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registrar exam
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(6) [Prohibition of Substantive Examination] No Office of a Contracting Party may, for the purposes of effecting the renewal, examine the registration as to substance.
(6) (Prepoved vsebinskega preizkusa) Noben urad pogodbenice ne sme zaradi podaljšanja veljavnosti preizkusiti registracije glede vsebine.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) The Office shall, until publication of the international registration by the International Bureau, keep in confidence each international registration of which a copy has been sent to it by the International Bureau and may use the said copy only for the purpose of the examination of the international registration and of applications for the protection of industrial designs filed in or for the Contracting Party for which the Office is competent.
(b) Dokler Mednarodni urad ne objavi mednarodne registracije, varuje urad kot zaupno vsako mednarodno registracijo, katere izvod je prejel od Mednarodnega urada, ta izvod pa lahko uporablja le za preizkušanje mednarodne registracije in prijav za varstvo modela, vloženih v pogodbenici ali za pogodbenico, za katero je ta urad pristojen.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(6) [Substantive Examination on the Occasion of Renewal] Any State or intergovernmental organization may declare that, notwithstanding Article 13(6), the Office may, on the occasion of the first renewal of a registration covering services, examine such registration as to substance, provided that such examination shall be limited to the elimination of multiple registrations based on applications filed during a period of six months following the entry into force of the law of such State or organization that introduced, before the entry into force of this Treaty, the possibility of registering service marks.
(6) (Vsebinski preizkus ob podaljšanju veljavnosti) Vsaka država ali medvladna organizacija lahko izjavi, da lahko urad ne glede na šesti odstavek 13. člena ob prvem podaljšanju veljavnosti registracije, ki se nanaša na storitve, preizkusi tako registracijo glede vsebine pod pogojem, da je tak preizkus omejen na delitev večkratnih registracij, temelječih na prijavah, ki so bile vložene v obdobju šestih mesecev po začetku veljavnosti zakonodaje take države ali organizacije, ki je pred začetkom veljavnosti te pogodbe uvedla možnost registriranja storitvenih znamk.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(3) [Declaration Concerning Effect of Designation of Applicant's Contracting Party] (a) Any Contracting Party whose Office is an Examining Office may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that, where it is the applicant's Contracting Party, the designation of that Contracting Party in an international registration shall have no effect.
(3) [Izjava o učinku imenovanja pogodbenice prijavitelja] (a) Vsaka pogodbenica, katere urad je urad za preizkušanje, lahko z izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da njeno imenovanje v mednarodni registraciji nima nobenega učinka, kadar je sama pogodbenica prijavitelja.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) Costs shall be paid for licenses, ratings, authorities, training certificates, recognition of foreign documents, checking capacities, taking examinations, registration of aircraft, /confirmation/s on entry of an aircraft, certificates, certificates, permits, approvals of documents,, inspections in connection with aircraft registration and for other activities at the demand of clients which the Administration or authorised person issues in the framework of their competencies, all in compliance with the provisions this Act and regulations issued on its basis.
(1) Za licenco, rating, pooblastilo, spričevalo za usposabljanje, priznanje tuje listine, preverjanje usposobljenosti, opravljanje izpitov, registracijo zrakoplova, potrdilo o vpisu zrakoplova, spričevalo, certifikat, dovoljenje, odobritve listin, preglede v zvezi z registracijo zrakoplovov ter za druga dejanja na zahtevo stranke, ki jih v okviru svojih pristojnosti izvaja Uprava oziroma pooblaščena oseba, vse v skladu z določbami tega zakona in na njegovi podlagi izdanih predpisov, se plača stroške.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) Six months before the expiry of the first period of ten years of the current term of protection of the international registration, the International Bureau shall send to the holder and his representative, if any, a notice indicating the exact date of expiry of the first period of ten years and the Contracting Parties which were the subject of subsequent designations referred to in subparagraph (a).
(b) Šest mesecev pred potekom prvega desetletnega obdobja tekočega roka varstva mednarodne registracije pošlje Mednarodni urad nosilcu in njegovemu zastopniku, če ga ima, obvestilo z navedbo točnega datuma poteka prvega desetletnega obdobja in pogodbenic, ki so bile predmet naknadnih imenovanj iz pododstavka (a).
