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rate of increase
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0142
Rate of increase (in %)
Stopnja povečanja (v %)
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
(i) a significant rate of increase of dumped imports into the domestic market indicating the likelihood of substantially increased importation;
(i) znatno povečanje dumpinškega uvoza na domačem trgu, kar kaže na verjetnost splošnega povečanja uvoza;
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
(ii) a significant rate of increase of subsidized imports into the domestic market indicating the likelihood of substantially increased importation;
(ii) bistveno povečanje stopnje subvencioniranega uvoza na domači trg, ki kaže na možnost bistvenega povečanja uvoza;
4 Objavljeno
Ljubljana is an area of low birth rate, natural increase is hardly positive.
Ljubljana je območje z nizko rodnostjo in nizkim naravnim prirastkom.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(iii) the maximum continuous rating of the engine is increased by more than 10%.
(iii) se največja nazivna moč motorja poveča za več kot 10%.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
The difference between the employment and unemployment rates of women and men has increased during the last years.
Razlika med stopnjo delovne aktivnosti in brezposelnostjo žensk in moških se je v zadnjih letih povečala.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
2 to recognise the right of workers to an increased rate of remuneration for overtime work, subject to exceptions in particular cases;
2) delavcem priznavajo pravico do višjega plačila za nadurno delo, razen v določenih izjemnih primerih;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-99
iv) the fees will be subject to an automatic annual increase equal to the official French inflation rate of the previous calendar year.
iv) članarine se bodo samodejno letno povečevale v višini uradne francoske stopnje inflacije za prejšnje koledarsko leto.
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
Paragraph 6 of Article XXIV establishes the procedure to be followed when a Member forming a customs union proposes to increase a bound rate of duty.
Šesti odstavek XXIV. člena določa postopek, po katerem se je treba ravnati, ko država, ki sestavlja carinsko unijo, predlaga povišanje vezane carinske stopnje.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
the remaining 13 % in men and 10 % in women are the result of spreading of other more or less well-known factors which influence the increase of cancer rate.
preostalih 13 % pri moških in 10 % pri ženskah je posledica širjenja drugih, bolj ali manj znanih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na povečevanje incidence raka.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 114-2006
After the fiftieth ratification of or accession to the present Protocol, the number of the members of the Subcommittee on Prevention shall increase to twenty-five.
Po petdeseti ratifikaciji ali pristopu k temu protokolu se število članov v pododboru za preprečevanje poveča na 25.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Increase in the ratio of included adults at risk and groups with particular needs into collective health educational workshops and individual counsellings.
Povečanje deleža vključenih ogroženih odraslih in skupin s posebnimi potrebami v skupinske zdravstveno vzgojne delavnice in individualna svetovanja
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The rates of the customs duties thus introduced, increased or re-introduced may not exceed the customs duties applicable to third countries for these same products.
Stopnje tako uvedenih, povečanih ali ponovno uvedenih carin ne smejo presegati carin, ki se uporabljajo za iste proizvode za tretje države.
14 Objavljeno
The computer surveillance facilities the data analyses and improves responsiveness of ""Satellite infection control team"" to any increase in hospital infection rates.
Nadzor z računalniki danes močno olajša in pospeši obdelavo podatkov in omogoča hitrejše odzivanje Tima za nadzor bolnišničnih okužb v EIT na povečano število bolnišničnih okužb v intenzivni enoti.
15 Objavljeno
Over a period of 3 years, the rate of laparoscopic operations increased to 90-91% and the number of choledochotomies decreased, the overall number of cholecystectomies remaining unchanged.
Po treh letih so dosegli 90 do 91% laparoskopskih holecistektomij. Ob tem pada število holedohotomij, število samih holecistektomij pa se ni povečalo.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
After an additional sixty ratifications or accessions to the Convention, the membership of the Committee shall increase by six members, attaining a maximum number of eighteen members.
Po nadaljnjih šestdesetih ratifikacijah ali pristopih h konvenciji se odbor poveča za šest članov, tako da ga sestavlja največ osemnajst članov.
17 Objavljeno
In the period 1963-1967 the incidence rate were 30/100,00, in the period 1988-1990 the incidence were 60.5/100,00. The percentage of early breast cancer in Slovenia in last years was increased.
V obdobju 1963-1967 je bila groba incidenca raka dojk v Sloveniji 30/100.000, v obdobju 1988-1990 pa 65.5/100.000. odstotek zgodnjega stadija se je v zadnjih letih povečal.
