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schedule of price differentials
1 Pravna redakcija
Schedule of price differentials according to milk fat content
Preglednica razlik v ceni glede na vsebnost mlečne maščobe
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
The price charged may take into account differentials due to delivery schedules, points of delivery, and other similar considerations.
Zaračunana cena se lahko razlikuje zaradi različnih načrtov in krajev dostave ter drugih podobnih razlogov.
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
However, the price charged may take into account differentials due, for example, to delivery schedules, points of delivery and other similar considerations.
V zaračunani ceni pa se lahko upoštevajo razlike, ki nastanejo na primer zaradi dinamike dobave, kraja dobave in drugih podobnih vidikov.
4 Pravna redakcija
See Annex Ib, 'Schedule of price differentials according to milk fat content'.
2 Glej Prilogo Ib “Preglednica razlik v ceni glede na vsebnost mlečne maščobe”.
5 Pravna redakcija
See Annex IIb, 'Schedule of price differentials according to milk fat content'.
1 Glej Prilogo IIb “Preglednica razlik v ceni glede na vsebnost mlečne maščobe.”
6 Pravna redakcija
the schedules of price differentials according to milk fat content mentioned in Article 3 (4), note 3 of the Protocol regarding certain milk powders and Article 3 (4), note 1, of the Protocol regarding milk fat, contained in Annexes Ib and IIb respectively,
preglednice razlik v ceni glede na vsebnost mlečne maščobe, navedene v opombi 3 člena 3(4), Protokola o nekaterih vrstah mleka v prahu in opombi 1 člena 3(4), Protokola o mlečni maščobi, ki sta vključena v Prilogi Ib ali IIb,
7 Prevajalska redakcija
the schedules of price differentials according to milk fat content mentioned in Article 3 (4), note 3 of the Protocol regarding certain milk powders and (1)The terms "acceptance" or "accepted" as used in this Article include the completion of any domestic procedures necessary to implement the provisions of this Arrangement. (2)For the purpose of this Arrangement, the term "government" is deemed to include the competent authorities of the European Economic Community. Article 3 (4), note 1, of the Protocol regarding milk fat, contained in Annexes Ib and IIb respectively,
preglednice razlik v ceni glede na vsebnost mlečne maščobe, navedene v opombi 3 člena 3(4) Protokola o nekaterih vrstah mleka v prahu in opombi 1 člena 3(4) Protokola o mlečni maščobi, ki sta vključena v prilogi Ib ali IIb,
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schedule of price differentials