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sales receipt
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-26
The designated airlines of each Contracting Party shall be free to transfer from the territory of sale to their home territory the excess, in the territory of sale, of receipts over expenditure.
Določeni prevozniki pogodbenice bodo imeli pravico, da z ozemlja prodaje na domače ozemlje prosto transferirajo na ozemlju prodaje ustvarjene presežke prejemkov nad izdatki.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-16
(a) ` illicit trade` means any practice or conduct prohibited by law and which relates to production, shipment, receipt, possession, distribution, sale or purchase including any practice or conduct intended to facilitate such activity;
(a) »nezakonita trgovina« pomeni vsako dejavnost ali ravnanje, ki je po zakonu prepovedano in se nanaša na proizvodnjo, pošiljanje, prevzem, posest, razširjanje, prodajo ali nakup, vključno z vsako dejavnostjo ali ravnanjem, ki je namenjeno spodbujanju take dejavnosti;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) A fine of not less than 1,000,000 tolars shall be imposed on an individual who commits an offence in connection with the independent performance of a professional activity, and no less than a fine of 3,000,000 tolars on a legal person 1. for not conducting business with consumers in the Slovene language or for not using their full registered company name and address in written communications to consumers, or for not using at least their abridged registered company name and address in written communications which are not intended for a particular individual consumer (first and second paragraphs of Article 2) 2. for not allowing, as a provider of information society services, for a simple direct and constant access to the data referred to in the third paragraph of Article 2 (third paragraph of Article 2) 3. for advertising goods or services in a manner which is in contrast with the law, indecent or misleading, or for not advertising goods or services in the Slovene language (Articles 12, 12a and 12b) 4. for advertising goods or services through a means of comparative advertising which is contrary to provisions of this Act (Article 12c) 5. if the advertising of goods or services includes elements which cause or which could cause physical, mental or other harm to children, or elements which exploit or which could exploit their trusting nature or inexperience (Article 15) 6. for advertising messages which are part of or present a service of an information society and are not in accordance with Article 15a (Article 15a) 7. for failing to issue to the consumer, upon the conclusion of a contract for goods referred to in Article 15b, a warranty certificate, technical instructions and a list of authorised service agents, or if these documents are not entirely in the Slovene language and easily understandable (first and third paragraphs of Article 16) 8. for failing to provide repair and maintenance of a product for the period covered by a warranty or for its extended period, free of charge, and after that period for a charge, by providing this service itself or through an authorised representative (fourth paragraph of Article 16) 9. for failing to provide maintenance, replacement parts and attachable components also after the expiry of the warranty period (fifth paragraph of Article 16) 10.for failing, as a seller of residential or business property, to hand over to a purchaser, a warranty for all of the built-in products referred to in Article 15b, no later than at the handing over of the title of ownership of the property (eighth paragraph of Article 16) 11.for failing to include all the data referred to in the first paragraph of Article 18 of this Act in a warranty certificate 12.for acting as the producer in contrast with the first paragraph of Article 20 13.for not selling goods or providing services to consumers under equal conditions (second paragraph of Article 25) 14.if the highest percentage reduction on the price of goods offered in a clearance sale, declared as a percentage range, does not account for at least one-quarter of the value of all goods offered in the clearance sale (third paragraph of Article 28) 15.for failing to provide instructions for use in line with Article 33 of this Act for goods which, for their correct use require a certain procedure or which, if used incorrectly, could cause damage to the user or to others, or could pollute the environment 16.for failing, in the final computation, to calculate and pay to the consumer interest on the prepayment of goods or services at the interest rate applied by banks to deposits fixed for over three months (Article 41) 17.for failing to deliver goods in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity and at the agreed time with all the accompanying documentation, when delivery to the consumer's home or elsewhere has been arranged (first paragraph of Article 42) 18.for leaving goods at the door of the consumer's home in the case of home delivery (second paragraph of Article 42) 19.for failing with regard to a distance contract to provide the consumer with the data referred to in Article 43b of this Act on a relevant permanent data carrier within the prescribed times (Article 43c) 20.for not confirming, as a provider of information society services, orders in electronic format, other than exceptions stipulated by the law, or for not submitting the provisions of the contract in a form which will assure its preservation for later use (third paragraph of Article 43b) 21.for failing to return, in due time, all the payments made in the case where a consumer cancels a contract concluded at a distance or away from premises (first paragraph of Article 43d and fifth paragraph of Article 46c) 22.for using a call system without the mediation of an individual, facsimile transmission machine or electronic mail without prior consent from the consumer, to whom a message was addressed (first paragraph of Article 45a) 23.for sending messages to consumers with the intention of concluding a contract to supply goods or services, regardless of a consumer's declaration that he/she no longer wish to receive such mail (third paragraph of Article 45a) 24.for failing with regard to a contract negotiated away from the business premises to hand over to the consumer, in the prescribed period of time, a written notice containing at least the registered company name and address, the type and price of the goods and the rights of the consumer under the provisions of Article 46c of this Act, as well as place and date (Article 46b) 25.if the price for the delivery of energy or water to a consumer is not calculated according to the actual delivery, or if the measurement of the actual delivery of energy or water is not carried out in the prescribed manner (Article 48) 26.for failing to allow for the premature settlement of the outstanding balance of the purchase price, exclusive of contractual interest while buying on hire purchase (Article 51) 27.for not returning already paid instalments while buying on hire purchase with the legally prescribed belated interest due from the date of receipt of payment, as well as the unavoidable costs incurred for the goods (Article 54) 28.if a company organising group excursions and travel has failed to insure the travellers adequately (Article 58) 29.if a timeshare contract for tourist facilities is not made in writing (Article 60a) 30.if the contract does not include the prescribed data (Article 60b).
pogodba ne vsebuje predpisanih podatkov (60.b člen).
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
"Receipts" for the purposes of this rule covers revenue received by an operation during the period of its co-financing or during such longer period up to the closure of the assistance as may be fixed by the Member State, from sales, rentals, services, enrolment/fees or other equivalent receipts with the exception of:
"Prejemki" za namene tega pravila zajemajo prihodke aktivnosti med njenim sofinanciranjem ali v toliko daljšem obdobju do zaključka pomoči, kolikor ga lahko določi država članica, od prodaje, oddaje, storitev, vpisnin/honorarjev ali drugih enakovrednih prejemkov razen:
5 Končna redakcija
whereas it is therefore possible, prices for competing products being taken into account, to determine a market target price that will, as a general rule, provide the producer with a large proportion of the requisite income in the form of receipts from sales;
ker je zato ob upoštevanju cen konkurenčnih proizvodov mogoče določiti tržno ciljno ceno, ki bo v večini primerov proizvajalcu zagotovila večji del potrebnega dohodka v obliki prejemkov od prodaje;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0595
Each year, after the receipt of the communications referred to in Article 21, the Commission shall divide the national reference quantity laid down for each Member State in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1788/2003 between deliveries and direct sales in accordance with Article 1(2) of that Regulation.
Komisija vsako leto po prejemu obvestil iz člena 21 razdeli nacionalno referenčno količino, določeno za vsako državo članico v Prilogi I Uredbe (ES) št. 1788/2003, na oddajo in neposredno prodajo v skladu s členom 1(2) navedene uredbe.
7 Pravna redakcija
Therefore the receipts from the sale of the real estate are recorded as a receipt reducing the deficit.
Prejemki od prodaje nepremičnine se zato evidentirajo kot prejemek, ki zmanjšuje primanjkljaj.
8 Pravna redakcija
Unless otherwise provided for by Community rules, any revenue from the sale of deteriorated products and any other receipts in this connection shall not be entered in the accounts.
Če s predpisi Skupnosti ni določeno drugače, se morebitni prihodki iz prodaje proizvodov s poslabšano kakovostjo in morebitni drugi prejemki v zvezi s tem ne vknjižijo na račune.
9 Pravna redakcija
The value of its receipts from the sale of other non-market goods or services at prices that are not economically significant remain as part of the value of its other non-market output.
