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scrutiny period
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1432
The scrutiny period shall not apply to the issue of export licences where an application relating to a quantity of 20 tonnes or less is submitted by a humanitarian agency without an accompanying refund application.".
Verifikacijsko obdobje se ne uporablja za izdajo izvoznih dovoljenj, kadar zahtevek za količino 20 ton ali manj vloži humanitarna organizacija brez spremnega zahtevka za nadomestilo.«.
2 Končna redakcija
They scrutinized the content on 23 channels over a 20 week period, between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m.
Za potrebe tako zastavljenega projekta so raziskovalci natančno pregledali 23 kanalov; njihovo vsebino so spremljali 20 tednov, vsak dan od 6. ure zjutraj do 23. ure zvečer
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1432
Whereas Article 7(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1162/95(5), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 444/98(6), provides for a scrutiny period before licences are actually issued for the export of all cereals, including rice, and most processed products, given the risks involved in issuing licences for very high volumes;
ker člen 7(3) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1162/95, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 444/98, določa verifikacijsko obdobje, preden se dejansko izdajo dovoljenja za izvoz vseh žit, vključno z rižem, in večine predelanih proizvodov, zaradi tveganj, ki nastanejo pri izdaji dovoljenj za izredno velike količine;
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
the number of scrutinies planned for the period in question that were not carried out and the number of undertakings that were not subject to scrutiny as a result of the non-execution of these scrutinies;
število pregledov, načrtovanih v zadevnem obdobju, ki niso bili opravljeni, ter število podjetij, ki zaradi tega niso bila pregledana;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
the rate of completion of the minimum number of scrutinies for the previous three scrutiny periods and the number and rate of timely completion of mutual assistance requests for the previous three scrutiny periods;
odstotek opravljenega najmanjšega števila pregledov za predhodna tri obdobja pregledovanja ter število in odstotek pravočasno rešenih zahtev za medsebojno pomoč za prejšnja tri obdobja pregledovanja;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
The report shall contain the results of the scrutinies carried out in respect of previous scrutiny periods, for which the results were not available at the time of the submission of the reports for those scrutiny periods, including:
Poročilo vsebuje rezultate pregledov, izvedenih za prejšnja pregledovalna obdobja, za katera rezultati v času predložitve poročil za navedena obdobja pregledov niso bili na razpolago, vključno s:
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
Information shall be provided on the execution of the programme of scrutinies for the period ending on 30 June preceding the closing date for submission of the report, as referred to in Article 9(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 4045/89, including the following points, both in total and broken down by control body (where more than one carries out controls under that Regulation):
Zagotovijo se informacije o izvajanju programa pregledov za obdobje, ki se konča 30. junija pred rokom za predložitev poročila, kakor je navedeno v členu 9(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 4045/89, vključno z naslednjimi točkami, tako skupaj kakor tudi razčlenjenimi po kontrolnih organih (če več kakor en organ opravlja kontrole po navedeni uredbi):
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
A(2)It is compulsory to scrutinise undertakings in this category which were not scrutinised in accordance with this Regulation during the two scrutiny periods preceding this scrutiny period, unless the payments that they received were under a measure or measures for which risk analysis techniques of selection have been adopted
A(2) Obvezno se morajo pregledati podjetja iz te kategorije, ki v dveh obdobjih pregledovanja pred tem obdobjem pregledovanja niso bila pregledana v skladu s to uredbo, razen če je(so) za plačila, ki so jih prejela, veljal(i) ukrep ali ukrepi, za katere so bile sprejete izbirne tehnike analize tveganja.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
(c) the number of scrutinies planned for the period in question that were not carried out and the number of undertakings that were not subject to scrutiny as a result of the non-execution of these scrutinies;
(c) število pregledov, načrtovanih v zadevnem obdobju, ki niso bili opravljeni, ter število podjetij, ki zaradi tega niso bila pregledana
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
FNumber of scrutinies planned and executed and number of mutual assistance requests received and replied to within six months over the last three scrutiny periods.
F Število v zadnjih treh obdobjih pregledovanja načrtovanih in opravljenih pregledov ter število prejetih zahtev za medsebojno pomoč, na katere je bilo odgovorjeno v šestih mesecih.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
(c) the rate of completion of the minimum number of scrutinies for the previous three scrutiny periods and the number and rate of timely completion of mutual assistance requests for the previous three scrutiny periods;
(c) odstotek opravljenega najmanjšega števila pregledov za predhodna tri obdobja pregledovanja ter število in odstotek pravočasno rešenih zahtev za medsebojno pomoč za prejšnja tri obdobja pregledovanja;
13 Pravna redakcija
Under the same procedure, a scrutiny rate greater than 5 % may, by way of exception, be fixed for specific cases and periods, on the basis of objective findings of an increased risk of fraud.
