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purchase or selling prices
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
(a) directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions;
(a) neposredno ali posredno določajo nakupne ali prodajne cene ali druge pogoje poslovanja;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions;
(a) neposredno ali posredno določanje nepoštenih nakupnih ali prodajnih cen ali drugih nepoštenih pogojev poslovanja;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(a) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions;
a) neposredno ali posredno določanje nepoštenih nakupnih ali prodajnih cen ali drugih nepoštenih pogojev poslovanja;
4 Končna redakcija
directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices, or other trading conditions;
- neposredno ali posredno določati nakupne ali prodajne cene ali druge poslovne pogoje;
5 Končna redakcija
directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices, or other unfair trading conditions;
- posredno ali neposredno pogojevanje nepoštenih prodajnih ali nakupnih cen ali drugih nepoštenih pogojev;
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Sporazum o kmetijstvu
(f) marketing and promotion services, including market information, advice and promotion relating to particular products but excluding expenditure for unspecified purposes that could be used by sellers to reduce their selling price or confer a direct economic benefit to purchasers; and
(f) promocijske storitve in storitve trženja, vključno s tržnimi informacijami, nasveti in promocijo, ki se nanašajo na določene proizvode, vendar brez izdatkov za nedoločene namene, ki bi jih lahko prodajalci uporabili za znižanje njihove prodajne cene ali jih spremenili v neposredne koristi kupcem; in
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) A fine of not less than 1,000,000 tolars shall be imposed on an individual who commits an offence in connection with the independent performance of a professional activity, and no less than a fine of 3,000,000 tolars on a legal person 1. for not conducting business with consumers in the Slovene language or for not using their full registered company name and address in written communications to consumers, or for not using at least their abridged registered company name and address in written communications which are not intended for a particular individual consumer (first and second paragraphs of Article 2) 2. for not allowing, as a provider of information society services, for a simple direct and constant access to the data referred to in the third paragraph of Article 2 (third paragraph of Article 2) 3. for advertising goods or services in a manner which is in contrast with the law, indecent or misleading, or for not advertising goods or services in the Slovene language (Articles 12, 12a and 12b) 4. for advertising goods or services through a means of comparative advertising which is contrary to provisions of this Act (Article 12c) 5. if the advertising of goods or services includes elements which cause or which could cause physical, mental or other harm to children, or elements which exploit or which could exploit their trusting nature or inexperience (Article 15) 6. for advertising messages which are part of or present a service of an information society and are not in accordance with Article 15a (Article 15a) 7. for failing to issue to the consumer, upon the conclusion of a contract for goods referred to in Article 15b, a warranty certificate, technical instructions and a list of authorised service agents, or if these documents are not entirely in the Slovene language and easily understandable (first and third paragraphs of Article 16) 8. for failing to provide repair and maintenance of a product for the period covered by a warranty or for its extended period, free of charge, and after that period for a charge, by providing this service itself or through an authorised representative (fourth paragraph of Article 16) 9. for failing to provide maintenance, replacement parts and attachable components also after the expiry of the warranty period (fifth paragraph of Article 16) 10.for failing, as a seller of residential or business property, to hand over to a purchaser, a warranty for all of the built-in products referred to in Article 15b, no later than at the handing over of the title of ownership of the property (eighth paragraph of Article 16) 11.for failing to include all the data referred to in the first paragraph of Article 18 of this Act in a warranty certificate 12.for acting as the producer in contrast with the first paragraph of Article 20 13.for not selling goods or providing services to consumers under equal conditions (second paragraph of Article 25) 14.if the highest percentage reduction on the price of goods offered in a clearance sale, declared as a percentage range, does not account for at least one-quarter of the value of all goods offered in the clearance sale (third paragraph of Article 28) 15.for failing to provide instructions for use in line with Article 33 of this