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real property right
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) Persons of private law may invest in the contractor of an equity partnership their own property (real estate and movable property, rights, cash etc.), provided this does not run counter to the law (hereinafter:
(1) Osebe zasebnega prava lahko v izvajalca statusnega partnerstva vlagajo svoje premoženje (nepremičnine, premičnine, pravice, denarna sredstva idr.), če to ne nasprotuje zakonu (v nadaljnjem besedilu:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
hereinafter the ZLNDL) enters into force the state held the right of use thereon or if on the day this act enters into force it is recorded in the land register that such real estate is general people's property or social property.
ZLNDL) imela na njem pravico uporabe država ali če je z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona za takšno nepremičnino v zemljiški knjigi vpisano, da je splošno ljudsko premoženje ali družbena lastnina.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the infringer to pay the right holder damages adequate to compensate for the injury the right holder has suffered because of an infringement of that person's intellectual property right by an infringer who knowingly, or with reasonable grounds to know, engaged in infringing activity.
Sodne oblasti imajo pravico zahtevati od kršilca, naj plača imetniku pravice ustrezno odškodnino za nadomestilo zaradi škode, ki jo je imetnik pravice utrpel, ker je kršilec imetnikovo pravico intelektualne lastnine namenoma kršil ali pa je utemeljeno, da bi moral vedeti, da s svojimi dejanji krši to pravico.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Members may require, as a condition of the acquisition or maintenance of the intellectual property rights provided for under Sections 2 through 6 of Part II, compliance with reasonable procedures and formalities.
Kot pogoj za pridobitev ali ohranjanje pravic intelektualne lastnine na podlagi 2. do 6. poglavja II. dela sporazuma lahko članice zahtevajo skladnost z razumnimi postopki in formalnostmi.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Where the acquisition of an intellectual property right is subject to the right being granted or registered, Members shall ensure that the procedures for grant or registration, subject to compliance with the substantive conditions for acquisition of the right, permit the granting or registration of the right within a reasonable period of time so as to avoid unwarranted curtailment of the period of protection.
Če je pogoj za pridobitev pravice intelektualne lastnine podelitev ali registracija pravice, članice zagotovijo, da postopki za podelitev ali registracijo, ki morajo biti v skladu z bistvenimi pogoji za pridobivanje pravice, dovolijo podelitev ali registracijo pravice v razumnem obdobju, da bi se izognile neupravičenemu skrajšanju dobe varstva.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
In particular, it shall ensure - before the project is implemented - that all the financing, land and real property rights which are necessary therefor are available and that all assets and plant are permanently insured and maintained.
Pred začetkom izvajanja projekta zagotovi zlasti, da so na voljo vse potrebne finančne, zemljiške in nepremičninske pravice in da so vsa sredstva in naprave ves čas zavarovane in vzdrževane.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
(i) restrictions on the right for natural persons who do not enjoy regional citizenship in Aland, and for legal persons, to acquire and hold real property on the Aland Islands without permission by the competent authorities of the Islands;
(i) omejitve pravice fizičnih oseb, ki nimajo regionalnega državljanstva Alandskih otokov, in pravnih oseb, da na Alandskih otokih pridobijo in posedujejo nepremičnine brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov Alandskih otokov;
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Any right holder initiating the procedures under Article 51 shall be required to provide adequate evidence to satisfy the competent authorities that, under the laws of the country of importation, there is prima facie an infringement of the right holder's intellectual property right and to supply a sufficiently detailed description of the goods to make them readily recognizable by the customs authorities.
Od kateregakoli imetnika pravice, ki sproži postopke po 51. členu, pristojni organi zahtevajo predložitev ustreznih dokazov, da je po zakonih države uvoznice njegova pravica intelektualne lastnine kršena prima facie, in dovolj natančen opis blaga, da bo za carinske organe hitro razpoznavno.
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Members are not obliged to accord such authority in respect of protected subject matter acquired or ordered by a person prior to knowing or having reasonable grounds to know that dealing in such subject matter would entail the infringement of an intellectual property right.
