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Prevodi: en > sl
questioning of witness
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
The requested authority shall conduct or, if feasible and in accordance with national law, permit the requesting authority to conduct such inspections, verifications, fact-finding inquiries, or other investigative steps, including the questioning of experts, witnesses, and persons suspected of having committed a trans-border crime, as are necessary to execute a request.
Zaprošeni organ vodi, ali če je izvedljivo in v skladu z notranjim pravom, dovoli organu prosilcu, da opravlja take preglede, preverjanja, poizvedbe za ugotavljanje dejstev ali izvaja druge preiskovalne ukrepe, vključno z zasliševanjem izvedencev, prič in oseb, osumljenih čezmejnega kriminala, ki so potrebni za rešitev zaprosila.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-110
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in this Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami iz tega sporazuma.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-2
The Customs Authority of either Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries related to the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vsakršno potrebno preiskavo, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcije in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-111
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zahtevo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vsako potrebno preiskavo, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcije in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a customs offence, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zahtevo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih carinskih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcije in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
The Customs Authority of either Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcijske preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
The Customs Administration of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Administration of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a customs offence, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in this Agreement.
Carinska uprava ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinske uprave druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih carinskih prekrškov, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention of customs legislation, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice po zaprosilu carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
Prevodi: en > sl
questioning of witness