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progressive abolition
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(e) encourage the integration of all countries into the world economy, including through the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade;
e) spodbujanje vključitve vseh držav v svetovno ekonomijo, skupaj s postopno odpravo omejitev v mednarodni trgovini;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
In the case of the medical and allied and pharmaceutical professions, the progressive abolition of restrictions shall be dependent upon coordination of the conditions for the exercise of such professions in the various Member States.
(2) Pri zdravstvenih delavcih, zdravstvenih sodelavcih in farmacevtih je postopno odpravljanje omejitev odvisno od uskladitve pogojev za opravljanje teh poklicev v posameznih državah članicah.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
By establishing a customs union in accordance with Article III-151, the Union shall contribute, in the common interest, to the harmonious development of world trade, the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade and on foreign direct investment, and the lowering of customs and other barriers.
Z vzpostavitvijo carinske unije v skladu s III-151. členom Ustave, Unija v skupnem interesu prispeva k usklajenemu razvoju svetovne trgovine, postopnemu odpravljanju omejitev v mednarodni trgovini in neposrednih tujih naložbah ter zmanjševanju carinskih in drugih ovir.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(f) by effecting the progressive abolition of restrictions on freedom of establishment in every branch of activity under consideration, both as regards the conditions for setting up agencies, branches or subsidiaries in the territory of a Member State and as regards the conditions governing the entry of personnel belonging to the main establishment into managerial or supervisory posts in such agencies, branches or subsidiaries;
f) postopno odpravljajo omejitve glede svobode ustanavljanja v vseh zadevnih panogah, tako glede pogojev za ustanavljanje agencij, podružnic ali hčerinskih družb na ozemlju države članice in tudi glede pogojev za dostop osebja matičnega podjetja do vodilnih ali nadzornih delovnih mest v teh agencijah, podružnicah ali hčerinskih družbah;
5 Končna redakcija
in the second sentence, the words 'progressive abolition` shall be replaced by the word 'prohibition`.
v drugem stavku se besedi "postopna odprava" nadomestita z besedo "prepoved".
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11957E
DESIRING to contribute, by means of a common commercial policy, to the progressive abolition of restrictions on intenational trade,
Z ŽELJO, da bi s skupno trgovinsko politiko pripomogli k postopnemu odpravljanju omejitev v mednarodni trgovini,
7 Končna redakcija
DESIRING to contribute, by means of a common commercial policy, to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade,
Z ŽELJO, da bi s skupno trgovinsko politiko pripomogli k postopnemu odpravljanju omejitev v mednarodni trgovini,
8 Končna redakcija
Without prejudice to the following paragraphs, the provisions concerning the progressive abolition of customs duties shall apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.
Ne glede na naslednje odstavke, se določbe, ki zadevajo postopno odpravo carin, uporabljajo za carine fiskalne narave.
9 Končna redakcija
The progressive abolition of existing restrictions shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of Articles 63 to 65, in so far as such abolition is not governed by the provisions contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 or by the other provisions of this Chapter.
Postopna odprava obstoječih omejitev se izvede v skladu z določbami členov 63 do 65, če je ne urejajo določbe odstavkov 1 in 2 ali druge določbe tega poglavja.
10 Končna redakcija
in paragraph 1, the words 'completely abolished` shall be replaced by the word 'prohibited` and the words 'progressive abolition` shall be replaced by the word 'prohibition`;
v odstavku 1 se besede "v celoti odpravijo" nadomestijo s "prepovejo", besedi "postopno odpravo" pa se nadomestita s "prepovedjo";
11 Končna redakcija
The progressive abolition of existing restrictions shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of Articles 63 to 65, in so far as such abolition is not governed by the provisions contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 or by the Chapter relating to the free movement of capital.
Postopna odprava obstoječih omejitev se izvede v skladu z določbami členov 63 do 65, če je ne urejajo določbe odstavkov 1 in 2 ali poglavje o prostem pretoku kapitala.
12 Končna redakcija
These agreements or contracts shall be directed towards the progressive abolition of any discrimination in the application of these arrangements to the various producers within the Community.
