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separation at source
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0777
Natural mineral water, in its state at source, may not be the subject of any treatment or addition other than: (a) the separation of its unstable elements, such as iron and sulphur compounds, by filtration or decanting, possibly preceded by oxygenation, in so far as this treatment does not alter the composition of the water as regards the essential constituents which give it its properties;
Naravni mineralni vodi na izviru se ne sme nièesar dodajati in ne sme biti obdelana z nobenim postopkom, razen: (a) z izloèanjem njenih neobstojnih sestavin, kakor so železove in žveplove spojine, s postopkom filtracije ali dekantiranja, ki lahko vkljuèuje tudi postopek poprejšnje oksidacije, èe takšen postopek ne spremeni sestave vode glede njenih znaèilnih sestavin;
2 Pravna redakcija
measures aimed at ensuring source separation, the collection and recycling of priority waste streams;
ukrepi za zagotavljanje ločevanja na viru, zbiranje in recikliranje prioritetnih tokov odpadkov;
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separation at source