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put at the disposal
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
If strike teams or self-contained units are put at the disposal of the Lead State, the assisting Party will issue instructions to their respective team Leaders and unit Commanders, who will then exercise tactical command over the details of the operations.
Če se dajo vodilni državi na razpolago skupine za hitro posredovanje ali samostojne enote, daje pogodbenica, ki pomaga, navodila svojim vodjem skupin in poveljnikom enot, ki nato taktično poveljujejo pri podrobnostih ukrepov.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
(5) In order to maintain unchanged the amount of financial resources put at the disposal of the Communities, it is appropriate to adapt those ceilings expressed in per cent of GNI in case of modifications to the ESA 95 which entail a significant change in the level of GNI.
(5) Zaradi ohranjanja enake ravni zneska finančnih virov sredstev, ki so dani na razpolago Skupnostma, je primerno prilagoditi zgornje meje, izražene v odstotkih glede na BND v primeru sprememb ESA 95, ki povzročajo znatno spremembo BND.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
(4) In view of the changeover from ESA 79 to ESA 95 for budgetary and own resources purposes, and in order to maintain unchanged the amount of financial resources put at the disposal of the Communities the Commission recalculated, in accordance with Article 3(1) and 3(2) of Council Decision 2000/597/EC, Euratom of 29 September 2000 on the system of the European Communities' own resources(15), the ceiling of own resources and the ceiling for appropriations for commitments, expressed to two decimal places, on the basis of the formula in that Article.
(4) Glede na prehod z ESA 79 na ESA 95 za namene proračunskih sredstev in virov lastnih sredstev ter zaradi ohranjanja enake ravni zneska finančnih virov sredstev, ki so dani na razpolago Skupnostim, je Komisija v skladu s formulo iz člena 3(1) in 3(2) Sklepa Sveta 2000/597/ES, Euratom z dne 29. septembra 2000 o sistemu virov lastnih sredstev Evropskih skupnosti(5) ponovno izračunala zgornjo mejo lastnih sredstev in sredstev za prevzem obveznosti, izraženo na dve decimalni mesti natančno.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 The person entitled may, without being required to furnish other proof, consider a vehicle as lost when he has asked the rail transport undertaking to which he provided the vehicle for use as a means of transport, to have a search for the vehicle carried out and if the vehicle has not been put at his disposal within three months following the day of receipt of his request or else when he has not received any indication of the place where the vehicle is situated.
Upravičenec lahko ima vagon brez dodatnega dokazovanja za izgubljenega, če je pri železniškem prevoznem podjetju, kateremu je dal vagon na razpolago, da ga uporablja kot prevozno sredstvo, zahteval preiskavo in mu vagon v treh mesecih po vložitvi te zahteve ni bil dan na razpolago oziroma ni prejel nobenega obvestila o tem, kje je vagon.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Specially, knowledge about relevant interfaces between already installed equipment and new equipment to be purchased shall be put at the disposal of all the interested suppliers.
Na razpolago vseh zainteresiranih dobaviteljev se da predvsem znanje o ustreznih vmesnikih med že nameščeno opremo in novo opremo, ki se bo kupila.
6 Končna redakcija
the value of special fissile materials left in the possession of or put at the disposal of a Member State, person or undertaking shall be credited to the Community and debited to that Member State, person or undertaking;
vrednost posebnih cepljivih snovi, prepuščenih v posest ali danih na razpolago državi članici, osebi ali podjetju, se knjiži v dobro Skupnosti in v breme te države članice, osebe ali podjetja;
7 Končna redakcija
A similar entry shall be made when a Member State, person or undertaking restores to the Community special fissile materials previously left in the possession of or put at the disposal of that State, person or undertaking.
Podobna vknjižba se opravi, ko država članica, oseba ali podjetje vrne Skupnosti posebne cepljive snovi, ki so bile tej državi, osebi ali podjetju prej prepuščene v posest ali dane na razpolago.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Also included is land belonging to another holding but worked by the holding under survey in return for a certain number of hours of labour but not land put at the disposal of a farm-worker as a form of wage (As opposed to the case of land put at the disposal of a farm worker as a form of wage, which generally remains within the crop rotation system of the holding, a tenancy agreement of the type envisaged here will specify not merely the area of land concerned but also where it is and its exact boundaries).
