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1 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
(d) a citation containing a reference to proposals submitted and to opinions obtained and consultations held;
(d) navedbo, ki vsebuje sklicevanje na predložene predloge ter na pridobljena mnenja in opravljena posvetovanja;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
c) that effects and cash held at banks or in the cash box have either been audited by reference to certificates received directly from the depositaries, or actually counted;
c) so bili vrednostni papirji in gotovina, shranjeni v banki ali blagajni, preverjeni na podlagi dokazil, prejetih neposredno od depozitarjev, ali dejansko prešteti;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The acts listed in point II.2 of Annex VIII(*1) to the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic shall apply in respect of the Hellenic Republic under the conditions laid down in that Annex, with the exception of the references to points 9 and 18(b) thereof.
Akti iz točke II.2 Priloge VIII(*1) k Aktu o pogojih pristopa Helenske republike se uporabljajo glede Helenske republike pod pogoji, določenimi v navedeni prilogi, z izjemo sklicevanja na točki 9 in 18b te priloge.
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
Requests for the supply of other geographic materials/information produced or held by the Section of Civil Defence, including access to the Section of Civil Defence library reference copies, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Prošnje za priskrbo drugih geografskih gradiv/informacij, ki jih izdela ali ima Sektor za civilno obrambo, vključno z dostopom do dogovorjenih izvodov knjižnice Sektorja za civilno obrambo, se obravnavajo posamezno od primera do primera.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These are stocks of finished products or work in progress on the holdings of the industry (i.e. held by producers) at the end of the reference year.
To so zaloge dokončanih proizvodov ali nedokončane proizvodnje na gospodarstvih dejavnosti (npr. pri proizvajalcih) na koncu referenčnega leta.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These constitute the finished or semi-finished stocks of own products existing on the agricultural holdings (i.e. held by producers) at the beginning of the reference year.
Te sestavljajo dokončane zaloge ali zaloge nedokončanih lastnih proizvodov, ki obstajajo na kmetijskih gospodarstvih (t. j. v rokah proizvajalcev) na začetku referenčnega leta.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
This support shall be held rigidly in place in the stem and reference marks shall be provided so that any displacement of the scale and its support relative to the stem is apparent.
Ta podlaga mora biti togo nameščena na svoje mesto v cevki in mora imeti referenčne oznake, tako da je očiten vsak premik skale in podlage glede na cevko.
8 Končna redakcija
The responsibility-bearing posts of editors in the national media may only be held by those individuals who can present first-rate references in the field of the media, culture or science.
Odgovorne položaje urednikov lahko v državnih medijih zasedajo samo tisti posamezniki, ki lahko dokažejo vrhunske novinarske, kulturne ali znanstvene reference.
9 Končna redakcija
The Court of Justice of the European Communities has held that Article 87 does not distinguish between the measures of State intervention concerned by reference to their causes or aims but defines them in relation to their effects.
Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti meni, da člen 87 ne ločuje med ukrepi državne intervencije glede na njihove vzroke in cilje, ampak jih določa glede na njihove učinke.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
5.Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall not apply to a farmer who declares less than 50 % of the total number of hectares, within the meaning of Article 43(1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, which he held (leased and owned) in the reference period.
Odstavki 1, 2, 3 in 4 ne veljajo za kmeta, ki prijavi manj kakor 50 % skupnega števila hektarjev v smislu člena 43(1) in (2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003, ki jih je imel v referenčnem obdobju (v zakupu ali v posesti).
11 Končna redakcija
The Commission shall make its recommendations for adjustment concerning the execution of this liberalization by taking as the starting reference point the lowest annual market share per product held by the public undertaking Petrogal during the period 1 January 1981 to 31 December 1985.
