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set aside a decision
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the panel of the high court establishes that the motion to reopen the proceedings is ill-founded and the a new main hearing need not be conducted, it shall set aside its earlier decision and render a decision on the main subject of dispute.
Če senat višjega sodišča spozna, da je predlog za obnovo postopka utemeljen in da ni potrebna nova glavna obravnava, razveljavi svojo odločbo in morebitno odločbo višjega sodišča ter izda novo odločbo o glavni stvari.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If any of the provisions referred to clauses 3 to 12 of the second paragraph of Article 339 of the present Act has been violated, except where a claim has been adjudicated pending some other action, the revising court shall set aside all decisions below and reject the action.
Če je bila v postopku pred sodiščem prve ali druge stopnje storjena kršitev iz 3. ali 12. točke drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona, razen če je bilo odločeno o zahtevku, o katerem že teče pravda, revizijsko sodišče s sklepom razveljavi izdane odločbe in zavrže tožbo.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the court of second instance establishes that the limits of the claim have been transgressed, it may set aside the judgment of the first instance and remand the case for reconsideration to the court below or, considering the nature of transgression, render a judgment modifying the attacked decision.
Če ugotovi, da je bil s sodbo prve stopnje prekoračen tožbeni zahtevek, sodišče druge stopnje glede na naravo prekoračitve tožbenega zahtevka s sklepom razveljavi sodbo sodišča prve stopnje in mu vrne zadevo v novo sojenje oziroma s sodbo spremeni izpodbijano odločbo.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(b) If on an appeal against sentence the Court considers that there are grounds on which the conviction might be set aside, wholly or in part, it may invite the Prosecutor and the convicted person to submit grounds under article 81, paragraph 1 (a) or (b), and may render a decision on conviction in accordance with article 83;
(b) Če v zvezi s pritožbo zoper kazen Sodišče meni, da obstajajo razlogi, zaradi katerih bi se obsodba lahko v celoti ali delno razveljavila, lahko pozove tožilca in obsojenca, da predložita razloge po pododstavku (a) ali (b) prvega odstavka 81. člena, in lahko odloči o obsodbi v skladu s 83. členom.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the revising court establishes that the limits of the claim have been transgressed by a final judgment passed by the court of second instance, it may pass a decree to set aside this judgment and remand the case for reconsideration to the court of second instance or, depending of the nature of transgression, render a judgment to modify the attacked decision.
Če ugotovi, da je bil s pravnomočno sodbo, izdano na drugi stopnji, prekoračen tožbeni zahtevek, revizijsko sodišče glede na naravo prekoračitve s sklepom razveljavi sodbo sodišča druge stopnje in vrne zadevo v novo sojenje sodišču drug
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
When a judgment of first instance is set aside and the case remanded to the court of first instance for re-examination of facts, the statement of ground shall indicate the points in which the determination of the state of facts made by the court of first instance comes short or is erroneous, as well as wherein the presentation of new facts and evidence is important for a correct decision and why such evidence and facts affect the correctness of the adjudication process.
Če se sodba prve stopnje razveljavi in zadeva vrne sodišču prve stopnje v novo sojenje, da pravilno ugotovi dejansko stanje, se navede, v čem so pomanjkljivosti pri ugotovitvi dejanskega stanja oziroma zakaj so nova dejstva in novi dokazi pomembni za pravilno odločbo in zakaj vplivajo na tako odločbo.
7 Končna redakcija
in order to comply with the Memorandum of Understanding on oil seeds between the European Economic Community and the United States of America within the framework of the GATT, as approved by Council Decision 93/355/EEC(10), a monitoring system should be introduced to assess the quantities, in soya-bean-meal equivalent, of by-products intended for human or animal consumption and obtained from colza seed, rapeseed, sunflower seed or soya beans grown on land set aside for purposes other than production for human or animal consumption;
Za zagotovitev skladnosti z memorandumom o soglasju glede oljnic med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike, v okviru sporazuma GATT, odobrenega s Sklepom Sveta 93/355/EGS, je treba uvesti sistem spremljanja za ocenitev količin v ekvivalentu sojine moke, stranskih proizvodov, ki so namenjeni za prehrano ljudi ali živali in pridobljeni iz oljne repice, oljne ogrščice, sončnic ali soje, proizvedenih na zemljiščih v prahi za namene, ki niso povezani s proizvodnjo za prehrano ljudi ali živali;
8 Pravna redakcija
Where damages are claimed on the grounds that a decision has been taken unlawfully, either Party may provide that the contested decision must first be set aside or declared illegal.
