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site of the catchment
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0777
There must be a requirement to supply the following particulars: 1.1.1. the exact site of the catchment with indication of its altitude, on a map with a scale of not more than 1: 1 000;
Zahtevati je treba predložitev naslednjih podatkov: 1.1.1 natanèna lega zajetja z oznaèeno nadmorsko višino na zemljevidu v merilu najveè 1: 1000;
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0308
< RED>- Zona Torrente Adanŕ: water catchment area of the river Adanŕ from the source to the artificial series of barriers situated downstream of the farm Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
cona Torrente Adan: povodje reke Adan od izvira do niza umetnih pregrad, ki ležijo nizvodno od ribogojnice Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0308
- Zona Ogliolo: the water catchment area from the source of Ogliolo stream to the waterfall, situated downstream of the Adamello fish farm, where the Ogliolo stream joins the Oglio river.
cona Ogliolo, povodje od izvira potoka Ogliolo do slapu, ki leži nizvodno od ribogojnice Adamello, kjer se potok Ogliolo pridruži reki Oglio
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0308
- excluding the area of the west coast within a semi-circle of a 20-kilometre radius around the fish farm situated on the island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barriers (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively).
razen območje zahodne obale v polkrogu z 20-kilometrskim polmerom okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö in tudi ustji ter povodji rek Göta in Säve do prvih selitvenih pregrad (pri kraju Trollhättan in pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
In accordance with the epizootiological situation, the water catchment area or the coastal area of concern:
V skladu z epizootiološkim stanjem se zadevno območje povodja ali obalno območje:
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
The water catchment area from the source of Cafarro stream to the artificial barrier situated 1 km downstream of the farm
povodje od izvira potoka Cafarro do umetne pregrade, ki leži kilometer nizvodno od ribogojnice.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
the water catchment area from the source of Cafarro stream to the artificial barrier situated one km downstream of the farm
povodje od izvira potoka Cafarro do umetne zapornice, ki se nahaja kilometer po toku navzdol od ribogojnice
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
water catchment area of the river Avisio, from the source to the artificial barrier of Serra San Giorgio situated in the commune of Giovo
povodje reke Avisio od izvira do umetne zapornice Serra San Giorgio v občini Giovo
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
Water catchment area of the river Avisio, from the source to the artificial barrier of Serra San Giorgio situated in the Commune of Giovo
povodje reke Avisio od izvira do umetne pregrade Serra San Giorgio v občini Giovo,
10 Pravna redakcija
The water catchment area from the source of Arno torrent to the downstream barriers, situated before the Arno torrent flows into the Sarca river.
Povodje od izvira gorskega potoka Arnň do pregrad v spodnjem toku, ki so postavljene pred izlivom potoka Arnň v reko Sarca.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
Water catchment area of the river Adana from the source to the artificial series of barriers situated downstream of the farm Armani Cornelio-Lardaro
povodje reke Adana od izvira do niza umetnih pregrad, ki ležijo nizvodno od ribogojnice Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
12 Pravna redakcija
The water catchment area from the source of Arno torrent to the down-stream barriers, situated before the Arno torrent flows into the Sarca river.
Povodje od izvira hudournika Arnň do nizvodnih pregrad, preden se hudournik Arno izlije v reko Sarca.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
water catchment area of the river Adaná from the source to the artificial series of barriers situated downstream of the Armani Cornelio- Lardaro farm
povodje reke Adaná od izvira do niza umetnih zapornic po toku navzdol od ribogojnice Armani Cornelio- Lardaro
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0634
- The water catchment area from the source of Arnň torrent to the downstream barriers, situated before the Arnň torrent flows into the Sarca river
- Vodno območje ulova od izvira hudournika Arno do pregrad v spodnjem toku, preden se hudournik Arno izlije v reko Sarca.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0328
- The water catchment area from the source of Arnň torrent to the down-stream barriers, situated before the Arnň torrent flows into the Sarca river
- Povodje od izvira hudournika Arno do nizvodnih obvir, nameščenih pred izlivom hudournika Arno v reko Sarca
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0376
- The water catchment area from the source of Arnó torrent to the down-stream barriers, situated before the Arnó torrent flows into the Sarca river.
