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review investigation
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0174
Review investigation
Preiskava v zvezi s pregledom
3 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
In case of an investigation, it will include a review of any previous and/or subsequent tests.
Če se opravi preiskava, ta vsebuje pregled morebitnih prejšnjih in/ali poznejših testov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
The Prosecutor's deferral to a State's investigation shall be open to review by the Prosecutor six months after the date of deferral or at any time when there has been a significant change of circumstances based on the State's unwillingness or inability genuinely to carry out the investigation.
Tožilec lahko šest mesecev po dnevu prepustitve preiskave določeni državi ali kadar koli, če pride do pomembne spremembe okoliščin na podlagi nepripravljenosti ali nezmožnosti države, da bi dejansko izvedla preiskavo, prepustitev ponovno pretehta.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
11.3 The authorities shall review the accuracy and adequacy of the evidence provided in the application to determine whether the evidence is sufficient to justify the initiation of an investigation.
11.3 Oblasti proučijo točnost in ustreznost dokazov, navedenih v vlogi, da bi ugotovili, ali je dovolj dokazov, ki utemeljujejo uvedbo preiskave.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
32.3 Subject to paragraph 4, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to investigations, and reviews of existing measures, initiated pursuant to applications which have been made on or after the date of entry into force for a Member of the WTO Agreement.
32.3 Pod pogoji četrtega odstavka se določbe tega sporazuma nanašajo na preiskave in proučitve obstoječih ukrepov, ki so v uporabi ali se začnejo uporabljati na dan začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO za določeno članico ali po dnevu začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO za določeno članico.
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
18.3 Subject to subparagraphs 3.1 and 3.2, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to investigations, and reviews of existing measures, initiated pursuant to applications which have been made on or after the date of entry into force for a Member of the WTO Agreement.
18.3 Pod pogoji pododstavkov 3.1 in 3.2 se določbe tega sporazuma uporabljajo za preiskave in proučitve obstoječih ukrepov, ki so sprožene na podlagi vlog, vloženih na dan ali po datumu začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO za določeno članico.
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
9.5 If a product is subject to anti dumping duties in an importing Member, the authorities shall promptly carry out a review for the purpose of determining individual margins of dumping for any exporters or producers in the exporting country in question who have not exported the product to the importing Member during the period of investigation, provided that these exporters or producers can show that they are not related to any of the exporters or producers in the exporting country who are subject to the anti dumping duties on the product.
9.5 Če je določen proizvod predmet protidumpinške carine v članici uvoznici, morajo oblasti pravočasno opraviti pregled z namenom, da se določijo posamezne stopnje dumpinga za vsakega izvoznika ali proizvajalca v državi izvoznici, ki ni izvažala proizvoda v članico uvoznico med preiskavo, pod pogojem, da ti izvozniki ali proizvajalci lahko dokažejo, da niso v razmerju z izvozniki oziroma proizvajalci v državi izvoznici, ki so predmet protidumpinških carin za njihov proizvod.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0823
As no request for a review of the findings on injury was made in the request for the investigation, the review was limited to dumping.
Ker v okviru te preiskave ni bila vložena nobena zahteva za revizijo ugotovitev o škodi, se je revizija omejila na vprašanje dampinga.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
The various types of review investigations have different potential scopes and degrees of complexity.
Različne vrste preiskav v zvezi s pregledi imajo različne obsege in stopnje zahtevnosti.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
As no request for a review of the findings on injury was made in the request for the investigation, the review was limited to subsidies granted to Indo Pet.
Ker v okviru te preiskave ni bila vložena nobena zahteva za revizijo ugotovitev o škodi, se je revizija omejila na vprašanje subvencij, dodeljenih podjetju Indo Pet.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
For review investigations pursuant to Article 11(4), it is considered that the time limit for completion should be set at nine months.
Rok za zaključek preiskav v zvezi s pregledom po členu 11(4) pa bi moral biti devet mesecev.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Consequently, unusually lengthy review investigations pursuant to such Article may undermine legal certainty and cause adverse effects for interested parties.
Zaradi tega utegnejo neobičajno dolgi pregledi po tem členu ogroziti pravno varnost in imeti škodljive posledice za zainteresirane stranke.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Countries under the review investigation
Države, ki so predmet pregleda
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
Having determined, after consultation of the Advisory Committee, that sufficient evidence existed for the initiation of a review, the Commission announced the initiation of an expiry review(5), pursuant to Article 11(2) of the Basic Regulation and commenced an investigation.
