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situation summary
1 Pravna redakcija
the conclusion of storage contracts may be suspended or the terms of future contracts may be revised, if a summary review of the market situation, of the quantities covered by contracts and of applications for contracts shows either of these measures to be necessary.
se sklenitev pogodb o skladiščenju lahko začasno odloži ali pogoji prihodnjih pogodb revidirajo, če poročilo o razmerah na trgu, količinah, ki so zajete v pogodbah, in prošnjah za sklenitev pogodb pokaže, da je potreben eden od teh ukrepov.
2 Pravna redakcija
The agency shall, not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter, submit to the Member State and Commission a summary report on the work carried out by the agency, together with a financial statement snowing the cash-flow situation and the expenditure incurred in respect of each budget chapter, and a statement of administrative or legal penalties proposed as a result of inspections carried out during that quarter.
Najpozneje v 30 dneh po koncu vsakega četrtletja agencija predloži državi članici in Komisiji zbirno poročilo o delu, ki ga je opravila, skupaj z izkazom stanja, ki prikazuje stanje denarnega toka in odhodke, nastale v zvezi z vsakim poglavjem proračuna, ter poročilo o upravnih in zakonskih sankcijah, predlaganih na podlagi pregledov, ki so bili izvedeni v tem četrtletju.
3 Pravna redakcija
The agency shall, not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter, submit to the Member State and the Commission a summary report on the work carried out by the agency, together with a financial statement showing the cash-flow situation and the expenditure incurred by the agency in respect of each budget chapter and a list of the infringements liable to give rise to administrative or penal sanctions recorded as a result of checks carried out over the quarter.
Agencija najkasneje 30 dni po zaključku četrtletja predloži državi članici in Komisiji povzetek poročila o opravljenem delu, skupaj z izvlečkom finančnega poročila, ki prikazuje denarne tokove in izdatke agencije po proračunskih postavkah ter seznam prekrškov, ugotovljenih ob preverjanjih v tem četrtletju, za katere so predvidene upravne ali kazenske sankcije.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0044
whereas a summary of the situation in all Member States should therefore be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities;
ker je treba pregled položaja v vseh državah članicah objaviti v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti;
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R0027
The agency shall, not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter, submit to the Member State and Commission a summary report on the work carried out by the agency, together with a financial statement showing the cash-flow situation and the expenditure incurred by the agency in respect of each budget chapter.
Služba najpozneje v 30 dneh po koncu vsakega četrtletja pošlje državi članici in Komisiji kratko poročilo o opravljenem delu skupaj s finančnim poročilom o denarnih tokovih in izdatkih službe za vsako postavko v proračunu.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1335
Each Member State shall communicate to the Commission a list of the cases in which it has applied the provisions of Article 899(2) and the amount repaid or remitted in respect of one or more import or export operations but in consequence of a single special situation is more than EUR 50000, giving a short summary of each case.
Vsaka država članica Komisiji sporoči seznam primerov, v katerih je uporabila določbe člena 899(2) in je znesek povrnjen ali odpuščen za eno ali več uvoznih ali izvoznih operacij, vendar zaradi ene same posebne situacije višji kot 50000 EUR, in hkrati predloži kratek povzetek vsakega posameznega primera.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0191
it is therefore no longer necessary for the Commission to submit a report to the Council on the situation regarding the production and marketing of hops each year, since Article 18 of Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 provides for the submission of a summary report after the expiry of the five-year period when the Council will have to decide on the amount of aid for the period starting from the 2001 harvest;
torej ni več treba, da bi Komisija Svetu predložila poročilo o stanju v zvezi s pridelavo in trženjem hmelja vsako leto, saj je v členu 18 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1696/71 predvideno, da se predloži poročilo v povzetku po izteku petletnega obdobja, ko bo Svet moral odločati o višini pomoči za obdobje, ki se začne z letnikom 2001;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0085
The agency shall, not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter, submit to the Member State and Commission a summary report on the work carried out by the agency, together with a financial statement showing the cash-flow situation and the expenditure incurred in respect of each budget chapter, and a statement of administrative or legal penalties proposed as a result of inspections carried out during that quarter.
Najpozneje v 30 dneh po koncu vsakega četrtletja agencija predloži državi članici in Komisiji zbirno poročilo o delu, ki ga je opravila, skupaj z izkazom stanja, ki prikazuje stanje denarnega toka in odhodke, nastale v zvezi z vsakim poglavjem proračuna, ter poročilo o upravnih in zakonskih sankcijah, predlaganih na podlagi pregledov, ki so bili izvedeni v tem četrtletju.
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situation summary