- Povodje od izvira hudournika Arnó do nižje ležečih zapornic, ki so pred izlivom gorskega potoka Arnó v reko Sarca.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0904
- the water catchment area from the source of Arnň torrent to the down-stream barriers, situated before the Arnň torrent flows into the Sarca river,
- vodno območje ulova od izvira hudournika Arno do pregrad v spodnjem toku, nameščenih pred izlivom hudournika Arno v reko Sarca,
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
The water catchment area from the source of Ogliolo stream to the waterfall, situated downstream of the Adamello fish farm, where Ogliolo stream joins the Oglio river
povodje od izvira potoka Ogliolo do slapa, ki leži nizvodno od ribogojnice Adamello, kjer se potok Ogliolo pridruži reki Oglio,
19 Pravna redakcija
The water catchment area from the source of Ogliolo stream to the waterfall, situated downstream of the Adamello fish farm, where Ogliolo stream joins the Oglio river.
porečje potoka Ogliolo od izvira do slapu, ki je nizvodno od ribogojnice Adamello, kjer se potok Ogliolo priključi reki Oglio.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
the water catchment area from the source of the Ogliolo stream to the waterfall, situated downstream of the Adamello fish farm, where the Ogliolo stream joins the Oglio river
povodje od izvira potoka Ogliolo do slapa, ki se nahaja po toku navzdol od ribogojnice Adamello, kjer se potok Ogliolo steka z reko Oglio
21 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Finland, by letter of 30 September 1997, has requested that certain water catchment areas situated on its territory require protection from the introduction of Gyrodactylus salaris;
ker je Finska z uradnim pismom z dne 30. septembra 1997 za nekatera povodja na njenem ozemlju zahtevala zaščito pred vnosom Gyrodactylus salaris;
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
(3) According to Article 5(2) and Article 6 of Directive 93/53/EEC, all farms situated in the same water catchment area or coastal area in which a farm suspected or confirmed infected with infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus is situated, shall be placed under official surveillance.
(3) V skladu s členom 5(2) in členom 6 Direktive 93/53/EGS so vse ribogojnice, ki se nahajajo v območju istega območja povodja ali obalnega območja, na katerem se nahaja ribogojnica, za katero se sumi, da je okužena ali za katero je potrjeno, da je okužena z virusom infekciozne anemije lososa (ISA), pod uradnim nadzorom.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
the water catchment area in the province of Belluno from the source of the Ardo stream to the downstream barrier (situated before the Ardo stream flows into the Piave river) of the farm Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno
povodje v provinci Belluno od izvira potoka Ardo do zapornice po toku navzdol (ki se nahaja preden se potok Ardo izteče v reko Piave) od ribogojnice Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
The water catchment area in the province of Belluno from the source of the stream Ardo to the downstream barrier (situated before the stream Ardo flows into the river Piave) of the farm Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno
povodje v pokrajini Belluno od izvira potoka Ardo nizvodno do zapornice (preden se potok Ardo pridruži reki Piave) od ribogojnice Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno.
25 Pravna redakcija
The water catchment area in the Province of Belluno from the source of the stream Ardo to the downstream barrier (situated before the stream Ardo flows into the river Piave) of the farm Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno.
Povodje v Provinci Belluno od izvira vodotoka Arno do nizvodne pregrade (pred izlivom vodotoka Arno v reko Sočo) ribogojnice Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno.
26 Pravna redakcija
The water catchment area in the province of Belluno from the source of the stream Ardo to the downstream barrier (situated before the stream Ardo flows into the river Piave) of the farm Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno.
porečje v provinci Belluno od izvira potoka Ardo do pregrade nizvodno (preden se potok Ardo izlije v reko Piave) pri ribogojnici Centro Sperimentale di Acquacoltura, Valli di Bolzano Bellunese, Belluno.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1005
excluding the area of the West Coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the Island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Save up to each of their first migration barrier (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively).
brez območja zahodne obale znotraj polkroga s polmerom 20 kilometrov okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö, ter ustji in porečji rek Göta in Säve do prve migracijske prepreke na vsaki od teh rek (na prvi reki v kraju Trollhättan in na drugi reki pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
- excluding the area of the West Coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the Island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barrier (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively)
- razen območja zahodne obale v polkrogu s polmerom 20 kilometrov okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö, pa tudi ustij ter povodij rek Göta in Säve do prvih selitvenih pregrad (pri kraju Trollhättan in pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
- excluding the area of the west coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barriers (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the Aspen lake respectively).
- razen območja zahodne obale znotraj polkroga s polmerom 20 kilometrov okrog ribogojnice na otoku Björkö in estuarijev ter povodij rek Göta in Säve do prve migracijske zapornice na eni in drugi (v kraju Trollhättan in iztoku v jezero Aspen).
