameznih normalnih vrednosti različnih vrst obravnavanih izdelkov z ustreznimi posameznimi izvoznimi cenami posameznih poslov.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
The level of the additional duty has been calculated on the basis of a target price at which the Community producers would achieve a profit of 6,8 % on turnover, adjusted to take account of transport costs to ensure a proper comparison with imports delivered to the main geographical area for consumption.
Stopnja dodatne dajatve je bila izračunana na podlagi ciljne cene, s katero bi proizvajalci Skupnosti dosegli dobiček 6,8 % od prihodka od prodaje, prilagojene tako, da so upoštevani stroški prevoza, z namenom zagotoviti primerjavo z uvozom, dobavljenemu glavnemu geografskemu območju potrošnje.
24 Končna redakcija
In order to evolve the broad lines of a common agricultural policy, the Commission shall, immediately this Treaty enters into force, convene a conference of the Member States with a view to making a comparison of their agricultural policies, in particular by producing a statement of their resources and needs.
Za oblikovanje širših smernic skupne kmetijske politike Komisija takoj ko ta pogodba začne veljati skliče konferenco držav članic, da bi opravile primerjavo svojih kmetijskih politik, zlasti s pregledom svojih virov in potreb.
25 Končna redakcija
This paradigmatic banality is exactly what M. S.'s discourse is about: it resorts to that form of extreme language that communicates the most readily accessible 'truth' in comparison with other similar products in this part of Europe, especially those that have been circulating on the Slovenian scene in the past ten years.
Paradigmatična banalnost pa je ravno tisto, za kar pri diskurzu M. S. gre, saj se kaže kot tista oblika ekstremne govorice, ki vsebuje najbolj dostopno 'Resnico' vseh sorodnih izdelkov v tem delu Evrope, posebej pa teh, ki zadnje desetletje delujejo na slovenski sceni.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
An analysis as the one proposed by the Brazilian exporter, i.e. a comparison of the dumping margin with the underselling margin leading to conclusions with respect to a difference in cost of production between exporting producers and the Community industry would by far exceed the framework set by Article 3(5) of the Basic Regulation and would bring in an element of causal link into such an analysis.
Analiza, kakršno je predlagal brazilski izvoznik, to pomeni primerjavo stopnje dampinga z maržo prodaje po znižani ceni, kar bi pripeljalo do ugotovitev v zvezi z razliko v stroških proizvodnje med proizvajalci izvozniki in industrijo Skupnosti, bi zdaleč presegla meje, določene v členu 3(5) osnovne uredbe, ter izbrisala razliko med analizo položaja industrije Skupnosti po eni strani in vnesla element vzročne povezave med dampingom in škodo po drugi strani, kar se v vsakem primeru obravnava ločeno.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
In the case of damage to the means of production, the effects of which are felt over several years, the percentage real loss for the first harvest following the occurrence of the adverse event in comparison with a normal year, determined in accordance with the principles set out in this subparagraph, must exceed 10 % and the percentage real loss multiplied by the number of years in which production is lost must exceed 20 % in the less-favoured areas and 30 % in other areas.
Pri škodi na proizvodnih sredstvih, katere učinki so opazni še več let, mora odstotek dejanske izgube za prvo letino po slabih vremenskih razmerah v primerjavi z običajnim letom, določena skladno z načeli tega odstavka, presegati 10 %, odstotna dejanska izguba krat število let, v katerih pride do izgube v proizvodnji, pa mora presegati 20 % na območjih z omejenimi možnostmi in 30 % na drugih območjih.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
It was decided to discard the concept of the national farm because of improvements in (i) economic analysis of the agricultural accounts (technical coefficients and rates of value added), (ii) the consistency between the production accounts and the generation of income accounts, (iii) the comparison of technical coefficients and rates of value added between sub-branches and Member States, and (iv) consistency with the ESA and its principles.
Odločeno je bilo, da se koncept nacionalne kmetije opusti zaradi izboljšav (i) ekonomskih analiz kmetijskih računov (tehnični koeficienti in stopnje dodane vrednosti), (ii) skladnosti računov proizvodnje in računov ustvarjanja dohodka, (iii) primerjave tehničnih koeficientov in stopenj dodane vrednosti med podpanogami in državami članicami, ter (iv) skladnosti z ESR in njegovimi načeli.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0750
Activities may include a comparison of the effectiveness of processes, methods and tools related to the chosen themes, the mutual transfer and application of good practice, exchanges of personnel, the joint development of products, processes, strategy and methodology, the adaptation to different contexts of the methods, tools and processes identified as good practices and/or the common dissemination of results, visibility materials and events.
Te dejavnosti so med drugim lahko primerjava učinkovitosti postopkov, metod in pripomočkov, povezanih z izbranimi temami, medsebojna izmenjeva in uporaba dobre prakse, izmenjava osebja, skupno razvijanje izdelkov, postopkov, strategije in metodologije, prilagajanje metod, pripomočkov in postopkov, prepoznanih za dobro prakso, različnim kontekstom in/ali skupno razširjanje rezultatov, informacijskega gradiva ter organiziranje manifestacij.