18 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
(a) the average annual trade in the most recent representative three-year period, increased by the average annual growth rate of imports in that same period, or by 10 per cent, whichever is the greater; or
a) povprečje letne trgovine v zadnjem reprezentativnem triletnem obdobju, povečano za povprečno letno stopnjo rasti uvoza v istem obdobju ali za 10 odstotkov, kar je več; ali
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(a) to increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress and by ensuring the rational development of agricultural production and the optimum utilisation of the factors of production, in particular labour;
a) povečati kmetijsko produktivnost s pospeševanjem tehničnega napredka in zagotavljanjem racionalnega razvoja kmetijske proizvodnje ter z optimalno uporabo proizvodnih dejavnikov, zlasti delovne sile;
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
After year 1997, when less than 1000 cases of salmonelloses were registered, the number of notifications has started to increase, and in 2003 the incidence rate of notifiable diseases was already 200 per 100,000 inhabitants.
Po letu 1997, ko je bilo prijavljenih že manj kot 1000 primerov salmoneloz, je število prijav začelo naraščati in v letu 2003 je bila prijavna incidenčna stopnja že 200 na 100.000 prebivalcev.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
In particular the morbidity rate from intestinal communicable diseases which result from foodborne infections is on the increase (gastroenterocolitis of unknown etiology, salmonelloses, campylobacterioses, etc.)
Predvsem se povečuje obolevnost za črevesnimi nalezljivimi boleznimi, ki so posledica okužb s hrano (gastroenterokolitisi brez opredeljenega povzročitelja, salmoneloze, kampilobakterioze, itd.)
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
For the purposes of this Article ` a higher tax obligation of the company` means the imposition of new taxes, charges and duties and/or other similar payments and/or increase in tax rates and in the amount of charges and duties and/or other similar payments.
Za namene tega člena izraz »višja davčna obveznost podjetja« pomeni naložitev novih davkov, dajatev in pristojbin in/ali drugih podobnih plačil in/ali povečanje davčnih stopenj in zneska dajatev in pristojbin in/ali drugih podobnih plačil.
23 Objavljeno
Disclosure of material risk factors is particularly important when SOEs operate in newly de-regulated and increasingly internationalised industries where they are facing a series of new risks, such as political, operational, or exchange rate risks.
Objava podatkov o bistvenih dejavnikih tveganja je posebej pomembna, ko družbe v državni lasti poslujejo v nanovo dereguliranih in vse bolj internacionaliziranih industrijah, kjer se soočajo s celo vrsto novih tveganj, kot so politična, operativna ali tečajna.
24 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
During Stage 1 of this Agreement (from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement to the 36th month that it is in effect, inclusive) the level of each restriction under MFA bilateral agreements in force for the 12-month period prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall be increased annually by not less than the growth rate established for the respective restrictions, increased by 16 per cent.
Med prvo fazo tega sporazuma (od dneva začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO do vključno 36. meseca njegove veljavnosti) se raven vsake omejitve na podlagi dvostranskih sporazumov MFA, ki veljajo 12 mesecev pred začetkom veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO, vsako leto poveča vsaj za stopnjo rasti, ki je določena za posamezne omejitve, povečane za 16 odstotkov.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
Each Member shall examine periodically, in consultation with the representative organizations of employers and workers, the appropriateness of extending the period of leave referred to in Article 4 or of increasing the amount or the rate of the cash benefits referred to in Article 6.
Vsaka članica po posvetu z reprezentativnimi organizacijami delodajalcev in delavcev redno pregleduje ustreznost podaljševanja dopusta iz 4. člena ali povečevanja višine ali stopnje denarnih dajatev iz 6. člena.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
The measure of the rate of inflation to be used in determining the inflation factor shall be the weighted average of the annual rates of increase or decrease in the Consumer Price Indices of the States whose currencies comprise the Special Drawing Right mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 23.
Mera za stopnjo inflacije, ki se uporabi pri določanju faktorja inflacije, je tehtano povprečje letnih stopenj zvišanja ali znižanja indeksov gibanja maloprodajnih cen držav, katerih valute sestavljajo posebno pravico črpanja, omenjeno v prvem odstavku 23. člena.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
it is estimated than in 2004 around 9,500 persons will fall ill. In the past 11 years (from 1990 to 2001) the incidence of cancer in the Republic of Slovenia increased by 25 % in men, and by 30 % in women, and the mortality rate by 10 % in men and by 9 % in women.
