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registration of invoice
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The subject of the certification and hence the audit certificate and audit report, is the SAPARD Agency and all the decentralised and delegated bodies, that is. the processes from registration of the application through to commitment and from registration of the invoice through to payment.
Predmet certificiranja in s tem tudi revizijskega potrdila in revizijskega poročila je agencija SAPARD in vsi decentralizirani organi in inštitucije, na katere so bile prenesene določene naloge, to je vsi procesi od evidentiranja vloge do prevzema obveznosti in od evidentiranja računa do plačila.
2 Pravna redakcija
Registration shall be on the basis of a duplicate of the receipted invoice to be communicated by the seller to the said body.
Registracija se opravi na podlagi dvojnika prejetega računa, ki ga prodajalec posreduje omenjenemu organu.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1184
Evidence that the cereals have been sold as referred to in Article 2 shall be provided by presenting, in respect of each sale, a dated invoice showing the name of the buyer, the name of the producer and the registration number of the declaration referred to in Article 4, the quantity of each cereal sold and the delivery date of the cereals.
Dokazilo, da je bilo žito prodano v skladu s členom 2, se zagotovi tako, da se za vsako prodajo predloži datiran račun, ki vsebuje ime kupca, ime proizvajalca in evidenčno številko izjave iz člena 4, količino prodanega žita po posameznih vrstah žit in datum dobave žit.
Prevodi: en > sl
registration of invoice