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scientific report
1 Končna redakcija
scientific report
znanstveno poročilo
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
a) reports on the status and trends of populations, as well as gaps in scientific knowledge;
a) poročili o stanju populacij in njihovih trendih ter vrzelih v znanstvenih dognanjih;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases (WHO Technical Report Series No. 916) is a joint report of a scientific consultation of WHO/FAO.
Diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases (WHO Technical Report Series No.916) je skupno poročilo znanstvenega posvetovanja WHO/FAO.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
c) to service meetings of the Scientific Committee and to prepare a report for communication to the Meeting of the Parties through the Agreement secretariat.
c) skrbeti za izvedbo sestankov znanstvenega odbora in pripraviti poročilo, ki se prek sekretariata sporazuma pošlje zasedanju pogodbenic.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 9-2009
The Parties shall exchange scientific and technical information of mutual interest concerning space science, technology and applications through the transmission of technical and scientific reports and notes, consistent with their respective rules on the dissemination of information and data.
Pogodbenici si izmenjavata znanstvene in tehnične informacije v zvezi z znanostjo o vesolju, tehnologijo in uporabami, ki so v skupnem interesu, s pošiljanjem tehničnih in znanstvenih poročil in obvestil v skladu s svojimi pravili o razpošiljanju informacij in podatkov.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
With respect to a factual issue concerning a scientific or other technical matter raised by a party to a dispute, a panel may request an advisory report in writing from an expert review group.
V zvezi z vprašanjem dejstev, ki se nanašajo na znastveno ali tehnično zadevo, ki jo je v obravnavo predložila stranka v sporu, lahko ugotovitveni svet zahteva pisno svetovalno poročilo skupine strokovnjakov.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-29
With a view to facilitating scientific and technological co-operation, the Joint Commission shall adopt an Executive Programme which shall be a part of the final report of the Joint Commission.
Da bi omogočili znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje, skupna komisija sprejme program o izvajanju, ki je del končnega poročila sestanka skupne komisije.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-59
Each scientific visit must be reported by Slovenian scientists to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and by Turkish scientists to TÜBÝTAK one month in advance.
O vsakem znanstvenem obisku morajo slovenski znanstveniki en mesec vnaprej obvestiti Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, turški znanstveniki pa TÜBITAK.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-59
Within a month after the completion of a scientific visit, a progress report outlining the work performed during the visit shall be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and to TÜBÝTAK.
En mesec po končanem znanstvenem obisku se Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije in TÜBITAKU predloži poročilo o napredku pri delu, opravljenem med obiskom.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
.3 reports of analyses of samples taken of the slick and on board; the reports must include the results of the analyses, a description of the method employed, reference to or copies of scientific documentation attesting to the accuracy and validity of the method employed and names of persons performing the analyses and their experience;
.3 poročila o analizah vzorcev, odvzetih iz madeža na vodi in na ladji; poročila morajo vključevati izsledke analiz, opis uporabljene metode, navedbo ali kopije strokovne dokumentacije, ki potrjuje točnost in veljavnost uporabljene metode, ter imena oseb, ki opravljajo analize in njihove izkušnje;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
On the basis of a Conceptual Design Report containing a multitude of scientific and technical contributions from around the world the facility concept was evaluated and endorsed by the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) in 2002.
Na podlagi idejnega projekta, ki vsebuje številne znanstvene in tehnične prispevke s celega sveta, je zasnovo centra leta 2002 ovrednotil in potrdil nemški znanstveni svet (Wissenschaftsrat).
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
b) prepare for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties, beginning with the second session, a report on its implementation of the Agreement with particular reference to the conservation measures and scientific research and monitoring it has undertaken.
b) za vsako redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic, začenši z drugo sejo, pripravi poročilo o svojem izvajanju sporazuma, v katerem posebej navede ohranitvene ukrepe ter znanstvene raziskave in spremljanje stanja, ki jih je izvedla.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
Each party shall be entitled to a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license in all countries to translate, reproduce, and publicly distribute scientific and technical journal articles, reports, and books directly arising from cooperation under this Arrangement.
