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social court
1 Končna redakcija
social court
socialno sodišče
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
** HIGHER LSC = Higher Labour and Social Court
** VI.JE DSS = Višje delovno in socialno sodišče
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
"Development of Cases at Labour and Social Courts".
»Gibanje zadev na delovnih in socialnih sodiščih«.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
When conducting the proceedings, the labour and social courts shall sit in panels.
V postopku pred delovnimi in socialnimi sodišči sodi senat.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Of course, participation in social and cultural life also covers participation in political life.
Seveda sodelovanje v družbenem in kulturnem življenju vključuje tudi sodelovanje v političnem življenju.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
− by amending the Labour and Social Courts Act introduce also the institution of a settlement hearing,
s spremembo Zakona o delovnih in socialnih sodiščih uvedla tudi institut poravnalnega naroka,
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Considering his age and other circumstances, the child shall be invited, through intermediary of the social services or a school social worker, to attend an informal discussion in the court.
Glede na starost otroka in druge okoliščine sodnik otroka povabi na neformalen razgovor na sodišču ali zunaj sodišča s posredovanjem centra za socialno delo ali šolskega svetovalnega delavca.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
From the date on which the Court establishes a social security scheme, the persons referred to in articles 15, 16 and 17 shall, with respect to services rendered for the Court, be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security schemes.
Od dneva, ko sodišče vzpostavi sistem socialne varnosti, so osebe iz 15., 16. in 17. člena v zvezi s storitvami za sodišče oproščene vseh obveznih prispevkov v nacionalnih sistemih socialne varnosti.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
otherwise, the court shall continue the proceedings after the receipt of the record on interview from the body competent for social affairs.
sicer pa sodišče nadaljuje postopek, ko dobi poročilo organa, pristojnega za socialne zadeve, o svetovalnem razgovoru.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Of the appointment of a representative ad litem, the court shall immediately advise the body competent for social affairs and, if possible, the parties.
O postavitvi začasnega zastopnika obvesti sodišče brez odlašanja organ, pristojen za socialne zadeve, če je to mogoče, pa tudi stranke.
13 Objavljeno
The results may indicate a more severe course of the disorder in patients with SCH but social influences on the diagnosis of SCH should be considered as well.
Ugotovljene razlike lahko kažejo na hujši potek duševne motnje pri bolnikih s SH, vendar je potrebno upoštevati tudi socialne vplive na diagnozo SH.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
− amendments to the Labour and Social Courts Act and implementation of the adopted amendments to the Execution of Judgments in Civil Matters and Insurance of Claims Act,
spremembe in dopolnitve Zakona o delovnih in socialnih sodiščih ter uveljavitev sprejetih sprememb in dopolnitev Zakona o izvršbi in zavarovanju na področju dela sodnih izvršiteljev,
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Should the court find that the statutory representative of a person under guardianship fails to exhibit due care in the representation of such person, it shall advise thereof the body competent for social affairs.
Kadar sodišče ugotovi, da zakoniti zastopnik osebe, ki je pod skrbništvom, ne kaže potrebne skrbnosti pri zastopanju, sporoči to organu, pristojnemu za socialne zadeve.
16 Objavljeno
The article describes the problems of violence against women in families which is a phenomenon encountered by many institutions, among them police, courts, centers for social work, health institutions and other organizations.
članek obravnava problematiko nasilja nad ženskami v družini, s katero se ukvarjajo številne institutije, kot so policija, sodstvo, centri za socialno delo, zdravstvo in druge organizacije,
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
after six months of execution of this measure, the court may, ex officio or at the proposal of the authorised social welfare authority, suspend its execution, if it finds that the purpose of this measure has already been achieved.