Po enakem postopku se lahko za posebne primere in obdobja izjemoma določi število natančnih preverjanj, ki je večje od 5 %, na podlagi objektivnih ugotovitev o povečani nevarnosti goljufije.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
The report shall contain the results of the scrutinies carried out in respect of previous scrutiny periods, for which the results were not available at the time of the submission of the reports for those scrutiny periods, including:
Poročilo vsebuje rezultate pregledov, izvedenih za prejšnja pregledovalna obdobja, za katera rezultati v času predložitve poročil za navedena obdobja pregledov niso bili na razpolago, vključno s:
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
Information shall be provided on the execution of the programme of scrutinies for the period ending on 30 June preceding the closing date for submission of the report, as referred to in Article 9(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 4045/89, including the following points, both in total and broken down by control body (where more than one carries out controls under that Regulation):
Zagotovijo se informacije o izvajanju programa pregledov za obdobje, ki se konča 30. junija pred rokom za predložitev poročila, kakor je navedeno v členu 9(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 4045/89, vključno z naslednjimi točkami, tako skupaj kakor tudi razčlenjenimi po kontrolnih organih (če več kakor en organ opravlja kontrole po navedeni uredbi):
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
Scrutiny shall cover at least the calendar year preceding the scrutiny period;
Pregled zajema najmanj koledarsko leto pred obdobjem pregleda;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
'Scrutiny shall cover a period of at least 12 months ending during the previous scrutiny period;
"Pregled obsega obdobje najmanj 12 mesecev, ki se konča med prejšnjim obdobjem pregleda;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
It shall apply with effect from the 1995/96 scrutiny period.
Uporablja se od obdobja pregledov 1995/96.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
Where scrutiny of an undertaking on the list takes place, the requested Member State that carried out the scrutiny shall inform the requesting Member State of the results of that scrutiny at the latest three months after the end of the scrutiny period.
Če je opravljen pregled podjetja s seznama, zaprošena država članica, ki je opravila pregled, obvesti državo članico, ki je poslala zahtevo, o rezultatih pregleda najpozneje v treh mesecih po koncu obdobja pregleda.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
For the scrutiny period 1995/96, the proposals for risk analysis shall be sent to the Commission not later than 1 February 1995.
Za obdobje pregledov 1995-96 se predlogi za analizo tveganja Komisiji pošljejo najpozneje do 1. februarja 1995.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
Member States shall draw up programmes for scrutinies to be carried out pursuant to Article 2 during the subsequent scrutiny period.
Države članice izdelajo programe za preglede, ki se bodo na podlagi člena 2 izvedli v naslednjem obdobju pregledov.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
they shall be presented not later than 1 December of the year prior to commencement of the scrutiny period for which they are to be applied.
predložijo se najpozneje do 1. decembra v letu pred začetkom obdobja pregledov, v katerem naj bi se uporabljali.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
Before 1 January following the scrutiny period Member States shall send the Commission a detailed report on the application of this Regulation.
Pred 1. januarjem, ki sledi obdobju pregledov, države članice predložijo Komisiji podrobno poročilo o uporabi te uredbe.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
It shall be compulsory for undertakings the sum of whose receipts or payments amounted to more than ECU 200 000 and which were not scrutinized in accordance with this Regulation during the preceding scrutiny period to be scrutinized.
Obvezno se pregledajo podjetja, katerih prejemki ali izplačila so znašali več kakor 200 000 ekujev in ki v preteklem obdobju preiskovanj niso bila pregledana v skladu s to uredbo.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
'In relation to each current scrutiny period, commencing with the 1995/96 scrutiny period, Member States shall, without prejudice to their obligations defined in paragraph 1, select the undertakings to be scrutinized on the basis of risk analysis in the export refunds sector, and for all other measures where it is practicable to do so.
"Za vsako tekoče obdobje pregledov od obdobja 1995-96 države članice brez poseganja v svoje obveznosti iz odstavka 1 izberejo podjetja, pri katerih je treba opraviti preglede, na podlagi analize tveganja v sektorju za izvozna nadomestila in za vse druge ukrepe, kjer je to izvedljivo.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1342
The scrutiny period shall not apply to the issue of export licences where an application relating to a quantity of 20 tonnes or less is submitted by a humanitarian agency without an accompanying refund application.
Obdobje pregledov se ne uporablja pri izdaji izvoznih dovoljenj, pri katerih zahtevek, ki se nanaša na količino 20 ton ali manj, vloži humanitarna organizacija brez spremljajočega zahtevka za nadomestilo.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
The amounts in ecus appearing in this Regulation shall be converted into national currencies by applying the rate of exchange operating on the first working date of the year when the scrutiny period begins and published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Zneski v ekujih iz te uredbe se zamenjajo v nacionalne valute po menjalnem tečaju, veljavnem na prvi delavnik v letu, ko se začne obdobje preiskovanja, in objavljenem v seriji C v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
the number of scrutinies planned for the period in question that were not carried out and the number of undertakings that were not subject to scrutiny as a result of the non-execution of these scrutinies;
število pregledov, načrtovanih v zadevnem obdobju, ki niso bili opravljeni, ter število podjetij, ki zaradi tega niso bila pregledana;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
The scrutiny referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply, for each period of scrutiny referred to in paragraph 4 to a number of undertakings which may not be less than half the undertakings whose receipts or payments, or the sum thereof, under the system of financing by the Guarantee Section of the EAGGF, amounted to more than ECU 60 000 for the calendar year preceding the beginning of the period of scrutiny in question.
