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search and destroy
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
1. this is requested by the owner or user of the aircraft with the permission of the owner, 2. the requirements referred to in points 1, 3 and 4 of the first paragraph of Article 23 of this Act are no longer met. 3. the aircraft is entered in the military aircraft register, 4. the aircraft is destroyed or lost and the search has been terminated, or has been taken out of use for any other reason, 5. the aircraft has not held a valid aircraft airworthiness certificate in the last three years.
to zahteva lastnik zrakoplova oziroma uporabnik zrakoplova z dovoljenjem lastnika, 2. niso več izpolnjene zahteve iz 1., 3. in 4. točke prvega odstavka 23. člena tega zakona, 3. se zrakoplov vpiše v vojaški register zrakoplovov, 4. je zrakoplov uničen ali izgubljen in je iskanje zaključeno, ali je bil zaradi drugih razlogov vzet iz uporabe, 5. zrakoplov v zadnjih treh letih ni imel veljavnega spričevala o plovnosti zrakoplova.
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search and destroy