Članicam ni treba dati take pravice v zvezi s predmetom varstva, ki ga je pridobila ali naročila določena oseba, preden je zvedela ali imela utemeljene razloge, da ve, da bo trgovina s takim predmetom povzročila kršitev pravic intelektualne lastnine.
10 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
A Member, having reason to believe that a specific judicial decision or administrative ruling or bilateral agreement in the area of intellectual property rights affects its rights under this Agreement, may also request in writing to be given access to or be informed in sufficient detail of such specific judicial decisions or administrative rulings or bilateral agreements.
Članica, ki utemeljeno meni, da določena sodna odločitev ali upravni sklep ali dvostranski sporazum na področju pravic intelektualne lastnine posega v njene pravice iz tega sporazuma, lahko tudi pisno zahteva dostop do ali natančnejše obvestilo o takih posebnih sodnih odločitvah ali upravnih sklepih ali dvostranskih sporazumih.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(a) restrictions, on a non-discriminatory basis, on the right of natural persons who do not enjoy hembygdsrätt/kotiseutuoikeus (regional citizenship) in Aland, and for legal persons, to acquire and hold real property on the Aland islands without permission by the competent authorities of the Aland islands;
a) nediskriminatorne omejitve pravice fizičnih oseb, ki nimajo »hembygdsrätt/kotiseutuoikeus« (regijskega državljanstva) Alandskih otokov, in pravnih oseb do pridobivanja in posedovanja nepremičnin na Alandskih otokih brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov teh otokov;
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If a claim to exclude things from the property subject to execution has been granted to in the proceedings initiated to this purpose, and if the court subsequently finds that the defendant, having acted as a creditor in execution, had reasonable ground to believe that no rights of third persons existed in the things claimed to be excluded, it shall decree that each party bear their own costs of proceedings.
Če se v izločitveni pravdi ugodi tožbenemu zahtevku za izločitev stvari, pa sodišče ugotovi, da je tožena stranka kot upnik v izvršilnem postopku utemeljeno mislila, da na teh stvareh ne obstajajo pravice drugih, odloči, da mora vsaka stranka kriti svoje stroške.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
(c) when granting licences to manufacturers of consumer equipment, holders of industrial property rights to conditional access products and systems are to ensure that this is done on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.
pri podeljevanju licenc proizvajalcem porabniške opreme morajo imetniki pravic industrijske lastnine za proizvode in sisteme s pogojnim dostopom zagotoviti, da podeljevanje poteka pod pravičnimi, primernimi in nediskriminacijskimi pogoji.
14 Končna redakcija
(1) Property rights on real estate situated on territory which has the status of a protected natural treasure may be seized or restricted in the interest of the Republic or the local authority according to procedures and in accordance with compensation standards prescribed by law for the following reasons:
(1) Lastninska pravica na nepremičninah, ki so na območju s statusom zavarovanega naravnega bogastva, se lahko po postopku in na način, ki ga določa zakon, v korist republike ali lokalne skupnosti odvzame ali omeji, kadar gre za:
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
competing undertakings on the relevant product market, being undertakings which, in the absence of the technology transfer agreement, are both active on the relevant product and geographic market(s) on which the contract products are sold without infringing each others' intellectual property rights (actual competitors on the product market) or would, on realistic grounds, undertake the necessary additional investments or other necessary switching costs so that they could timely enter, without infringing each others' intellectual property rights, the(se) relevant product and geographic market(s) in response to a small and permanent increase in relative prices (potential competitors on the product market);
konkurenčna podjetja na upoštevnem proizvodnem trgu, to so tista podjetja, ki so v odsotnosti sporazuma o prenosu tehnologije dejavna tako na upoštevnem proizvodnem in geografskem(-ih) trgu(-ih), na katerem(-ih) prodajajo pogodbene izdelke, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine (dejanski konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu), ali ki bi realno lahko prevzela potrebne dodatne naložbe ali druge potrebne stroške prehoda, da bi lahko pravočasno vstopila na te upoštevne proizvodne in geografske trge, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine, kot odgovor na majhno in stalno povečanje relativnih cen (potencialni konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu);
16 Pravna redakcija
(i) The Parties shall notify each other within a reasonable time of any intellectual property rights arising under this Agreement (or relevant implementing arrangements).