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(2) [Individual Designation Fee] Any Contracting Party whose Office is an Examining Office and any Contracting Party that is an intergovernmental organization may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that, in connection with any international application in which it is designated, and in connection with the renewal of any international registration resulting from such an international application, the prescribed designation fee referred to in paragraph (1) shall be replaced by an individual designation fee, whose amount shall be indicated in the declaration and can be changed in further declarations.
(2) [Pristojbina za posamično imenovanje] Pogodbenica, katere urad je urad za preizkušanje, ali pogodbenica, ki je mednarodna organizacija, lahko s pisno izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da se v zvezi s katero koli mednarodno prijavo, v kateri je imenovana, in v zvezi z obnovitvijo katere koli mednarodne registracije, ki je posledica take mednarodne prijave, predpisana pristojbina za imenovanje iz prvega odstavka zamenja s pristojbino za posamično imenovanje, katere znesek se navede v izjavi in se lahko s poznejšimi izjavami spremeni.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
a copy of the relevant registration; certified by the competent authority as being an exact copy;
prepis ustrezne registracije, ki ga je pristojni organ overil kot natančen prepis zadevne registracije;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
The copy must be certified by the competent authority to be an exact copy of the relevant registration.
Prepis mora pristojni organ overiti kot natančen prepis zadevne registracije.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Examination of requests for registrations of transfers, licenses or restrictions of the holder's right of disposal
Preizkus zahtev za vpis prenosov, licenc ali omejitev imetnikove razpolagalne pravice v register
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
In the United Kingdom, for example, the registration of a certified foreign judgment will therefore follow the same rules as the registration of a judgment from another part of the United Kingdom and is not to imply a review as to the substance of the foreign judgment.
V Združenem kraljestvu se bodo na primer za vpis v register potrjene tuje sodbe tako upoštevala ista pravila kot pri vpisu v register sodbe iz drugih delov Združenega kraljestva in ne bo smela vključevati preizkusa vsebine tuje sodbe.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0383
Applications for registration pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 are examined by the Committee provided for in Article 15 of that Regulation on the basis of these same data.
Vloge za registracijo v skladu s členom 17 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2081/92 preuči odbor, predviden v členu 15 navedene uredbe, na podlagi teh istih podatkov.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
an appeal is pending against a decision of an examiner to refuse the Community trade mark application on which the international registration was based pursuant to Article 38 of the Regulation;
obstaja nerešena pritožba zoper odločitev preizkuševalca na podlagi člena 38 uredbe o zavrnitvi prijave znamke Skupnosti, na kateri temelji mednarodna registracija;
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, in the course of the examination in accordance with Rule 9(3), the Office finds that the application was not filed within three months from the date on which the international registration was cancelled by the International Bureau;
Če med preizkusom v skladu s pravilom 9(3) Urad ugotovi, da prijava ni bila vložena v treh mesecih od datuma, na katerega je Mednarodni urad izbrisal mednarodno registracijo;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, in the course of the examination pursuant to Article 149(1) of the Regulation, the Office finds that pursuant to Article 38(2) of the Regulation, registration of the mark must be subject to the statement by the holder of the international registration that he disclaims any exclusive rights in a non-distinctive element of the mark, the notification of ex officio refusal of provisional protection pursuant to paragraph 1 shall state that the international registration will be refused protection if the relevant statement is not submitted within the specified time limit.
Če Urad med preizkusom po členu 149(1) uredbe ugotovi, da je registracija znamke po členu 38(2) uredbe pogojena z izjavo imetnika mednarodne registracije, da se odreka vsem izključnim pravicam na nerazlikovalnem elementu znamke, mora biti v obvestilu o zavrnitvi začasnega varstva po uradni dolžnosti po odstavku 1 navedeno, da bo varstvo za mednarodno registracijo zavrnjeno, če ustrezna izjava ne bo predložena v določenem roku.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
For the purposes of that registration, a Member State may therefore determine the level of requirements to be met and in particular, for example where the operator lays claim to the financial standing of another company in the group, it may require that that company be held liable, if necessary jointly and severally.
