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1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Z1-05-2070
Surcharge for the communication of extracts, copies, information or search reports by telefacsimile (per page) 4
Dodatna pristojbina za pošiljanje izpiskov, kopij, informacij ali poročil o poizvedbah po telefaksu (na stran) 4
2 Končna redakcija
Of course, what is implied here is not that tabloids are exempt from the requirements of professional standards, but that they must be able to differentiate between cases in which it is allowable to stretch these standards, because a public personality is involved, and cases in which it is unacceptable. Since royal family members do not divorce every day, and since the most popular singers do not publicly take drugs or beat their partners often enough to fill the pages of the newspapers that live off such events, these newspapers turn to the masses in search of newsworthy stories. As a result, individuals making up the masses attract public attention through personal tragedies, when they come in conflict with the law, or reap an unexpected profit.
To seveda ne pomeni, da je rumeni tisk odvezan vseh poklicnih meril, vendar mora znati ločevati, kdaj smejo biti omiljena, ker gre za javno osebnost, in kdaj ne. In ker se člani kraljevskih družin ne ločujejo vsak dan, ker najpopularnejši pevci ne uživajo drog v javnosti in ne pretepajo partneric dovolj pogosto, da bi to lahko napolnilo časopise, ki živijo od takih novic, morajo pač poiskati zgodbe tudi v množici, kjer si posamezniki »prislužijo« objavo zaradi družinske nesreče, spora z zakonom ali nenadejanega dobička.
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