Ti sporazumi ali pogodbe morajo imeti za cilj, da se postopno odpravi kakršna koli diskriminacija med različnimi proizvajalci Skupnosti pri uporabi teh določb.
13 Končna redakcija
Such progressive abolition shall also apply to restrictions on the setting up of agencies, branches or subsidiaries by nationals of any Member State established in the territory of any Member State.
Ta postopna odprava se uporablja tudi za omejitve pri ustanavljanju agencij, podružnic ali hčerinskih družb državljanov katere koli države članice s sedežem na ozemlju katere koli države članice.
14 Končna redakcija
In the case of the medical and allied and pharmaceutical professions, the progressive abolition of restrictions shall be dependent upon coordination of the conditions for their exercise in the various Member States.
Pri zdravstvenih delavcih, zdravstvenih sodelavcih in farmacevtih je postopno odpravljanje omejitev odvisno od uskladitve pogojev za njihovo opravljanje v posameznih državah članicah.
15 Končna redakcija
In the case of the medical and allied and pharmaceutical professions, the progressive abolition of restrictions shall be dependent upon coordination of the conditions for their exercise in the various Member States.'
Pri zdravstvenih delavcih, zdravstvenih sodelavcih in farmacevtih je postopno odpravljanje omejitev odvisno od uskladitve pogojev za njihovo opravljanje v posameznih državah članicah."
16 Končna redakcija
the progressive abolition of the residual duty shall take place during the second stage starting from the level of duty actually applied at the beginning of the second stage in accordance with a timetable to be determined.
se preostala dajatev postopno odpravi med drugo fazo, tako da se začne z ravnjo dajatve, ki se dejansko uporablja na začetku druge faze, po časovnem razporedu, ki bo določen.
17 Končna redakcija
By establishing a customs union between themselves Member States aim to contribute, in the common interest, to the harmonious development of world trade, the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade and the lowering of customs barriers.
Z medsebojno vzpostavitvijo carinske unije nameravajo države članice v skupnem interesu prispevati k usklajenemu razvoju svetovne trgovine, postopnemu odpravljanju omejitev v mednarodni trgovini in zmanjševanju carinskih ovir.
18 Končna redakcija
Customs duties on imports into the Member States of goods originating in the countries and territories shall be completely abolished in conformity with the progressive abolition of customs duties between Member States in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty.
Pri uvozu blaga s poreklom iz držav in z ozemelj v države članice se carine v celoti odpravijo skladno s postopno odpravo carin med državami članicami v skladu z določbami te pogodbe.
19 Končna redakcija
For the products referred to in Article 259, for which imports from third countries into the Community as at present constituted are subject to the application of customs duties, the following provisions shall apply with a view to a progressive abolition of those duties over the first and second stages:
Za proizvode iz člena 259, za katere je uvoz iz tretjih držav v Skupnost v sedanji sestavi predmet uporabe carin, se z namenom postopne odprave teh carin med prvo in drugo fazo uporabljajo naslednje določbe:
20 Končna redakcija
With a view to implementing paragraph 3 and to facilitating the progressive introduction of the Common Customs Tariff and the ECSC unified tariff by the Kingdom of Spain and the progressive abolition of customs duties between the Community as at present constituted and the Kingdom of Spain, the Commission shall determine, if necessary, the implementing provisions whereby the Kingdom of Spain alters its customs duties; those implementing provisions may not however entail any amendment to Articles 31 and 37.
Za izvajanje odstavka 3 in olajšanje postopne uvedbe skupne carinske tarife in enotne tarife ESPJ v Kraljevini Španiji ter postopne odprave carin med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Kraljevino Španijo Komisija po potrebi sprejme izvedbene določbe, s katerimi Kraljevina Španija spremeni svoje carine, ne da bi te določbe povzročile spremembe členov 31 in 37.
21 Končna redakcija
With a view to implementing paragraph 3 and to facilitating the progressive introduction of the Common Customs Tariff and the ECSC unified tariff by the Portuguese Republic and the progressive abolition of customs duties between the Community as at present constituted and the Portuguese Republic, the Commission shall determine, if necessary, the implementing provisions whereby the Portuguese Republic alters its customs duties; those implementing provisions may not however entail any amendment to Articles 189 and 197.