V zadnjih 11 letih (od 1990 do 2001) se je incidenca raka v Republiki Sloveniji povečala za 25 % med moškimi in za 30 % med ženskami, umrljivost pa za 10 % med moškimi in za 9 % med ženskami.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Moderate-intensity physical activity is defined as activity which leaves the participant feeling sweaty and increases the breathing rate (a person is active at a level of 40-60 % of the aerobic capacity and burns 4-7 kcal per minute which is an equivalent to 3-6 MET).
Za zmerno intenzivno štejemo telesno dejavnost, pri kateri se posameznik nekoliko ogreje in rahlo zadiha (kar pomeni, da je aktiven na ravni 40-60 % aerobne kapacitete, pri njej porabi okoli 4-7 kilokalorij energije na minuto oziroma ustreza 3-6 MET).
29 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
Should the restraint measure remain in force for a period exceeding one year, the level for subsequent years shall be the level specified for the first year increased by a growth rate of not less than 6 per cent per annum, unless otherwise justified to the TMB.
Če omejitveni ukrep velja več kot eno leto, mora biti raven za naslednja leta raven, ki je določena za prvo leto, povečana najmanj za 6-odstotno letno stopnjo rasti, če ni drugače utemeljeno TMB.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The increase shall be determined by multiplying the respective amounts then prevailing by the ratio, within the expanded capital key, between the weighting of the entering national central banks concerned and the weighting of the national central banks already members of the European System of Central Banks.
Povečanje se določi z množenjem takrat veljavnih ustreznih zneskov z razmerjem znotraj razširjenega kapitalskega ključa - med ponderjem zadevnih vstopajočih nacionalnih centralnih bank in ponderjem nacionalnih centralnih bank, ki so že članice Evropskega sistema centralnih bank.
31 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
(a) there is an increase in the market share of the subsidized product; (b) the market share of the subsidized product remains constant in circumstances in which, in the absence of the subsidy, it would have declined; (c) the market share of the subsidized product declines, but at a slower rate than would have been the case in the absence of the subsidy.
(a) tržni delež subvencioniranega proizvoda se poveča; (b) tržni delež subvencioniranega proizvoda ostane enak v razmerah, ko bi se ta delež brez subvencije zmanjšal; (c) tržni delež za subvencionirani proizvod se zmanjša, vendar počasneje, kot bi se sicer zmanjševal, če subvencije ne bi bilo.
32 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
(j) The provision by governments (or special institutions controlled by governments) of export credit guarantee or insurance programmes, of insurance or guarantee programmes against increases in the cost of exported products or of exchange risk programmes, at premium rates which are inadequate to cover the long term operating costs and losses of the programmes.
(j) Če vlada (ali posebna ustanova, ki jo vlada nadzoruje) daje jamstva za izvozna posojila ali zavarovanja in zavarovanja ali jamstva proti naraščanju stroškov izvoženih proizvodov ali za prevzem tečajnih razlik po diskontnih stopnjah, ki ne pokrivajo dolgoročnih tekočih stroškov in izgub omenjenih programov.
33 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
In accordance with assumed international obligations the SO2 emissions should have been reduced by 30% by the end of 1993. In very unfavourable weather conditions the concentrations of harmful substances still exceed the critical levels at a number of exposed locations within the areas of influence of thermal power plants, increasing the mortality rate of the exposed population.
V skladu s prevzetimi mednarodnimi obveznostmi bi se morala do konca leta 1993 že zmanjšati za 30%. Na nekaterih izpostavljenih lokacijah na vplivnem območju termoelektrarn se ob najneugodnejših vremenskih razmerah še pojavljajo koncentracije škodljivih snovi v zraku, ki močno presegajo kritične imisijske koncentracije in utegnejo celo vplivati na povečano smrtnost izpostavljenega prebivalstva.
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 90-2008
Should the Amount to be Paid is not paid in full or in part as of the maturity date the respective outstanding balance of the Amount to be Paid shall bear the interest semi-annually from the date of signing of the present Agreement up to the date of actual payment at the rate equal to six-month U.S. dollars LIBOR determined by British Bankers' Association at 11.00 am London time, two business days prior to the date of commencement of the relevant interest period, increased by 0,5% p.a.
