Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
Prevodi: en > sl
registration receipt
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
3 The passenger must ensure, on receipt of the luggage registration voucher, that it has been made out in accordance with his instructions.
Ob prevzemu prtljažnice se mora potnik prepričati, da je bila izdana v skladu z njegovimi navodili.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.
Datum priporočenega sporočila oziroma navedeni datum prejema oddanega sporočila bosta odločilna pri določanju takega roka.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [International Registration] The International Bureau shall register each industrial design that is the subject of an international application immediately upon receipt by it of the international application or, where corrections are invited under Article 8, immediately upon receipt of the required corrections.
(1) [Mednarodna registracija] Mednarodni urad registrira vsak model, ki je mednarodno prijavljen, takoj ko prejme mednarodno prijavo ali takoj po prejemu zahtevanih popravkov, če so v skladu z 8. členom zahtevani popravki.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(ii) after the deposit of an instrument referred to in Article 27(2), in which case it shall become effective three months after the date of its receipt by the Director General or at any later date indicated in the declaration but shall apply only in respect of any international registration whose date of international registration is the same as, or is later than, the effective date of the declaration.
(ii) po deponiranju listine iz drugega odstavka 27. člena; v tem primeru začne veljati tri mesece po tem, ko jo je prejel generalni direktor, ali kadar koli pozneje, če je tako navedeno v izjavi, velja pa samo za mednarodno registracijo, katere datum je isti ali poznejši od začetka veljavnosti izjave.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(ii) after the deposit of an instrument referred to in Article 26(2) of the 1960 Act, in which case it shall become effective one month after the date of its receipt by the Director General or at any later date indicated in the declaration but shall apply only in respect of any international registration whose date of international registration is the same as, or is later than, the effective date of the declaration.
(ii) po deponiranju listine iz drugega odstavka 26. člena akta iz leta 1960; v tem primeru začne veljati en mesec po tem, ko jo je prejel generalni direktor, ali na kateri koli poznejši dan, naveden v izjavi, velja pa samo za mednarodno registracijo, katere datum je enak datumu začetka veljavnosti izjave ali je poznejši.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
The notification may also be made later, in which case the notification shall have effect three months after its receipt by the Director General, or at any later date indicated in the notification, in respect of any international registration whose date is the same as or is later than the effective date of the notification.
Uradno obvestilo se lahko da tudi pozneje, veljati pa začne tri mesece po tem, ko ga prejme generalni direktor, ali na kateri koli poznejši datum, naveden v uradnem obvestilu, za vsako mednarodno registracijo, katere datum je enak ali poznejši od datuma začetka veljavnosti tega uradnega obvestila.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(4) [Request for Earlier Publication or for Special Access to the International Registration] (a) At any time during the period of deferment applicable under paragraph (2), the holder may request publication of any or all of the industrial designs that are the subject of the international registration, in which case the period of deferment in respect of such industrial design or designs shall be considered to have expired on the date of receipt of such request by the International Bureau.
(4) [Zahteva za predčasno objavo ali za posebej dovoljeni dostop do mednarodne registracije] (a) V obdobju odloga po drugem odstavku lahko imetnik kadar koli zahteva objavo katerega koli modela ali vseh modelov iz mednarodne registracije, pri čemer se šteje, da je rok odloga za take modele potekel na dan, ko je Mednarodni urad prejel zahtevo.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
Any standard designation fee or individual designation fee paid to the International Bureau in respect of a Contracting Party shall be credited to the account of that Contracting Party with the International Bureau within the month following the month in the course of which the recording of the international registration or renewal for which that fee has been paid was effected or, as regards the second part of the individual designation fee, immediately upon its receipt by the International Bureau.
Vsaka pristojbina za standardno ali za posamično imenovanje, plačana Mednarodnemu uradu za določeno pogodbenico, se knjiži v dobro računa te pogodbenice pri Mednarodnem uradu v mesecu, ki sledi mesecu, v katerem je bil opravljen vpis mednarodne registracije ali obnovitve registracije, za katero je bila plačana pristojbina, drugi del plačila pristojbine za posamično imenovanje pa se knjiži v dobro, takoj ko ga Mednarodni urad prejme.
9 Končna redakcija
no new establishment is brought into use prior to completion of registration and receipt of the distinguishing number.
ne začne obratovati nobeno novo gospodarstvo, dokler ni bila izvedena registracija in dokler mu ni dodeljena registracijska številka.
10 Končna redakcija
(2) The Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia shall publich the decision on cancellation within 15 days following the date of receipt of notification from the court of registration regarding the contents of the announcement.