Komisija pripravi priporočila za prilagajanje v zvezi z izvajanjem te liberalizacije, pri čemer kot referenčno izhodišče upošteva najnižji letni tržni delež za izdelek, ki ga ima javno podjetje Petrogal v obdobju od 1. januarja 1981 do 31. decembra 1985.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0595
If it proves difficult to determine the quantities of milk used for processing on the basis of the products marketed, the Member States may fix the quantities of milk equivalent on a flat-rate basis by reference to the number of dairy cows held by the producer and an average milk yield per cow representative of the herd.
Če se izkaže, da je količine mleka, ki so bile uporabljene za izdelavo, težko določiti na podlagi trženih proizvodov, lahko države članice količine ekvivalenta mleka določijo pavšalno na podlagi števila krav molznic proizvajalca in povprečne mlečnosti na kravo, ki je reprezentativna za čredo.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
Development of decentralised, permanent and widely accessible web-based inventories collecting such knowledge and ensuring its availability at Community and international level should be promoted, with particular reference to the ongoing efforts to develop an inventory of ex situ collections held in European gene banks (the Epgris - European Plant Genetic Resources Information Infra-Structure «Eurisco» , funded by the fifth framework programme).
Razvoj decentraliziranih, stalnih in široko dostopnih spletnih inventarjev, kjer se zbira tako znanje in ki zagotavljajo dostop do znanja na ravni Skupnosti in mednarodni ravni bi bilo treba pospeševati, zlasti v zvezi s stalnimi napori za razvijanje inventarja zbirk ex situ, ki se hranijo v evropskih genskih bankah (Epgris — European Plant Genetic Resources Information Infra-Structure "Eurisco", ki ga financira peti okvirni program).
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Development of decentralised, permanent and widely accessible web-based inventories collecting such knowledge and ensuring its availability at Community and international level should be promoted, with particular reference to the ongoing efforts to develop an inventory of ex situ collections held in European gene banks (the EPGRIS - European Plant Genetic Resources Information Infrastructure "EURISCO", funded by the fifth framework programme).
Treba je spodbujati razvoj internetnih decentraliziranih, stalnih in splošno dostopnih popisov tega znanja in zagotoviti njegovo dostopnost na ravni Skupnosti in mednarodno, s posebno omembo aktualnih naporov za razvoj popisov ex situ zbirk, ki se hranijo v evropskih genskih bankah (EPGRIS - European Plant Genetic Resources Information Infrastructure "EURISCO" - Evropska infrastruktura informacij o rastlinskih genskih virih "EURISCO", ki se financira iz petega okvirnega programa).
15 Pravna redakcija
Reference is made to Helcom recommendation 1/5.
Sklicevanje na priporočilo Helcom 1/5.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1497
=378 Also referenced as Aquila heliaca adalberti
=378 se navaja tudi kot Aquila heliaca adalberti
17 Pravna redakcija
a citation containing a reference to proposals submitted, opinions obtained and consultations held;
navedbo sklica na predložene predloge, pridobljena mnenja in opravljena posvetovanja;
18 Pravna redakcija
a citation containing a reference to proposals submitted and to opinions obtained and consultations held;
navedbo, ki vsebuje napotilo na predložene predloge ter na pridobljena mnenja in opravljena posvetovanja;
19 Pravna redakcija
this information may be recorded by reference to supporting documents held elsewhere, provided they contain the abovementioned particulars;
ti podatki se lahko zabeležijo s sklicem na dodatno dokumentacijo, ki se hrani drugod, če vsebuje zgoraj opredeljene podatke;
20 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the prescription of brake force reference values for various laden conditions for each vehicle model would help restore that confidence;
ker bi določitev referenčnih vrednosti zavornega učinka za različne pogoje obremenitve za vsak model vozila pomagala vzpostaviti to zaupanje;
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These are stocks of finished products or work in progress on the holdings of the industry (i.e. held by producers) at the end of the reference year.
To so zaloge dokončanih proizvodov ali nedokončane proizvodnje na gospodarstvih dejavnosti (npr. pri proizvajalcih) na koncu referenčnega leta.