V zahtevku je vlagatelj trdil, da bi prenehanje ukrepov verjetno privedlo do nadaljevanja ali ponovnega pojava dampinga in škode za industrijo Skupnosti. (3) Komisija je po posvetovanju s svetovalnim odborom ugotovila, da obstaja dovolj dokazov za začetek pregleda in razglasila začetek pregleda zaradi izteka ukrepov [5] v skladu s členom 11(2) osnovne uredbe ter začela raziskavo.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
The investigation has revealed that the import volume of the product under consideration from China was higher than in the IP of the previous expiry review and that it had clearly remained at dumped levels.
Preiskava je razkrila, da je bil obseg uvoza obravnavanega izdelka s Kitajske večji kakor v OP prejšnjega pregleda zaradi izteka ukrepov in da je nedvomno ostal na dampinški ravni.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
The relevant provisions of this Regulation with regard to procedures and the conduct of investigations, excluding those relating to time limits, shall apply to any review carried out pursuant to Article 18, 19 and 20.
Ustrezne določbe te uredbe v zvezi s postopki in vodenjem preiskav razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na roke, veljajo za vsak pregled, ki se opravlja v skladu s členi 18, 19 in 20.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Similar non desirable effects may result from overly lengthy investigations in the context of reviews pursuant to Articles 11(3) and (4) and reinvestigations pursuant to Article 12 of the Basic Anti-dumping Regulation.
Podobno lahko nastanejo neželene posledice zaradi predolgotrajnih preiskav v zvezi s pregledi po členu 11(3) in (4) in ponovnih preiskavah po členu 12 osnovne protidampinške uredbe.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
The product covered by the current review is the same as in the original investigation, i.e. polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with a coefficient of viscosity of 78 ml/g or higher, according to DIN (Deutsche Industrienorm) 53728.
Izdelek, ki ga obravnava ta pregled, je isti kakor v prvotni preiskavi, tj. polietilen tereftalat (PET) s koeficientom viskoznosti 78 ml/g ali več glede na standard DIN (Deutsche Industrienorm) 53728.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0823
The product covered by the current review is the same as in the original investigation, i. e. polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with a coefficient of viscosity of 78 ml/g or higher, according to DIN (Deutsche Industrienorm) 53728.
Izdelek, ki ga obravnava ta pregled, je isti kakor v prvotni preiskavi, tj. polietilen tereftalat (PET) s koeficientom viskoznosti 78 ml/g ali več glede na standard DIN (Deutsche Industrienorm) 53728.
21 Končna redakcija
if the claim does not appear to be justified, the competent Commission department will ask the firm, in the course of the investigation and no later than the time at which the statement of objections is sent, to review its position.
če se zahtevek zdi neutemeljen, pristojna služba Komisije v času med preiskavo in najpozneje takrat, ko je bila poslana izjava o ugovoru, zaprosi podjetje, da ponovno preuči svoje stališče.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
It is therefore appropriate to introduce mandatory time limits also for the completion of review investigations pursuant to Articles 11(2), (3) and (4) and reinvestigations pursuant to Article 12 of the Basic Anti-dumping Regulation.
Zato je treba uvesti obvezne roke tudi za zaključek preiskav v zvezi s pregledi po členu 11(2), (3) in (4) ter ponovnih preiskav po členu 12 osnovne protidampinške uredbe.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
The relevant provisions of this Regulation with regard to procedures and the conduct of investigations, excluding those relating to time limits, shall apply to any review carried out pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Article.
Ustrezne določbe te uredbe v zvezi s postopki in vodenjem preiskav razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na roke, se uporabljajo za vsak pregled, ki se opravlja v skladu z odstavki 2, 3 in 4 tega člena.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
Furthermore, as the present investigation is an expiry review, it allows analysis of a situation in which anti-dumping measures have already been in place and to assess any undue negative impact on the parties concerned by the current anti-dumping measures.
Ker je sedanja preiskava obenem pregled zaradi izteka ukrepov, omogoča analizo stanja, v katerem že veljajo protidampinški ukrepi, in oceno vsakršnega nepotrebnega negativnega učinka, ki ga imajo na zadevne stranke sedanji protidampinški ukrepi.
