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1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0031
Ponovno preverjanje
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
Re-examination of the Protocol
Ponovni pregled protokola
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Re-examination of design information
Ponovni pregled projektnih podatkov
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
Re-examination of the measures taken to achieve compliance with the arbitration panel ruling
Proučitev ukrepov, sprejetih za izpolnitev odločitve arbitražnega senata
5 Končna redakcija
Re-examination of the problem of payment of family benefits
Ponovna preučitev problema plačevanja družinskih dajatev
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
Re-examination of the injury findings in the light of the recommendations and ruling of the DSB
Ponovno preverjanje ugotovitev o škodi z vidika priporočil in odločitve Organa za poravnavo sporov
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
Re-examination of the injury findings in the light of the recommendations and ruling of the DSB
Ponovno preverjanje ugotovitev o škodi z vidika priporočil in odločitve Organa za poravnavo sporov
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0619
re-examination of the private consumption expenditure and the gross capital formation estimates;
ponovna ocena izdatkov za zasebno potrošnjo in bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Re-examination of the opinion In the detailed grounds for the re-examination of the opinion the MAH argued that the three out of eight kidney samples with amoxicillin concentrations higher than the MRL at 21 and 27 days after the last administration should be considered artefacts because of the abnormal kinetic depletion residue profile.
Ponovna preučitev mnenja V podrobnostih o podlagi za svojo prošnjo za ponovno preučitev mnenja MAH trdi, da je treba tri izmed osmih vzorcev ledvic s koncentracijami amoksicilina višjimi od MRL na 21. in 27. dan po zadnjem dajanju, imeti za artefakte zaradi nenormalnega kinetičnega profila izločanja ostankov.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Re-examination of the groups of residues to be checked for in accordance with Annex II and determination of the sampling levels and frequencies covering the animals and products referred to in Article 3 and not already laid down in Annex IV shall take place in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 33 and on the first occasion within a maximum of 18 months of the adoption of this Directive.
Ponovno preverjanje skupin snovi, ki se pregledujejo skladno s Prilogo II, in določanje količin in pogostosti vzorčenja pri živalih in proizvodih iz člena 3, če še niso določeni v Prilogi IV, poteka skladno s postopkom iz člena 33, prvič pa najpozneje do izteka 18 mesecev po sprejetju te direktive.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
D. Re-examination of the question of denunciation
D. Ponovna preučitev odpovedi
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
2 The purpose of the re-examination is to establish whether:
Namen ponovne proučitve je ugotoviti, ali:
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
Relation between this Protocol and the Convention, and re-examination of the Protocol
Razmerje med tem protokolom in konvencijo ter ponovna presoja protokola
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
Relation between this Protocol and other provisions and re-examination of the Protocol
Razmerje med protokolom in drugimi predpisi ter ponovni pregled protokola
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
Such remedies shall at least consist of the possibility of a re-examination or a review of the refusal or an appeal against the refusal.
Med pravnimi sredstvi mora biti najmanj možnost, da se zavrnitev ponovno pregleda ali preizkusi, ali možnost pritožbe zoper zavrnitev.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
If, as a result of this re-examination, the second decision confirms the first, a Contracting Party may derogate therefrom under the conditions laid down in sub-paragraph 1(a) above.
Če se na podlagi tega ponovnega proučevanja zgodi, da druga odločitev potrdi prvo, lahko pogodbenica od tega odstopi pod pogoji, določenimi v pododstavku (a) 1. odstavka zgoraj.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-38
(c) the re-examination at appropriate intervals of unratified Conventions and of Recommendations to which effect has not yet been given, to consider what measures might be taken to promote their implementation and ratification as appropriate;
c) ponovni proučitvi v primernih časovnih presledkih neratificiranih konvencij in priporočil, ki še niso začeli veljati, zaradi presoje ukrepov, ki bi jih lahko sprejeli za spodbujanje njihovega izvajanja in ratifikacije;
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the data contained in the findings of the experts do not accord in essential points, or if the findings or one or more experts are ambiguous, incomplete, self-contradictory, or in contradiction with the facts examined, and if such shortcomings cannot be done away with by a re-examination of experts, a new expert examination shall be conducted by the same or by different experts.