22 Pravna redakcija
The establishment of registers containing the references of documents drawn up or received by the Commission will help citizens to exercise their right of access,
Oblikovanje registrov, ki vsebujejo reference dokumentov, ki jih je pripravila ali prejela Komisija, bo pomagalo državljanom pri uveljavljanju pravice do dostopa.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1788
This allocation should be based on the reference quantities held by producers for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 April 2003. The sum of the quantities allocated to the producers by the Member States may not exceed the national reference quantities.
Ta razdelitev mora temeljiti na referenčnih količinah, ki jih imajo proizvajalci za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se začne 1. aprila 2003. Vsota količin, ki jih razdelijo države članice proizvajalcem, ne sme presegati nacionalnih referenčnih količin.
24 Pravna redakcija
helping the reference laboratories to implement an appropriate system of quality assurance based on the principles of good laboratory practice (GLP) and the EN 45 000 criteria.
pomoč referenčnim laboratorijem pri vzpostavitvi ustreznega sistema zagotavljanja kakovosti, ki temelji na načelih dobre laboratorijske prakse in merilih EN 45 000.
25 Pravna redakcija
have available, if appropriate, an updated list of reference substances held by the Community Bureau of References and an updated list of the manufacturers and suppliers of such substances.
na voljo, če to ustreza, osvežen seznam referenčnih snovi, ki jih ima Urad za reference Skupnosti, in osvežen seznam proizvajalcev in dobaviteljev teh snovi.
26 Pravna redakcija
"- helping the national reference laboratories to implement an appropriate system of quality assurance based on the principles of good laboratory practice (GLP) and the EN 45 000 criteria; ".
" - pomoč nacionalnim referenčnim laboratorijem pri vzpostavitvi ustreznega sistema zagotavljanja kakovosti, ki temelji na načelih dobre laboratorijske prakse in merilih EN 45 000;".
27 Pravna redakcija
an up-to-date list of the reference substances held by the Community Bureau of References must be available, along with an up-to-date list of the manufacturers and suppliers of these substances.
na razpolago ima najnovejši seznam referenčnih snovi, ki ga ima Referenčni urad Skupnosti, in najnovejši seznam proizvajalcev in dobaviteljev teh snovi.
28 Pravna redakcija
that an up-to-date list of the reference substances held by the Community Bureau of References is available, along with an up to date list of the manufacturers and suppliers of these substances.
na voljo mu je najnovejši seznam referenčnih snovi, ki ga hrani Referenčni urad Skupnosti, poleg najnovejšega seznama proizvajalcev in dobaviteljev teh snovi.
29 Pravna redakcija
The databank is to help harmonise the interpretation of the results obtained by the official laboratories of the Member States in applying the reference methods of analysis provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2676/90.
Banka podatkov prispeva k usklajevanju ovrednotenja rezultatov, pridobljenih v uradnih laboratorijih držav članic pri uporabi referenčnih analiznih postopkov iz Uredbe (EGS) št. 2676/90.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Determine the correction factors with the help of a chromatogram derived from the analysis of a reference mixture of methyl esters of known composition, carried out under operating conditions identical with those used for the sample.
Določite korekcijske faktorje s pomočjo kromatograma iz referenčne mešanice metilnih estrov znane sestave, analizirane v delovnih pogojih, identičnih tistim, ki so bili uporabljeni za vzorec.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2111
(f) the quantities and prices of each finished product leaving the processor's premises each day, giving the name and address of the consignee; this information may be recorded by reference to supporting documents held elsewhere, provided that they contain the requested information;
(f) količine in cene končnih proizvodov, ki so zapustili prostore predelovalca vsak posamezni dan, ter ime in naslova prejemnika blaga; ti podatki se lahko zabeležijo s sklicem na dodatno dokumentacijo, ki je shranjena drugje, če vsebuje zahtevane podatke;
32 Pravna redakcija
In order to help the Member States meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2, the Commission shall ensure that a central register is put in place at Community level, which shall contain all available sequencing information and reference material for GMOs authorised to be put into circulation in the Community.
