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retail interest rate
1 Pravna redakcija
If a member requests that its refund be retained in the Buffer Stock Account, this amount shall be credited against any additional contribution requested in accordance with Article 28. The credit retained in the Buffer Stock Account at the request of a member shall bear interest at the average rate of interest earned on funds in the Buffer Stock Account, beginning the last day when the amount should normally be reimbursed to that member until the day preceding the actual reimbursement.
Če članica zahteva, da se njeno povračilo zadrži na računu intervencijskih zalog, se ta znesek šteje v dobro pri vsakem dodatnem prispevku, ki se zahteva v skladu s členom 28. Dobroimetje, zadržano na računu intervencijskih zalog na zahtevo članice, se obrestuje po povprečni stopnji obresti, ki jih prinašajo sredstva na računu intervencijskih zalog, od zadnjega dne, ko bi moral biti znesek normalno povrnjen tej članici, do dne pred dejanskim povračilom.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
The credit retained in the Buffer Stock Account at the request of a member shall bear interest at the average rate of interest earned on funds in the Buffer Stock Account, beginning the last day when the amount should normally be reimbursed to that member until the day preceding the actual reimbursement.
Dobroimetje, zadržano na računu intervencijskih zalog na zahtevo članice, se obrestuje po povprečni stopnji obresti, ki jih prinašajo sredstva na računu intervencijskih zalog, od zadnjega dne, ko bi moral biti znesek normalno povrnjen tej članici, do dne pred dejanskim povračilom.
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retail interest rate