Če se podatki izvedencev v njihovem izvidu bistveno razlikujejo ali če je izvid enega ali več izvedencev nejasen, nepopoln ali pa sam s seboj ali z raziskanimi okoliščinami v nasprotju, te pomanjkljivosti pa se ne dajo odpraviti z novim zaslišanjem izvedencev, se dokazovanje ponovi z istimi ali z drugimi izvedenci.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the opinion of one or several experts contain contradictions or other shortcomings, or if a reasonable doubt arises as to accuracy of the their opinions, and if such shortcomings or doubt cannot be removed by a re-examination of experts, other experts opinion shall require to be produced.
Če so v mnenju enega ali več izvedencev nasprotja ali pomanjkljivosti ali če nastane utemeljen dvom o pravilnosti podanega mnenja, te pomanjkljivosti ali dvom pa se ne dajo odpraviti z novim zaslišanjem, se zahteva mnenje drugih izvedencev.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
When a judgment of first instance is set aside and the case remanded to the court of first instance for re-examination of facts, the statement of ground shall indicate the points in which the determination of the state of facts made by the court of first instance comes short or is erroneous, as well as wherein the presentation of new facts and evidence is important for a correct decision and why such evidence and facts affect the correctness of the adjudication process.
Če se sodba prve stopnje razveljavi in zadeva vrne sodišču prve stopnje v novo sojenje, da pravilno ugotovi dejansko stanje, se navede, v čem so pomanjkljivosti pri ugotovitvi dejanskega stanja oziroma zakaj so nova dejstva in novi dokazi pomembni za pravilno odločbo in zakaj vplivajo na tako odločbo.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) If the examination reveals that the drawings were not filed, the Receiving Section shall invite him to file them within one month and inform him that the application will be re-dated to the date on which they are filed, or, if they are not filed in due time, any reference to them in the application shall be deemed to be deleted.
(2) Če preizkus pokaže, da skice niso bile vložene, sprejemna pisarna pozove prijavitelja, da jih vloži v enem mesecu, in ga obvesti, da bo za datum prijave določen datum, na katerega bodo vložene, ali da se bo, če ne bodo vložene pravočasno, sklicevanje nanje v prijavi štelo za izbrisano.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) If the examination provided for in Article 91, paragraph 1(g), reveals that the drawings were filed later than the date of filing of the European patent application, the Receiving Section shall inform the applicant that the drawings and the references to the drawings in the European patent application shall be deemed to be deleted unless the applicant requests within a period of one month that the application be re-dated to the date on which the drawings were filed.
(1) Če preizkus, predpisan v pododstavku (g) prvega odstavka 91. člena, pokaže, da so bile skice vložene po datumu vložitve evropske patentne prijave, sprejemna pisarna obvesti prijavitelja, da se bodo skice in sklicevanje nanje v evropski patentni prijavi šteli za izbrisane, če prijavitelj ne bo v enem mesecu zahteval, da se za datum prijave določi datum, na katerega so bile skice vložene.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
The re-examination procedures should be amended to provide a better guarantee for applicants' rights.
Postopke ponovnega pregleda je zaradi boljšega zagotavljanja predlagateljevih pravic treba spremeniti.
24 Končna redakcija
The skin thickness at the injection site is measured with vernier callipers before injection and at re-examination.
Debelina kože na mestu injekcije se izmeri s kutimetrom pred aplikacijo in pri ponovnem pregledu.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0236
This type of claim refers to costs of production, and can only be taken into account in the context of a re-examination of normal value.
Ta trditev se nanaša na proizvodne stroške in jo je mogoče upoštevati samo v smislu ponovne preiskave normalne vrednosti.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41996D0409
such amendments shall come into effect one month after their adoption unless a Member State requests re-examination at Ministerial level.
take spremembe začnejo veljati en mesec po njihovem sprejemu, razen če država članica zahteva ponovno proučitev na ministrski ravni.