Za vsako obdobje pregledov iz odstavka 4 se pregledovanje iz odstavka 1 uporablja za število podjetij, ki ne sme biti manjše od polovice podjetij, katerih prejemki in plačila ali znesek teh v okviru sistema financiranja Jamstvenega oddelka EKUJS znaša več kakor 60 000 ekujev za koledarsko leto pred začetkom obdobja preiskave.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0004
the rate of completion of the minimum number of scrutinies for the previous three scrutiny periods and the number and rate of timely completion of mutual assistance requests for the previous three scrutiny periods;
odstotek opravljenega najmanjšega števila pregledov za predhodna tri obdobja pregledovanja ter število in odstotek pravočasno rešenih zahtev za medsebojno pomoč za prejšnja tri obdobja pregledovanja;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
For the period of scrutiny beginning in 1990 the amount of ECU 60 000 quoted in the first subparagraph shall be replaced by ECU 100 000 and by ECU 90 000 for that beginning in 1991.
Za obdobje pregledov, ki se začne leta 1990, se znesek 60 000 ekujev iz prvega pododstavka nadomesti z zneskom 100 000 ekujev in 90 000 ekujev za obdobje, ki se začne leta 1991.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
For measures for which a Member State considers the use of risk analysis not to be practicable, it shall be compulsory for undertakings the sum of whose receipts or payments or the sum of those two amounts within the system of financing by the Guarantee Section of the EAGGF was more than ECU 300 000 and which were not scrutinized in accordance with this Regulation during either of the two preceding scrutiny periods, to be scrutinized.`;
Pri ukrepih, za katere država članica meni, da uporaba analize tveganja ni izvedljiva, se obvezno opravi pregled podjetij, pri katerih je vsota prejemkov ali izplačil ali vsota teh dveh zneskov v okviru sistema financiranja Jamstvenega oddelka EKUJS-a presegla 300 000 ECU in pri katerih ni bil opravljen pregled v skladu s to uredbo v nobenem od dveh predhodnih obdobij pregledov.";
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
Whereas the powers of the officials responsible for scrutiny and the obligations on undertakings to make commercial documents available to such officials for a specified period and to supply such information as may be requested by them should be defined;
ker je treba opredeliti pooblastila uradnikov, odgovornih za preglede, in dolžnost podjetij, da dajejo takšnim uradnikom trgovinske dokumente na voljo za določeno obdobje in jim na zahtevo predložijo takšne informacije;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2232
On the basis of the notification provided for in paragraph 1, and following Commission scrutiny of the notification, in the light of subparagraph (c), flavouring substances the legal use of which in one Member State must be recognized by the other Member States shall be entered in a register which shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7 within a year of the end of the notification period provided for in paragraph 1.
Na podlagi sporočila, predvidenega v odstavku 1, in potem ko ga Komisija podrobno pregleda, se ob upoštevanju pododstavka (c) aromatične snovi, katerih zakonita uporaba v eni državi članici mora biti priznana v drugih državah članicah, vpišejo v register, ki se sestavi v skladu s postopkom iz člena 7, v enem letu po izteku roka za sporočilo iz odstavka 1.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0298
Where a public offer concerning transferable securities giving a right to participate in company capital, either immediately or at the end of a maturity period, is made in one or more Member States other than that in which the registered office of the issuer of the shares to which those securities give entitlement is situated, while that issuer's shares have already been admitted to official listing in that Member State, the competent authorities of the Member State of the offer may act only after having consulted the competent authorities of the Member State in which the registered office of the issuer of the shares in question is situated in cases where the public offer prospectus is scrutinized.
Kadar gre za javno ponudbo prenosljivih vrednostnih papirjev, ki dajejo pravico do udeležbe pri kapitalu družbe, bodisi takoj bodisi ob zapadlosti, v eni ali več državah članicah, razen v tisti, v kateri je registrirani sedež izdajatelja delnic, za katere veljajo upravičenja iz teh vrednostnih papirjev, medtem ko so delnice tega izdajatelja že sprejete v uradno kotacijo v tej državi članici, smejo pristojni organi države članice, v kateri poteka ponudba, ukrepati šele potem, ko so se posvetovali s pristojnimi organi države članice, v kateri je registrirani sedež izdajatelja zadevnih delnic, kadar se prospekt o javni ponudbi pregleduje.
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scrutiny period