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quota scheme
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
in the second subparagraph, the words "or unemployment insurance" are inserted between "such a social security" and "scheme";
v drugem pododstavku se za besedilo "sistem socialne varnosti" doda "ali zavarovanje za primer brezposelnosti";
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0041
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
in paragraph 1a, first sentence, the words "he cannot be covered by any other public scheme of sickness insurance" are replaced by "he is not in gainful employment";
v odstavku 1a se v prvem stavku besedilo "se ne more vključiti v noben drug javni sistem zdravstvenega zavarovanja" nadomesti z "nima zaposlitve ali dela".;
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
in paragraph 1b, first sentence, the words "he or she cannot be covered by any other public scheme of sickness insurance" are replaced by "he or she is not in gainful employment";
v odstavku 1b se v prvem stavku besedilo "se ne more vključiti v noben drug javni sistem zdravstvenega zavarovanja" nadomesti z "nima zaposlitve ali dela";
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
The "Exchange Specification for the N13 Phase II Data Exchange System" (see the section on "Reference" below) should be referred to, for appropriate guidelines on the XML reporting scheme.
Za ustrezna navodila o shemi poročanja XML glejte "Specifikacija izmenjave za N13 Phase II Data Exchange System" (glej oddelek "Reference" v nadaljevanju.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
the words "who provides evidence that he cannot be covered by any other public scheme of insurance against the risks referred to in Article 28" are replaced by "who is not gainfully employed",
se besedilo "dokaže, da za primere iz člena 28 ne more dobiti pokritja iz kakega drugega javnega sistema zavarovanja" nadomesti z "nima zaposlitve ali dela",
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0118
The remaining percentage of on-the-spot checks shall be conducted throughout the retention period of one of those aid schemes."
Preostali delež kontrol na kraju samem se opravi v obdobju obvezne reje za vsaj enega od zadevnih programov pomoèi."
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1390
If, account having been taken of the periods thus completed, the person concerned does not satisfy the conditions for receipt of these benefits, these periods shall be taken into account for the granting of the benefits under the general scheme or, failing this, under the scheme applicable to manual or clerical workers, as appropriate, in so far as they have been completed under a scheme other than the abovementioned corresponding scheme and provided that the person concerned has also been insured under this general scheme or, failing this, under the scheme applicable to manual or clerical workers, as appropriate."
Če ob upoštevanju tako dopolnjenih dob oseba ne izpolnjuje pogojev za prejemanje teh dajatev, se te dobe upoštevajo za dodelitev dajatev v skladu s splošnim sistemom ali, v nasprotnem primeru, v skladu s sistemom, ki velja za fizične delavce ali uslužbence, kakor je ustrezno, če so bile dopolnjene v skladu s sistemom, ki ni zgoraj navedeni ustrezni sistem, in pod pogojem, da je bila oseba prav tako zavarovana po tem splošnem sistemu ali, v nasprotnem primeru, v skladu s sistemom, ki velja za fizične delavce ali uslužbence, kakor je ustrezno."
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
In such cases, moreover, contributions to the pension scheme shall be paid in full from the budget of the institution or body referred to in Article 1b.";
Poleg tega se v takem primeru prispevki v pokojninski sistem v celoti plačajo iz proračuna institucije ali organa iz člena 1b.";
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0016
Participation in appropriate proficiency testing schemes which comply with the "International Harmonised Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of (Chemical) Analytical Laboratories" (4) developed under the auspices of IUPAC/ISO/AOAC.
Sodelovanje pri ustreznih shemah za preskus strokovnosti, ki so v skladu z "International Harmonised Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of (Chemical) Analytical Laboratories" (Mednarodnim harmoniziranim protokolom za preskušanje strokovnosti (kemijskih) analitskih laboratorijev), (4) ki je bil pripravljen pod pokroviteljstvom IUPAC/ISO/AOAC.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
The said common rules and support schemes should be amended to allow their implementation in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia (hereinafter "the new Member States").
Navedena skupna pravila in sheme podpor je treba spremeniti zaradi njihovega izvajanja na Češkem, v Estoniji, na Cipru, v Latviji, v Litvi, na Madžarskem, na Malti, na Poljskem, v Sloveniji in na Slovaškem (v nadaljnjem besedilu "nove države članice").
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
In the case of aid schemes under Article 87 of the Treaty and aid granted by bodies designated by the Member States, "payments effected by final beneficiaries" means aid paid to individual recipients by the bodies which grant the aid.