(2) Uradni list Republike Slovenije mora objaviti sklep o izbrisu v petnajstih dneh od dneva, ko od registrskega sodišča prejme obvestilo o vsebini objave.
11 Končna redakcija
(4) The Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia shall publish the decision on cancellation including the particulars from paragraph 3 of this Article within 15 days following the date of receipt of notification from the court of registration about the contents of the announcement.
(4) Uradni list Republike Slovenije mora objaviti sklep o izbrisu s podatki iz tretjega odstavka tega člena v petnajstih dneh od dneva, ko od registrskega sodišča prejme obvestilo o vsebini objave.
12 Pravna redakcija
Form I-551 alien registration receipt card (no expiry date)
Form I- 551 alien receipt card (z neomejeno veljavnostjo)
13 Pravna redakcija
Form I-551 alien registration receipt card (valid for two(*) to 10 years)
Form I- 551 alien registration receipt card (z veljavnostjo od dveh do 10 let)
14 Pravna redakcija
Deletion of the old registration shall be effected on receipt of that notification, but not before.
Izbris stare registracije se izvede ob prejemu tega obvestila, vendar ne prej.
15 Pravna redakcija
Registration shall be on the basis of a duplicate of the receipted invoice to be communicated by the seller to the said body.
Registracija se opravi na podlagi dvojnika prejetega računa, ki ga prodajalec posreduje omenjenemu organu.
16 Pravna redakcija
On receipt of the registration fee the mark applied for and the particulars referred to in Rule 84 (2) shall be recorded in the Register of Community trade marks.
Ob prejemu pristojbine za registracijo se znamka, za katero je vložena prijava, in ostali podrobni podatki iz pravila 84(2) vnesejo v Register blagovnih znamk Skupnosti.
17 Pravna redakcija
An acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the citizen, quoting the registration number of the complaint and identifying the legal officer who is dealing with the case.
Državljanu se pošlje potrdilo o prejemu, v katerem se navede registrsko številko pritožbe in navede pravnika, ki se z zadevo ukvarja.
18 Pravna redakcija
An acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the complainant, quoting the registration number of the complaint and identifying the legal officer who is dealing with the case.
Pritožniku se pošlje potrdilo o prejemu, v katerem se zapiše registrska številka pritožbe in navede strokovni sodelavec, ki se z zadevo ukvarja.
19 Pravna redakcija
The registration of that conformity assessment body shall be suspended from the time of receipt of the notification by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee.
Registracija zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti je preklicana od trenutka, ko prejme obvestilo sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru.
20 Pravna redakcija
The suspension of the registration of that conformity assessment body shall be lifted from the time of receipt of the notification by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee.
Preklic registracije zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti se odpravi, ko prejme obvestilo sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru.
21 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall forward the translated application for registration to the other Member States within a period of six months from the date of receipt of the application referred to in Article 7 (3).
Komisija pošlje preveden zahtevek za registracijo drugim državam članicam v šestih mesecih od datuma prejema zahtevka iz člena 7(3).
22 Pravna redakcija
The registration of that conformity assessment body shall be terminated on receipt of the proposal by the co-chairman of that other party on the Joint Committee, unless otherwise determined by the Joint Committee.
Veljavnost registracije tega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti preneha, ko prejme predlog sopredsedujoči te druge pogodbenice v Skupnem odboru, razen če Skupni odbor določi drugače.
23 Pravna redakcija
Where no opposition has been entered or where any opposition entered has been finally disposed of by withdrawal, rejection or other disposition, the Office shall request the applicant to pay the registration fee within two months of receipt of the request.
Če ni vložen ugovor ali pa je bil vloženi ugovor dokončno rešen z umikom, zavrženjem ali kako drugače, Urad od prijavitelja zahteva plačilo pristojbine za registracijo v roku dveh mesecev po prejemu zahteve.
24 Pravna redakcija
Any application for registration of a Community trade mark filed within three months prior to the date determined pursuant to Article 143 (3) of the Regulation shall be marked by the Office with the filing date determined pursuant to that provision and with the actual date of receipt of the application.
Vse prijave registracije znamke Skupnosti, vložene v roku treh mesecev pred datumom, določenim v skladu s členom 143(3) Uredbe, Urad označi z datumom prijave, določenim v skladu s to določbo, in z dejanskim datumom prejema prijave.
25 Pravna redakcija
Where the date of receipt of an application for the registration of a Community trade mark by the Office, by the central industrial property office of a Member State or by the Benelux Trade Mark Office is before the commencement of the three months period specified in Article 143 (4) of the Regulation the application shall be deemed not to have been filed.