Vrednost prejemkov od prodaje drugega netržnega blaga ali storitev po cenah, ki niso ekonomsko pomembne, ostane del vrednosti druge netržne proizvodnje.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
"Receipts" for the purposes of this rule covers revenue received by an operation during the period of its co-financing or during such longer period up to the closure of the assistance as may be fixed by the Member State, from sales, rentals, services, enrolment/fees or other equivalent receipts with the exception of:
"Prejemki" za namene tega pravila zajemajo prihodke aktivnosti v času njenega sofinanciranja ali v toliko daljšem obdobju do zaključka pomoči, kot ga lahko določi država članica, od prodaje, oddaje, storitev, vpisnin/honorarjev ali drugih enakovrednih prejemkov razen:
11 Pravna redakcija
either, quantity sold is less than 50 litres or where no sale has taken place, that it has been supplied against issue of a receipt showing at least the quantity concerned, and the references and signature of the consignee;
kjer je prodana količina manj kot 50 litrov ali, kjer prodaje ni, da je bila dobavljena ob izdaji potrdila, ki izkazuje vsaj zadevno količino, navedbe in podpis prejemnika;
12 Pravna redakcija
However, even though another non-market local KAU may have sales receipts, its total output covering both its market and its other non-market output (and possibly also output for own final use), is still valued by the production costs.
Vendar pa se kljub temu, da lahko ima druga netržna lokalna EED prejemke od prodaje, njena celotna proizvodnja, ki zajema tržno in drugo netržno proizvodnjo (lahko pa tudi proizvodnjo za lastno končno porabo), še vedno vrednoti po proizvodnih stroških.
13 Pravna redakcija
An invoice or receipt shall be issued immediately following the sale referred to in paragraph 1, indicating the identity of the vendor and purchaser, the use to which the products are to be put, the selling price and the quantities concerned.
Račun ali potrdilo se izda takoj po opravljeni prodaji iz odstavka 1 z navedbo identitete prodajalca in kupca, predvidene uporabe proizvodov, prodajne cene in zadevnih količin.
14 Pravna redakcija
Suppose a publicly owned film producer (market by convention in ESA 79) has receipts from sales of 300, intermediate consumption of 200, compensation of employees of 500, consumption of fixed capital of 50 and other taxes linked to production of 50.
Denimo, da ima državna filmska producentska firma (v ESR 79 velja za tržno) prejemke od prodaje v višini 300, vmesno potrošnjo v višini 200, sredstva za zaposlene v višini 500, potrošnjo stalnega kapitala v višini 50 in druge davke, povezane s proizvodnjo, v višini 50.
15 Pravna redakcija
the sales invoice or receipt for the product, which must state at least the names and addresses of the parties concerned and the quantity, the purchase price actually paid to the producer or to the producers' organization and the delivery date for each category of product purchased;
prodajne fakture ali blagajniškega potrdila za izdelek, na katerem morajo biti navedena vsaj imena in naslovi zadevnih strank ter količina, nabavna cena, ki je dejansko plačana proizvajalcu ali organizaciji proizvajalcev, in dogovorjeni datum dobave za vsako kategorijo kupljenega izdelka;
16 Pravna redakcija
The value of its market output is given by its receipts from sales of market products, the value of its other non-market output being obtained residually as the differences between on the one hand the values of its total output and, on the other hand, its market output and output for own final use.
Vrednost tržne proizvodnje ustreza prejemkom od prodaje tržnih proizvodov, vrednost druge netržne proizvodnje pa je dobljena rezidualno kot razlika med vrednostjo celotne proizvodnje na eni strani ter tržno proizvodnjo in proizvodnjo za lastno končno porabo na drugi.
17 Pravna redakcija
'Receipts' for the purposes of this rule covers revenue received by a project during the period of its co-financing or during such longer period up to the closure of the assistance as may be fixed by the Member State, from sales, rentals, services, enrolment/fees or other equivalent receipts with the exception of contributions from the private sector to the co-financing of projects, which appear alongside public contributions in the financing tables of the relevant measure.
