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seed which is officially certified
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
2.Where it is found that aid has been claimed for seed not officially certified or harvested within the Member State in question during the calendar year in which the marketing year for which the aid has been set begins, no aid shall be granted for that marketing year nor for the following one.
Kadar se ugotovi, da je bila pomoč zahtevana za seme, ki ni uradno ceritificirano ali pridelano v okviru zadevne države članice v koledarskem letu, v katerem se začne tržno leto, za katero je bila pomoč določena, se pomoč ne podeli za to tržno leto in ne za naslednje.
2 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall inform the Commission, before the date mentioned in paragraph 1, of the amount of seed of the species referred to in paragraph 1 which is needed for sowing in their territories before 31 December 1991, in so far as it is likely not to be covered by available seed officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
Države članice obvestijo Komisijo pred datumom iz prvega odstavka o količini semena vrst iz prvega odstavka, ki je potrebna za sejanje na njihovih ozemljih pred 31. decembrom 1991, če je možno, da ta ne bo pokrita z razpoložljivim semenom, ki je uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1659
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1674/72 (2), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1969/80 (3), lays down that aid may be granted only for seed which is officially certified and which satisfies the definitions laid down by the Directives concerning their marketing, and the standards and conditions laid down in the said Directives;
ker Uredba (EGS) št. 1674/722, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1969/803, določa, da se pomoč lahko dodeli samo za seme, ki je uradno potrjeno in ki ustreza opredelitvam iz direktiv o trženju ter standardom in pogojem, določenim v teh direktivah;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0162
seed (a) which is of direct descent from certified seed of the first generation which has been established and officially controlled with a special view to the production of certified seed of the second generation;
seme (a) proizvedeno neposredno iz certificiranega semena prve generacije, ki je bilo določeno in uradno preverjeno za proizvodnjo certificiranega semena druge generacije;
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0063
Member States may, during a transitional period of not more than four years after the entry into force of the laws, regulations or administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive, and by way of derogation from paragraph 1 (C), certify as certified seed seed which is of direct descent from seed officially controlled in a Member State under the scheme in operation at that time and which affords the same assurances as seed certified as basic seed or certified seed in accordance with the principles of this Directive.
Države članice lahko v prehodnem obdobju največ štirih let po uveljavitvi zakonov in drugih predpisov, potrebnih za uskladitev s to direktivo, in z odstopanjem od odstavka 1(C), potrdijo kot ,certificirano seme, seme, ki je neposredni potomec uradno pregledanega semena v državi članici v okviru takrat veljavne sheme in ki daje enaka zagotovila kot seme, potrjeno kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme v skladu z načeli te Direktive.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0709
If an aid application is made for seed not officially certified or not harvested within the Member State in question during the calendar year in which the marketing year for which the aid has been set begins, no seed production aid shall be granted to the producer for that or the following marketing year.
Če je zahtevek za pomoč vložen za seme, ki ni uradno potrjeno ali ki ni pridelano v zadevni državi članici v koledarskem letu, v katerem se začne tržno leto, za katero je bila določena pomoč, se proizvajalcu pomoč za proizvodnjo semena ne dodeli ne v tem ne v prihodnjem tržnem letu.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0060
"(c) during a transitional period of not more than three years after the entry into force of the laws, regulations or administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive, and by way of derogation from paragraph 1 (E), (F) and (G), certify as certified seed seed which is of direct descent from seed officially controlled in a Member State under the scheme in operation at that time and which affords the same assurances as basic seed certified in accordance with the principles of this Directive;
"(c) v prehodnem obdobju največ treh let po začetku veljavnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov, potrebnih za uskladitev s to direktivo, in z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 (E), (F) in (G), kot certificirano seme potrdijo seme, ki izhaja neposredno iz semena, ki je bilo uradno pregledano v državi članici v okviru takrat veljavnega sistema in ki nudi enaka jamstva kot osnovno seme, potrjeno v skladu z načeli te direktive;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
2.Where it is found that aid has been claimed for seed not officially certified or harvested within the Member State in question during the calendar year in which the marketing year for which the aid has been set begins, no aid shall be granted for that marketing year nor for the following one.
Kadar se ugotovi, da je bila pomoč zahtevana za seme, ki ni uradno ceritificirano ali pridelano v okviru zadevne države članice v koledarskem letu, v katerem se začne tržno leto, za katero je bila pomoč določena, se pomoč ne podeli za to tržno leto in ne za naslednje.
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seed which is officially certified