Act for goods which, for their correct use require a certain procedure or which, if used incorrectly, could cause damage to the user or to others, or could pollute the environment 16.for failing, in the final computation, to calculate and pay to the consumer interest on the prepayment of goods or services at the interest rate applied by banks to deposits fixed for over three months (Article 41) 17.for failing to deliver goods in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity and at the agreed time with all the accompanying documentation, when delivery to the consumer's home or elsewhere has been arranged (first paragraph of Article 42) 18.for leaving goods at the door of the consumer's home in the case of home delivery (second paragraph of Article 42) 19.for failing with regard to a distance contract to provide the consumer with the data referred to in Article 43b of this Act on a relevant permanent data carrier within the prescribed times (Article 43c) 20.for not confirming, as a provider of information society services, orders in electronic format, other than exceptions stipulated by the law, or for not submitting the provisions of the contract in a form which will assure its preservation for later use (third paragraph of Article 43b) 21.for failing to return, in due time, all the payments made in the case where a consumer cancels a contract concluded at a distance or away from premises (first paragraph of Article 43d and fifth paragraph of Article 46c) 22.for using a call system without the mediation of an individual, facsimile transmission machine or electronic mail without prior consent from the consumer, to whom a message was addressed (first paragraph of Article 45a) 23.for sending messages to consumers with the intention of concluding a contract to supply goods or services, regardless of a consumer's declaration that he/she no longer wish to receive such mail (third paragraph of Article 45a) 24.for failing with regard to a contract negotiated away from the business premises to hand over to the consumer, in the prescribed period of time, a written notice containing at least the registered company name and address, the type and price of the goods and the rights of the consumer under the provisions of Article 46c of this Act, as well as place and date (Article 46b) 25.if the price for the delivery of energy or water to a consumer is not calculated according to the actual delivery, or if the measurement of the actual delivery of energy or water is not carried out in the prescribed manner (Article 48) 26.for failing to allow for the premature settlement of the outstanding balance of the purchase price, exclusive of contractual interest while buying on hire purchase (Article 51) 27.for not returning already paid instalments while buying on hire purchase with the legally prescribed belated interest due from the date of receipt of payment, as well as the unavoidable costs incurred for the goods (Article 54) 28.if a company organising group excursions and travel has failed to insure the travellers adequately (Article 58) 29.if a timeshare contract for tourist facilities is not made in writing (Article 60a) 30.if the contract does not include the prescribed data (Article 60b).
pogodba ne vsebuje predpisanih podatkov (60.b člen).
8 Pravna redakcija
directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions;
neposredno ali posredno določajo nakupne ali prodajne cene ali katere koli druge trgovinske pogoje;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1726
The cost to the enterprise is determined by the difference between the purchase price and the selling or transfer price.
Strošek za podjetje se določi z razliko med nakupno ceno in prodajno ali transferno ceno.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
and/or VAT other than that mentioned under (i), paid on purchases for which farmers subject to the flat-rate system are not fully compensated via the selling price or via reimbursement.
in/ali DDV, razen tistega, navedenega pod (i), plačan pri nakupih, za katerega kmetje, za katere velja pavšalni sistem, ne dobijo polnega nadomestila prek prodajne cene ali vračila.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0594
The operative event for the conversion rate applicable to the selling prices fixed in advance according to Article 9(7) of Regulation (EC) No 2201/96 for dried grapes and dried figs held by the storage agencies shall fall on the day on which the purchaser takes over the products, or on the day of payment if this takes place first.
Datum uveljavitve za menjalni tečaj, ki se uporablja za vnaprej določene prodajne cene v skladu s členom 9(7) Uredbe (ES) št. 2201/96 za rozine in suhe fige, ki jih imajo skladiščne službe, je datum, na katerega kupec prevzame proizvode ali datum plačila, če je slednji prej.
12 Pravna redakcija
An invoice or receipt shall be issued immediately following the sale referred to in paragraph 1, indicating the identity of the vendor and purchaser, the use to which the products are to be put, the selling price and the quantities concerned.