Vsaka pogodbenica bo upravičena do neekskluzivne, nepreklicne,in brezplačne licence v vseh državah za prevajanje, reproduciranje in javno širjenje znanstvenih in tehničnih člankov v revijah, poročilih in knjigah, ki izvirajo neposredno iz sodelovanja v okviru tega sporazuma.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-100
A. Each Party shall be entitled to a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license in all countries to translate, reproduce, and publicly distribute scientific and technical journal articles, reports, and books directly arising from cooperation under this Agreement.
A. Vsaka pogodbenica je upravičena do neizključne, nepreklicne in brezplačne licence v vseh državah za prevajanje, razmnoževanje in javno distribuiranje znanstvenih in tehničnih časopisnih člankov, poročil in knjig, ki neposredno izhajajo iz sodelovanja po tem sporazumu.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
The Commission shall arrange for the publication of reports of its activities, and it may publish independently or in collaboration with the International Bureau for Whaling Statistics at Sandefjord in Norway and other organizations and agencies such reports as it deems appropriate, as well as statistical, scientific, and other pertinent information relating to whales and whaling.
Komisija poskrbi za objavo poročil o svojih dejavnostih in lahko neodvisno ali v sodelovanju z Mednarodnim uradom za kitolovno statistiko v Sandefjordu na Norveškem in drugimi organizacijami in agencijami objavi poročila, za katera meni, da je to primerno, in statistične, znanstvene in druge ustrezne informacije v zvezi s kitolovom.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
f) to provide to each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties a report on the work of the Agreement secretariat, the Co-ordination units, the Bureau, and the Scientific Committee, and on the implementation of the Agreement based on information provided by the Parties and other sources;
f) za vsako redno sejo zasedanja pogodbenic zagotoviti poročilo o delu sekretariata sporazuma, enot za usklajevanje, urada in znanstvenega odbora ter o izvajanju sporazuma na podlagi informacij, ki jih priskrbijo pogodbenice in drugi viri;
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-29
A. Each Contracting Party shall be entitled to a licence, that is non-exclusive, irrevocable and tax-exempt in all countries, to translate, reproduce and distribute publicly, magazine articles, reports and scientific and technical books produced as a direct result of the co-operation established under the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Spain on Scientific and Technological Co-operation, without prejudice to other moral rights pertaining thereto.
A. Vsaka pogodbenica je upravičena do neizključne, nepreklicne in brezplačne licence v vseh državah za prevajanje, razmnoževanje in javno objavljanje člankov iz znanstvenih in tehničnih revij, poročil in knjig, ki izhajajo neposredno iz sodelovanja, razvitega na podlagi tega sporazuma, ne da bi okrnili druge moralne pravice, ki so povezane z njimi.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
(b) Periodically examine the obligations of the Parties under this Protocol, giving due consideration to any reviews required by Article 4, paragraph 2(d), and Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Convention, in the light of the objective of the Convention, the experience gained in its implementation and the evolution of scientific and technological knowledge, and in this respect consider and adopt regular reports on the implementation of this Protocol;
(b) občasno pregleda obveznosti pogodbenic po tem protokolu, pri čemer glede na cilj konvencije ustrezno pozornost namenja pregledom, ki jih zahtevata točka (d) drugega odstavka 4. člena in drugi odstavek 7. člena konvencije, izkušnjam, pridobljenim pri njenem izvajanju, in razvoju znanstvenega in tehnološkega znanja ter v zvezi s tem proučuje in sprejema redna poročila o izvajanju tega protokola;
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, at its first session or as soon as practicable thereafter, decide upon modalities, rules and guidelines as to how, and which, additional human-induced activities related to changes in greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks in the agricultural soils and the land-use change and forestry categories shall be added to, or subtracted from, the assigned amounts for Parties included in Annex I, taking into account uncertainties, transparency in reporting, verifiability, the methodological work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the advice provided by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice in accordance with Article 5 and the decisions of the Conference of the Parties.
