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screening report
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
The procedures and standard event screening criteria to be used by the International Data Centre in carrying out its agreed functions, in particular for the production of standard reporting products and for the performance of a standard range of services for States Parties, shall be elaborated in the Operational Manual for the International Data Centre and shall be progressively developed.
Postopki in merila za standardno presojo dogodkov, ki naj jih uporablja Mednarodno podatkovno središče pri opravljanju dogovorjenih nalog, predvsem pri sestavljanju standardnih poročil in za opravljanje standardnega obsega storitev za države pogodbenice, so obdelani v Priročniku za delovanje Mednarodnega podatkovnega središča in jih je treba postopoma razviti.
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screening report