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scale factor
1 Pravna redakcija
Scale factor is generally evaluated as the slope of the straight line that can be fitted by the method of least squares to input-output data obtained by varying the input cyclically over the input range.
Faktor lestvice se navadno ocenjuje po nagibu ravne črte, ki jo je mogoče potegniti po metodi najmanjšega kota na podlagi vhodnih-izhodnih podatkov, dobljenih s cikličnim spreminjanjem vhodnega podatka prek obsega vhodnih podatkov.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
For steps under the old scale without correspondence in the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, the last step in the same grade shall be used as the reference for calculating the multiplication factor.
Za tiste stopnje iz stare lestvice, ki nimajo ustreznic v lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov, se za izračun množitelja uporabi zadnja stopnja istega razreda.
3 Končna redakcija
In assessing whether or not a remedy will restore effective competition the Commission will consider all relevant factors relating to the remedy itself, including inter alia the type, scale and scope of the remedy proposed, together with the likelihood of its successful, full and timely implementation by the parties.
Pri ocenjevanju, ali bo korektivni ukrep ponovno vzpostavil učinkovito konkurenco, bo Komisija preučila vse ustrezne dejavnike, ki se nanašajo na ukrep sam, med drugim vrsto, obseg in cilj predlaganega ukrepa, skupaj z verjetnostjo njegove uspešne, celovite in pravočasne izvedbe s strani strank.
4 Pravna redakcija
A "scale factor" "stability" of less (better) than 130 ppm with respect to a fixed calibration value over a period of one year;
"stabilnost" "faktorja lestvice" manj (boljša) kakor 130 mikro g glede na stalno kalibrirno vrednost v času enega leta;
5 Pravna redakcija
"Scale factor" (gyro or accelerometer) (7) means the ratio of change in output to a change in the input intended to be measured.
"Faktor lestvice" (žirometra ali merilnika pospeška) (7) pomeni razmerje med izhodno in vhodno spremembo, ki je predmet meritve.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0608
Scale is also a factor that must be taken into account in the risk assessment.
Prav tako je treba kot dejavnik pri oceni tveganja upoštevati obseg.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
For steps under the old scale without correspondence in the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, the last step in the same grade shall be used as the reference for calculating the multiplication factor.
Za tiste stopnje iz stare lestvice, ki nimajo ustreznic v lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov, se za izračun množitelja uporabi zadnja stopnja istega razreda.
8 Pravna redakcija
Other factors such as economies of scale and scope, distribution and sales networks fn, access to important technologies, may also constitute barriers to entry.
Tudi drugi dejavniki, na primer ekonomija obsega, distribucijska in prodajna mreža fn, dostop do pomembnih tehnologij, lahko pomenijo vstopne ovire.
9 Pravna redakcija
Specifically, the full scale value of the current range selected multiplied by the crest factor of the meter (for current) must be greater than the peak current reading from the oscilloscope.
Natančneje mora biti merilni doseg območja toka, pomnožen z vršnim faktorjem merilnika (za tok), večji od odčitka vršnega toka z osciloskopa.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0126
(S = sediment weight (mg), c = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of terrestrial animal bones in the sediment, d = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of fish bones and scale fragments in the sediment, W = weight of the sample material for the sedimentation (mg)).
(S = masa usedline (mg), c = korekcijski faktor (%) za ocenjeni delež kosti kopenskih živali v usedlini, d = korekcijski faktor (%) za ocenjeni delež delcev ribjih kosti in luskin v usedlini, W = masa materiala vzorca snovi za sedimentacijo (mg)).
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0126
(S = sediment weight (mg), c = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of terrestrial animal bone constituents in the sediment, d = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of fish bones and scale fragments in the sediment, f = correction factor for the proportion of bone in the constituents of animal origin in the sample examined, W = weight of the sample material for the sedimentation (mg)).
(S = masa usedline (mg), c = korekcijski faktor (%) za ocenjeni delež kostnih sestavin kopenskih živali v usedlini, d = korekcijski faktor (%) za ocenjeni delež delcev ribjih kosti in luskin v usedlini, f = korekcijski faktor za delež kosti v sestavinah živalskega izvora v pregledanem vzorcu, W = masa materiala vzorca za sedimentacijo (mg)).
12 Pravna redakcija
Reference to acidity in isolation wrongly suggests a scale of absolute quality which is misleading for consumers since this factor represents a qualitative value only in relation to the other characteristics of the olive oil concerned.
Omenjanje zgolj kislosti napačno navaja na lestvico absolutne kakovosti, ki je za kupce zavajajoča, saj ta dejavnik predstavlja kakovostno vrednost zgolj v povezavi z drugimi značilnostmi obravnavanega oljčnega olja.
13 Pravna redakcija
The persons in charge of on-shore establishments and qualified persons on board factory vessels shall determine the scale and frequency of the inspections referred to in paragraph 1 by reference to the nature of the fishery products, their geographical origin and their use.
Vodje predelovalnih obratov na kopnem in usposobljene osebe na krovu ladij tovarn določijo obseg in pogostost pregledov iz odstavka 1 glede na vrsto ribiških proizvodov, njihov geografski izvor in njihovo uporabo.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0468
The improved figures for 1997 and the investigation period were due to two factors; the abovementioned Euro effect which gave a temporary boost to sales and, to a lesser extent, the effects of large scale restructuring carried out by the industry as explained at recital 30.
