Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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proposing organisation
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
The Government shall head, direct and coordinate the implementation of national policy determined by the National Assembly and ensure the implementation of laws, other regulations and general enactments of the National Assembly by adopting and proposing political, legal, economic, financial, organisational and other measures necessary for the execution of tasks within the competency of the State in individual areas.
Vlada vodi, usmerja in usklajuje izvajanje politike države, ki jo določa Državni zbor, ter zagotavlja izvajanje zakonov, drugih predpisov in splošnih aktov Državnega zbora s sprejemanjem in predlaganjem političnih, pravnih, ekonomskih, finančnih, organizacijskih in drugih ukrepov, ki so potrebni za izvajanje nalog iz državne pristojnosti na posameznih področjih.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
These reports shall deal with the qualitative, quantitative, operational, administrative and organisational aspects and should pinpoint shortcomings or weaknesses, whilst proposing solutions.
Ta poročila obravnavajo kakovostne, količinske, operativne, upravne in organizacijske vidike, prikazati morajo pomanjkljivosti in slabosti, hkrati pa predlagati rešitve.
3 Pravna redakcija
Where more than one Member State contributes to the financing, the share to be paid by each shall be proportionate to the financial contribution of the proposing organisation established in its territory.
Kadar k financiranju prispeva več kakor ena država članica, mora biti delež, ki ga plača vsaka država članica, sorazmeren finančnemu prispevku organizacije predlagateljice, ki ima sedež na ozemlju te države.
4 Pravna redakcija
However, where justified and provided that the programme is of manifest Community interest, it may be decided, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13(2), that the proposing organisation will be responsible for all the financing not supplied by the Community.
Če je utemeljeno in pod pogojem, da je program v očitnem interesu Skupnosti, se lahko odloči v skladu s postopkom iz člena 13(2), da bo organizacija predlagateljica odgovorna za celotno financiranje, ki ga Skupnost ne preskrbi.
5 Pravna redakcija
The proposing trade federations or interbranch organisations shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the programmes selected.
Trgovinska združenja ali medpanožne organizacije so odgovorne za primerno izvajanje izbranih programov.
6 Pravna redakcija
as a general rule, so that proposing organisations and Member States assume their responsibilities, the Community should meet only part of the cost of actions.
praviloma tako, da organizacije predlagateljice in države članice prevzamejo svojo odgovornost, Skupnost naj bi plačala le del stroškov za akcije.
7 Pravna redakcija
These reports shall deal with the qualitative, quantitative, operational, administrative and organisational aspects and should pinpoint shortcomings or weaknesses, whilst proposing solutions.
Ta poročila obravnavajo kvalitativne, kvantitativne, operativne, upravne in organizacijske vidike, prikazati morajo pomanjkljivosti in slabosti, hkrati pa predlagati rešitve.
8 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to paragraph 4, Member States shall fund 20 % of the actual cost of the actions referred to in paragraph2, the rest of the financing being borne by the proposing organisations.
Brez vpliva na odstavek 4, države članice krijejo 20 % dejanskih stroškov akcij iz odstavka 2, ostalo financiranje pa nosijo organizacije predlagateljice.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2879
assurances that the proposing organisations are effective and representative,
zagotovila, da so organizacije predlagateljice učinkovite in reprezentativne,
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2826
Without prejudice to paragraph 4, Member States shall fund 20 % of the actual cost of the actions referred to in paragraph 2, the rest of the financing being borne by the proposing organisations. The payments made by Member States and/or trade or inter-trade organisations may come from parafiscal charges. 3. However, where justified and provided that the programme is of manifest Community interest, it may be decided, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13(2), that the proposing organisation will be responsible for all the financing not supplied by the Community.
Brez vpliva na odstavek 4, države članice krijejo 20 % dejanskih stroškov akcij iz odstavka 2, ostalo financiranje pa nosijo organizacije predlagateljice. Plačila, ki jih izvedejo države članice in/ali gospodarske ali medgospodarske organizacije lahko prihajajo iz davkom podobnih dajatev.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2879
The proposing trade or intertrade organisations shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the programmes selected.
Panožna ali krovna organizacija predlagateljica je odgovorna za pravilno izvajanje izbranih programov.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2826
Financing rules must be set: as a general rule, so that proposing organisations and Member States assume their responsibilities, the Community should meet only part of the cost of actions.
Določiti je treba pravila o financiranju: praviloma tako, da organizacije predlagateljice in države članice prevzamejo svojo odgovornost, Skupnost naj bi plačala le del stroškov za akcije.
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proposing organisation