(i) Pogodbenici obvestita ena drugo v primernem času o kakršnih koli lastniških pravicah, ki nastanejo po tem sporazumu (ali zadevnih izvedbenih dogovorih).
17 Pravna redakcija
(a) subsidiaries and branches of Community companies shall have, from the entry into force of this Agreement, the right to use and rent real property in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
(a) imajo od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma hčerinske družbe in podružnice družb Skupnosti pravico uporabe in najema nepremičnin v Nekdanji jugoslovanski republiki Makedoniji;
18 Pravna redakcija
Notwithstanding the provisons of this Article, Community companies established in the territory of Romania shall have, from entry into force of the Agreement, the right to acquire, use, rent and sell real property, and as regards public property, land and forestry, the right to lease, where these are directly necessary for the conduct of the economic activities for which they are established.
Ne glede na določbe tega člena imajo z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma družbe Skupnosti, ustanovljene na ozemlju Romunije, pravico do pridobivanja, uporabe, najema in prodaje nepremičnin ter, kar zadeva javno lastnino, zemljišča in gozdove, pravico do zakupa, če je to neposredno potrebno za opravljanje gospodarskih dejavnosti, za katere so navedene družbe ustanovljene.
19 Pravna redakcija
Restrictions on the right for natural persons who do not enjoy regional citizenship in Aland, and for legal persons, to acquire and hold real property on the Aland Islands without permission by the competent authorities of the islands.
Omejitve pri pravici fizičnih oseb brez regionalnega državljanstva na Alandskih otokih in pravnih oseb do pridobitve in lastništva nepremičnin na Alandskih otokih brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov otokov.
20 Pravna redakcija
While no new concepts for the protection of intellectual property are needed, the current law on copyright and related rights should be adapted and supplemented to respond adequately to economic realities such as new forms of exploitation.
Čeprav novi koncepti za varstvo intelektualne lastnine niso potrebni, je treba trenutno veljavno zakonodajo o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah prilagoditi in dopolniti, da bo ustrezala ekonomskih realnostim, kot so nove oblike izkoriščanja.
21 Pravna redakcija
CONVINCED of the importance of the rules and principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) for open international trade, and reaffirming their commitments under that Agreement and their respect for intellectual property rights and freedom of investment,
PREPRIČANI o pomembnosti pravil in načel Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini (GATT) za odprto mednarodno trgovino in ob ponovnem poudarjanju obveznosti, sprejetih v okviru tega sporazuma, ter spoštovanja pravic intelektualne lastnine in svobodo investiranja,
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
It has been claimed that one of the complainant Community producers should not have been taken into account for the purpose of determining the representativity of the applicants since this company allegedly lost its right to produce the product concerned for reasons of intellectual property rights.
Prav tako so trdili, da enega od proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki je sodeloval v pritožbi, ne bi smeli upoštevati za namen določanja reprezentativnosti vlagateljev pritožbe, saj je ta gospodarska družba domnevno izgubila pravico do proizvodnje zadevnega izdelka zaradi pravic intelektualne lastnine.
23 Pravna redakcija
Reaffirming the great importance they attach to the protection of intellectual property rights (copyright - including the copyright in computer programmes and databases - and neighbouring rights, the rights related to patents, industrial designs, geographical indications including designation of origins, trademarks, topographies of integrated circuits, as well as protection against unfair competition as referred to in Article l0a of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and protection of undisclosed information), the Parties undertake to establish the appropriate measures with a view to ensuring an adequate and effective protection in accordance with the highest international standards, including effective means to enforce such rights.