27 Končna redakcija
This re-examination will take account of the progress and experience acquired and will extend to relations between WEU and the Atlantic Alliance.
Pri tem bo upoštevala napredek in pridobljene izkušnje ter zajela tudi odnose med ZEU in Atlantskim zavezništvom.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Within 15 days after receipt of the opinion, the applicant or the marketing authorisation holder may notify the Agency in writing of his intention to request a re-examination of the opinion.
V 15 dneh od prejetja mnenja lahko predlagatelj ali imetnik dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom v pisni obliki uradno obvesti Agencijo, da bo zahteval ponoven pregled mnenja.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Within 15 days after receipt of the opinion, the applicant or the marketing authorisation holder may notify the Agency in writing of his intention to request a re-examination of the opinion.
V 15 dneh od prejema mnenja lahko predlagatelj ali imetnik dovoljenja za promet v pisni obliki obvesti agencijo, da namerava zahtevati ponovno obravnavo tega mnenja.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
If there is a request for re-examination of one of its opinions, the Committee concerned shall appoint a different rapporteur and, where necessary, a different co-rapporteur from those appointed for the initial opinion.
Če obstaja zahteva za ponoven pregled enega od mnenj, zadevni odbor določi drugega poročevalca in po potrebi drugega soporočevalca, kot sta bila imenovana za prvotno mnenje.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
5.Where the Centre has already delivered a scientific opinion on the specific topic in a request and it concludes that there are no scientific elements justifying the re-examination, information supporting that conclusion shall be given to the institution or Member State(s) that made the request.
Kadar je center že dal znanstveno mnenje o določeni temi v prošnji in sklenil, da ni znanstvenih elementov, ki bi upravičevali ponovno preučitev, se informacije o tem sklepu dajo instituciji ali državi(-am) članici(-am), ki je (so) dala(-e) prošnjo.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1105
In order to facilitate the Commission's re-examination whether the block exemption should be further extended after that date, an obligation should be added to the exemption, requiring air carriers participating in conferences to collect, for each IATA season and starting as from 1 September 2002, data on the relative use of the passenger tariffs set in the conferences and their relative importance for actual interlining.
Da bi Komisiji olajšali ponovni pregled, ali naj po navedenem datumu skupinsko izjemo še naprej podaljša, je treba k izjemi dodati obveznost, ki letalskim prevoznikom, sodelujočim na konferencah, narekuje, da 1. septembra 2002 za vsako sezono IATA zberejo podatke o relativni uporabi tarif za prevoz potnikov, določenih na konferencah, in o njihovem relativnem pomenu za dejanski interlining.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
Following this re-examination, the average exchange rate was that of two months before the actual invoice date.
Po tej preučitvi je bilo sklenjeno, da se upošteva povprečni menjalni tečaj, ki je veljal dva meseca pred dejanskim datumom računa.
34 Pravna redakcija
At the time of that re-examination, the Association Council shall establish a tariff dismantling schedule for the products appearing in Annex IV.
Pridružitveni svet ob tej preučitvi določi časovni okvir za odpravo tarif za izdelke iz Priloge IV.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0902
The re-examination for Taiwan showed that the revised methodology led to a de minimis finding of subsidisation, i.e. a countrywide subsidy level of less than 1 %.
Ponovna proučitev je za Tajvan pokazala, da je revidirana metodologija pripeljala do ugotovitve de minimis subvencioniranja, to je stopnje subvencioniranja na ravni države nižje od 1 %.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2474
(51) Following a re-examination of the market share of the Community industry, it was found that the figures given in the provisional duty determination required adjustment.
(51) Po ponovni preučitvi tržnega deleža industrije Skupnosti je bilo ugotovljeno, da je treba vrednosti iz začasne določitve dajatve prilagoditi.
37 Pravna redakcija
At the time of that re-examination, the Association Council shall establish a tariff-dismantling timetable for the products appearing in Annex 6, apart from those of subheading 6309 00.