Vključena so tudi zemljišča, ki pripadajo drugemu kmetijskemu gospodarstvu, vendar jih obdeluje popisano kmetijsko gospodarstvo v zameno za določeno število ur dela, ne pa zemljišča, ki so dana na razpolago kmetijskim delavcem kot oblika plače (v nasprotju s primerom zemljišč, ki so dana na razpolago kmetijskemu delavcu kot oblika plače in navadno ostane v sistemu kolobarjenja kmetijskega gospodarstva, najemna pogodba tukaj predvidenega tipa ne določa samo področja zadevnega zemljišča, ampak tudi, kje je in njegove natančne meje).
9 Končna redakcija
adopt measures allowing Europol to ask the competent authorities of the Member States to conduct and coordinate their investigations in specific cases and to develop specific expertise which may be put at the disposal of Member States to assist them in investigating cases of organised crime;
sprejema ukrepe, ki Europolu omogočajo, da pristojne organe držav članic zaprosi za vodenje in usklajevanje njihovih preiskav v posebnih primerih in da razvija posebna strokovna znanja, ki jih lahko da na razpolago državam članicam in jim s tem pomaga pri preiskovanju primerov organiziranega kriminala;
10 Končna redakcija
whereas it has furthermore put the staff directly at the disposal of the States in receipt of Community aid;
ker je osebje neposredno na voljo državam, ki prejemajo pomoč Skupnosti;
11 Končna redakcija
We will put at their disposal space comprising eight studios in which we will host the artists for half a year.
Na razpolago jim bomo dali prostore, osem ateljejev, v katerih bomo umetnike gostili po pol leta.
12 Končna redakcija
to put at its disposal the standards and the appropriate means in material and assisting personnel for the performance of the verification.
da ji za izvedbo overitve na dá voljo etalone in ustrezna sredstva v materialu ter pomožno osebje.
13 Končna redakcija
The metrological service may require the applicant to put at its disposal the standards and the appropriate means in material and assisting personnel for the performance of the approval tests.
Meroslovna služba lahko od vložnika zahteva, da ji za izvedbo odobritvenih preskusov dá na voljo etalone in ustrezna sredstva v materialu ter pomožno osebje.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
The Agency shall be responsible for coordinating the existing scientific resources put at its disposal by Member States for the evaluation, supervision and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products.
Agencija je odgovorna za koordiniranje obstoječih znanstvenih virov, ki so jih države članice dale na voljo zaradi vrednotenja, nadzora in farmakovigilance zdravil.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0484
in that Member State lawfully employs drivers who are nationals of non-member countries or lawfully uses drivers who are nationals of non-member countries put at his disposal in accordance with the conditions of employment and of vocational training laid down in that same Member State:
v navedeni državi članici zakonito zaposluje voznike, ki so državljani držav nečlanic, ali uporablja voznike, državljane držav nečlanic, ki so mu na voljo v skladu s pogoji zaposlitve in poklicnega usposabljanja, določenimi v navedeni državi članici:
16 Končna redakcija
Whereas sales under this Regulation at prices fixed in advance should be governed by the provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 216/69 of 4 February 1969 laying down detailed rules for the disposal of frozen beef purchased by the intervention agencies, subject to certain special exceptions on account of the particular use to which these products are to be put;
ker je potrebno prodajo v okviru določb te uredbe, po vnaprej določenih cenah, voditi po določbah Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 216/69 z dne 4. februarja 1969 o natančnih navodilih za predelavo zmrznjenega govejega mesa, ki so ga odkupile intervencijske agencije in ki je predmet posebnih izjem na račun posebne uporabe, ki so ji ti proizvodi namenjeni;
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0484
A driver attestation shall be issued by the Member State at the request of the holder of the Community authorisation for each driver who is a national of a non-member country whom he lawfully employs or who is lawfully put at his disposal in accordance with the laws, regulations or administrative provisions and, as appropriate, the collective agreements, in accordance with the rules applicable in that Member State, on the conditions of employment and of vocational training of drivers applicable in that same Member State.
Potrdilo za voznike izda država članica na zahtevo imetnika dovoljenja Skupnosti za vsakega voznika, ki je državljan države nečlanice in ga ta zakonito zaposluje ali mu je zakonito na voljo v skladu z zakoni ali drugimi predpisi in po potrebi v skladu s kolektivnimi pogodbami, glede na predpise, ki se uporabljajo v navedeni državi članici, o pogojih zaposlitve in poklicnega usposabljanja voznikov za opravljanje prevozov po cesti v navedeni državi.