30 Pravna redakcija
excluding the area of the West Coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the Island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Save up to each of their first migration barrier (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively).
brez območja zahodne obale znotraj polkroga s polmerom 20 kilometrov okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö, ter ustji in porečji rek Göta in Säve do prve migracijske prepreke na vsaki od teh rek (na prvi reki v kraju Trollhättan in na drugi reki pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0634
The water catchment area from the source of Arno torrent to the downstream barriers, situated before the Arno torrent flows into the Sarca river
Vodno območje ulova od izvira hudournika Arno do pregrad v spodnjem toku, preden se hudournik Arno izlije v reko Sarca.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0328
The water catchment area from the source of Arno torrent to the down-stream barriers, situated before the Arno torrent flows into the Sarca river
Povodje od izvira hudournika Arn do nizvodnih obvir, nameščenih pred izlivom hudournika Arn v reko Sarca
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
water catchment area of the river Adana from the source to the artificial series of barriers situated downstream of the Armani Cornelio-Lardaro farm
povodje reke Adaná od izvira do niza umetnih zapornic po toku navzdol od ribogojnice Armani Cornelio- Lardaro
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0904
the water catchment area from the source of Arno torrent to the down-stream barriers, situated before the Arno torrent flows into the Sarca river,
vodno območje ulova od izvira hudournika Arn do pregrad v spodnjem toku, nameščenih pred izlivom hudournika Arn v reko Sarca,
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1005
Water catchment area of the river Adana from the source to the artificial series of barriers situated downstream of the farm Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
porečje reke Adanà od izvira do niza umetnih pregrad, ki se nahajajo nizvodno od ribogojnice Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0308
Zona Torrente Adana: water catchment area of the river Adana from the source to the artificial series of barriers situated downstream of the farm Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
cona Torrente Adan: povodje reke Adan od izvira do niza umetnih pregrad, ki ležijo nizvodno od ribogojnice Armani Cornelio-Lardaro,
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0308
Zona Ogliolo: the water catchment area from the source of Ogliolo stream to the waterfall, situated downstream of the Adamello fish farm, where the Ogliolo stream joins the Oglio river.
cona Ogliolo, povodje od izvira potoka Ogliolo do slapu, ki leži nizvodno od ribogojnice Adamello, kjer se potok Ogliolo pridruži reki Oglio
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0053
all of the farms situated in the same water catchment area or coastal area be placed under official surveillance, and no fish, eggs or gametes leave these farms without the authorization of the official service;
so pod uradnim nadzorom vse gojilnice, ki se nahajajo v območju iste vodne zajezitve ali istem obalnem območju, in da teh gojilnic ribe, jajčeca ali gamete ne smejo zapustiti brez odobritve uradne službe;
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0271
Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants which are situated in the relevant catchment areas of sensitive areas and which contribute to the pollution of these areas shall be subject to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
Za izpuste iz komunalnih čistilnih naprav, postavljenih na zbiralnih področjih občutljivih območij, ki prispevajo k onesnaževanju teh območij, veljajo odstavki 2, 3 in 4.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
According to Article 5(2) and Article 6 of Directive 93/53/EEC, all farms situated in the same water catchment area or coastal area in which a farm suspected or confirmed infected with infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus is situated, shall be placed under official surveillance.
V skladu s členom 5(2) in členom 6 Direktive 93/53/EGS so vse ribogojnice, ki se nahajajo v območju istega območja povodja ali obalnega območja, na katerem se nahaja ribogojnica, za katero se sumi, da je okužena ali za katero je potrjeno, da je okužena z virusom infekciozne anemije lososa (ISA), pod uradnim nadzorom.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
excluding the area of the West Coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the Island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barrier (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively)
razen območja zahodne obale v polkrogu s polmerom 20 kilometrov okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö, pa tudi ustij ter povodij rek Göta in Säve do prvih selitvenih pregrad (pri kraju Trollhättan in pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1005
excluding the area of the West Coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the Island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barrier (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively).
brez območja zahodne obale znotraj polkroga s polmerom 20 kilometrov okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö, ter ustji in porečji rek Göta in Säve do prve migracijske prepreke na vsaki od teh rek (na prvi reki v kraju Trollhättan in na drugi reki pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
excluding the area of the west coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barriers (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the Aspen lake respectively).
razen območja zahodne obale znotraj polkroga s polmerom 20 kilometrov okrog ribogojnice na otoku Björkö in estuarijev ter povodij rek Göta in Säve do prve migracijske zapornice na eni in drugi (v kraju Trollhättan in iztoku v jezero Aspen).
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0308
excluding the area of the west coast within a semi-circle of a 20-kilometre radius around the fish farm situated on the island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barriers (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively).
razen območje zahodne obale v polkrogu z 20-kilometrskim polmerom okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö in tudi ustji ter povodji rek Göta in Säve do prvih selitvenih pregrad (pri kraju Trollhättan in pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
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site of the catchment