po šestih mesecih izvrševanja tega ukrepa pa lahko sodišče po uradni dolžnosti ali na predlog pooblaščenega organa socialnega varstva ustavi njegovo izvrševanje, če ugotovi, da je namen takega ukrepa že dosežen.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-36
»The delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, while accepting the provisions of Article 19, declares that the Government of the Union does not propose to have recourse, in so far as it is concerned, to the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
»Delegacija Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik ob sprejetju določb 19. člena izjavlja, da vlada zveze v zvezi s tem členom ne predlaga sklicevanja na pristojnosti Stalnega mednarodnega sodišča.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
the name of the court which has appointed the representative ad litem; the legal ground for appointment; the name of the defendant or the plaintiff to whom the representative is appointed; the matter in dispute; the name of the representative, his occupation and residence; and a notice to the effect that the representative will represent the defendant, or the plaintiff, in the proceedings as long as the defendant or the plaintiff, or their respective attorneys, appear in court or until the body competent for social affairs notifies the court on appointment of a guardian.
navedbo sodišča, ki je postavilo začasnega zastopnika, zakonito podlago, ime tožene stranke ali tožeče stranke, ki se ji postavlja zastopnik, sporni predmet, ime zastopnika ter njegov poklic in prebivališče in pa opozorilo, da bo zastopnik zastopal toženo stranko ali tožečo stranko v postopku vse do takrat, dokler tožena stranka ali tožeča stranka ali njen pooblaščenec ne nastopi pred sodiščem oziroma dokler organ, pristojen za socialne zadeve, ne sporoči, da je postavil skrbnika.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) The court shall notify of the institution of proceedings against a juvenile the latter's parents, adoptive parent, foster parent or guardian of the juvenile, and the authorised social welfare body, except in the case where a fine up to a specific amount is prescribed for the misdemeanour.
(1) O začetku postopka o prekršku proti mladoletniku obvesti sodišče starše, posvojitelja, rejnika oziroma skrbnika mladoletnika ter pooblaščen organ socialnega varstva, razen v primeru, ko je globa za prekršek predpisana v določenem znesku.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the body competent for social affairs notifies the court on the failure to appear at the interview by the spouse who has filed the action for dissolution of a marriage or by both spouses who have filed the motion for dissolution of a marriage, the action and/or motion shall deem to be withdrawn;
Če organ, pristojen za socialne zadeve, obvesti sodišče, da zakonec, ki je vložil tožbo za razvezo zakonske zveze, oziroma oba zakonca, ki sta vložila predlog za sporazumno razvezo, ni prišel oziroma nista prišla na svetovalni razgovor, se šteje, da je tožba oziroma predlog umaknjen;
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to conclude a special instrument governing questions relating to social security for foreigners and migrants, particularly with regard to equality of treatment with their own nationals and to the maintenance of acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition.
Pogodbenice si prizadevajo, da bi sprejele posebno listino, ki bi uredila vprašanja v zvezi s socialno varnostjo za tujce in migrante, zlasti glede enake obravnave teh oseb in lastnih državljanov ter glede ohranjanja pridobljenih pravic in pravic v nastajanju.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) If a juvenile needs professional aid and supervision and a more lasting influence is necessary to be exercised on his education, re-education and correct development, the court shall impose on him supervision exercised by his parents, adoptive parents, foster parent or guardian, or by a social welfare authority.
(1) Če mladoletnik potrebuje strokovno pomoč in nadzorstvo in je potrebno trajneje vplivati na njegovo vzgojo, prevzgojo in pravilen razvoj, mu sodišče izreče nadzorstvo staršev, posvojiteljev, rejnika ali skrbnika, ali organa socialnega varstva.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
This Charter reaffirms, with due regard for the powers and tasks of the Union and the principle of subsidiarity, the rights as they result, in particular, from the constitutional traditions and international obligations common to the Member States, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Social Charters adopted by the Union and by the Council of Europe and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the European Court of Human Rights.