Konferenca pogodbenic kot sestanek pogodbenic tega protokola se na svojem prvem zasedanju ali čim prej po njem odloči za načine, pravila in smernice, kako in katere dodatne dejavnosti, ki jih povzroča človek in so povezane s spremembami emisij iz virov in po ponorih odstranjenih toplogrednih plinov v kategorijah kmetijske zemlje, spremembe rabe zemljišč in gozdarstva, se dodajo ali črtajo iz dodeljenih količin za pogodbenice iz Aneksa I ob upoštevanju negotovosti, preglednosti poročanja, preverljivosti, metodološkega dela Medvladnega foruma za spremembo podnebja, nasvetov pomožnega telesa za znanstveno in tehnološko svetovanje v skladu s 5. členom in sklepov Konference pogodbenic.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
they must be the subject of scientific reports forwarded to the management authority.
biti morajo predmet znanstvenih poročil, poslanih upravljalnemu organu.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0600
The scientific observers shall provide the masters concerned with a copy of their reports, if they so wish.
Znanstveni opazovalci predložijo zadevnim kapitanom na njihovo željo kopijo svojih poročil.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
The management authority shall forward the scientific monitoring reports to the Commission every year for information.
Upravljalni organ vsako leto pošlje v vednost Komisiji poročila o znanstvenem spremljanju.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
The periodic safety update reports shall include a scientific evaluation of the risk-benefit balance of the medicinal product.
Redna ažurirana poročila o varnosti zdravila vsebujejo znanstveno vrednotenje koristi in tveganj, povezanih z zdravili.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
These reports shall be accompanied by a scientific evaluation, particularly of the risk-benefit balance of the medicinal product.
Tem poročilom je priloženo znanstveno vrednotenje, posebno še razmerje med tveganjem in koristmi zdravila.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
The periodic safety update reports shall include a scientific evaluation of the risk-benefit balance of the veterinary medicinal product.
Z zadnjimi podatki dopolnjeno redno poročilo o varnosti vključuje znanstveno oceno o ravnovesju med koristmi in tveganjem v zvezi z zdravilom za uporabo v veterinarski medicini.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0602
Scientific reports show that those types of aggregations constitute habitats that host important and highly diverse biological communities.
Znanstvena poročila kažejo, da te vrste grebeni sestavljajo habitate, ki gostijo pomembne in zelo raznolike biološke združbe.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0062
The recommendations of the Scientific Panel were taken into account during the further review and in this Directive and in the Review Report.
Priporočila Znanstvenega odbora so se upoštevala med nadaljnjim pregledom in v tej direktivi ter v poročilu o pregledu.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0600
prepare reports of their observations using the observation formats approved by the Scientific Committee and submit them to their respective authorities;
priprava poročil o njihovih ugotovitvah s pomočjo obrazcev za opazovanje, ki jih je odobril znanstveni odbor, in predložitev teh obrazcev njihovim ustreznim oblastem;
29 Končna redakcija
On 11 October 1999 the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare adopted a report(3) on the modification of technical Annexes to Directive 64/432/EEC to take account of scientific developments regarding tuberculosis, brucellosis and enzootic bovine leucosis.
oktobra 1999 je Znanstveni odbor za zdravstveno varstvo in dobro počutje živali sprejel poročilo o spremembi tehničnih prilog k Direktivi 64/432/EGS zaradi upoštevanja znanstvenega razvoja v zvezi s tuberkulozo, brucelozo in enzootsko govejo levkozo.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0600
The function of scientific observers on board vessels engaged in scientific research or harvesting of marine living resources is to observe and report on the operation of fishing activities in the Convention area with the objectives and principles of the Convention in mind.
Naloga znanstvenih opazovalcev na krovu plovil, ki opravljajo znanstveno raziskovanje ali izkoriščajo žive morske vire, je opazovanje in poročanje o opravljanju ribolovnih aktivnosti na območju po Konvenciji, pri čemer upoštevajo cilje in načela Konvencije.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Member States shall report to the CCAMLR, with a copy to the Commission, catch and effort data for each haul resulting from any scientific research subject to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.