25 Končna redakcija
The decision shall specify the subject matter and purpose of the investigation, appoint the date on which it is to begin and indicate the penalties provided for in Article 22 (1) (c) and Article 23 (1) (d) and the right to have the decision reviewed by the Court of Justice.
V odloèbi so opredeljeni predmet in namen preiskave, datum njenega zaèetka in kazni, ki jih doloèata èlena 22(1)(c) in 23(1)(d), ter pravica, da odloèbo preveri SodišĂ¨e.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Consequently, while these review investigations should normally be completed within the existing indicative time limit of 12 months, the mandatory time limit for completion should be equal, but not longer, than that of the 15-month period set for the completion of new proceedings.
Medtem ko morajo biti te preiskave v zvezi s pregledi končane v obstoječem okvirnem roku 12 mesecev, bi moral biti obvezni rok za zaključek enak in ne daljši kot 15 mesecev, ki je določen za zaključek novih postopkov.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
expire in the case of investigations carried out pursuant to Articles 18 and 19 in parallel, where either the investigation pursuant to Article 18 was initiated while a review under Article 19 was ongoing in the same proceeding or where such reviews were initiated at the same time, or
prenehajo veljati v primeru preiskav, ki se vzporedno izvajajo v skladu s členoma 18 in 19, bodisi kadar se je začela preiskava v skladu s členom 18 medtem ko je v okviru istega postopka potekal pregled v skladu s členom 19 ali kadar so se taki pregledi začeli istočasno, ali
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0823
After consultation of the Advisory Committee and after the Community industry concerned had been given the opportunity to comment, the Commission initiated, by Regulation (EC) No 1292/2003, a review of Regulation (EC) No 2604/2000 with regard to Indo Pet and commenced its investigation.
Po tem ko se je Komisija posvetovala s svetovalnim odborom in zadevni industriji Skupnosti dala možnost za pripombe, je z Uredbo (ES) št. 1292/2003 uvedla revizijo Uredbe (ES) št. 2604/2000 v zvezi z Indo Pet in začela preiskavo.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
First, reviews pursuant to Articles 11(2) and (3) of the Basic Anti-dumping Regulation may, in certain circumstances, present the same complexity as new proceedings pursuant to Article 5(9), for instance in terms of the scope of the investigation or the number of interested parties concerned.
Prvič, pregledi po členu 11(2) in (3) osnovne protidampinške uredbe so v nekaterih okoliščinah lahko enako zahtevni kot novi postopki po členu 5(9), na primer glede obsega preiskave ali števila zainteresiranih strank.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
expire in the case of investigations carried out pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article in parallel, where either the investigation pursuant to paragraph 2 was initiated while a review under paragraph 3 was ongoing in the same proceeding or where such reviews were initiated at the same time, or
prenehajo veljati v primeru preiskav, ki se vzporedno opravljajo v skladu z odstavkoma 2 in 3 tega člena, bodisi kadar se je začela preiskava v skladu z odstavkom 2 med tem, ko je v istem postopku potekal že pregled v skladu z odstavkom 3, ali kadar sta se taka pregleda začela istočasno, ali
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
After consultation of the Advisory Committee and after the Community industry concerned had been given the opportunity to comment, the Commission initiated, by a notice published in the Official Journal of the European Union(4), a review of Regulation (EC) No 2603/2000 with regard to the company concerned and commenced its investigation.
Po tem ko se je Komisija posvetovala s svetovalnim odborom in zadevni industriji Skupnosti dala možnost za pripombe, je z objavo v Uradnem listu [4] uvedla pospešeno revizijo Uredbe (ES) št. 2603/2000 v zvezi z zadevnim podjetjem in začela preiskavo.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
The Basic Anti-dumping Regulation establishes mandatory time limits for the completion of investigation procedures initiated pursuant to Article 5(9) of the Basic Anti-dumping Regulation while review investigations, initiated pursuant to Articles 11(2), (3) and (4) and reinvestigations pursuant to Article 12 of the Basic Anti-dumping Regulation, are subject to an indicative time limit only.