Zaradi tega lahko država članica za to registracijo določi zahteve, ki jih je treba izpolniti, in zlasti — na primer, kadar se izvajalec sklicuje na finančni položaj druge družbe v skupini — lahko zahteva, da je ta družba odgovorna skupno in solidarno, če je to potrebno.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, until the start of the opposition period referred to in Article 151(2) of the Regulation, the Office has not issued an ex officio notification of provisional refusal pursuant to paragraph 1, the Office shall send a statement of grant of protection to the International Bureau, indicating that the examination of absolute grounds of refusal pursuant to Article 38 of the Regulation has been completed but that the international registration is still subject to oppositions or observations of third parties.
Če Urad do začetka roka za ugovor iz člena 151(2) uredbe ni izdal obvestila o začasni zavrnitvi po uradni dolžnosti na podlagi odstavka 1, pošlje Mednarodnemu uradu izjavo o podelitvi varstva, v kateri je navedeno, da se je preizkus glede absolutnih razlogov za zavrnitev po členu 38 uredbe zaključil, vendar pa tretje stranke še vedno lahko ugovarjajo ali dajo pripombe k mednarodni registraciji.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, in the course of the examination pursuant to Article 149(1) of the Regulation, the Office finds that the international registration designating the European Community does not contain the indication of a second language pursuant to Rule 126 of the present Regulation and Rule 9(5)(g) (ii) of the Common Regulations, the Office shall issue an ex officio notification of provisional refusal pursuant to Article 5(1), and (2) of the Madrid Protocol and Rule 17(1) of the Common Regulations to the International Bureau.
Če Urad med preizkusom po členu 149(1) uredbe ugotovi, da mednarodna registracija, v kateri je imenovana Evropska skupnost, ne vsebuje navedbe drugega jezika po pravilu 126 te uredbe in pravilu 9(5)(g) (ii) skupnega pravilnika, pošlje Mednarodnemu uradu obvestilo o začasni zavrnitvi po uradni dolžnosti skladno s členom 5(1) in (2) Madridskega protokola in pravilom 17(1) skupnega pravilnika.
19 Pravna redakcija
the copy must be certified as an exact copy of the relevant registration by the competent authority.
prepismora pristojni organ overiti kot natančen prepis ustrezne registracije.
20 Pravna redakcija
The copy must be certified by the competent authority to be an exact copy of the relevant registration.
Prepismora pristojni organ overiti kot natančen prepis zadevne registracije.
21 Pravna redakcija
This registration system should in principle not be based upon substantive examination as to compliance with requirements for protection prior to registration, thereby keeping to a minimum the registration and other procedural burdens on applicants.
Ta sistem registracije naj načeloma ne bi temeljil na vsebinski preučitvi skladnosti s pogoji za varstvo pred registracijo, s čimer se registracija in druga proceduralna bremena za prijavitelja zmanjšajo na minimum.
22 Pravna redakcija
The Registrar shall take the measures necessary for giving effect to orders requiring the taking of expert opinion or the examination of witnesses.
Sodni tajnik sprejme nujne ukrepe za uveljavitev odredb, ki zahtevajo izvedensko mnenje ali zaslišanje prič.
23 Pravna redakcija
The minutes shall be signed by the President or by the Judge-Rapporteur responsible for conducting the examination of the witness, and by the Registrar.
Zapisnik podpišeta predsednik alisodnik-poročevalec, ki je odgovoren za vodenje zaslišanja priče, ter sodni tajnik.
24 Pravna redakcija
For example, standardised recording sheets or direct logging or registration of data on standardised 'spread-sheets' via portable computers could be provided.
Na primer, lahko bi se zagotovili standardni listi za zapisovanje ali neposredni vnos ali vpis podatkov v standardizirane "razpredelnice" s pomočjo prenosnih računalnikov.