Za izvajanje odstavka 3 in olajšanje postopne uvedbe skupne carinske tarife in enotne tarife ESPJ v Portugalski republiki ter postopne odprave carin med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko republiko Komisija po potrebi sprejme izvedbene določbe, s katerimi Portugalska republika spremeni svoje carine, ne da bi te izvedbene določbe povzročile spremembe členov 189 in 197.
22 Končna redakcija
In respect of products not covered, on the date of accession, by a common organization of the market, the provisions of Title 1 concerning the progressive abolition of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties and of quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall not apply to those charges, restrictions and measures if they form part of a national market organization on the date of accession.
Za proizvode, ki ob datumu pristopa niso zajeti v skupni ureditvi trga, se določbe Naslova I o postopni odpravi dajatev z enakim učinkom kot carine ter količinskih omejitev in ukrepov z enakim učinkom ne uporabljajo za te dajatve, omejitve in ukrepe, če so na datum pristopa del nacionalne ureditve trga.
23 Končna redakcija
In respect of products not covered, on the date of accession, by a common organization of the market, the provisions of Title II concerning the progressive abolition of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties and of quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall not apply to those charges, restrictions and measures if they form part of a national market organization on the date of accession.
Za proizvode, ki ob datumu pristopa niso zajeti v skupni ureditvi trga, se določbe iz naslova II o postopni odpravi dajatev z enakim učinkom, kakor ga imajo carine, ter količinskih omejitev in ukrepov z enakim učinkom, ne uporabljajo za te dajatve, omejitve in ukrepe, če so na dan pristopa del nacionalne tržne ureditve.
24 Končna redakcija
In respect of products not covered, on 1 March 1986, by the common organization of markets, the provisions of Title II of Part Four concerning the elimination of charges having equivalent effect to customs duties and the progressive abolition of quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall not apply to those charges, restrictions and measures if they form part of a national market organization in Spain or in another Member State on the date of accession.
Za proizvode, ki 1. marca 1986 niso zajeti v skupno ureditev trgov, se določbe iz Naslova II četrtega dela o odpravi dajatev z enakim učinkom, kot ga imajo carine, ter postopni odpravi količinskih omejitev in ukrepov z enakim učinkom ne uporabljajo za te dajatve, omejitve in ukrepe, če so na dan pristopa del nacionalne ureditve trgov v Španiji ali kaki drugi državi članici.
25 Končna redakcija
by effecting the progressive abolition of restrictions on freedom of establishment in every branch of activity under consideration, both as regards the conditions for setting up agencies, branches or subsidiaries in the territory of a Member State and as regards the subsidiaries in the territory of a Member State and as regards the conditions governing the entry of personnel belonging to the main establishment into managerial or supervisory posts in such agencies, branches or subsidiaries;
postopno odpravljata omejitve glede svobode ustanavljanja v vseh zadevnih panogah, tako glede pogojev za ustanavljanje agencij, podružnic ali hčerinskih družb na ozemlju države članice in tudi glede pogojev za dostop osebja matičnega podjetja do vodilnih ali nadzornih delovnih mest v teh agencijah, podružnicah ali hčerinskih družbah;
26 Končna redakcija
In so far as progressive abolition of customs duties and quantitative restrictions between Member States may result in prices likely to jeopardize the attainment of the objectives set out in Article 39, each Member State shall, during the transitional period, be entitled to apply to particular products, in a non discriminatory manner and in substitution for quotas and to such an extent as shall not impede the expansion of the volume of trade provided for in Article 45 (2), a system of minimum prices below which imports may be either:
Če postopna odprava carin in količinskih omejitev med državami članicami privede do cen, ki bi lahko ogrozile doseganje ciljev iz člena 39, ima vsaka država članica v prehodnem obdobju pravico, da za posamezne proizvode nediskriminacijsko in kot nadomestilo za kvote ter toliko, kolikor to ne preprečuje povečevanja trgovine iz člena 452., uporablja sistem najnižjih cen, pod katerimi se lahko uvoz:
27 Končna redakcija
abolition of the Junta Nacional dos Produtos Pecuarios (JNPP) as a State body at the end of the first stage and the progressive liberalization of internal trade, imports and exports with a view to setting up an arrangement for free competition and free access to the Portuguese market;
ukinitev Junta Nacional dos Produtos Pecuarios (JNPP) kot državnega organa ob izteku prve faze in postopna liberalizacija notranje trgovine, uvoza in izvoza z namenom uvedbe sistema svobodne konkurence in prostega dostopa do portugalskega trga;
28 Končna redakcija
With regard to products indicated in the list appearing in Annex V, the exclusive import rights shall be abolished not later than 31 December 1991. The abolition of these exclusive rights shall be made by progressively opening, from 1 January 1986, import quotas for products from the present Member States.