Račun ali potrdilo se izda takoj po opravljeni prodaji iz odstavka 1 z navedbo identitete prodajalca in kupca, predvidene uporabe proizvodov, prodajne cene in zadevnih količin.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
marketing and promotion services, including market information, advice and promotion relating to particular products but excluding expenditure for unspecified purposes that could be used by sellers to reduce their selling price or confer a direct economic benefit to purchasers; and
storitve trženja in pospeševanja, vključno s tržnimi informacijami, nasveti in pospeševanjem v zvezi s posameznimi izdelki, razen izdatkov za neopredeljene namene, ki jih lahko uporabijo prodajalci za znižanje njihove prodajne cene ali podelitev neposredne ekonomske koristi kupcem; in
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Such VAT payments represent (i) non- deductible VAT, i.e. VAT paid on purchases which farmers, irrespective of the system to which they are subject, may not deduct from the VAT invoiced on sales and for which there is thus no compensation; (ii) and/or VAT other than that mentioned under (i), paid on purchases for which farmers subject to the flat- rate system are not fully compensated via the selling price or via reimbursement.
Takšna plačila DDV predstavljajo (i) neodbitni DDV, se pravi DDV, plačan na nakupe, ki ga kmetje, ne glede na sistem, ki velja zanje, ne smejo odbiti od DDV, ki so ga obračunali pri prodaji in za katerega torej ni nadomestila; (ii) in/ali DDV, razen tistega, navedenega pod (i), plačan pri nakupih, za katerega kmetje, za katere velja pavšalni sistem, ne dobijo polnega nadomestila prek prodajne cene ali vračila.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
As regards the level of trade adjustment, the further analysis confirmed firstly, that, as described in recital 93 of the provisional Regulation, the selling price to wholesalers or to users does not depend on the type of customer but rather on the purchased volumes, and secondly, that the two levels of trade are not clearly separated and that there is no clear price difference between them.
V zvezi s prilagoditvijo glede obsega trgovine je nadaljnja analiza najprej potrdila, da, kot je opisano v uvodni izjavi 93 začasne uredbe, prodajna cena za trgovce na debelo ali uporabnike ni odvisna od vrste kupca, temveč bolj od nabavljenih količin, in drugič, da oba obsega trgovine med seboj nista jasno ločena in da med njima ni jasne razlike v ceni.
16 Pravna redakcija
The operative event for the agricultural conversion rate applicable to the selling prices fixed in advance pursuant to Article 9(7) of Regulation (EC) No 2201/96 for unprocessed dried grapes and figs held by the storage agencies, shall be the day of take over of the products by the purchaser, or of payment if it takes place prior thereto.
Datum uveljavitve kmetijskega menjalnega tečaja, ki se uporablja za vnaprej določene prodajne cene, na podlagi člena 9(7) Uredbe (ES) št. 2201/96, za nepredelano suho grozdje in fige, ki so skladiščene pri skladiščnih agencijah, je datum, ko kupec prevzame pridelke, ali pa datum plačila, kadar je bilo le-to opravljeno pred prevzemom.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
and/or VAT other than that mentioned under (i), paid on purchases for which farmers subject to the flat-rate system are not fully compensated via the selling price or via reimbursement.