25 Pravna redakcija
If a preliminary examination of one or more oppositions reveals that the Community trade mark for which an application for registration has been filed is possibly not eligible for registration in respect of some or all of the goods or services for which registration is sought, the Office may suspend the other opposition proceedings.
Če začetni preizkus enega ali več ugovorov pokaže, da znamka Skupnosti, za katero je bila vložena zahteva za registracijo, morda ni upravičena do registracije pri nekaterem ali vsem blagu ali storitvah, za katere se zahteva registracija, lahko Urad prekine druge postopke ugovora.
26 Pravna redakcija
The Registrar shall arrange for the costs of examining experts or witnesses advances by the Court in a case to be demanded from the parties ordered to pay the costs.
Sodni tajnik poskrbi, da se predujmi za stroške izvedencev in prič na sodišču v zadevi zahtevajo od strank, ki so dolžne poravnati stroške.
27 Pravna redakcija
Minutes of the examination of a witness which reproduce the witness's evidence shall be drawn up by the Registrar in the language in which the witness gave his evidence.
Zapisnik o zaslišanju priče, ki je enak izpovedbam priče, sodni tajnik sestavi v jeziku, v katerem je priča podala svojo izpovedbo.
28 Pravna redakcija
shall be consulted before adoption of the guidelines for examination as to formal requirements, examination as to grounds for refusal of registration and invalidity proceedings in the Office and in the other cases provided for in this Regulation.
z njim se posvetujejo pred sprejetjem smernic za preizkus glede formalnih zahtev, preizkusa glede razlogov za zavrnitev registracije in postopkov glede ničnosti pri Uradu in v drugih primerih, ki jih predvideva ta uredba.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
In the United Kingdom, for example, the registration of a certified foreign judgment will therefore follow the same rules as the registration of a judgment from another part of the United Kingdom and is not to imply a review as to the substance of the foreign judgment.
V Združenem kraljestvu se bodo na primer za vpis v register potrjene tuje sodbe tako upoštevala ista pravila kot pri vpisu v register sodbe iz drugih delov Združenega kraljestva in ne bo smela vključevati preizkusa vsebine tuje sodbe.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0780
(7) Where there are obvious reasons to suspect that fictitious operators have applied for registration, Member States should proceed to a more detailed examination of the applications.
(7)Kadar obstajajo očitni razlogi in se domneva, da so navidezni izvajalci zaprosili za registracijo, bi morale države članice začeti z bolj podrobnim pregledom zahtevkov.
31 Pravna redakcija
whereas they can, for example, determine the form of trade mark registration and invalidity procedures, decide whether earlier rights should be invoked either in the registration procedure or in the invalidity procedure or in both and, if they allow earlier rights to be invoked in the registration procedure, have an opposition procedure or an ex officio examination procedure or both;
ker lahko na primer določijo način registracije znamke in postopkov za ugotavljanje neveljavnosti, odločajo o tem, ali naj se prejšnje pravice uveljavljajo v postopku registracije ali v postopku za ugotavljanje neveljavnosti ali v obeh, in, če omogočajo uveljavljanje prejšnjih pravic v postopku registracije, postopek ugovora ali preizkus pogojev po uradni dolžnosti ali oboje;
32 Pravna redakcija
Any producer for whom the official examination referred to in the second subparagraph is required under paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be listed in an official register under a registration number by which to identify him.
Vsak pridelovalec, za katerega se v skladu z odstavki 1 do 4 zahteva uradno preverjanje, navedeno v drugem pododstavku, je vpisan v uradni register pod registrsko številko, ki omogoča njegovo identifikacijo.
33 Pravna redakcija
however, in proceedings relating to relative grounds for refusal of registration, the Office shall be restricted in this examination to the facts, evidence and arguments provided by the parties and the relief sought.
vendar pa je Urad v postopku v zvezi z relativnimi razlogi za zavrnitev registracije pri tem preizkusu omejen na dejstva, dokaze in argumente, ki so jih podale stranke, in zahtevani ukrep.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
When examining an application concerning the unmarried partner of the sponsor, Member States shall consider, as evidence of the family relationship, factors such as a common child, previous cohabitation, registration of the partnership and any other reliable means of proof.
