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raising alcohol strength
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Grape must in fermentation extracted from raisined grapes: the product obtained from the partial fermentation of grape must obtained from raisined grapes, the total sugar content of which before fermentation is at least 272 grams per litre and the natural and actual alcoholic strength by volume of which may not be less than 8 % vol. However, certain wines that meet these requirements are not considered as grape must in fermentation extracted from raisined grapes.
Delno prevreti grozdni mošt iz sušenega grozdja: proizvod, dobljen z delnim vrenjem grozdnega mošta iz sušenega grozdja, ki ima skupno vsebnost sladkorja pred vrenjem najmanj 272 g na liter in naravni volumenski delež alkohola najmanj 8 % vol. Ne glede na to nekatera vina, ki izpolnjujejo te zahteve, ne veljajo za delno prevreti grozdni mošt iz sušenega grozdja.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
concentrated grape must or rectified concentrated grape must or partially fermented grape must, obtained from raisined grapes, for products to be listed and provided that the increase in the total alcoholic strength by volume of the wine in question is not more than 8 % vol.;
zgoščenega grozdnega mošta ali prečiščenega zgoščenega grozdnega mošta ali delno prevretega grozdnega mošta, dobljenega iz sušenega grozdja, za proizvode na seznamu in pod pogojem, da skupni volumenski delež alkohola takšnega vina ne presega 8 % vol.;
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
In no case shall the above mentioned processes have the effect of raising to more than 11,5 % vol. in wine-growing zone A, 12 % vol. in wine-growing zone B, 12,5 % vol. in wine-growing zones C I (a) and C I (b), 13 % vol. in wine-growing zone C II and 13,5 % vol. in wine-growing zone C III the total alcoholic strength by volume of the fresh grapes, grape must, grape must in fermentation, new wine still in fermentation, wine suitable for yielding table wine or table wine subjected to those processes.
V nobenem primeru zgoraj navedeni postopki ne smejo povišati skupnega volumenskega deleža alkohola za več kakor 11,5 % vol. v vinorodni coni A, za več kakor 12 % v vinorodni coni B, za več kakor 12,5 % vol. v vinorodni coni C I (a) in C I (b), za več kakor 13 % vol. v vinorodni coni C II in za več kakor 13,5 % vol. v vinorodni coni C III v svežem grozdju, grozdnem moštu, delno prevretem grozdnem moštu, delno prevretem mladem vinu, vinu, primernem za pridelavo namiznega vina, ali v namiznem vinu, obdelanem s tem postopkom.
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raising alcohol strength