V tem pravilu zajemajo "prejemki" prihodke, ki se za projekt prejmejo v obdobju sofinanciranja ali v takšnem daljšem obdobju vse do ukinitve pomoči, kakršno lahko določi država članica, in sicer iz prodaje, najemnin, storitev, vpisnin ali drugih enakovrednih prejemkov z izjemo prispevkov iz zasebnega sektorja k sofinanciranju projektov, ki so v tabelah financiranja zadevnega ukrepa navedeni poleg javnih prispevkov.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services;
prejemki od prodaje stvari in opravljanja storitev;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
when the receipt of the revenue from a particular sale is contingent on the derivation of revenue by the buyer from its sale of the goods;
če je prejem prihodkov iz kake prodaje odvisen od kupčevega doseganja prihodkov iz prodaje proizvodov;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0459
"Net receipts from sales" means: the total sum of invoices, minus management, recovery and costs.
"Neto prihodki od prodaje" pomeni skupni znesek računov, od katerega se odštejejo stroški uprave, izterjave in stroški.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
cash receipts from sales of property, plant and equipment, intangibles and other long-term assets;
prejemki od prodaje opredmetenih osnovnih sredstev, neopredmetenih dolgoročnih sredstev in drugih dolgoročnih sredstev;
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3597
in which case the receipts from sales shall be taken into account for the month during which removal occured.
v tem primeru se prihodki od prodaje knjižijo v mesecu, ko proizvod zapusti skladišče.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0527
Missing VAT receipts due to evasion 'with complicity` = value of sales of the product before adjustment × 15 % × 18,6 %.
Manjkajoči prejemki DDV zaradi utaje "s sokrivdo" = vrednost prodaje izdelka pred prilagoditvijo × 15 % × 18,6 %.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0459
Net receipts from sales shall be passed on to the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies after the financial year has ended.
Neto prihodki od prodaje se po koncu finančnega leta prenesejo na institucije, organe, urade in agencije.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
the price of molasses used to determine receipts from the sale of molasses for the sugar year in question pursuant to Article 4 (2);
cene melase, ki se uporablja za določanje prihodka od prodaje melase za zadevno sladkorno leto v skladu s členom 4(2);
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
cash receipts from sales of equity or debt instruments of other enterprises and interests in joint ventures (other than receipts for those instruments considered to be cash equivalents and those held for dealing or trading purposes);
prejemki od prodaje kapitalskih (lastniških) ali dolgovnih inštrumentov drugih podjetij in deležev v skupnih podvigih (razen prejemkov za takšne inštrumente, ki se obravnavajo kot denarni ustrezniki ali so pridobljeni za trgovanje);
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3597
The value of the quantities bought in and sold shall be equal to the sum of the payments (buying in) and receipts (sales) made or to be made for operations relevant to the financial year in question.
Vrednost odkupljenih in prodanih količin je enaka vsoti plačil (odkup) in prejemkov (prodaja), ki so že izvedeni ali se izvedejo za operacije, ki sodijo v zadevno proračunsko leto.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R2299
A parent or participating carrier shall not link the use of any specific CRS by a subscriber with the receipt of any commission or other incentive for the sale of or issue of tickets for any of its air transport products.
Matični ali sodelujoči prevoznik naročnikove uporabe računalniškega sistema rezervacij ne sme povezovati s sprejemanjem provizije ali drugimi spodbudami za prodajo ali izdajo vozovnic za proizvode v svojem zračnem prevozu.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3089
A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly link the use of any specific CRS by a subscriber with the receipt of any commission or other incentive or disincentive for the sale of air transport products available on its flights.
Matični prevoznik ne sme niti posredno niti neposredno povezovati naročnikove uporabe določenega CRS s sprejemanjem provizije ali druge spodbude za prodajo proizvodov v zračnem prevozu, ki so na voljo na njegovih letih, oziroma z odsotnostjo le-te.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0527
By using this method, applying the adjustments for undeclared work previously made to the output of branches of economic activity and multiplying the corresponding amounts for additional sales (undeclared sales) by the appropriate rates of VAT, it is possible to estimate the value of 'missing` VAT receipts which the tax authorities have been denied because of VAT evasion 'with complicity`.