Komisija v pomoč državam članicam pri izpolnjevanju zahtev iz odstavkov 1 in 2 zagotovi, da se vzpostavi centralni register na ravni Skupnosti z vsemi razpoložljivimi zaporednimi informacijami in referenčnim materialom za GSO, odobrenim za dajanje v promet v Skupnosti.
33 Pravna redakcija
The use of reference isotopic analysis methods may ensure more effective control of wine product enrichment or the discovery of the addition of water to such products or, used with the results of the analysis of other isotopic characteristics of such products, it may help to verify conformity with the origin indicated in their name.
Z uporabo referenčnih postopkov izotopskih analiz je mogoče učinkoviteje nadzorovati obogatitve proizvodov iz grozdja in vina, dodatek vode ali preverjati pravilnost navedbe izvora v povezavi z rezultati analiz drugih izotopskih lastnosti.
34 Pravna redakcija
An application for access to a document held by the European Parliament shall be sent on the same day as it is registered by the official mail service to the service responsible for managing the register of references, which must acknowledgd receipt of the application, draft a reply and deliver the document within the prescribed time limit.
Vlogo za dostop do dokumenta, ki ga hrani Evropski parlament, se pošlje istega dne, ko ga evidentira uradna poštna služba, pristojni službi za vodenje referenčnega registra, ki mora potrditi prejem vloge, sestaviti odgovor in dostaviti dokument v predpisanem roku.
35 Pravna redakcija
If sales are usually the reference to calculate market shares, there are nevertheless other indications that, depending on the specific products or industry in question, can offer useful information such as, in particular, capacity, the number of players in bidding markets, units of fleet as in aerospace, or the reserves held in the case of sectors such as mining.
Kljub temu, da je prodaja običajno osnova za izračun tržnih deležev, so tudi drugi pokazatelji, ki lahko, odvisno od specifičnega proizvoda ali zadevne industrije, dajejo uporabne informacije, kot so zlasti zmogljivost, število akterjev na ponudbenih trgih, v zračnem prostoru enote flote, ali zaloge v primerih sektorjev kot je rudarstvo.
36 Pravna redakcija
We agree that the reference principles of the Pact on stability, concerning good neighbourly relations, will be the existing principles and commitments established by the UN, the CSCE and the Council of Europe, in particular those principles contained in the Helsinki Final Act, in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, in the Copenhagen document, in the Helsinki 1992 Document and the 1993 Vienna Declaration of the Council of Europe Summit, referring respectively, to inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity and respect of existing borders, and to national minorities.
Soglašamo, da bodo kot priporočljiva načela Pakta stabilnosti glede dobrososedskih odnosov veljala obstoječa načela in obveze, ki jih določajo OZN, Konferenca za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi in Svet Evrope, in še zlasti načela vsebovana v Helsinški sklepni listini, Pariški listini za novo Evropo, Kopenhagenskem dokumentu, Helsinškem dokumentu iz 1992 in Dunajski izjavi z vrha Sveta Evrope iz 1993, ki se nanaša na nedotakljivost meja, ozemeljsko celovitost in spoštovanje obstoječih meja, in na narodne manjšine.
37 Pravna redakcija
in the case of cheese and all other milk products, Member States may determine equivalences using, in particular, the dry-matter content and the fat content of the types of cheese or products concerned or fix the quantities of milk equivalent on a flat-rate basis by reference to the number of dairy cows held by the producer and an average milk yield per cow representative of the herd.
v primeru sira in vseh drugih mlečnih proizvodov lahko države članice določijo ekvivalente z uporabo zlasti vsebnosti suhe snovi in vsebnosti maščobe v tipih sira ali zadevnih proizvodih ali določijo količino ekvivalenta mleka na podlagi pavšala s sklicevanjem na število krav molznic, ki jih ima proizvajalec, in povprečne mlečnosti na kravo, reprezentativne za čredo.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Bonnet side reference line' is defined as the geometric trace of the highest points of contact between a straight edge 700 mm long and the side of a bonnet, when the straight edge, held parallel to the lateral vertical plane of the car and inclined inwards by 45° is traversed down the side of the Frontal Upper Surface, while maintaining contact with the surface of the body shell (see Figure 5).