30 Končna redakcija
A comparison shall be drawn between the offer price of the Greek product, as calculated in (b) and a Community offer price calculated annually on the one hand, on the basis of the arithmetical average of producer prices of each Member State of the Community as at present constituted increased by the transport and packaging costs borne by the products from the areas of production up to the representative centres of Community consumption and, on the other hand, taking into account the trend of production costs.
Primerjata se ponudbena cena grškega proizvoda, kot je izračunana v (b) in ponudbena cena Skupnosti, izračunana na letni osnovi, na eni strani na podlagi aritmetične sredine cen pridelovalcev vsake države članice Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, k čemur se prištejejo stroški transporta in embalaže za izdelke od kraja pridelave do reprezentativnih centrov porabe Skupnosti, na drugi strani pa se upošteva trend proizvodnih stroškov.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Without prejudice to the law on the protection of industrial and commercial property, medicinal products for human use which have been authorised in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation shall benefit from an eight-year period of data protection and a ten-year period of marketing protection, in which connection the latter period shall be extended to a maximum of 11 years if, during the first eight years of those ten years, the marketing authorisation holder obtains an authorisation for one or more new therapeutic indications which, during the scientific evaluation prior to their authorisation, are held to bring a significant clinical benefit in comparison with existing therapies.
Brez poseganja v pravo o varstvu industrijske in trgovske lastnine imajo zdravila za humano uporabo, ki so pridobila dovoljenje za promet v skladu z določbami te uredbe, osemletno varstvo podatkov in desetletno obdobje tržne zaščite, v povezavi s katerim se zadnje obdobje podaljša na največ 11 let, če v obdobju prvih osmih let od desetih imetnik dovoljenja za promet pridobi dovoljenje za promet za eno ali več novih terapevtskih indikacij, za katere je med znanstvenim vrednotenjem pred pridobitvijo dovoljenja veljalo, da prinašajo pomembno klinično korist v primerjavi z obstoječimi terapijami.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
At this stage of the investigation it was not possible to change the basis of product comparison which is set out in the specifications table of the Commission's questionnaire and concerns all cooperating exporting producers.
V tej fazi preiskave ni bilo mogoče spremeniti podlage za primerjavo izdelkov, ki je obrazložena v ustrezni preglednici v vprašalniku Komisije in velja za vse sodelujoče proizvajalce izvoznike.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
This led to a comparison of normal values and.export prices of identical product types.
To je pripeljalo do primerjave normalnih vrednosti in izvoznih cen identičnih vrst izdelkov.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
The comparison showed the existence of dumping in respect of two cooperating producers.
Primerjava je odkrila obstoj dampinga pri dveh sodelujočih proizvajalcih.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Consequently, the argument of limiting the comparison to one product type cannot be accepted.
Zato argumenta, da se primerjava omeji na en tip izdelka, ni mogoče sprejeti.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
Only domestic and export sales relating to the same or a comparable product type can be used for a transaction by transaction comparison, otherwise the comparison cannot be valid.
Samo domače in izvozne prodaje, ki se nanašajo na isto ali primerljivo vrsto izdelkov, se lahko uporabljajo za primerjavo po posameznih poslih, sicer primerjava ne more biti veljavna.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
For the determination of dumping, this comparison was made on the basis of data for the two main US exporting producers.
Za ugotovitev dampinga je bila narejena primerjava na podlagi podatkov za dva glavna proizvajalca izvoznika iz ZDA.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
The comparison showed that no dumping existed for exports of RBM made by the cooperating exporting producer during the IP.
Primerjava je pokazala, da pri izvozu obročkastih mehanizmov za mape, ki jih je izdelal sodelujoči proizvajalec izvoznik, v obdobju preiskave ni bilo dampinga.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
The comparison showed the existence of dumping in respect of the three cooperating producers accepted for individual treatment.
Primerjava je odkrila obstoj dampinga pri treh sodelujočih proizvajalcih, katerim je bila odobrena individualna obravnava.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2604
This comparison was considered as discriminatory in contrast with the methodology used for the other Korean exporting producers.
Primerjavo je imel za diskriminacijsko v primerjavi z metodologijo, uporabljeno za druge korejske proizvajalce izvoznike.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Two exporting producers requested a comparison of export price with normal value on a quarterly basis and one on a monthly basis.
Dva proizvajalca - izvoznika sta zahtevala, da se izvozna cena z normalno vrednostjo primerja četrtletno, en proizvajalec - izvoznik pa je zahteval primerjavo mesečno.
42 Pravna redakcija
These focus on international comparisons in volume terms of the level of production and income, but the level of prices is also of interest.
Pri tem se osredotoča na mednarodne primerjave obsega ravni proizvodnje in dohodka, zanima pa jo tudi raven cen.
43 Pravna redakcija
Sugar-cane production also faces specific handicaps in comparison with the production of sugarbeet in mainland Europe, particularly regarding the harvesting of cane.
Pridelava sladkornega trsa se sooča tudi s posebnimi ovirami v primerjavi s pridelavo sladkorne pese na evropski celini, zlasti kar se tiče žetve trsa.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Based on the questionnaire replies, different product families of CD-Rs could be defined for comparison purposes based on the following criteria:
Na podlagi odgovorov v vprašalnikih, se lahko opredelijo različne skupine CD-ROM-ov za namene primerjave in sicer na osnovi naslednjih meril:
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product comparison