Z uporabo te metode, s prilagoditvami za neprijavljeno delo, predhodno opravljeno v panogah gospodarske dejavnosti, in z množenjem ustreznih zneskov za dodatno prodajo (neprijavljeno prodajo) po ustreznih stopnjah DDV, je možno oceniti vrednost "manjkajočih" prejemkov DDV, ki jih davčni organi niso dobili zaradi utaje DDV "s sokrivdo".
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2802
They shall include, on the responsibility of the Russian authorities, sale of the products supplied on local markets at prices whereby the regional market will not be disturbed and also the principle of exclusive allocation of the net receipts of sales to social measures.
Pogoji vključujejo, na odgovornost ruskih organov, prodajo proizvodov, dobavljenih na lokalne trge, po cenah, ki ne bodo motile regionalnega trga, in načelo izključne dodelitve neto iztržkov socialnim ukrepom.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
the net selling price or range of prices (which is after deducting the expected disposal costs) of those net assets for which the enterprise has entered into one or more binding sale agreements, the expected timing of receipt of those cash flows, and the carrying amount of those net assets.
čisto prodajno ceno ali razpon cen (to je po odštetju pričakovanih stroškov odtujitve) tistih čistih sredstev, za katera je podjetje sklenilo eno ali več zavezujočih prodajnih pogodb, pričakovani čas prejema takšnih denarnih tokov in knjigovodski znesek takšnih čistih sredstev.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0595
Each year, after the receipt of the communications referred to in Article 21, the Commission shall divide the national reference quantity laid down for each Member State in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1788/2003 between deliveries and direct sales in accordance with Article 1(2) of that Regulation.
Komisija vsako leto po prejemu obvestil iz člena 21 razdeli nacionalno referenčno količino, določeno za vsako državo članico v Prilogi I Uredbe (ES) št. 1788/2003, na oddajo in neposredno prodajo v skladu s členom 1(2) navedene uredbe.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0275
"Receipts" for the purposes of this rule covers revenue received by a project during the period of its co-financing or during such longer period up to the closure of the assistance as may be fixed by the Member State, from sales, rentals, services, enrolment/fees or other equivalent receipts with the exception of contributions from the private sector to the co-financing of projects, which appear alongside public contributions in the financing tables of the relevant measure.
V tem pravilu zajemajo "prejemki" prihodke, ki se za projekt prejmejo v obdobju sofinanciranja ali v takšnem daljšem obdobju vse do ukinitve pomoči, kakršno lahko določi država članica, in sicer iz prodaje, najemnin, storitev, vpisnin ali drugih enakovrednih prejemkov z izjemo prispevkov iz zasebnega sektorja k sofinanciranju projektov, ki so v tabelah financiranja zadevnega ukrepa navedeni poleg javnih prispevkov.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1260
In addition to the basic price derived from the intervention price for white sugar, undertakings' receipts from sales of molasses, which can be estimated at EUR 7,61 per 100 kg derived from the price of molasses estimated at EUR 8,21 per 100 kg, as well as the cost incurred in processing and delivering beet to factories, and on the basis of a yield which for the Community can be estimated at 130 kg of white sugar per tonne of standard-quality beet, minimum prices should therefore be fixed for A beet intended for processing into A sugar and for B beet intended for processing into B sugar, to be paid by sugar manufacturers buying beet.
Poleg osnovne cene, ki izhaja iz intervencijske cene za beli sladkor, so prihodki podjetij, ki izhajajo iz prodaje melase, ocenjeni na 7,61 EUR na 100 kg - ta cena izhaja iz cene melase, ocenjene na 8,21 EUR na 100 kg - in tudi iz stroškov za predelavo in dobavo sladkorne pese tovarnam, ob upoštevanju donosa, ki se v Skupnosti ocenjuje na 130 kg belega sladkorja na tono sladkorne pese standardne kakovosti, je treba določiti minimalne cene za sladkorno peso A, namenjeno predelavi v sladkor A, in sladkorno peso B, namenjeno predelavi v sladkor B, ki jo plačujejo proizvajalci sladkorja pri nakupu sladkorne pese.
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sales receipt