18 Pravna redakcija
employed by Member States, and put at the disposal of the Commission on a temporary or ad hoc basis.
zaposlijo države članice in jih začasno ali priložnostno dajo na voljo Komisiji.
19 Pravna redakcija
This sum shall be put at the disposal of the Centre for Oceanographic Research of Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) which comes under the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA).
Ta znesek je na razpolago Centru za oceanografske raziskave Dakar - Thiaroye (CRODT), ki spada pod Senegalski inštitut za kmetijske raziskave (ISRA).
20 Pravna redakcija
The JRC's specialised know-how and techniques for Euratom nuclear safeguards could be put at the disposal of international efforts in non-proliferation of weapons for mass destruction.
Specializirano strokovno znanje in izkušnje SRS in tehnike zaščitnih ukrepov Euratoma bi bile lahko dostopne mednarodnemu prizadevanju za neširjenje orožja za množično uničevanje.
21 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Articles 718 (7), 719 (10) (b) and (11), 721 (5), 722 (3) and 723 (3) and (7), the means of transport referred to in (a) to (d) below shall not be lent, hired, pledged, transferred or put at the disposal of any person established in the Community.
Brez poseganja v člene 718(7), 719(10)(b) in (11), 721 (5), 722(3) in 723(3) in (7) prevoznih sredstev iz spodnjih točk (a) do (d) ni dovoljeno posoditi, oddati v najem, zastaviti, prepustiti ali dati v uporabo drugi osebi s sedežem na carinskem območju Skupnosti.
22 Pravna redakcija
'hired vehicle' means any vehicle which, for remuneration and for a determined period, is put at the disposal of an undertaking which engages in the carriage of goods by road for hire or reward or for its own account on the basis of a contract with the undertaking which makes the vehicles available.
"najeto vozilo" pomeni vsako vozilo, ki je na podlagi pogodbe s podjetjem, ki da vozilo na razpolago, za plačilo in za določeno časovno obdobje na voljo podjetju za opravljanje cestnih prevozov blaga za najem ali plačilo ali za lastne potrebe.
23 Pravna redakcija
It is appropriate to adapt these ceilings expressed as a percent of GNP in order to maintain unchanged the amount of financial resources put at the disposal of the Communities by establishing a formula for the determination of the new ceilings, in relation to GNP as defined for the present purposes, to be applied after the entry into force of this Decision.
ker je primerno te meje, izražene z odstotkom BNP, prilagoditi z uvedbo formule za določanje novih zgornjih meja glede na BNP, kakor je določen za te namene, ki naj bi se začela uporabljati po uveljavitvi tega sklepa, da bi tako znesek finančnih sredstev, ki so na razpolago Skupnosti, ostal nespremenjen;
24 Pravna redakcija
make recommendations on the use of Community funds available for the implementation of the objectives of this Agreement and, in respect of such funds as may be put at the disposal of the Joint Commission by the contracting parties in a jointly agreed manner and in accordance with their respective criteria, decide expenditure on relevant studies and activities,
izdela priporočila glede uporabe sredstev Skupnosti, ki so na voljo za izvajanje ciljev tega sporazuma in, glede na takšna sredstva, ki jih pogodbenici na osnovi skupnega dogovora in v skladu z njunimi merili dasta na razpolago Skupni komisiji, odreja izdatke za ustrezne študije in dejavnosti,
25 Pravna redakcija
We take note that the European Union is already contributing to the economic restructuring and the strengthening of democratic institutions in the region and is also prepared to put at the disposal of the countries concerned, in the framework of the existing Europe Agreements, other agreements and programmes, the appropriate support to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the Pact.
V vednost sprejemamo, da Evropska unija že sedaj prispeva k ekonomskemu prestrukturiranju in krepitvi demokratičnih institucij na omenjenem območju in da je v okviru obstoječih evropskih sporazumov, drugih sporazumov in programov državam pripravljena dati na voljo ustrezno podporo, da bi lažje dosegle cilje Pakta.
26 Pravna redakcija
In the case of means of rail transport referred to in Article 721 and pallets referred to in Article 724 used jointly under an agreement, the procedure shall also be discharged when means of rail transport of the same type or pallets of the same type as or equivalent value to those which were put at the disposal of a person established in the customs territory of the Community are assigned to a permitted customs-approved treatment or use.