Pogodbenici se ob ponovni potrditvi pomena, ki ga pripisujeta varstvu pravic intelektualne lastnine (avtorske pravice - vključno z avtorsko pravico računalniških programov in podatkovnih baz - in avtorski pravici sorodne pravice, pravice, ki se nanašajo na patente, industrijske vzorce in modele, geografske označbe, vključno z označbami izvora, blagovne znamke, topografijo integriranih vezij, kot tudi varstvo pred nelojalno konkurenco, kot je navedeno v členu 10a Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine, in varstvo nerazkritih podatkov), zavezujeta, da bosta sprejeli ustrezne ukrepe, z namenom zagotoviti primerno in učinkovito varstvo v skladu z najvišjimi mednarodnimi standardi, vključno z učinkovitimi sredstvi za uveljavljanje teh pravic.
24 Pravna redakcija
Reaffirming the great importance they attach to the protection of intellectual property rights (copyright - including the copyright in computer programmes and databases - and neighbouring rights, the rights related to patents, industrial designs, geographical indications including designation of origins, trademarks, topographies of integrated circuits, as well as protection against unfair competition as referred to in Article 10a of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and protection of undisclosed information), the Parties undertake to establish the appropriate measures with a view to ensuring an adequate and effective protection in accordance with the highest international standards, including effective means to enforce such rights.
ponovno potrjujeta pomen varstva pravic intelektualne lastnine (avtorske pravice - vključno z avtorsko pravico računalniških programov in podatkovnih baz - in avtorski pravici sorodne pravice, pravice, ki se nanašajo na patente, industrijske vzorce in modele, geografske označbe, vključno z označbami izvora, blagovne znamke, topografijo integriranih vezij in varstvo pred nelojalno konkurenco, kot je navedeno v členu 10a Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine, in varstvo neobjavljenih podatkov), se pogodbenici zavzemata za vzpostavitev ustreznih ukrepov, z namenom zagotoviti primerno in učinkovito varstvo po najvišjih mednarodnih standardih, vključno z učinkovitimi sredstvi za uveljavljanje teh pravic.
25 Pravna redakcija
(b) subsidiaries of Community companies shall also have the right to acquire and enjoy ownership rights over real property as the companies of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and as regards public goods/goods of common interest, including natural resources, agricultural land and forestry, the same rights as enjoyed by companies of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, where these rights are necessary for the conduct of the economic activities for which they are established;
(b) imajo hčerinske družbe družb Skupnosti tudi pravico pridobivati in uživati lastninske pravice na nepremičninah tako kot družbe Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije in glede javnih dobrin/dobrinv skupnem interesu, vključno z naravnimi viri, kmetijskimi zemljišči in gozdovi, enake pravice, kot jih uživajo družbe Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije, kadar so te pravice potrebne za opravljanje gospodarskih dejavnosti, za katere so ustanovljene;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0047
'contract relating directly or indirectly to the purchase of the right to use one or more immovable properties on a timeshare basis`, hereinafter referred to as 'contract`, shall mean any contract or group of contracts concluded for at least three years under which, directly or indirectly, on payment of a certain global price, a real property right or any other right relating to the use of one or more immovable properties for a specified or specifiable period of the year, which may not be less than one week, is established or is the subject of a transfer or an undertaking to transfer,
"pogodba, ki se neposredno ali posredno nanaša na nakup pravice do uporabe ene ali več nepremičnin na podlagi časovnega zakupa", v nadaljevanju "pogodba", vsako pogodbo ali skupino pogodb, sklenjenih za vsaj tri leta, po katerih se neposredno ali posredno ob plačilu določene celotne cene, ustanovi ali odstopi ali se ustanovi zaveza o prenosu stvarnopravne pravice ali kakšna druga pravica uporabe ene ali več nepremičnin za določeno ali določljivo obdobje v letu, ki ne sme biti krajše od enega tedna,
27 Prevajalska redakcija
The Parties shall notify each other within a reasonable time of any intellectual property rights arising under this Agreement (or relevant implementing arrangements).
Pogodbenici obvestita ena drugo v primernem času o kakršnih koli lastniških pravicah, ki nastanejo po tem sporazumu (ali zadevnih izvedbenih dogovorih).