in/ali DDV, razen tistega, navedenega pod (i), plačan pri nakupih, za katerega kmetje, za katere velja pavšalni sistem, ne dobijo polnega nadomestila prek prodajne cene ali vračila.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
marketing and promotion services, including market information, advice and promotion relating to particular products but excluding expenditure for unspecified purposes that could be used by sellers to reduce their selling price or confer a direct economic benefit to purchasers;
promocijske storitve in storitve trženja, vključno s tržnimi informacijami, nasveti in promocijo, ki se nanašajo na določene proizvode, vendar brez izdatkov za nedoločene namene, ki bi jih lahko prodajalci uporabili za znižanje njihove prodajne cene ali jih spremenili v neposredne koristi kupcem;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2273
"stabilisation" means any purchase or offer to purchase relevant securities, or any transaction in associated instruments equivalent thereto, by investment firms or credit institutions, which is undertaken in the context of a significant distribution of such relevant securities exclusively for supporting the market price of these relevant securities for a predetermined period of time, due to a selling pressure in such securities;
"stabilizacija" pomeni vsak nakup ali ponudbo za nakup zadevnih vrednostnih papirjev ali vsako poslovanje s povezanimi instrumenti, ki so jim enakovredni, s strani investicijskih podjetij ali kreditnih institucij, ki se izvaja v okviru večje distribucije takih zadevnih vrednostnih papirjev izključno z namenom podpreti tržno ceno teh zadevnih vrednostnih papirjev v vnaprej določenem obdobju zaradi pritiska na prodajo teh vrednostnih papirjev;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0594
The operative event for the conversion rate applicable to the selling prices fixed in advance according to Article 9(7) of Regulation (EC) No 2201/96 for dried grapes and dried figs held by the storage agencies shall fall on the day on which the purchaser takes over the products, or on the day of payment if this takes place first.
Datum uveljavitve za menjalni tečaj, ki se uporablja za vnaprej določene prodajne cene v skladu s členom 9(7) Uredbe (ES) št. 2201/96 za rozine in suhe fige, ki jih imajo skladiščne službe, je datum, na katerega kupec prevzame proizvode ali datum plačila, če je slednji prej.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0005
selling price shall mean everything which constitutes the consideration, which has been, or is to be, obtained by the taxable dealer from the purchaser or a third party, including subsidies directly linked to that transaction, taxes, duties, levies and charges and incidental expenses such as commission, packaging, transport and insurance costs charged by the taxable dealer to the purchaser but excluding the amounts referred to in Article 11 (A) (3),
prodajna cena pomeni vse, kar predstavlja plačilo, ki ga je ali ga bo obdavčljiv preprodajalec prejel od kupca ali tretje osebe, vključno s subvencijami, neposredno povezanimi s to transakcijo, davki, dajatvami, prelevmani in taksami ter postranskimi stroški, kot so provizije, stroški embaliranja, prevoza in zavarovanja, ki jih obdavčljiv preprodajalec zaračuna kupcu, razen zneskov iz člena 11(A)(3),
22 Prevajalska redakcija
However, the primary concerns in the context of buying power are that lower prices may not be passed on to customers further downstream and that it may cause cost increases for the purchasers' competitors on the selling markets because either suppliers will try to recover price reductions for one group of customers by increasing prices for other customers or competitors have less access to efficient suppliers.
Vendar je glavni pomislek v okviru kupne moči ta, da bi se lahko zgodilo, da nižjih cen ne bi bili deležni tudi odjemalci, ki sledijo v prodajni verigi, in da bi se lahko povišale cene za konkurente kupcev na prodajnih trgih, ker bi si dobavitelji skušali povrniti znižanje cen za eno skupino odjemalcev s povečanjem cen za druge odjemalce ali zato, ker imajo konkurenti manjši dostop do učinkovitih dobaviteljev.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1805
If the purchaser provides proof within six months from the day on which the contract of sale was concluded that the products purchased were placed in free circulation in the non-member country where they were stored or in another non-member country, the difference between the amount of the refund applicable for the non-member country where the products were placed in free circulation and the amount of the lowest refund shall be deducted from the selling price as specified in paragraph 1.
Če kupec v roku šest mesecev od dneva sklenitve prodajne pogodbe predloži dokazilo, da so bili kupljeni proizvodi dani v prosti promet v državi, ki ni članica Skupnosti, v kateri so bili uskladiščeni, ali v drugi državi, ki ni članica Skupnosti, se razliko med višino nadomestila, ki velja za državo nečlanico, v kateri so bili proizvodi dani v prosti promet, in višino najnižjega nadomestila, odšteje od prodajne cene, kakor je opredeljeno v odstavku 1.
Prevodi: en > sl
purchase or selling prices