Pri obravnavanju prošnje, ki zadeva izvenzakonskega partnerja sponzorja, lahko države članice kot dokaz o družinskem razmerju upoštevajo dejavnike, kot so skupni otrok, prejšnje skupno bivanje, registracija partnerstva in druga zanesljiva dokazna sredstva.
35 Pravna redakcija
An examiner shall be responsible for taking decisions on behalf of the Office in relation to an application for registration of a Community trade mark, including the matters referred to in Articles 36, 37, 38 and 66, except in so far as an Opposition Division is responsible.
je zadolžen za odločanje v imenu Urada v zvezi s prijavo za registracijo znamke Skupnosti, vključno z zadevami iz členov 36, 37, 38 in 66, razen če je pristojen oddelek za ugovore.
36 Pravna redakcija
The Registrar shall send the order to the competent authority named in Annex I of the Member State in whose territory the witness or expert is to be examined. Where necessary, the order shall be accompanied by a translation into the official languages of the Member State to which it is adressed.
Sodni tajnik pošlje odredbo pristojnemu organu države članice, na ozemlju katere bo priča ali izvedenec zaslišan, imenovanemu v Prilogi I. K odredbi je po potrebi priložen prevod v uradne jezike države članice, na katero je naslovljena.
37 Pravna redakcija
Those minutes shall contain an indication of the case, the date, hour and place of the hearing, an indication of whether the hearing was in public or in camera, the names of the Judges, the Advocate-General and the Registrar present, the names and capacities of the agents, lawyers or advisers of the parties present, the surnames, forenames, status and permanent addresses of the witnesses or experts examined, an indication of the evidence or documents produced at the hearing and, in so far as is necessary, the statements made at the hearing and the decisions pronounced at the hearing by the Court or the President.
V tem zapisniku je navedena zadeva, datum, ura in kraj zaslišanja, navedba o tem, ali je bila na zaslišanju javnost prisotna ali izključena, imena sodnikov, generalnega pravobranilca in prisotnega sodnega tajnika, imena in obseg pooblastila zastopnikov, odvetnikov ali svetovalcev prisotnih strank, priimke, osebna imena, položaj in stalni naslovi zaslišanih prič ali izvedencev, navedba o dokazih ali dokumentih, predloženih na zaslišanju, in, kadar je tako nujno, izjave, podane na zaslišanju in sklepi, ki jih je na zaslišanju razglasilo sodišče ali predsednik.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Examination of grounds for non-registrability
Preizkus razlogov za neregistracijo
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0692
Examination of registration applications for these has revealed several difficulties:
Preučitev zahtevkov za njihovo registracijo je razkrila večje število težav:
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
a copy of the relevant registration; certified by the competent authority as being an exact copy;
prepis ustrezne registracije, ki ga je pristojni organ overil kot natančen prepis zadevne registracije;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Examination of requests for registrations of transfers, licenses or restrictions of the holder's right of disposal
Preizkus zahtev za vpis prenosov, licenc ali omejitev imetnikove razpolagalne pravice v register
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0811
For example, standardised recording sheets or direct logging or registration of data on standardised "spread-sheets" via portable computers could be provided.
Na primer, lahko bi se zagotovili standardni listi za zapisovanje ali neposredni vnos ali vpis podatkov v standardizirane "razpredelnice" s pomočjo prenosnih računalnikov.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0168
describe the type of adjustment (for example, the reason for the adjustment, whether it is an implicit or explicit adjustment, the size of the registration, threshold, etc.),
opiše vrsta prilagoditve (na primer vzrok za prilagoditev, ali je prilagoditev implicitna ali eksplicitna, obseg registracije, meja itd.),
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0780
Where there are obvious reasons to suspect that fictitious operators have applied for registration, Member States should proceed to a more detailed examination of the applications.
Kadar obstajajo očitni razlogi in se domneva, da so navidezni izvajalci zaprosili za registracijo, bi morale države članice začeti z bolj podrobnim pregledom zahtevkov.
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registrar exam