28 Prevajalska redakcija
the Parties shall notify each other within a reasonable time of any intellectual property rights arising under this Agreement (or relevant implementing arrangements);
podpisnici druga drugo v razumnem roku obvestita o vseh pravicah do intelektualne lastnine, ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma (ali iz ustreznih izvedbenih sporazumov);
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0309
In the case of time-share, a real estate agent sells the right to stay for a fixed period each year in a certain dwelling located in a tourist area and takes care of the administration of this property.
Pri časovnem zakupu nepremičninski posrednik proda pravico določen čas v letu preživeti v nekem stanovanju, ki se nahaja na turističnem območju, in skrbi za upravljanje te posesti.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0587
At the reasoned request of the applicant, Member States and the Commission shall ensure that any information which, if disseminated, could affect industrial or commercial property rights is kept confidential.
Na utemeljeno zahtevo prijavitelja naj države članice in Komisija zagotovijo, da so vsi podatki, ki bi lahko, če se razširijo, prizadeli pravice industrijske ali poslovne lastnine, zaupni.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
when granting licences to manufacturers of consumer equipment, holders of industrial property rights to conditional access products and systems are to ensure that this is done on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.
pri podeljevanju licenc proizvajalcem porabniške opreme morajo imetniki pravic industrijske lastnine za proizvode in sisteme s pogojnim dostopom zagotoviti, da podeljevanje poteka pod pravičnimi, primernimi in nediskriminacijskimi pogoji.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
If intellectual property is created by AECL or its personnel in Canada in the execution of a task assigned to the Home Team of Euratom, Canada through AECL or its personnel shall be entitled to acquire all right, title and interest in all countries in and to such intellectual property according to applicable laws and regulations, subject to Euratom being granted licences with the right to sub-licence, on fair and reasonable terms for all purposes other than for research and development in controlled thermonuclear fusion as a source of energy for peaceful purposes.
Če intelektualno lastnino ustvari AECL ali njegovi sodelavci v Kanadi ob opravljanju naloge, ki je bila dodeljena domači skupini Euratoma, pridobi Kanada preko AECL ali njegovih sodelavcev v vseh državah vso pravico do udeležbe in razpolaganja s to intelektualno lastnino v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi, pod pogojem, da se Euratomu podelijo licence s pravico do podeljevanja podlicence pod poštenimi in sprejemljivimi pogoji za vse namene, z izjemo raziskovanja in razvoja na področju nadzorovane jedrske fuzije kot vira energije za miroljubne namene.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0047
Whereas to give the purchaser the chance to realize more fully what his obligations and rights under the contract are he should be allowed a period during which he may withdraw from the contract without giving reasons since the property in question is often situated in a State and subject to legislation which are different from his own;
ker mora imeti kupec možnost podrobneje spoznati svoje obveznosti in pravice po pogodbi, zato mu je treba omogočiti rok, v katerem sme odstopiti od pogodbe brez navedbe razlogov, saj je nepremičnina pogosto v drugi državi in je podrejena zakonodaji, drugačni od njegove;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
competing undertakings on the relevant product market, being undertakings which, in the absence of the technology transfer agreement, are both active on the relevant product and geographic market(s) on which the contract products are sold without infringing each others' intellectual property rights (actual competitors on the product market) or would, on realistic grounds, undertake the necessary additional investments or other necessary switching costs so that they could timely enter, without infringing each others' intellectual property rights, the(se) relevant product and geographic market(s) in response to a small and permanent increase in relative prices (potential competitors on the product market);
konkurenčna podjetja na upoštevnem proizvodnem trgu, to so tista podjetja, ki so v odsotnosti sporazuma o prenosu tehnologije dejavna tako na upoštevnem proizvodnem in geografskem(-ih) trgu(-ih), na katerem(-ih) prodajajo pogodbene izdelke, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine (dejanski konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu), ali ki bi realno lahko prevzela potrebne dodatne naložbe ali druge potrebne stroške prehoda, da bi lahko pravočasno vstopila na te upoštevne proizvodne in geografske trge, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine, kot odgovor na majhno in stalno povečanje relativnih cen (potencialni konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu);
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1568
The Doha Declaration on the Agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs) and Public Health affirmed that "the TRIPs Agreement does not and should not prevent members from taking measures to protect public health" and that it "can and should be interpreted and implemented in a manner supportive of WTO members' right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to medicines for all" and reaffirmed "the right of WTO members to use, to the full, the provisions in the TRIPs Agreement which provide flexibility for this purpose".