Izboljšan rezultat v letu 1997 in v obdobju preiskave je mogoče pripisati dvema dejavnikoma, in sicer že zgoraj omenjenemu učinku evra, ki je povzročil začasen dvig prodaje, ter v manjši meri učinkom obsežnega prestrukturiranja industrije, kot je razloženo v uvodni izjavi 30.
15 Pravna redakcija
The same remarks apply to the various aspects of the problems associated with the health impact of environmental factors (e. g. endocrine disrupters, carcinogens) which are a source of growing concern for European citizens, and which often manifest themselves on an international scale.
Iste pripombe veljajo za različne vidike problemov v zvezi z zdravstvenimi vplivi okoljskih dejavnikov (npr. povzročitelji endokrinih motenj, rakotvorne snovi), ki so vir vse večje zaskrbljenosti evropskih državljanov in ki se pogosto kažejo v mednarodnem obsegu.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0190
To determine the limits of the adjustment range as a function of the driver's mass, the vertical forces determined in accordance with Item for points A and B (see Appendix 2 to this Annex) must be multiplied by the scale factor 0,13 kg/N".
" Za določitev mej območja nastavitve sedeža v odvisnosti od mase voznika je treba navpične sile, ki so določene v skladu s točko za točki A in B (glej Dodatek 2 k tej prilogi), pomnožiti s faktorjem 0,13 kg/N."
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0524
Move horizontally to Kc scale, Kc is the laden factor required (Kc = 1,04).
premakne se vodoravno na merilo Kc, Kc je zahtevani korekcijski faktor za obremenjen polpriklopnik (Kc = 1,04).
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0031
For the purpose of paragraph 10(ii) the results of the institution's own calculation shall be scaled up by a multiplication factor of at least 3.
Za namen odstavka 10(ii) se rezultati lastnih izračunov institucije razvrstijo po multiplikatorju, ki je najmanj 3.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
Other factors such as economies of scale and scope, distribution and sales networks(93), access to important technologies, may also constitute barriers to entry.
Tudi drugi dejavniki, na primer ekonomija obsega, distribucijska in prodajna mreža [93], dostop do pomembnih tehnologij, lahko pomenijo vstopne ovire.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1260
They shall include a conversion scale showing the different sugar contents and factors for converting the quantities of beet supplied into quantities corresponding to the sugar content shown in the contract.
Vključevati morajo pretvorbeno lestvico, ki prikazuje različne vsebnosti sladkorja in faktorje za pretvorbo dobavljenih količin sladkorne pese v količine, ki ustrezajo vsebnosti sladkorja, navedeni v pogodbi.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1050
No evidence was provided by the Taiwanese exporting producers which would demonstrate and quantify any alleged economies of scale i.e. that a larger factory size with more lines installed, would deliver a lower manufacturing cost per CD-R.
Tajvanski proizvajalci izvozniki niso predložili nobenih dokazov, s katerimi bi dokazali in določili velikost kakršnikoli domnevnih ekonomij obsega, namreč da bi večji obseg proizvodnje z več vgrajenimi linijami znižal proizvodne stroške na CD-rom.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1513
The same remarks apply to the various aspects of the problems associated with the health impact of environmental factors (e.g. endocrine disruptors, carcinogens) which are a source of growing concern for European citizens, and which often manifest themselves on an international scale.
Iste pripombe veljajo za različne vidike problemov v zvezi z zdravstvenimi vplivi okoljskih dejavnikov (npr. povzročitelji endokrinih motenj, rakotvorne snovi), ki so vir vse večje zaskrbljenosti evropskih državljanov in ki se pogosto kažejo v mednarodnem obsegu.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
In assessing whether or not a remedy will restore effective competition the Commission will consider all relevant factors relating to the remedy itself, including inter alia the type, scale and scope of the remedy proposed, together with the likelihood of its successful, full and timely implementation by the parties.
Pri ocenjevanju, ali bo korektivni ukrep ponovno vzpostavil učinkovito konkurenco, bo Komisija preučila vse ustrezne dejavnike, ki se nanašajo na ukrep sam, med drugim vrsto, obseg in cilj predlaganega ukrepa, skupaj z verjetnostjo njegove uspešne, celovite in pravočasne izvedbe s strani strank.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
Entry barriers may result from a wide variety of factors such as economies of scale and scope, government regulations, especially where they establish exclusive rights, state aid, import tariffs, intellectual property rights, ownership of resources where the supply is limited due to for instance natural limitations(30), essential facilities, a first mover advantage and brand loyalty of consumers created by strong advertising.
Vstopne ovire lahko izhajajo iz številnih dejavnikov, kot so ekonomije obsega in področja, vladni predpisi, zlasti če določajo izključne pravice, državne pomoči, uvozne tarife, pravice intelektualne lastnine, lastništvo nad viri, kjer je ponudba omejena zaradi na primer naravnih omejitev [30], osnovna oprema, prednost prvega na trgu in zvestoba potrošnikov blagovni znamki, ki jo ustvarja močno oglaševanje.
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scale factor