Ta listina ob upoštevanju pristojnosti in nalog Unije ter načela subsidiarnosti potrjuje pravice, kot izhajajo zlasti iz skupnih ustavnih tradicij in mednarodnih obveznosti držav članic, Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, socialnih listin, ki sta jih sprejela Unija in Svet Evrope, ter sodne prakse Sodišča Evropske unije in Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Before the defendant is served with the motion for dissolution of a marriage by agreement of spouses and/or action for dissolution of a marriage, the same shall be sent by the court to the body competent for social affairs to conduct a marriage counseling interview in accordance with the statute, except in the following circumstances:-
Sodišče pošlje predlog za sporazumno razvezo oziroma tožbo za razvezo zakonske zveze, še preden jo vroči tožencu, organu, pristojnemu za socialne zadeve, da ta opravi svetovalni razgovor v skladu z zakonom, razen v naslednjih primerih:
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
On the day the present Act comes into force, the provisions of Articles 66 in 67, Articles 72 to 77, the fourth paragraph of Article 78 and Articles 100 and 101 of the Marriage and Family Relations Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 15/76, 1/89, 14/89); of Articles 38 and 39 of the Courts of Self-Management Act (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, nos. 10/77, 23/81, 4/82); and of clauses 1 and 2/II of Article 99 and clauses 1, 2, 3/II of Article 101 of the Courts Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 19/94, 45/95) shall cease to be valid.
Z dnem, ko začne veljati ta zakon, prenehajo veljati določbe 66., 67., 69. in 72. do 77. člena, četrtega odstavka 78. člena, ter 100. in 101. člena zakona o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih (Uradni list SRS, št. 15/76, 1/89, 14/89), določbi 38. in 39. člena zakona o samoupravnih sodiščih (Uradni list SRS, št. 10/77, 23/81 in 4/82) in točki 1, 2/II 99. člena ter točke 1, 2, 3/II 101. člena zakona o sodiščih (Uradni list RS, št. 19/94, 45/95).
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-36
»As regards the provision in the same Article by which disputes which it has not been possible to settle by direct negotiations would be submitted to any other arbitral procedure than that of the Permanent Court of International Justice, the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics expressly declares that acceptance of this provision must not be interpreted as modifying the point of view of the Government of the Union on the general question of arbitration as a means of settling disputes between States.«
»Kar zadeva določbo istega člena, po katerem se spori, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti z neposrednimi pogajanji, ne rešujejo z arbitražnim postopkom na Stalnem mednarodnem sodišču, delegacija Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik izrecno izjavlja, da si sprejetja te določbe ne smemo razlagati kot spremembe mnenja vlade zveze v zvezi s splošnim vprašanjem arbitraže kot sredstva za reševanje sporov med državami.«
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
For land on which works that pursuant to the provisions of this act can be deemed a built public asset of national or local importance have already been constructed when this act enters into force, whereby the works have not been entered in the land register as a public asset and the land on which the works are constructed have not been entered in the land register as general people's property or social property, the competent court shall ex officio enter a note on the built public asset in the land register when it receives a final ruling from the relevant ministry on the acquisition of the status of a built public asset of national importance or from the relevant municipal administration on the acquisition of the status of a built public asset of local importance.
(1) Zemljišča, na katerih so ob uveljavitvi tega zakona že zgrajeni objekti, ki se po določbah tega zakona lahko štejejo za grajeno javno dobro državnega ali lokalnega pomena, v zemljiški knjigi pa še niso vpisani kot javno dobro, v zemljiški knjigi pa tudi ni vpisano, da so zemljišča, na katerih so takšni objekti, splošno ljudsko premoženje ali družbena lastnina, pristojno sodišče v zemljiško knjigo po uradni dolžnosti vpiše zaznambo o javnem dobru, ko prejme pravnomočno odločbo pristojnega resornega ministrstva o pridobitvi statusa grajenega javnega dobra državnega pomena oziroma pristojne občinske uprave o pridobitvi statusa grajenega javnega dobra lokalnega pomena.
29 Končna redakcija
The Conference agrees that the Economic and Social Committee will enjoy the same independence with regard to its budget and staff management as the Court of Auditors has enjoyed hitherto.