Države članice sporočijo CCAMLR podatke s kopijo Komisiji o ulovu in ribolovnem naporu za vsak ribolov v znanstvenoraziskovalne namene v skladu z odstavki 1, 2 in 3.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
When consulting the scientific advisory groups referred to in Article 56(2), the Committee shall forward to them the draft assessment report(s) drawn up by the rapporteur or the co-rapporteur.
Ob posvetovanju z znanstvenimi svetovalnimi skupinami, navedenimi v členu 56(2), jim odbor posreduje osnutek poročil(a) o oceni zdravila, ki ga sestavi poročevalec ali soporočevalec.
33 Končna redakcija
With respect to the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC of the active substances concerned, the related technical and scientific evaluations were finalised in the form of Commission review reports.
Glede na vključitev zadevnih aktivnih snovi v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS, so bile dokončane s tem povezane tehnične in znanstvene ocene v obliki poročil o pregledu Komisije.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3760
The Committee shall report annually on the work done and required, to the extent provided for in Article 41 (a) of the Treaty, in the field of scientific and technical research for the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Odbor letno poroča o opravljenem in potrebnem delu, v obsegu iz v člena 41(a) Pogodbe, na področju znanstvenega in tehničnega raziskovanja v ribištvu in ribogojstvu.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0600
Scientific observers shall present to the CCAMLR, through the Member State which designates them, and at the latest one month after the end of the observation period or after the return of the observers to their country of origin, a report on each observation visit carried out using the observation formats approved by the CCAMLR Scientific Committee.
Znanstveni opazovalci predložijo CCAMLR prek države članice, ki jih imenuje, najpozneje en mesec po koncu obdobja opazovanja ali po njihovi vrnitvi v državo, od koder izvirajo, poročilo o vsakem opravljenem opazovalnem obisku, pri čemer uporabijo obrazce za opazovanje, ki jih odobri Znanstveni odbor CCAMLR.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0602
According to recent scientific reports, and in particular the reports of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, aggregations of deepwater corals (Lophelia pertusa) have been found and mapped in detail in an area north west of Scotland falling within the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.
Skladno z nedavnimi znanstvenimi poročili in zlasti poročili Mednarodnega sveta za raziskovanje morja so bili na območju severozahodno od Škotske pod jurisdikcijo Združenega kraljestva najdeni grebeni iz globokomorskih koral (Lophelia pertusa) in vneseni v zemljevid.
37 Končna redakcija
The reporting of scientific findings purporting to prove the biological determinants of homosexuality was a constant feature of the media coverage in the 1990s, and particularly in the case of the subject of a cure for homosexuality.
Tovrstna poročila o znanstvenih dognanjih glede domnevne biološke determiniranosti istospolnega nagnjenja so v devetdesetih neprestano objavljali, vprašanja o zdravljenju homoseksualnosti pa so sploh konstanta različnih medijskih reprezentacij.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
The catch and effort reporting systems shall apply to species taken for scientific research purposes, whenever the catch within a given period exceeds five tonnes, except where more specific regulations apply to the particular species.
Sistem sporočanja o ulovu in ribolovnem naporu se uporablja tudi za vrste, ulovljene v znanstvenoraziskovalne namene, če ulov v določenem obdobju presega pet ton, razen če za posebne vrste ne veljajo posebne določbe.
39 Končna redakcija
However, to take account of developments in scientific and technical research into the production of such a vaccine, the Commission shall submit to the Council a report accompanied if necessary by appropriate proposals to update this Directive.
Ob upoštevanju dosežkov znanstvenih in tehničnih raziskav na področju proizvodnje takšnega cepiva, Komisija predloži Svetu poročilo in po potrebi tudi ustrezne predloge za ažuriranje te direktive.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Inspectors shall have the authority to inspect catches, nets and other fishing gear as well as harvesting and scientific research activities, and shall have access to records and reports of catch and location data insofar as necessary to carry out their functions.
