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recovery of aids unduly paid
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1467
Where aid is paid unduly in respect of bananas which have not been marketed in accordance with Article 1, the competent authorities shall recover the amounts paid, plus interest calculated from the date of payment of the aid up to actual recovery thereof.
Če je pomoč za banane, ki niso bile tržene v skladu s členom 1, izplačana neupravičeno, pristojni organi izterjajo plačane zneske vključno z obrestmi, ki se zaračunajo od datuma plačila pomoči do njene dejanske izterjave.
2 Pravna redakcija
In all cases where the aid has been paid unduly, Member States shall recover the amounts concerned in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 3887/92.
V primerih, za katere je bila pomoč izplačana neupravičeno, države članice izterjajo ustrezne zneske v skladu s členom 14 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3887/92.
3 Pravna redakcija
Where aid is paid unduly in respect of bananas which have not been marketed in accordance with Article 1, the competent authorities shall recover the amounts paid, plus interest calculated from the date of payment of the aid up to effective recovery thereof.
V primeru neupravičenega izplačila pomoči za banane, ki niso bile prodane v skladu s členom 1, pristojni organ zahteva povračilo izplačanega zneska, skupaj z obrestmi, izračunanimi za čas, ki je potekel med izplačilom in dejanskim vračilom.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2837
In cases where aid has been paid unduly, the competent departments shall recover the amounts paid, plus interest running from the date of payment until that of actual recovery.
Če je bila pomoč izplačana neupravičeno, pristojne službe izterjajo plačane zneske, katerim se dodajo obresti, ki tečejo od datuma izplačila do datuma dejanskega povračila.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1517
Where aid has been paid unduly the competent authorities shall take steps to recover the amount paid, with interest, calculated from the date of payment of the aid to the date of repayment by the beneficiary.
Če je bila pomoč izplačana neupravičeno, sprejme pristojna služba vse potrebne ukrepe, da se izplačani denar izterja skupaj z obrestmi, računanimi od datuma izplačila pomoči do datuma, ko ga upravičenec vrne.
Prevodi: en > sl
recovery of aids unduly paid