Konferenca se strinja, da bo Ekonomsko-socialni odbor glede svojega proračuna in kadrovskih zadev enako neodvisen kakor Računsko sodišče.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0307
whereas the Court of Justice of the European Communities has recognised that the detailed rules for granting certain benefits are closely linked to a particular economic and social context;
ker Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti priznava, da so pravila o zagotavljanju nekaterih pravic tesno povezana s posebnim ekonomskim in socialnim okoljem;
31 Končna redakcija
Similar implications relating homosexuality to disease are also present in the replies of the Supreme Court judge Janez Šinkovec, in whose opinion homosexuality was not socially harmful, but spread rapidly.
Podobne implikacije o homoseksualnosti kot bolezni so vidne tudi v odgovorih sodnika vrhovnega sodišča SRS Janeza Šinkovca, ki je menil, da homoseksualnost sicer ni družbeno škodljiva, se pa hitro širi.
32 Končna redakcija
the Convention between the Federative Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions in Alimony Matters, signed at Belgrade on 12 December 1973,
Konvencija med Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo in Kraljevino Belgijo o priznanju in izvrševanju sodnih odločb o preživljanju, podpisana v Beogradu dne 12. decembra 1973,
33 Končna redakcija
The European Parliament, the Council, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, the Ombudsman and the European Data-Protection Supervisor shall draw up an estimate of their revenue and expenditure, which they shall send to the Commission before 1 July each year.
Evropski parlament, Svet, Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti, Računsko sodišče, Ekonomsko-socialni odbor, Odbor regij, varuh človekovih pravic in evropski varuh osebnih podatkov pripravijo ocene prihodkov in odhodkov ter jih pošljejo Komisiji vsako leto do 1. julija.
34 Končna redakcija
The Magnus section of the Škuc Forumwas constituted, along with the gay scene, as a part of the then alternative culture and new social movements, which was a course of events not typical of global gay and lesbian movements. As Nataša Velikonja (1999) observed, the usual course of events in western metropolises was first the concentration of the gay and lesbian population followed by the formation of a critical mass and finally by political, social and cultural upgrading.
Sekcija Magnus v okviru škuc Foruma se je z gejevsko sceno konstituirala kot del takratne alternativne scene in novih družbenih gibanj, kar je v okviru svetovnega gejevskega in lezbičnega gibanja pravzaprav netipično, saj se je, kot ugotavlja Nataša Velikonja (1999), v zahodnih metropolah najprej izoblikovala koncentracija gejevske in lezbične populacije, znotraj nje pa se je nato oblikovala kritična masa za politično, socialno in kulturno nadgradnjo.
35 Končna redakcija
the emergence of an imaginary solution - in tougher laws, moral isolation, a symbolic court action; followed by the subsidence of the anxiety, with its victims left to endure the new proscriptions, social climate or legal penalties' (Weeks, 1999:45).
nakaže se tudi imaginarna rešitev - ostrejši zakoni, moralna izolacija, simbolično dejanje na sodišču, temu sledi upadanje bojazni, žrtve tega procesa pa so izgnane, se morajo sprijazniti z novo družbeno klimo ali plačati legalne kazni« (Weeks, 1999: 45).
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
approve the annual report on the Agency's activities and forward it by 15 June at the latest to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Court of Auditors and the Member States (Article 65);
odobri letno poročilo o dejavnostih agencije in ga posreduje najkasneje do 15. junija Evropskemu parlamentu, Svetu, Komisiji, evropskemu Ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru, Računskemu sodišču in državam članicam (člen 65);
37 Končna redakcija
the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on Legal Aid, Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions in Civil Matters, signed at Madrid on 4 May 1987, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain,
Pogodba med Češkoslovaško socialistično republiko in Karljevino Španijo o pravni pomoči, priznavanju in izvrševanju sodnih odločb v civilnih zadevah, podpisana v Madridu dne 4. maja 1987 in še vedno veljavna med Češko, Slovaško in Španijo,
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
The Management Board shall adopt the annual report on the Agency's activities and forward it by 15 June at the latest to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Court of Auditors and the Member States.