"Referenčna črta stranskega dela prednjega pokrova " je geometrijska sled najvišjih stičnih točk med ravnilom dolžine 700 mm in stranskim delom prednjega pokrova, kadar se ravnilo, nameščeno vzporedno s prečno navpično ravnino vozila in nagnjeno navznoter za 45°, vodi vzdolž zgornje površine prednjega dela vozila, pri čemer je v stalnem stiku s površino nadgradnje (glej sliko 5).
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Bonnet leading edge reference line' is defined as the geometric trace of the points of contact between a straight edge 1000 mm long and the front surface of the bonnet, when the straight edge, held parallel to the vertical longitudinal plane of the car and inclined rearwards by 50° and with the lower end 600 mm above the ground, is traversed across and in contact with the bonnet leading edge (See Figure 4).
"Referenčna črta prednjega roba prednjega pokrova " je geometrijska sled stičnih točk med ravnilom dolžine 1000 mm in prednjo površino prednjega pokrova, kadar se ravnilo, nameščeno vzporedno z navpično vzdolžno ravnino vozila in nagnjeno nazaj za 50° ter s spodnjim koncem 600 mm od tal, vodi ob prednjem robu prednjega pokrova in se ga dotika (glej sliko 4).
40 Pravna redakcija
As soon as a registry receives a EU document classified CONFIDENTIEL UE or above, it will list the document in a special register held by the organisation, with columns for the date received, particulars of the document (date, reference and copy number), its classification, title, the recipient's name or title, the date of return of the receipt and the date the document is returned to the EU originator or is destroyed.
Takoj ko arhivski urad prejme tajni dokument na stopnji CONFIDENTIEL UE ali višje, tega vpiše v posebni evidenčni vpisnik organizacije po stolpcih za datum sprejema, podatke o dokumentu (datum, opravilna številka in številka kopije), razvrstitev, naslov, ime ali delovni naslov naslovnika, datum povratnice in datum vrnitve dokumenta organu izvora v EU ali datum uničenja.
41 Pravna redakcija
Standards and protocols for the performance of tests and trials on veterinary medicinal products are an effective means of control of these products and, hence, of protecting public health and can facilitate the movement of these products by laying down uniform rules applicable to tests and the compilation of dossiers, allowing the competent authorities to arrive at their decisions on the basis of uniform tests and by reference to uniform criteria, and therefore helping to obviate differences in evaluation.
Standardi in protokoli za izvajanje preskusov in preskušanj zdravili za uporabo v veterinarski medicini so učinkovito sredstvo za kontrolo le-teh, in posledično tudi za varovanje javnega zdravja ter lahko olajšajo pretok teh zdravil z določitvijo enotnih pravil za preskuse in sestavo dokumentacije, kar omogoča pristojnim organom, da na podlagi enotnih preskusov in upoštevaje enotne referenčna merila sprejmejo odločitev; s tem je pristojnim organom olajšano tudi preprečevanje razlik pri vrednotenju.
42 Pravna redakcija
With reference to the consultations held between the representatives of the European Community and the Republic of Yemen with a view to adapting the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Yemen Arab Republic, following the unification of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen on 22 May 1990 to form the Republic of Yemen, I have the honour to declare that, in accordance with the principles of international law, the provisions of that Cooperation Agreement apply to the territory of the Republic of Yemen.