Za izdelke s seznama v Prilogi V se izključne uvozne pravice ukinejo najpozneje 31. decembra 1991. Ukinitev teh izključnih pravic se izvaja od 1. januarja 1986 s postopnim odpiranjem uvoznih kvot za izdelke iz sedanjih držav članic.
29 Končna redakcija
Notwithstanding Article 35, the 8 % general preference applied in Greece to public contracts shall be progressively eliminated by the Hellenic Republic in accordance with the same timetable as that established in Article 25 for the abolition of customs duties on imports between Greece and the Community as at present constituted.
Ne glede na člen 35 Grčija 8 % splošni preferencial, ki se uporablja v Grčiji za javna naročila, postopno odpravi po enakem časovnem razporedu, kot je določen v členu 25 za odpravo carin pri uvozu med Grčijo in Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi.
30 Končna redakcija
In so far as movements of goods, services and capital are limited only by restrictions on payments connected therewith, these restrictions shall be progressively abolished by applying, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of this Chapter and the Chapters relating to the abolition of quantitative restrictions and to the liberalization of services.
Če je pretok blaga, storitev in kapitala omejen le z omejitvami nanj vezanih plačil, se te omejitve postopno odpravijo z uporabo, mutatis mutandis, določb tega poglavja in poglavij, ki se nanašajo na odpravo količinskih omejitev in na liberalizacijo storitev.
31 Končna redakcija
In so far as movements of goods, services, and capital are limited only by restrictions on payments connected therewith, these restrictions shall be progressively abolished by applying, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of the Chapters relating to the abolition of quantitative restrictions, to the liberalization of services and to the free movement of capital.
Če je pretok blaga, storitev in kapitala omejen le z omejitvami nanj vezanih plačil, se te omejitve postopno odpravijo s smiselno uporabo določb poglavij, ki se nanašajo na odpravo količinskih omejitev, liberalizacijo storitev in prosti pretok kapitala.
32 Končna redakcija
If the Commission finds that the application of the provisions of this Article, and in particular of the provisions concerning percentages, makes it impossible to ensure that the abolition of quotas provided for in the second paragraph of Article 32 is carried out progressively, the Council may, on a proposal from the Commission, acting unanimously during the first stage and by a qualified majority thereafter, amend the procedure laid down in this Article and may, in particular, increase the percentages fixed.
Če Komisija ugotovi, da je zaradi uporabe določb tega člena, zlasti določb glede odstotkov, nemogoče zagotoviti postopno odpravljanje kvot iz drugega odstavka člena 32, lahko Svet na predlog Komisije med prvo fazo soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino spremeni postopek iz tega člena, predvsem pa lahko poviša določene odstotke.
33 Pravna redakcija
The provisions concerning the progressive abolition of customs duties on imports shall also apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.
Določbe o postopnem ukinjanju carin pri uvozu se uporabljajo tudi za carine fiskalne narave.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2238
(1) The objectives of the Community include contributing to the harmonious development of world trade and to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade.
(1) Cilj Skupnosti je med drugim prispevati k usklajenemu razvoju svetovne trgovine in postopni odpravi omejitev mednarodne trgovine.