Če se odškodnina zahteva, ker se je odločitev nezakonito sprejela, lahko vsaka od pogodbenic zagotovi, da se sporna odločitev najprej razveljavi ali razglasi za nezakonito.
9 Pravna redakcija
The Member States may provide that where damages are claimed on the grounds that a decision was taken unlawfully, the contested decision must first be set aside by a body having the necessary powers.
Države članice lahko predvidijo, da mora organ s potrebnimi pooblastili, kadar se odškodnina zahteva na podlagi nezakonito sprejete odločitve, najprej razveljaviti izpodbijano odločitev.
10 Pravna redakcija
b) to set aside or ensure the setting aside of decisions taken unlawfully, including the removal of discriminatory technical, economic or financial specifications in the tender notice, the indicative notice, the notice on the existence of a qualification system or any other document relating to the contract award procedure in question.
b) da se razveljavijo odločbe ali zagotovi razveljavitev odločbe, ki so se sprejele nezakonito, vključno z izbrisom diskriminatornih tehničnih, ekonomskih ali finančnih lastnosti v razpisu za javno naročilo, informativnem obvestilu, obvestilu o obstoju kvalifikacijskega sistema ali katerem koli drugem dokumentu v zvezi z zadevnim postopkom dodeljevanja naročil.
11 Pravna redakcija
Where the response seeks to set aside, in whole or in part, the decision of the Court of First Instance on a plea in law which was not raised in the appeal, the appellant or any other party may submit a reply on that plea alone within two months of the service of the response in question.
Kadar odgovor zahteva celotno ali delno razveljavitev odločbe Sodišča prve stopnje o pravnem zahtevku, ki v pritožbi ni bil sprožen, lahko pritožnik ali katerakoli druga stranka predloži odgovor na samo ta zahtevek v dveh mesecih po vročitvi predmetnega odgovora.
12 Pravna redakcija
The Court may, however, grant a stay of execution until the Court has given its decision on any application under paragraph (4) to set aside the judgment, or it may make execution subject to the provision of security of an amount and nature to be fixed in the light of the circumstances;
Vendar pa lahko Sodišče odobri začasno ustavitev izvršbe, dokler Sodišče ne izda odločbe o vseh zahtevah iz odstavka 4 za razveljavitev sodbe, ali pa lahko izvršbo pogojuje z zagotovitvijo jamstva v znesku in naravi, ki se določi glede na okoliščine;
13 Pravna redakcija
Furthermore, except where a decision must be set aside prior to the award of damages, a Member State may provide that, after the conclusion of a contract following its award, the powers of the body responsible for the review procedures shall be limited to awarding damages to any person harmed by an infringement.
Poleg tega lahko država članica določi, razen ko je treba odločitev pred določitvijo odškodnine razveljaviti, da se pooblastila organa, ki je odgovoren za revizijske postopke, po sklenitvi pogodbe o oddaji javnega naročila omejijo na določanje odškodnine osebi, oškodovani zaradi kršitve.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
Outside the scope of the SPD, expenditure related to the non-allocated reserve 'C' set aside in accordance with Article 3(3) of Annex II(A) to the Overseas Association Decision shall be committed by the Commission and implemented in accordance with Article 15 and 54 of the EDF Financial Regulation.
Sredstva izven okvira EPD, ki se nanašajo na nerazdeljeno rezervo "C", rezervirano v skladu s členom 3(3) Priloge II(A) Sklepu o čezmorski pridružitvi, Komisija dodeli na način, ki je v skladu s členoma 15 in 54 Finančne uredbe ERS.
15 Pravna redakcija
The overall amount of financial assistance to the OCTs allocated by the Community out of the overall amount stated in Article 1(2)(a) of the Internal Agreement shall be EUR 175 million, of which EUR 155 million in the form of non-repayable aid, including EUR 1 million set aside to finance the interest rate subsidies provided for in Article 3(3)(d) of Annex IIA to the Overseas Association Decision, and EUR 20 million under the Investment Facility.