Če je datum prejema prijave registracije znamke Skupnosti na Uradu, na osrednjem uradu za industrijsko lastnino države članice ali na Uradu Beneluksa za znamke pred začetkom trimesečnega roka, določenega v členu 143 (4) Uredbe, se šteje, da prijava ni bila vložena.
26 Pravna redakcija
the other party shall consider whether the proposed conformity assessment body complies with the criteria for designation set out in the applicable laws, regulations and administrative provisions of that other party specified in the relevant Sectoral Annex and indicate its position regarding the registration of that conformity assessment body within 90 days of receipt of the proposal referred to in subparagraph (a).
druga pogodbenica preveri, ali predlagani organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti izpolnjuje merila za imenovanje, določena v veljavnih zakonih, predpisih in upravnih določbah te druge pogodbenice, navedenih v ustrezni sektorski prilogi, in svoje stališče glede registracije zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti sporoči v 90 dneh od prejema predloga iz pododstavka (a).
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Registration shall be contingent upon the receipt of a 15 cm by 20 cm photograph of the applying vessel and the payment of EUR 600 per vessel as registration fee to be paid to the Kiribati Government Account No 1 with the Bank of Kiribati Ltd, Betio, Tarawa.
Registracija je pogojena s prejemom fotografije zadevnega plovila, velikosti 15 cm x 20 cm in plačilom 600 evrov na plovilo kot registracijske takse, ki se vplača na račun št. 1 Vlade Kiribatija pri Bank of Kiribati Ltd., Betio, Tarawa.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
The annual product of the various receipts from international registration, with the exception of the receipts derived from the fees mentioned in paragraph 2(ii) and (iii), shall be divided equally among the contracting parties by the International Bureau, after deduction of the expenses and charges necessitated by the implementation of this Protocol.
Letno vsoto raznih dohodkov od mednarodne registracije, razen dohodkov od pristojbin iz odstavka 2(ii) in (iii) Mednarodni urad razdeli v enakih delih med pogodbenice, potem ko odšteje stroške in dajatve, potrebne za izvajanje Protokola.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0552
The competent authorities responsible for issuing the authorization for the radioactive waste shipment should complete boxes 17 and 18 immediately on receipt of the application and enter the registration number at the top of each section of the standard document.
Pristojni organi, pooblaščeni za izdajo odobritve pošiljk radioaktivnih odpadkov, takoj po prejetju vloge izpolnijo polji 17 in 18 ter na vrhu vsakega obrazca standardne listine vpišejo številko.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Any application for registration of a Community design filed no more than three months before the date fixed pursuant to Article 111(2) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 shall be marked by the Office with the filing date determined pursuant to that provision and with the actual date of receipt of the application.
Katero koli prijavo za registracijo modela Skupnosti, vloženo ne več kot tri mesece pred datumom, določenim v skladu s členom 111(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 6/2002, urad označi z datumom vložitve, določenim v skladu z navedeno določbo, in z dejanskim datumom prejema prijave.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
Any such declaration may also be made later, in which case the declaration shall have effect three months after its receipt by the Director-General, or at any later date indicated in the declaration, in respect of any international registration whose date is the same as or is later than the effective date of the declaration.
Za vsako mednarodno registracijo, ki ima isti ali kasnejši datum od datuma začetka veljavnosti izjave, se lahko da izjava tudi kasneje; v tem primeru začne veljati tri mesece po dnevu, ko jo je prejel generalni direktor, ali z vsakim kasnejšim datumom, navedenim v izjavi.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Where the date of receipt of an application for the registration of a Community design by the Office, by the central industrial property office of a Member State or by the Benelux Design Office is before the commencement of the three-month period specified in Article 111(3) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 the application shall be deemed not to have been filed.
Če je datum prejetja prijave za registracijo modela Skupnosti s strani urada, osrednjega urada za industrijsko lastnino države članice ali urada Beneluksa za modele pred začetkom trimesečnega obdobja iz člena 111(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 6/2002, se šteje, da prijava ni bila vložena.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
Any such declaration may also be made later, in which case the declaration shall have effect three months after its receipt by the Director-General of the organisation (hereinafter referred to as the Director-General), or at any later date indicated in the declaration, in respect of any international registration whose date is the same as or is later than the effective date of the declaration.
v tem primeru začne veljati tri mesece od dneva, ko jo generalni direktor Organizacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: generalni direktor) prejme, ali s katerim koli kasnejšim datumom, navedenim v izjavi, kadar gre za mednarodno registracijo z istim ali kasnejšim datumom, kot je datum začetka veljavnosti izjave.
Prevodi: en > sl
registration receipt