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related structure
1 Objavljeno
Carbamazepine is a tricyclic compound structurally related to imipramine.
Karbamazepin je triciklična spojina, podobna imipraminu.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
In the framework of the programme it will relate available funds from the EU Structural Funds with the needs stemming from regional development programmes.
Na programski način bo povezala razpoložljiva sredstva iz strukturnih skladov Evropske unije s potrebami, ki izhajajo iz regionalnih razvojnih programov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(a) examine the National Fund procedures and structures related to the implementation of the Programme and SAPARD Agency procedures and structures and, where appropriate, procedures and structures of other bodies to which tasks may have been delegated in accordance with Article 4 (3), Article 5 (3) and Article 6 (5) of this Section;
(a) pregleda postopke in organiziranost Nacionalnega sklada v zvezi z izvajanjem programa, postopke in organiziranost agencije SAPARD ter po potrebi tudi postopke in organiziranost drugih organov, na katere so bile morda prenesene naloge v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 4. člena, tretjim odstavkom 5. člena in petim odstavkom 6. člena tega razdelka;
4 Objavljeno
Abuse can occur through inappropriate related party transactions, biased business decisions or changes in the capital structure favouring controlling shareholders.
Zlorabe se lahko zgodijo tudi z neprimernimi transakcijami s povezanimi družbami, pristranskimi poslovnimi odločitvami ali spremembami kapitalske strukture v korist obvladujočih delničarjev.
5 Objavljeno
SOEs should at least comply with these requirements, including financial and operating results, remuneration policies, related party transactions, governance structures and governance policies.
Družbe v državni lasti morajo upoštevati najmanj v njih omenjene zahteve, vključno s finančnimi rezultati in rezultati poslovanja, politikami nagrajevanja, transakcijami s povezanimi družbami, mehanizmi in politikami upravljanja.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
These monitoring indicators, concerning the inputs and the outputs of the Programme, shall relate to the specific character of the assistance concerned, its objectives and the socio-economic, structural and environmental situation of the Republic of Slovenia.
Kazalci za spremljanje in nadzor, ki ponazarjajo v program vložena sredstva in dosežene rezultate programa, se nanašajo na posebnost take pomoči, na njene cilje in na socialno-ekonomske, strukturne in okoljske razmere Republike Slovenije.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
Recognizing that an internationally unique and technically innovative accelerator system will in future be of great significance for the performance of state of the art research in many different scientific fields concerned with the basic structure of matter and related areas;
ob spoznanju, da bo v prihodnje edinstven in tehnično inovativen mednarodni sistem pospeševalnikov pomemben za izvajanje najnaprednejših raziskav na več različnih področjih, ki se nanašajo na osnovno zgradbo snovi in s tem povezana področja;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
The type of traffic also depends on the factors related to the existence or not of liner services from and to the relevant ports, since, besides determining the type of vessels used, this component involves the development of structures and services on land that increase port's performance.
Oblika prometa je prav tako odvisna od obstoja linijskega prometa med pristanišči, saj je to poleg vpliva na vrsto uporabljenih plovil povezano tudi z razvojem zmogljivosti in storitev na kopnem, kar povečuje zmogljivost pristanišč.
9 Objavljeno
A clear statement to the public of the company objectives and their fulfilment. The ownership and voting structure of the company. Any material risk factors and measures taken to manage such risks. Any financial assistance, including guarantees, received from the state and commitments made on behalf of the SOE. Any material transactions with related entities.
1.jasna izjava za javnost o ciljih družbe in njihovem izvrševanju; 2.lastniška in glasovalna struktura družbe; 3.morebitni pomembni dejavniki tveganja in ukrepi za njihovo obvladovanje; 4.morebitna državna finančna pomoč, vključno z državnimi garancijami ter sprejete obveznosti v imenudružbe v državni lasti; 5.vse pomembne transakcije s povezanimi družbami.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
The institutional structure of the Global Environment Facility, operated in accordance with the Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility, shall, on an interim basis, be the principal entity entrusted with the operations of the financial mechanism referred to in Article 13, for the period between the date of entry into force of this Convention and the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties, or until such time as the Conference of the Parties decides which institutional structure will be designated in accordance with Article 13. The institutional structure of the Global Environment Facility should fulfill this function through operational measures related specifically to persistent organic pollutants taking into account that new arrangements for this area may be needed.
Institucionalna struktura Sklada za svetovno okolje, ki se upravlja v skladu z Listino o oblikovanju prestrukturiranega Sklada za svetovno okolje, je začasno glavni subjekt, pooblaščen za delovanje finančnega mehanizma, omenjenega v 13. členu, za obdobje od začetka veljavnosti te konvencije do prvega zasedanja Konference pogodbenic ali do takrat, ko Konferenca pogodbenic odloči, katero institucionalno strukturo bo določila v skladu s 13. členom. Institucionalna struktura Sklada za svetovno okolje izpolnjuje svojo nalogo z operativnimi ukrepi, ki se posebej nanašajo na obstojna organska onesnaževala, ob upoštevanju, da bodo na tem področju morda potrebni novi ukrepi.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
In the process of drawing closer to Euro-Atlantic structures and the related reforms in the energy sector, Montenegro adopted a Strategy of Energy Development in Montenegro up to 2025. Following the institutional reorganisation of the sector and the envisaged legislative amendments, the country needs an appropriate information technology support in the form of a state-of-the art and efficient information system in the energy sector.