V primeru železniških prevoznih sredstev, navedenih v členu 721, pa tudi palet iz člena 724, ki se po pogodbi uporabljajo skupaj, se postopek zaključi tudi, ko se železniškim prevoznim sredstvom enakega tipa ali paletam enakega tipa ali enake vrednosti kakor tiste, ki so dane na razpolago osebam s sedežem na carinskem območju Skupnosti, dodeli carinsko dovoljena raba ali uporaba.
27 Pravna redakcija
The Agency shall be responsible for coordinating the existing scientific resources put at its' disposal by the competent authorities of the Member States for the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products.
Agencija je odgovorna za usklajevanje obstoječih znanstvenih virov, ki jih ji dajo na razpolago pristojni organi držav članic za vrednotenje in nadzor zdravil.
28 Pravna redakcija
Whereas sales under this Regulation at prices fixed in advance should be governed by the provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 216/69 of 4 February 1969 laying down detailed rules for the disposal of frozen beef purchased by the intervention agencies (7), subject to certain special exceptions on account of the particular use to which these products are to be put;
ker morajo prodajo, po tej uredbi, po vnaprej določenih cenah urejati določbe Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 216/69 z dne 4. februarja 1969 o podrobnih pravilih za prodajo zamrznjenega govejega mesa, ki so ga odkupili intervencijski organi( fn ), pri čemer se upoštevajo posebne izjeme na račun posebne uporabe, ki so ji ti proizvodi namenjeni;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
After the control, the bulk sample is put at the disposal of the trader or his representative.
Po kontroli se skupni vzorec da na voljo trgovcu ali njegovemu predstavniku.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0408
After the control, the bulk sample is put at the disposal of the operator or his representative.
Po pregledu je skupni vzorec na voljo izvajalcu ali njegovemu zastopniku.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0008
the complete data dossiers of the evaluation serving or having served for entry in Annex I, IA or IB shall be put at the disposal of the Committee referred to in Article 28(3).
dokumentacijo s popolnimi podatki o oceni, ki se uporablja ali se je uporabljala za vpis v Prilogo I, IA ali IB, se da na razpolago strokovnemu odboru, navedenemu v členu 28(3).
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1444
Also included is land belonging to another holding but worked by the holding under survey in return for a certain number of hours of labour but not land put at the disposal of a farm worker as a form of wage.
Zemljišča drugega gospodarstva, ki jih popisano gospodarstvo obdeluje kot protistoritev za določeno število ur dela, so tudi vključena, če delavec na kmetijskem gospodarstvu zanje prejme plačilo in ne zemlje.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0448
The Member States shall ensure that the necessary data or appropriate estimates for carrying out these calculations shall forthwith be put at the disposal of the national authority in charge of conducting the calculations referred to in Article 2(1).
Države zagotovijo, da so potrebni podatki ali ustrezne ocene za izvajanje teh izračunov takoj na voljo nacionalnim organom, zadolženim za vodenje izračunov iz člena 2(1).
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1444
As opposed to the case of land put at the disposal of a farm worker as a form of wage, which generally remains within the crop rotation system of the holding, a tenancy agreement of the type envisaged here will specify not merely the area of land concerned but also where it is and its exact boundaries.
V nasprotju z zemljišči, ki jih delavec na kmetijskem gospodarstvu prejme kot obliko plačila in ki so praviloma vključena v sistem kolobarjenja tega gospodarstva, pa tu predvidena zakupna pogodba ne določa samo površine zadevnega zemljišča, temveč tudi njegovo lokacijo in natančno razmejitev.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31964L0475
Whereas, however, it is indispensable that such annual statistics be put at the disposal of the Commission by all Member States in co-ordinated form, as regards concept and method, so that comparable results for the six Member States may be obtained following a similar breakdown by industrial sector;
ker je vendarle nujno, da tako letno statistiko vse države članice dajo na razpolago Komisiji v glede zasnove in metode usklajeni obliki, tako da se lahko pridobijo primerljivi rezultati za šest držav članic na podlagi podobne razčlembe po dejavnostih;
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2063
Whereas the Foundation provides an appropriate institutional framework whereby the Community's experience can be put at the disposal of all those States in order to cater for their requests - as expressed in the programming of Phare and Tacis assistance - in terms of development and of restructuring in the area of vocational training;
ker Ustanova zagotavlja ustrezen institucionalni okvir, s katerim se izkušnje Skupnosti lahko dajo na voljo vsem tem državam, da bi ustregli njihovim zahtevam - izraženim pri načrtovanju pomoči programov Phare in Tacis - za razvoj in prestrukturiranje na področju poklicnega usposabljanja;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974R1728
Whereas care must be taken to put the results of research in which the Community takes part at the disposal of the Community;
ker je treba poskrbeti, da so rezultati raziskav, pri katerih sodeluje Skupnost, na razpolago Skupnosti;
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
They must be kept at the disposal of the competent authorities for a period appropriate to the use to which the feedingstuffs are put.