35 Pravna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 254/86 of 4 February 1986 laying down detailed rules for the progressive abolition of the quantitative restrictions applicable in the Member States other than Spain and Portugal for preserved sardines and tuna originating in Spain
UREDBA KOMISIJE (EGS) št. 254/86 z dne 4. februarja 1986 o podrobnih pravilih za postopno odpravo količinskih omejitev, ki se uporabljajo v državah članicah razen Španije in Portugalske za konzervirane sardele in tune, ki izvirajo iz Španije
36 Pravna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 254/86 of 4 February 1986 laying down detailed rules for the progressive abolition of the quantitative restrictions applicable in the Member States other than Spain and Portugal for preserved sardines and tuna originating in Spain (1) is hereby amended as follows:
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 254/86 z dne 4. februarja 1986 o podrobnih pravilih za postopno odpravljanje količinskih omejitev, ki se uporabljajo v državah članicah razen Španije in Portugalske za konzervirane sardele in tuna, ki izvirajo iz Španije fn, se spremeni, kakor sledi:
37 Pravna redakcija
The Council of Association shall, in accordance with the principles set out in Articles 13 and 14 of the Agreement of Association, determine the timetable and rules for the progressive abolition by the Contracting Parties, between themselves, of restrictions on freedom of establishment and on freedom to provide services.
Pridružitveni svet v skladu z načeli, določenimi v členih 13 in 14 Sporazuma o pridružitvi, določi rok in pravila za postopno odpravo omejitev na področju svobode ustanavljanja in svobode opravljanja storitev v pogodbenicah.
38 Pravna redakcija
The Council of Association shall, in accordance with the principles set out in Articles 13 and 14 of the Agreement of Association, determine the timetable and rules for the progressive abolition by the Contracting Parties, between themselves, of restrictions on freedom of establishment and on freedom to provide-services.
Pridružitveni svet v skladu z načeli, določenimi v členih 13 in 14 Sporazuma o pridružitvi, določi časovne razporede in pravila za postopno odpravo omejitev na področju svobode ustanavljanja in svobode opravljanja storitev v pogodbenicah.
39 Pravna redakcija
to make efforts to ensure progress towards the progressive abolition of 'specific quantitative restrictions', namely those quantitative restrictions applied to imports originating in the USSR under Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83 which concern products other than those to which quantitative restrictions are applied under Regulation (EEC) No 288/82,
si bo prizadevala za zagotovitev napredka pri postopni odpravi "posebnih količinskih omejitev", to je tistih, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz iz ZSSR na podlagi Uredbe (EGS) št. 3420/83, ki se nanaša naizdelke, razen tistih, za katere se uporabljajo količinske omejitve na podlagi Uredbe (EGS) št. 288/82.
40 Pravna redakcija
In so far as movements of goods, services and capital are limited only by restrictions on payments connected therewith, these restrictions shall be progressively abolished by applying, mutatis mutandis, the provisions relating to the abolition of quantitative restrictions, the provision of services and to capital movements.
Če je pretok blaga, storitev in kapitala omejen samo z omejitvami plačil v zvezi z njimi, se te omejitve postopno odpravijo s smiselno uporabo določb o odpravi količinskih omejitev, zagotavljanju storitev in kapitalskih transakcijah.
41 Pravna redakcija
Customs duties on imports applicable in the Community to products originating in Romania listed in Annex IIb shall be progressively reduced, from the date of entry into force of the Agreement, by annual reductions of 20 % of the basic duty so as to arrive at total abolition by the end of the fourth year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
Carine pri uvozu, ki se v Skupnosti uporabljajo za izdelke s poreklom iz Romunije, naštete v Prilogi IIb, se od dneva začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma postopno znižujejo, in sicer vsako leto za 20 % osnovne dajatve, tako da se popolnoma odpravijo do konca četrtega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
42 Pravna redakcija
The products of Romanian origin listed in Annex III shall benefit from a suspension of customs duties on imports within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas or ceilings increasing progressively in accordance with the conditions defined in that Annex so as to arrive at a complete abolition of customs duties on imports of the products concerned at the end of the fifth year at the latest.
Izdelki s poreklom iz Romunije, našteti v Prilogi III, so upravičeni do opustitve carin pri uvozu v okviru letnih tarifnih kvot ali plafonov Skupnosti, ki se postopno povečujejo v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v navedeni prilogi, da bi se carine pri uvozu zadevnih izdelkov popolnoma odpravile najkasneje ob koncu petega leta.