Osnovna protidampinška uredba določa obvezne roke za zaključek preiskovalnih postopkov, začetih v skladu s členom 5(9) osnovne protidampinške uredbe, medtem ko za preiskave z zvezi s pregledi, začete v skladu s členom 11(2), (3) in (4), ter ponovne preiskave v skladu s členom 12 osnovne protidampinške uredbe velja le okvirni rok.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
As in the previous expiry review, the investigation has shown that the silicon, produced in the PRC and sold domestically, as well as that exported to the Community, the silicon produced and sold on the domestic market of the analogue country (Norway) and that manufactured and sold in the Community by the applicant Community producers have the same basic physical and chemical characteristics, and the same basic uses.
Kakor pri prejšnjem pregledu zaradi izteka ukrepov je preiskava pokazala, da imajo silicij, ki je proizveden v LRK in se prodaja doma kakor tudi izvaža v Skupnost, silicij, proizveden in prodan na domačem trgu primerljive države (Norveške) in silicij, ki ga v Skupnosti izdelujejo in prodajajo proizvajalci Skupnosti - vlagatelji, enake fizikalne in kemične lastnosti ter enako osnovno uporabo.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Where the countervailing duties imposed are less than the amount of countervailable subsidies found, an interim review may be initiated if the Community producers or any other interested party submit, normally within two years from the entry into force of the measures, sufficient evidence that, after the original investigation period and prior to or following the imposition of measures, export prices have decreased or that there has been no movement, or insufficient movement of resale prices of the imported product in the Community.
Kadar so uvedene izravnalne dajatve nižje od ugotovljenega zneska subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, se lahko uvede vmesni pregled, če proizvajalci Skupnosti ali katera koli druga zainteresirana stranka predloži, običajno v roku dveh let od začetka veljavnosti ukrepov, zadostne dokaze, da so se izvozne cene po obdobju prvotne preiskave in pred ali po uvedbi ukrepov, zmanjšale ali da ni bilo gibanja cen ali zadostnega gibanja cen pri nadaljnji prodaji uvoženega izdelka v Skupnost.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Exporters subject to the review investigation
Izvozniki, ki so predmet pregleda
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
Neither sector has made representations in this review investigation.
Noben od teh dveh sektorjev ni v tej preiskavi v zvezi s pregledom predložil svojih stališč.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
These companies replied to the Commission questionnaire and fully cooperated in the review investigation.
Ti proizvajalci so odgovorili na vprašalnik Komisije in so polno sodelovali pri preiskavi v zvezi s pregledom.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Expiry and interim review investigations
Pregled zaradi izteka ukrepa in vmesni pregled
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
It should also be noted that, since this is an expiry review investigation, this investigation should also show the impact of the existing measures in particular on users consumers and traders.
Upoštevati bi bilo treba tudi, da ker je to preiskava v zvezi s pregledom zaradi izteka ukrepa, bi ta preiskava morala pokazati tudi učinek obstoječih ukrepov zlasti na uporabnike, potrošnike in trgovce.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
It should also be noted that, since this is an expiry review investigation, this investigation should also show the impact of the existing measures in particular on users, consumers and traders.
Treba je tudi navesti, da bi morala ta preiskava glede na to, da gre za preiskavo v zvezi s pregledom zaradi izteka, morala pokazati tudi učinek obstoječih ukrepov zlasti na uporabnike, potrošnike in trgovce.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2289
No comments from the applicant were received on the disclosure of the Commission's intention to terminate the review investigation.
Po obvestilu o nameri Komisije, da zaključi pregled, od vlagatelja ni prejela nobene pripombe.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
It was argued that the present review investigation should therefore never have been initiated, as imports originating in China were below 1 % of total consumption in both volume and value terms during the investigation period, i.e. below the de minimis threshold.
Trdila je, da je bila torej sedanja preiskava v zvezi s pregledom sprožena neupravičeno, saj je uvoz po poreklu iz Kitajske količinsko in vrednostno znašal manj kot 1 % skupne potrošnje, t.j. pod pragom de minimis.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(37) As mentioned in recital (36), only one Polish producer/exporter and one Polish trading company could be considered as cooperating parties in the present review investigation.
(37) Kakor je navedeno v uvodni izjavi (36) je mogoče za sodelujoče strani v trenutnem pregledu šteti le enega poljskega proizvajalca/izvoznika in eno poljsko trgovsko družbo.
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review investigation