Vzorci se hranijo določen čas, ki ustreza uporabi krme, in morajo biti na voljo pristojnim organom.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
The Agency shall be responsible for coordinating the existing scientific resources put at its disposal by Member States for the evaluation, supervision and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products.
Agencija je odgovorna za koordiniranje obstoječih znanstvenih virov, ki so jih države članice dale na voljo zaradi vrednotenja, nadzora in farmakovigilance zdravil.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2309
The Agency shall be responsible for coordinating the existing scientific resources put at its disposal by the competent authorities of the Member States for the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products.
Agencija je odgovorna za usklajevanje obstoječih znanstvenih virov, ki jih ji dajo na razpolago pristojni organi držav članic za vrednotenje in nadzor zdravil.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0174
This major consideration apart, there is a serious risk that Community producers put an end to production at one or more plants, if the anti-dumping measure were allowed to lapse and subsequently injurious dumping of large quantities of disposable flint lighters originating in Japan would occur.
Ne glede na ta pomemben premislek pa obstaja resna nevarnost, da bodo proizvajalci Skupnosti prenehali s proizvodnjo v enem ali več obratih, če bi dopustili, da protidampinški ukrepi prenehajo veljati in da se zaradi tega pojavi škodljiv damping velikih količin vžigalnikov na kresilni kamen za enkratno uporabo s poreklom iz Japonske.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
The manufacturer must have at his disposal a quality control laboratory having adequate staff and equipment to guarantee and check that the compound feedingstuffs containing premixtures comply with the specifications defined by the manufacturer and which will guarantee and check, in particular, the nature, content and homogeneity of the additives concerned in the compound feedingstuffs, and as low a level as possible of cross-contamination, as well as, in the case of feedingstuffs to be put into circulation, the contents as regards analytical constituents (Directive 79/373/EEC).
Proizvajalec mora imeti dostop do laboratorija za kontrolo kakovosti z ustreznim osebjem in opremo za jamstvo in preverjanje, da krmne mešanice, ki vsebujejo premikse, izpolnjujejo specifikacije, ki jih je določil proizvajalec, ter zlasti za jamstvo in preverjanje narave, vsebnosti in homogenosti ustreznih dodatkov v krmnih mešanicah ter za zagotovitev kar najnižje možne stopnje navzkrižne okužbe, pri krmilih za distribuiranje pa tudi vsebnost glede analitičnih sestavin (Direktiva 79/373/EGS).
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
The manufacturer must have at his disposal a quality control laboratory having adequate staff and equipment to guarantee and check that the compound feedingstuffs concerned comply with the specifications defined by the manufacturer and which will guarantee and check, in particular, the nature, content and homogeneity of the undesirable substances and products concerned in the compound feedingstuff, and as low a level as possible of cross-contamination as well as compliance with the maximum levels of undesirable substances and products as laid down in Directive 74/63/EEC and, in the case of feedingstuffs to be put into circulation, contents as regards analytical constituents (Directive 79/373/EEC).
Proizvajalec mora imeti na voljo ustrezno opremljen laboratorij za kontrolo kakovosti z ustreznim osebjem in opremo za jamstvo in preverjanje, da zadevne krmne mešanice izpolnjujejo specifikacije, ki jih je določil proizvajalec, ter zlasti za jamstvo in preverjanje narave, vsebnosti in homogenosti obravnavanih nezaželenih snovi in proizvodov v krmnih mešanicah ter zagotovitev najnižje možne stopnje navzkrižne okužbe, pa tudi skladnosti z najvišjimi mejnimi vrednostmi nezaželenih snovi in proizvodov iz Direktive74/63/EGS in pri krmi, ki se distribuira, vsebnosti glede analitičnih sestavin (Direktiva 79/373/EGS).
44 Prevod
CELEX: 31996R1292
The recipients shall be required to prove that they have made proper use of the means put at their disposal.
Od prejemnikov se zahteva, da dokažejo, da so primerno uporabili sredstva, ki so jih dobili na razpolago.
Prevodi: en > sl
put at the disposal