Ob navedenem vnovičnem pregledu Pridružitveni svet oblikuje časovni razpored za tarifno odpravo v Prilogi 6, razen tistih iz tarifne podštevilke 6309 00.
38 Pravna redakcija
In the context of this re-examination, the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, shall endeavour to lay down indications for measuring noise which are more precise than those given in Annex I.
Pri tem preverjanju si mora Svet, ki deluje na predlog Komisije, prizadevati, da se določijo podatki za merjenje hrupa, ki so natančnejši od tistih, predloženih v Prilogi I.
39 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Articles 5 and 7 of Regulations (EEC) No 2771/75 and (EEC) No 2777/75 provide for re-examination at least once a year of the basis for setting the coefficients of derivation and the standard amounts;
ker člen 5 in 7 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2772/75 in Uredbe (EGS) št. 2777/75 predvidevata ponovno pregledovanje osnov za določanje izpeljavnih količnikov in standardnih količin najmanj enkrat na leto;
40 Pravna redakcija
With a view to any allocations of fishing rights for freezer trawlers applicable from the third year of the application of the Protocol, the fishing zones may be the subject of a re-examination by the joint committee.
Za dodeljevanje ribolovnih pravic zamrzovalnim plovilom z vlečnimi mrežami, ki se uporabljajo od tretjega leta uporabe protokola, lahko skupni odbor ponovnopreuči ribolovne cone.
41 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall submit, by the end of 1991, a report on the operation of the system, including a re-examination of the correction of budgetary imbalances granted to the United Kingdom, established by this Decision.
Komisija do konca leta 1991 predloži poročilo o delovanju sistema, vključno z revizijo popravkov neuravnoteženosti proračuna, odobrenih Združenemu kraljestvu, ki so določeni s tem sklepom.
42 Pravna redakcija
Member States may make provision for the re-examination of the application at any stage in the proceedings on the grounds set out in Articles 3(3) and (5), 5 and 6, including proceedings referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article.
Države članice lahko predvidijo ponovno proučitev vloge v kateri koli fazi postopka iz razlogov iz členov 3(3) in (5), 5 in 6, vključno s postopki iz odstavkov 1 do 3 tega člena.
43 Pravna redakcija
re-examination, development and updating of current health standards and limit values, including where appropriate, the effects on potentially vulnerable groups, for example children or the elderly and the synergies and the reciprocal impact of various pollutants;
ponovna preiskava, razvoj in posodobitev trenutnih zdravstvenih standardov in mejnih vrednosti, vključno z, če je primerno, vplivom na potencialno ranljive skupine, na primer otroci ali ostareli ter sinergije in vzajemni vplivi različnih onesnaževal;
44 Pravna redakcija
In the event of a section opinion being rejected, the president of the Committee may, with the consent of the assembly, refer the opinion back to the competent section for re-examination or appoint a rapporteur-general, who shall submit a new draft opinion at the same or another session.
V primeru, da je mnenje strokovne skupine zavrnjeno, lahko predsednik Odbora s soglasjem skupščine mnenje pošlje nazaj pristojni strokovni skupini za ponovno preučitev ali pa imenuje generalnega poročevalca, ki na istem ali naslednjem zasedanju predloži nov osnutek mnenja.
45 Pravna redakcija
Before 1 January 1998, the Commission shall re-examine the examination rate established in Article 1.
Komisija ponovno preveri delež pregledov iz člena 1 pred 1. januarjem 1998.
46 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 86/188/EEC of 12 May 1986 on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to noise at work (4) made provision for its re-examination by the Council on a proposal from the Commission and with a view to reducing the risks concerned, taking into account in particular progress made in scientific knowledge and technology.
Direktiva Sveta 86/188/EGS z dne 12. maja 1986 o varovanju delavcev pred tveganji zaradi izpostavljenosti hrupu pri delu fn omogoča, da jo Svet na predlog Komisije ponovno pregleda z namenom zmanjšati tveganja, zlasti ob upoštevanju napredka znanstvenega znanja in tehnologije.
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