43 Pravna redakcija
The products of Bulgarian origin listed in Annex III shall benefit from a suspension of customs duties on imports within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas or ceilings increasing progressively in accordance with the conditions defined in that Annex so as to arrive at a complete abolition of customs duties on imports of the products concerned by the end of the third year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
Za proizvode bolgarskega porekla, naštete v Prilogi III, velja opustitev carin pri uvozu v mejah letnih tarifnih kvot ali zgornjih mej Skupnosti, ki se postopno povečujejo v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v tej prilogi, tako da se carine pri uvozu zadevnih proizvodov v celoti odpravijo do konca tretjega leta po dnevu začetka veljavnosti sporazuma.
44 Pravna redakcija
The products of Romanian origin listed in Annex III shall benefit from a suspension of customs duties on imports within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas or ceilings increasing progressively in accordance with the conditions defined in that Annex so as to arrive at a complete abolition of customs duties on imports of the products concerned by the end of the second year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
Za izdelke romunskega porekla, naštete v Prilogi III, velja opustitev carin pri uvozu v mejah letnih tarifnih kvot ali plafonov Skupnosti, ki se postopno povečujejo v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v navedeni prilogi, tako da se carine pri uvozu zadevnih izdelkov v celoti odpravijo do konca drugega leta po datumu začetka veljavnosti sporazuma.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2238
The objectives of the Community include contributing to the harmonious development of world trade and to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade.
Cilj Skupnosti je med drugim prispevati k usklajenemu razvoju svetovne trgovine in postopni odpravi omejitev mednarodne trgovine.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2271
Whereas the objectives of the Community include contributing to the harmonious development of world trade and to the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade;
ker je eden od ciljev Skupnosti prispevati k usklajenemu razvoju svetovne trgovine in postopnemu odpravljanju omejitev mednarodne trgovine;
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R0254
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 254/86 of 4 February 1986 laying down detailed rules for the progressive abolition of the quantitative restrictions applicable in the Member States other than Spain and Portugal for preserved sardines and tuna originating in Spain
UREDBA KOMISIJE (EGS) št. 254/86 z dne 4. februarja 1986 o podrobnih pravilih za postopno odpravo količinskih omejitev, ki se uporabljajo v državah članicah razen Španije in Portugalske za konzervirane sardele in tune, ki izvirajo iz Španije
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
On the basis of a report from the Commission, the Council shall review the abovementioned reduced rates and exemptions every five years and, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, shall where appropriate, adopt the measures required to ensure the progressive abolition thereof.
Svet na podlagi poročila Komisije vsakih pet let pregleda zgoraj navedene nižje stopnje in oprostitve ter po potrebi na predlog Komisije soglasno sprejme potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev njihove postopne odprave.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984R1262
Whereas the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, concluded at Geneva on 21 October 1982, introduces provisions intended to facilitate the international movement of goods, to contribute to the progressive abolition of barriers to trade and to promote the development of world trade, thus attaining objectives consistent with those of the commercial policy of the European Economic Community;
ker Mednarodna konvencija o uskladitvi mejnih kontrol blaga, sklenjena v Ženevi dne 21. oktobra 1982, uvaja določbe z namenom olajšati mednarodni pretok blaga, prispevati k postopni odpravi ovir za trgovanje in pospeševati razvoj svetovne trgovine, s čimer bi dosegla cilje, ki so skladni s cilji trgovinske politike Evropske gospodarske skupnosti;
50 Prevajalska redakcija
The products of Romanian origin listed in Annex III shall benefit from a suspension of customs duties on imports within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas or ceilings increasing progressively in accordance with the conditions defined in that Annex so as to arrive at a complete abolition of customs duties on imports of the products concerned by the end of the third year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
Carine pri uvozu izdelkov romunskega porekla, ki so navedeni v Prilogi III, se začasno opustijo v mejah letnih tarifnih kvot ali plafonov Skupnosti, ki se postopoma zvišujejo v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v navedeni prilogi, da bi dosegli popolno odpravo carin pri uvozu zadevnih izdelkov do konca tretjega leta po začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma.
Prevodi: en > sl
progressive abolition