Inšpektorji imajo pooblastilo za pregled ulova, mrež in drugega ribolovnega orodja ter ribolovnih in znanstvenoraziskovalnih dejavnosti, imajo pa tudi dostop do evidenc in poročil o ulovu in podatkov o lokaciji, če je to potrebno za izvajanje njihovih nalog.
41 Končna redakcija
born after the date of effective enforcement of the prohibition on the feeding of mammalian protein to ruminants in Member States with reported BSE in native animals or for which a scientific evaluation established that the occurrence of BSE in native bovine animals is likely.
rojenega po datumu učinkovite uveljavitve prepovedi krmljenja prežvekovalcev z beljakovinami sesalcev v državah članicah s prijavljeno BSE pri domorodnih živalih ali državah članicah, za katere je z znanstveno oceno ugotovljeno, da je pojav BSE pri domorodnem govedu verjeten.
42 Končna redakcija
The Commission report referred to in recital 2, based on an opinion from the Scientific Veterinary Committee, concludes that the welfare conditions of hens kept in current battery cages and in other systems of rearing are inadequate and that certain of their needs cannot be met in such cages;
ker je Komisija v poročilu navedenem v uvodni izjavi 2, ki temelji na mnenju Znanstvenega veterinarskega odbora, ugotovila, da so pogoji za počutje kokoši, ki se gojijo v obstoječi baterijski reji in drugih rejnih sistemih, neprimerni in da v taki reji nekaterim njihovim potrebam ni mogoče zadostiti;
43 Končna redakcija
Article 9 of Directive 88/166/EEC requires the Commission to submit, before 1 January 1993, a report on scientific developments regarding the welfare of hens under various systems of rearing and on the provisions in the Annex to the Directive, accompanied by any appropriate adjustment proposals;
člen 9 Direktive 88/166/EGS zahteva od Komisije, da do 1. januarja 1993 predloži poročilo o znanstvenih izsledkih o počutju kokoši v raznih sistemih reje in o določbah Priloge k Direktivi skupaj z morebitnimi ustreznimi uskladitvenimi predlogi;
44 Končna redakcija
The Scientific Council of the North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) has identified the elasmobranch fishes appearing in the catches in the North-West Atlantic and has requested the NAFO Contracting Parties to report these catches on the Statlant 21A and 21B questionnaires managed by the FAO.
Znanstveni svet Organizacije za ribištvo severozahodnega Atlantika (NAFO) je ugotovil, da se v ulovu v severozahodnem Atlantiku pojavljajo ribe Elasmobranchii in zahteval od držav pogodbenic organizacije NAFO, da poročajo o teh ulovih na vprašalnikih Statlant 21 A in 21B, ki jih vodi FAO.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0423
The TACs shall not exceed a level of catches which a scientific evaluation, carried out by the STECF in the light of the most recent report of the ICES, has indicated will result in an increase of 30 % in the quantities of mature fish in the sea at the end of the year of their application, compared to the quantities estimated to have been in the sea at the start of that year.
Raven celotnega dovoljenega ulova ne preseže ravni ulova, v zvezi s katero je znanstveno vrednotenje, ki ga je opravil STEFC glede na najnovejše poročilo ICES-a, pokazalo, da bo imela na koncu leta, ko se uporablja, za posledico 30 % povečanje količin odraslih rib v morju v primerjavi s količinami, ki so bile po ocenah v morju ob začetku tega leta.
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
In compliance with Article 57(2) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002, the Commission may call on the assistance of scientific and technical experts for the implementation of the Community programme, including technical advice with regard to the preparation of calls for proposals, evaluation of technical and financial reports, monitoring, reporting and information purposes.
Komisija lahko v skladu s členom 57(2) Uredbe (ES, Euratom) št. 1605/2002 zaprosi za pomoč pri izvajanju programa Skupnosti znanstvene in tehnične strokovnjake, kar zajema tehnično svetovanje pri pripravi javnega razpisa za zbiranje predlogov, vrednotenje tehničnih in finančnih poročil, nadzor, priprava poročil in informiranje.
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scientific report