V programih pomoči po členu 87 Pogodbe in pomoči, ki jo odobrijo organi, imenovani v državah članicah, "plačila končnih upravičencev" pomenijo pomoč, ki jo posameznim prejemnikom plačajo organi, dodeljevalci pomoči.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
The scheme is available to "manufacturer exporters with or without supporting manufacturer(s)/vendor(s), merchant exporters tied to supporting manufacturer(s) and service providers" (quoted from Chapter 5.2 of the 2002 to 2007 Export and Import Policy).
Shema je predvidena za "proizvajalce-izvoznike z ali brez spremljajočih proizvajalcev/prodajalcev, proizvajalce-izvoznike, vezane na spremljajoče proizvajalce in izvajalce storitev" (citirano po poglavju 5.2 Izvozne in uvozne politike od leta 2002 do 2007).
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
References to the legal basis for the investigated schemes (i) to (v) referred to in recital 24 are hereafter made in relation to the Export and Import Policy covering the period 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2007 and to the "Handbook of Procedures - 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2007" (Volume 1).
Sklici na pravno podlago za preiskovane sheme (i) do (v) iz uvodne izjave (24) se v nadaljnjem besedilu nanašajo na izvozno in uvozno politiko za obdobje od 1. aprila 2002 do 31. marca 2007 in na "Handbook of Procedures – 1. april 2002 - 31. marec 2007" (Zvezek 1).
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
The sectoral ceilings for partial implementation and/or the exclusion of certain sectors of the single payment scheme should be based on the quota, ceilings and quantities that were agreed in the accession negotiations.
Sektorske zgornje meje za delno izvedbo sheme enotnih plačil in/ali izključitev nekaterih sektorjev iz le-te morajo temeljiti na kvoti, zgornjih mejah in količinah, za katere je doseženo soglasje v pristopnih pogajanjih.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
After the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme according to Article 143b and where Article 67 is applied, the allocation of the individual ceilings to producers and the setting up of the national reserve referred to in the second subparagraph shall take place no later than the end of the first year of the application of the single payment scheme."
Po koncu obdobja uporabe sheme enotnih plačil na površino po členu 143b in kadar se uporablja člen 67, se najkasneje do konca prvega leta uporabe sheme enotnih plačil dodelijo individualne zgornje meje za proizvajalce in ustanovi nacionalna rezerva iz drugega pododstavka."
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
After the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme according to Article 143b and where Article 68(2)(a)(i) is applied, the allocation of the individual ceilings to producers and the setting up of the national reserve referred to in the second subparagraph shall take place no later than the end of the first year of the application of the single payment scheme."
Po koncu obdobja uporabe sheme enotnega plačila na površino po členu 143b in kadar se uporablja člen 68(2)(a)(i), se najkasneje do konca prvega leta uporabe sheme enotnih plačil dodelijo individualne zgornje meje za proizvajalce in ustanovi nacionalna rezerva iz drugega pododstavka."
18 Končna redakcija
By way of derogation from the second indent of Article 11(1), farmers in Lithuania who have been allocated a milk quota, shall be eligible for the early retirement scheme on condition that they are less than 70 years old at the time of the transfer.
Z odstopanjem od druge alinee člena 11(1) so kmetje v Litvi, ki jim je bila dodeljena kvota za mleko, upravičeni do sheme predčasnega upokojevanja, pod pogojem, da so v času prenosa mlajši od 70 let.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
In Article 103, the following paragraph is inserted after the first paragraph:"Alternatively, for any new Member State applying the single area payment scheme referred to in Article 143b in 2004 and opting for the application of Article 66, the regionalisation plan shall be established, according to objective criteria, not later than 1 August of the last year of application of the single area payment scheme.
V členu 103 se za prvim odstavkom vstavi naslednji odstavek: "Druga možnost je, da se za vsako novo državo članico - ki v letu 2004 uporablja shemo enotnih plačil na površino iz člena 143b in sklene uporabiti člen 66 - na podlagi objektivnih meril pripravi regionalizacijski načrt najkasneje 1. avgusta tistega leta, v katerem se začne uporabljati shema enotnih plačil na površino.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
in paragraph 1, the following subparagraphs are inserted after the first subparagraph:"The unmarried partner of an official shall be treated as the spouse under the sickness insurance scheme, where the first three conditions in Article 1(2)(c) of Annex VII are met.
za prvim pododstavkom odstavka 1 se dodata naslednja pododstavka: "Neporočeni partner uradnika se v sistemu zdravstvenega zavarovanja šteje kot zakonec, kadar so izpolnjeni prvi trije pogoji iz člena 1(2)(c) Priloge VII.
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quota scheme