Deklaracija iz Dohe o Sporazumu o trgovinskih vidikih pravic intelektualne lastnine (TRIP) in javnega zdravja je potrdila, da "Sporazum TRIP članom ne preprečuje in ne sme preprečevati sprejetja ukrepov za varovanje javnega zdravja" in da "ga je mogoče in treba razlagati ter izvajati na način, ki podpira pravice članic WTO do varovanja javnega zdravja in zlasti spodbujanja dostopa do zdravil za vse" in ponovno potrdila, da je "pravica članic WTO, da v celoti uporabijo določbe sporazuma TRIP, ki zagotavlja prilagodljivost za ta namen".
36 Prevajalska redakcija
if the enterprise or developing States are unable to obtain deep sea-bed mining technology, the Authority may request all or any of the contractors and their respective sponsoring State or States to cooperate with it in facilitating the acquisition of deep sea-bed mining technology by the enterprise or its joint venture, or by a developing State or States seeking to acquire such technology on fair and reasonable commercial terms and conditions, consistent with the effective protection of intellectual property rights.
če podjetje ali države v razvoju ne morejo pridobiti tehnologije za globokomorsko rudarjenje, lahko Oblast zahteva od vseh ali od katerega koli izvajalca in države ali držav, ki zanje jamčijo, da z njo sodelujejo pri omogočanju pridobitve tehnologije za globokomorsko rudarjenje za Podjetje ali njihova skupna vlaganja ali pa za državo v razvoju ali države, ki si prizadevajo pridobiti takšno tehnologijo pod poštenimi in razumnimi komercialnimi pogoji in pogoji, v skladu z učinkovitim varstvom pravic intelektualne lastnine.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D1608
Community policy on science, technology and innovation attaches particular importance to strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European businesses so as to enable them to be more innovative and competitive on the international and regional level, realising the benefits of the information society and promoting the transfer of technology, improving activities in the domain of intellectual property rights and the development of mobility of human resources, and promoting equality between men and women in science.
Politika Skupnosti o znanosti, tehnologiji in inovacijah pripisuje poseben pomen krepitvi znanstvene in tehnološke podlage evropskih podjetij, s čimer se jim omogoči večja inovativnost in konkurenčnost na mednarodni in regionalni ravni, uresničevanje ugodnosti informacijske družbe in pospeševanje prenosa tehnologij, izboljšanje dejavnosti na področju pravic intelektualne lastnine in razvoj mobilnosti človeških virov ter pospeševanje enakosti med moškimi in ženskami v znanosti.
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
the sale of immovable property; the sale of movable property; the transfer of a money claim; the realisation of other property or tangible rights; and the transfer of assets deposited on accounts with organisations competent for money movements.
prodajo premičnin, prodajo nepremičnin, prenos denarne terjatve, vnovčenje drugih premoženjskih oziroma materialnih pravic in prenos sredstev, ki so na računu pri organizacijah, pooblaščenih za plačilni promet.
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Execution upon the rights referred to in Article 162 of the present Law shall be carried out by the attachment and realisation of such a claim in accordance with the provisions applicable to the sale of movable property.
Izvršba na pravico iz 162. člena tega zakona se opravi z rubežem te pravice in z vnovčenjem po določbah o prodaji premičnin.
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restrictions on the right for natural persons who do not enjoy regional citizenship in Aland, and for legal persons, to acquire and hold real property on the Aland Islands without permission by the competent authorities of the Islands;
omejitve pravice fizičnih oseb, ki nimajo regionalnega državljanstva (nem. Einwohnerrecht???) Alandskih otokov, in pravnih oseb, da na Alandskih otokih pridobijo in posedujejo nepremičnine brez dovoljenja pristojnih organov Alandskih otokov;
Prevodi: en > sl
real property right