Skupni znesek finančne pomoči ČDO, ki ga dodeli Skupnosti iz skupnega zneska iz člena 1(2)(a) Notranjega sporazuma, znaša 175 milijonov EUR, od katerega 155 milijonov v obliki nepovratne pomoči, vključno z 1 milijonom rezerve za financiranje subvencij obrestne mere iz člena 3(3)(d) Priloge IIA k Sklepu o čezmorski pridružitvi, in 20 milijonov EUR v Skladu za spodbujanje naložb.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0013
to set aside or ensure the setting aside of decisions taken unlawfully, including the removal of discriminatory technical, economic or financial specifications in the notice of contract, the periodic indicative notice, the notice on the existence of a system of qualification, the invitation to tender, the contract documents or in any other document relating to the contract award procedure in question;
zato da bi razveljavili ali zagotovili razveljavitev nezakonito sprejetih odločitev, vključno z odpravo diskriminatornih tehničnih, ekonomskih ali finančnih specifikacij v obvestilu o javnem naročilu, periodičnem informativnem obvestilu, javnem razpisu za kvalifikacijo ponudnikov, povabilu k oddaji ponudbe, pogodbeni dokumentaciji ali v katerem koli drugem dokumentu v zvezi z zadevnim postopkom oddaje javnega naročila;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0013
Where damages are claimed on the grounds that a decision has been taken unlawfully, Member States may, where their system of internal law so requires and provides bodies having the necessary powers for that purpose, provide that the contested decision must first be set aside or declared illegal.
Kadar se nadomestilo škode uveljavlja zato, ker je bila odločitev sprejeta protizakonito, lahko države članice, kadar njihov sistem notranjega prava to zahteva in predvideva organe, ki imajo v ta namen potrebna pooblastila, predvidijo, da je treba sporno odločitev najprej razveljaviti ali jo razglasiti za nezakonito.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
Outside the scope of the SPD, expenditure related to the non-allocated reserve "C" set aside in accordance with Article 3(3) of Annex II(A) to the Overseas Association Decision shall be committed by the Commission and implemented in accordance with Article 15 and 54 of the EDF Financial Regulation.
Sredstva izven okvira EPD, ki se nanašajo na nerazdeljeno rezervo "C", rezervirano v skladu s členom 3(3) Priloge II(A) Sklepu o pridružitvi čezmorskih držav, Komisija dodeli na način, ki je v skladu s členoma 15 in 54 Finančne uredbe ERS.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0827
In order to ensure compliance with point 7 of the Memorandum of Understanding on oilseeds between the European Economic Community and the United States of America within the framework of the GATT, as approved by Council Decision 93/355/EEC(3), the third subparagraph of Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 provides that if the quantity of by-products for feed or food uses likely to be made available as a result of the cultivation of oilseeds on land set aside under the first subparagraph exceeds, on the basis of the forecast quantities covered by contracts made with producers, 1 million metric tonnes annually expressed in soya bean meal equivalent, in order to limit that quantity to 1 million metric tonnes, the amount of the forecast quantity under each contract, which may be used for feed or food uses, is to be reduced.
Za zagotovitev skladnosti s točko 7 Memoranduma o soglasju glede oljnic med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike v okviru GATT, odobrenega s Sklepom Sveta 93/355/EGS3, tretji pododstavek člena 6(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 1251/1999 določa, da v kolikor količina stranskih proizvodov, ki se uporabijo za namene krme ali živil, ki bo verjetno na voljo zaradi pridelovanja oljnic na zemljiščih v prahi v skladu s prvim pododstavkom, presega, na podlagi količin predvidenih v pogodbah, sklenjenih s pridelovalci, 1 milijon ton, letno izraženih v ekvivalentih sojine moke, je treba obseg predvidene količine iz vsake pogodbe, ki se lahko uporabi za namene krme ali živil, zmanjšati, da bi to količino omejili na 1 milijon ton.
20 Prevod
to set aside or ensure the setting aside of decisions taken unlawfully, including the removal of discriminatory technical, economic or financial specifications in the tender notice, the indicative notice, the notice on the existence of a qualification system or any other document relating to the contract award procedure in question.
da se razveljavijo odločitve ali zagotovi razveljavitev odločitev, ki so se sprejele nezakonito, vključno z izbrisom diskriminatornih tehničnih, ekonomskih ali finančnih lastnosti v razpisu za javno naročilo, informativnem obvestilu, obvestilu o obstoju kvalifikacijskega sistema ali katerem koli drugem dokumentu v zvezi z zadevnim postopkom dodeljevanja naročil.
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set aside a decision