Če znesek za poravnavo na datum plačila ni plačan v celoti ali je plačan delno, se na neporavnani znesek obračunajo obresti, in sicer polletno, od dneva podpisa tega sporazuma do dneva dejanskega plačila po obrestni meri, ki je enaka obrestni meri LIBOR za šestmesečne depozite v USD, ki jo določi Britansko združenje bančnikov ob 11. uri dopoldne po londonskem času dva delovna dneva pred prvim dnem ustreznega časovnega obdobja, povečani za 0,5 odstotka.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
3 If the contributions payable by persons in a given Contracting State shall be reduced pursuant to paragraph 2, the contributions payable by persons in all other Contracting States shall be increased pro rata so as to ensure that the total amount of contributions payable by all persons liable to contribute to the Supplementary Fund in respect of the calendar year in question will reach the total amount of contributions decided by the Assembly.
3 Če se prispevki, ki jih plačajo osebe v dani državi pogodbenici, znižajo v skladu z drugim odstavkom, se prispevki, ki jih plačajo osebe v vseh drugih državah pogodbenicah, sorazmerno zvišajo, da se zagotovi, da skupna vsota prispevkov, ki jih plačajo vse osebe, ki so zavezane k plačilu prispevkov v Dopolnilni sklad, za zadevno koledarsko leto doseže skupno vsoto prispevkov, ki jih je določila Skupščina.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
1 In the case of a periodical payment to which this article applies, the rate of the benefit, increased by the amount of any family allowance payable during the contingency, shall be such as to attain, in respect of the contingency in question, for the standard beneficiary indicated in the Schedule appended to this part, at least the percentage indicated therein of the total of the wage of an ordinary adult male labourer and of the amount of any family allowances payable to a person protected with the same family responsibilities as the standard beneficiary.
Za redno izplačilo po tem členu mora biti znesek dajatve, povečan za družinske dajatve, ki se izplačujejo, dokler traja zavarovalni primer, tolikšen, da je za tipičnega upravičenca iz razpredelnice, priložene temu delu, vsaj enak odstotku iz razpredelnice glede na celotno plačo odraslega nekvalificiranega moškega delavca in na znesek družinskih dajatev, ki se izplačujejo zavarovani osebi, ki ima enake družinske odgovornosti kot tipični upravičenec.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
1 In the case of a periodical payment to which this article applies, the rate of the benefit, increased by the amount of any family allowances payable during the contingency, shall be such as to attain, in respect of the contingency in question, for the standard beneficiary indicated in the Schedule appended to this part, at least the percentage indicated therein of the total of the previous earnings of the beneficiary or his breadwinner and of the amount of any family allowances payable to a person protected with the same family responsibilities as the standard beneficiary.
Za redno izplačilo po tem členu mora biti znesek dajatve, povečan za družinske dajatve, ki se izplačujejo, dokler traja zavarovalni primer, tolikšen, da je za tipičnega upravičenca iz razpredelnice, priložene temu delu, vsaj enak odstotku iz razpredelnice glede na skupni prejšnji zaslužek upravičenca ali hranilca družine in na znesek družinskih dajatev, ki se izplačujejo zavarovani osebi, ki ima enake družinske odgovornosti kot tipični upravičenec.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
II.4.1 The PECS shall be financed through contributions by the ECS made in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Agency, which will be formalised through subscription by the Republic of Slovenia of the PECS Charter in accordance with the procedures referred to in paragraph II.2 the Republic of Slovenia will, for the management of the programme, cover the Agency's internal costs, at a fixed rate of 7% of the yearly financial contribution covered by the Charter, progressively increased each year with the aim of reaching full costs after the five-year period of the PECS.
II.4.1 Evropske sodelujoče države financirajo PECS s svojimi vložki v skladu s pravili in po postopkih agencije, kar se kaže z vpisanim vložkom Republike Slovenije v okvirnem programu PECS v skladu s postopki iz odstavka II.2; Republika Slovenija za vodenje programa krije notranje stroške agencije v višini 7-odstotne nespremenljive mere letnega finančnega vložka, zajetega v okvirnem programu, ki se vsako leto postopno povečuje, tako da se po petletnem obdobju PECS pokrijejo celotni stroški.
39 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-1002-2008-1
Should the Amount to be Paid is not paid in full or in part as of the maturity date the respective outstanding balance of the Amount to be Paid shall bear the interest semi-annually from the date of signing of the present Agreement up to the date of actual payment at the rate equal to six-month U.S. dollars LIBOR determined by British Bankers' Association at 11.00 am London time, two business days prior to the date of commencement of the relevant interest period, increased by 0,5% p.a. The last interest period would start from the maturity date and last up to the date of actual payment in full of the outstanding balance of the Amount to be Paid.