Uprava sprejme letno poročilo o dejavnostih agencije in ga posreduje najkasneje do 15. junija Evropskemu parlamentu, Svetu, Komisiji, evropskemu Ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru, Računskemu sodišču in državam članicam.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0050
The Commission shall report on the overall consistency of policies with social cohesion including progress achieved under this programme in its annual summary report to the Spring European Council, on which the European Parliament shall express its views in due course.
Komisija poroča o splošni skladnosti politik s socialno kohezijo, vključno z napredkom, ki je bil dosežen v skladu s tem programom, v svojem letnem zbirnem poročilu za pomladansko zasedanje Evropskega sveta, o katerem Evropski parlament pravočasno da svoje mnenje.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0005
The first paragraph in Section 5, "United Kingdom courses accredited as National Vocational Qualifications or Scottish Vocational Qualifications", shall be amended as follows:(a) the following types of training shall be deleted:- "approved social worker - mental health":
Prvi odstavek v oddelku 5, "Programi v Združenem kraljestvu, ki so priznani kot Nacionalna poklicna kvalifikacija ali Škotska poklicna kvalifikacija" se spremeni na naslednji način: (a) črtajo se naslednje vrste usposabljanja:
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0806
The importance of women's economic, social, and environmental roles across the life course, in developing countries has led to increasing international recognition that their full participation without discrimination is indispensable for sustainable and effective development.
Glede na pomembno vlogo, ki jo igrajo ženske na področju gospodarstva, družbe in okolja v državah v razvoju, se po svetu vedno bolj uveljavlja spoznanje, da je njihova polna udeležba brez diskriminacije nujno potrebna za trajnosten in uspešen razvoj.
42 Končna redakcija
With regard to the former, the European Court of Justice ruled that the State, in establishing and maintaining such a system, is not seeking to engage in gainful activity but is fulfilling its duty towards its own population in the social, cultural and educational fields(12).
V zvezi s prvim je Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti presodilo, da si država pri vzpostavitvi in vzdrževanju tega sistema ne prizadeva opravljati pridobitne dejavnosti, temveč opravlja svojo dolžnost do lastnega prebivalstva na socialnem, kulturnem in izobraževalnem področju [12].
43 Končna redakcija
With regard to the latter, the European Court of Justice held that organisations charged with the management of State-imposed social security schemes, such as compulsory sickness insurance, which are based on the principle of solidarity, non-profit making and where the benefits paid are not proportional to the amount of the compulsory contributions, fulfil an exclusively social function and do not exercise an economic activity(13).
V zvezi z drugim pa je Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti presodilo, da so organizacije, zadolžene za upravljanje s sistemi socialnega varstva – ki jih nalaga država, kot je obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje, in ki temeljijo na načelu solidarnosti – nepridobitne, ter da imajo, kadar plačane dajatve niso sorazmerne znesku obveznih prispevkov, izključno družbeno funkcijo in ne opravljajo gospodarske dejavnosti [13].
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0460
The Executive Director shall, following adoption by the Management Board, transmit the Agency's general report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and shall have it published.
Po tem ko uprava sprejme splošno poročilo, ga izvršni direktor pošlje Evropskemu parlamentu, Svetu, Komisiji, Računskemu sodišču, Evropskemu ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru in Odboru regij ter poskrbi za njegovo objavo.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
4.The director shall, following adoption by the Management Board, by 15 June at the latest forward the annual report on the Centre's activities to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
Po tem, ko Upravni odbor sprejme letno poročilo o dejavnostih centra, direktor najpozneje do 15. junija poročilo pošlje Evropskemu parlamentu, Svetu, Komisiji, Računskemu sodišču, evropskemu Ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru in Odboru regij.
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social court