V okviru približevanja evro-atlantskim strukturam in s tem povezanimi reformami v sektorju energetike je Črna gora sprejela Strategijo o energetskem razvoju Črne gore do leta 2025. Po izvedeni institucionalni reorganizaciji sektorja in načrtovanih zakonodajnih spremembah potrebuje država ustrezno informacijsko-tehnološko podporo v obliki sodobnega in učinkovitega informacijskega sistema v energetskem sektorju.
12 Objavljeno
Particularly noticeable among them are the Alpine and subAlpine region and regional characteristics, related to the almost a century-long existence and development of main industrial pollutants, limited space in valleys and basins and last but not least also the specific development during the last half century Some recent studies call attention also to the inner degradation differentiation (in physiognomy, structure and function) of Slovenian urban areas.
Med njimi izstopajo predvsem alpska in predalpska lega in z njo povezane pokrajinske značilnosti, skoraj stoletni obstoj in razvoj glavnih industrijskih onesnaževalcev, prostorska omejenost v dolinah in kotlinah in nenazadnje tudi specifičen razvoj zadnjega pol stoletja. Nekatere zadnje raziskave pa opozarjajo že tudi na notranjo degradacijo diferenciranost (v fiziognomiji, strukturi in funkciji) slovenskih urbanih območij.
13 Končna redakcija
This means that structures which are not nuclear-safety related also have to be demonstrated as safe,
To pomeni, da morajo biti tudi sestave, ki niso v varnostnem razredu, dokazane kot varne.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
As a general rule, operations co-financed by the Structural Funds shall be located in the region to which the assistance relates.
Praviloma so aktivnosti, ki se sofinancirajo iz strukturnih skladov, locirane v regiji, na katero se nanaša pomoč.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
support given for structural adjustment must relate directly to operations and measures adopted by the State concerned in connection with that adjustment;
pomoč za strukturno prilagoditev mora biti neposredno povezana z dejavnostmi in ukrepi, ki jih sprejme zadevna država v zvezi s prilagajanjem;
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings;
Svetovanje podjetjem glede kapitalske strukture, industrijske strategije in sorodnih zadev ter svetovanje in storitve v zvezi z združevanji in nakupi podjetij;
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
These shall relate to the living conditions and structure of the rural population, employment and income from farm and off-farm activities, agricultural structures, agricultural commodities, quality, competitiveness, forest resources and the environment.
Ta se nanašajo na življenjske razmere in strukturo podeželskega prebivalstva, zaposlitve in dohodek v kmetijskih in stranskih dejavnostih, kmetijske strukture, kmetijske proizvode, kakovost, konkurenčnost, gozdne vire in okolje.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0530
Whereas, to reflect changes taking place in the structure of the labour force, in the distribution of earnings, and in the composition of expenditure by enterprises on wages and related employers' contributions, the statistics need to be regularly updated;
ker je zato, da bi se pokazale spremembe, ki se dogajajo v strukturi delovne sile, v porazdelitvi plačil ter v sestavi stroškov podjetij za plače in z njimi povezanih prispevkov delodajalcev, treba redno ažurirati statistične podatke;
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0323
'1. (a) Any fee charged to a participating carrier by a system vendor shall be non-discriminatory, reasonably structured and reasonably related to the cost of the service provided and used and shall, in particular, be the same for the same level of service.
"1. (a) Vse pristojbine, ki jih prodajalec sistema zaračuna sodelujočemu prevozniku, so nediskriminacijske, ustrezno oblikovane in morajo razumno ustrezati stroškom za opravljene in uporabljene storitve, predvsem pa so enake za enako raven storitev.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
Overheads are eligible expenditure provided that they are based on real costs which relate to the implementation of the operation co-financed by the Structural Funds and are allocated pro rata to the operation, according to a duly justified fair and equitable method.
Režijski stroški so upravičeni izdatki pod pogojem, da temeljijo na realnih stroških, povezanih z izvajanjem aktivnosti, ki se sofinancira iz strukturnih skladov, in da se razporejajo sorazmerno z aktivnostjo v skladu z utemeljeno pravično in nepristransko metodo.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0323
Any fee for equipment rental or other service charged to a subscriber by a system vendor shall be non-discriminatory, reasonably structured and reasonably related to the cost of the service provided and used and shall, in particular, be the same for the same level of service.
Vse pristojbine za najem opreme ali druge storitve, ki jih prodajalec sistema zaračuna naročniku, so nediskriminacijske, ustrezno oblikovane in ustrezno povezane s stroški opravljenih in uporabljenih storitev, predvsem pa enake za enako raven storitev.