Če znesek za poravnavo na datum plačila ni plačan v celoti ali je plačan delno, se na neporavnani znesek obračunajo obresti, in sicer polletno, od dneva podpisa tega sporazuma do dneva dejanskega plačila po obrestni meri, ki je enaka obrestni meri LIBOR za šestmesečne depozite v USD, ki jo določi Britansko združenje bančnikov ob 11. uri dopoldne po londonskem času dva delovna dneva pred prvim dnem ustreznega časovnega obdobja, povečani za 0,5 odstotka. Zadnje obračunsko obdobje se začne z datumom plačila in se konča na dan celotnega dejanskega plačila neporavnanega dela zneska za poravnavo.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
ISP= estimated annual rate of Increase due to Seniority and Promotions
ISP = ocenjena letna stopnja rasti zaradi delovne dobe in napredovanj
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
In the following year, the rate of increase grew to around 16 % with imports increasing to 20335 tonnes in 2000/01.
Naslednje leto je odstotek povečanja narasel na okoli 16 %, ker se je uvoz povečal na 20335 ton v letu 2000/01.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The projected basic salary (PS) at retirement shall be calculated starting from the basic salary at 31 December of the previous year and taking into account the rate of annual increase in the salary scales and the estimated annual rate of increase due to seniority and promotions as follows:
Predvidena osnovna plača (PS) ob upokojitvi se izračuna iz osnovne plače na dan 31. decembra predhodnega leta in ob upoštevanju stopnje letne rasti plačnih lestvic ter ocenjene letne stopnje rasti zaradi delovne dobe in napredovanja, kakor sledi:
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Since the calculations shall be made in real terms, net of inflation, the rate of annual change in the salary scales and the annual rate of increase due to seniority and promotions shall be rates of increases net of inflation.
Ker se opravijo realni izračuni, brez inflacije, sta stopnja letne spremembe v plačnih lestvicah in letna stopnja rasti zaradi delovne dobe in napredovanj, stopnji rasti brez inflacije.
44 Končna redakcija
If, in respect of expenditure other than that necessarily resulting from this Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith, the actual rate of increase in the draft budget established by the Council is over half the maximum rate, the Assembly may, exercising its right of amendment, further increase the total amount of that expenditure to a limit not exceeding half the maximum rate.
Če pri odhodkih, ki ne izhajajo neizogibno iz te pogodbe ali iz aktov, sprejetih v skladu s to pogodbo, dejanska stopnja povišanja v predlogu proračuna, ki ga je pripravil Svet, presega polovico najvišje stopnje, lahko Skupščina ob uveljavljanju svoje pravice do sprememb dodatno poviša skupni znesek teh odhodkov do meje, ki ne presega polovice najvišje stopnje.
45 Končna redakcija
If, in respect of expenditure other than that necessarily resulting from this Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith, the actual rate of increase in the draft budget established by the Council is over half the maximum rate, the European Parliament may, exercising its right of amendment, further increase the total amount of that expenditure to a limit not exceeding half the maximum rate.
Če pri odhodkih, ki ne izhajajo neizogibno iz te pogodbe ali iz aktov, sprejetih v skladu s to pogodbo, dejanska stopnja povišanja v predlogu proračuna, ki ga je pripravil Svet, presega polovico najvišje stopnje, lahko Evropski parlament ob uveljavljanju svoje pravice do sprememb dodatno poviša skupni znesek teh odhodkov do meje, ki ne presega polovice najvišje stopnje.
46 Končna redakcija
If, in respect of expenditure other than that necessarily resulting from this Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith, the actual rate of increase in the draft administrative budget established by the Council is over half the maximum rate, the Assembly may, exercising its right of amendment, further increase the total amount of that expenditure to a limit not exceeding half the maximum rate.
Če pri odhodkih, ki ne izhajajo neizogibno iz te pogodbe ali iz aktov, sprejetih v skladu s to pogodbo, dejanska stopnja povišanja v predlogu administrativnega proračuna, ki ga je pripravil Svet, presega polovico najvišje stopnje, lahko Skupščina ob uveljavljanju svoje pravice do dopolnitev dodatno poviša skupni znesek teh odhodkov do meje, ki ne presega polovice najvišje stopnje.
Prevodi: en > sl
rate of increase