Glede na posvetovanja med predstavniki Evropske skupnosti in Republike Jemen v zvezi s prilagoditvijo Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Jemen po združitvi Arabske republike Jemen in Ljudske demokratične republike Jemen, na podlagi katere je dne 22. maja 1990 nastala Republika Jemen, mi je v čast izjaviti, da se uporabljajo določbe navedenega Sporazuma o sodelovanju za ozemlje Republike Jemen v skladu z načeli mednarodnega prava.
43 Pravna redakcija
'With reference to the consultations held between the representatives of the European Community and the Republic of Yemen with a view to adapting the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Yemen Arab Republic, following the unification of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen on 22 May 1990 to form the Republic of Yemen, I have the honour to declare that, in accordance with the principles of international law, the provisions of that Cooperation Agreement apply to the territory of the Republic of Yemen.
"Glede na posvetovanja med predstavniki Evropske skupnosti in Republike Jemen v zvezi s prilagoditvijo Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Jemen po združitvi Arabske republike Jemen in Ljudske demokratične republike Jemen, na podlagi katere je dne 22. maja 1990 nastala Republika Jemen, mi je v čast izjaviti, da se uporabljajo določbe navedenega Sporazuma o sodelovanju za ozemlje Republike Jemen v skladu z načeli mednarodnega prava.
44 Pravna redakcija
Furthermore, the European Council emphasised that Turkey will benefit from a pre-accession strategy to stimulate and support its reforms including an enhanced political dialogue, with emphasis on progressing towards fulfilling the political criteria for accession with particular reference to human rights, as well as the issues referred to in paragraphs 4 and 9(a) of the Helsinki conclusions; in this spirit, the European Union encourages Turkey, together with all parties, to continue to support the UN Secretary General's efforts to bring the process, aiming at a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, to a successful conclusion.
Nadalje je Evropski svet poudaril, da bo imela Turčija koristi od predpristopne strategije za spodbujanje in podporo svojih reform, vključno z okrepljenim političnim dialogom, s poudarkom na napredovanju v smeri izpolnjevanja političnih meril za pristop s posebnim poudarkom na človekovih pravicah kot tudi na vprašanjih iz odstavkov 4 in 9(a) sklepov iz Helsinkov; v tem duhu Evropska unija spodbuja Turčijo, naj skupaj z vsemi stranmi še naprej podpira prizadevanja generalnega sekretarja ZN za uspešen zaključekprocesa, ki želi priti do vsestranske rešitve ciprskega problema.
45 Pravna redakcija
On 24 June 1997 the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden agreed on a Protocol amending Articles 40, 41 and 65 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985, signed in Schengen on 19 June 1990 (hereinafter referred to as "the Protocol") by providing for a simplified procedure to amend references in those Articles to "officers", "authorities" and "competent Ministries".
Dne 24. junija 1997 so se Vlade Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Danske, Zvezne republike Nemčije, Helenske Republike, Kraljevine Španije, Francoske republike, Italijanske republike, Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg, Kraljevine Nizozemske, Republike Avstrije, Portugalske republike, Republike Finske in Kraljevine Švedske sporazumele o protokolu, ki spreminja člene 40, 41 in 65 Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma z dne 14. junija 1985 (v nadaljnjem besedilu Protokol) z določitvijo poenostavitve postopka za spremembo opredelitve pojmov "uradniki", "organi" in "pristojna ministrstva" v navedenih členih.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
have available an up-to-date list of certified reference material and reference material held by the Institute for Reference Material and Methods, and an up-to-date list of manufacturers and vendors of that material.ANNEX VI
da imajo na razpolago dopolnjen seznam potrjenega referenčnega materiala in referenčnega materiala, ki ga hrani Institut za referenčni material in metode ter dopolnjen seznam proizvajalcev in prodajalcev tega materiala.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1788
This allocation should be based on the reference quantities held by producers for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 April 2003.
Ta razdelitev mora temeljiti na referenčnih količinah, ki jih imajo proizvajalci za dvanajstmesečno obdobje, ki se začne 1. aprila 2003.
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