22 Končna redakcija
structural measures not directly related to the production of wine should fall within the scope of Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 of 17 May 1999 on support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) and amending and repeating certain Regulations(44);
Strukturni ukrepi, ki niso neposredno povezani s proizvodnjo vina, naj sodijo v okvir Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1257/1999 z dne 17. maja 1999 o podpori za razvoj podeželja iz Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EAGGF), ki spreminja in razveljavlja nekatere uredbe;
23 Končna redakcija
A further complication arising from the intertwining of religious and political convictions is of a structural nature and is related to politics as a field specialized in operating with interests (and not, for example, truth, or justice, or the production of goods, all of which are the domain of other sectors).
Nadaljnja komplikacija v primerih prepletanja verskih in političnih prepričanj je strukturna in izhaja iz politike kot področja, ki je specializirano za operiranje z interesi (ne pa npr. za resnico, niti za pravico, niti za produkcijo dobrin, za kar so pristojni drugi sektorji). Mešanje političnih in verskih prostorov je mešanica vode in olja.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0025
Informers play a valuable role in the fight against serious cross-border crime, and drug-related crime in particular, since they usually enjoy the trust of the offenders and thus use of such persons affords an opportunity to gain a general picture of the activities of clandestine criminal organisations and structures.
Informatorji imajo pomembno vlogo v boju proti težjim oblikam čezmejnega kriminala, zlasti z drogami povezanega kriminala, ker običajno uživajo zaupanje storilcev kaznivih dejanj. Zato omogoča uporaba takšnih oseb možnost pridobivanja splošne predstave o dejavnostih tajnih kriminalnih združb in struktur.
25 Končna redakcija
Based on the accession of 10 new Member States by ) May 2004, the maximum additional enlargement-related appropriations for commitments for agriculture, structural operations, internal policies and administration, as agreed in the conclusions of the European Council in Copenhagen, shall be the amounts set out in the table below:
Na podlagi pristopa 10 novih držav članic s 1. majem 2004 predstavljajo maksimalne, s širitvijo povezane dodatne odobrene pravice za prevzem obveznosti za kmetijstvo, strukturne operacije, notranje politike in upravo, kakor so bile dogovorjene v sklepih Evropskega sveta v Kopenhagnu, zneski iz tabele spodaj:
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
keep separate accounts for the activities associated with the provision of electronic communications networks or services, to the extent that would be required if these activities were carried out by legally independent companies, so as to identify all elements of cost and revenue, with the basis of their calculation and the detailed attribution methods used, related to their activities associated with the provision of electronic communications networks or services including an itemised breakdown of fixed asset and structural costs, or
vodijo loèeno raèunovodstvo za dejavnosti, povezane z zagotavljanjem elektronskih komunikacijskih omrežij ali storitev, v obsegu, ki bi bil potreben, èe bi te dejavnosti opravljale pravno neodvisne družbe, da bi se opredelili vsi elementi odhodkov in prihodkov v zvezi z njihovimi dejavnostmi, povezanimi z zagotavljanjem elektronskih komunikacijskih omrežij ali storitev, z osnovo za njihovo izraèunavanje in uporabljenimi podrobnimi postopki razporeditve, vkljuèno z razèlenitvijo osnovnih sredstev in strukturnih stroškov po postavkah, ali
27 Pravna redakcija
The main change in the style of this Eurocontrol Standard Document relates to the structure of the ICD specification.
Glavna sprememba v slogu tega Eurocontrolovega standardnega dokumenta se nanaša na strukturo specifikacij kontrolnega dokumenta vmesnika.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
For better accuracy, it is preferable to choose reference compounds which are structurally related to the test substance.
Za večjo točnost je priporočljivo izbrati referenčne snovi, ki so strukturno sorodne preskusni snovi.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Higher accuracy can usually be achieved when correlation plots are based on structurally-related reference compounds (9).
Običajno se lahko doseže večja točnost, kadar korelacijske krivulje temeljijo na strukturno sorodnih referenčnih snoveh (9).
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
As a general rule, operations co-financed by the Structural Funds shall be located in the region to which the assistance relates.
Praviloma so aktivnosti, ki se sofinancirajo iz strukturnih skladov, locirane v regiji, na katero se nanaša pomoč.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
support given for structural adjustment must relate directly to operations and measures adopted by the State concerned in connection with that adjustment;
pomoč za strukturno prilagoditev mora biti neposredno povezana z dejavnostmi in ukrepi, ki jih sprejme zadevna država v zvezi s prilagajanjem;
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Furthermore, the structure of the company's export sales' sector, with more than one related importer involved, was considered to increase the risk of circumvention.
Poleg tega so zaradi strukture oddelka za izvozne prodaje te družbe, ki je vključevala več kot enega povezanega uvoznika, menili, da je nevarnost izogibanja še večja.
33 Pravna redakcija
- advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings,
- svetovanje podjetjem o strukturi kapitala, industrijski strategiji in z njimi povezanimi vprašanji ter svetovanje o storitvah, ki so povezane z združitvami in nakupi podjetij,
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related structure