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public attendance
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) Provisions of this Act referring to distance contracts shall not apply to 1. contracts for the construction and the sale of real estate and contracts bestowing other rights to real estate with the exception of rental contracts 2. timeshare contracts for real estate whose terms fall under the provisions of Articles 59 to 60e inclusive of this Act 3. contracts for the sale of food, beverages and other goods intended for everyday use, which the seller delivers to the home, temporary residence or place of work of the consumer 4. contracts for financial services, such as banking services, dealings with securities and insurance services 5. contracts for accommodation, transport, catering services, the delivery of food and beverages, attendance of events and leisure time services, where the enterprise shall commit to fulfil its obligations on a specified moment or within specified period of time 6. contracts concluded - with the aid of vending machines - with operators offering telecommunication services while using public telephones - at public auctions.
(1) Določila tega zakona o pogodbah, sklenjenih na daljavo, se ne uporabljajo za: pogodbe o gradnji in prodaji nepremičnin ter pogodbe o drugih pravicah na nepremičninah razen oddaje v najem; pogodbe o časovnem zakupu nepremičnin, ki so urejene z določbami od 59. do 60.e člena tega zakona; pogodbe o prodaji hrane, pijače ali drugega blaga, ki je namenjeno vsakodnevni porabi in ga potrošniku na dom, njegovo prebivališče ali njegovo delovno mesto dobavljajo prodajalci; pogodbe o nastanitvi, prevozu, gostinskih storitvah, dobavi hrane in pijače, obisku prireditev in storitvah za prosti čas, kjer se podjetje zaveže, da bo izpolnilo svojo obveznost v točno določenem trenutku ali v točno določenem roku; pogodbe, ki so sklenjene: - s pomočjo prodajnih avtomatov; - z operaterji telekomunikacij ob uporabi javnih telefonskih govorilnic; - na javni dražbi.
Prevodi: en > sl
public attendance