Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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source of authority
1 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Goods which are required from local sources for the subsistence of a force or civilian component shall normally be purchased through the authorities which purchase such goods for the armed services of the receiving State.
Blago, ki ga je treba priskrbeti pri lokalnih virih za preživetje sile ali civilnega dela, se običajno kupi prek organov, ki kupujejo takšno blago za oborožene sile države gostiteljice.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
(b) the authority of the requesting Contracting Party has not exhausted the usual sources of information which it could have used in the circumstances to obtain the information requested without running the risk of jeopardising the achievement of the desired end.
b) organ pogodbenice prosilke ni izčrpal običajnih virov informacij, ki bi jih lahko glede na okoliščine uporabil za pridobitev zahtevanih informacij ne da bi ogrozil doseganje želenih rezultatov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 57
The protection of financially weaker local authorities calls for the institution of financial equalisation procedures or equivalent measures which are designed to correct the effects of the unequal distribution of potential sources of finance and of the financial burden they must support.
Za zaščito finančno šibkejših lokalnih skupnosti je treba uvesti postopke za finančno izravnavo ali druge ustrezne ukrepe za popravo učinkov neenake porazdelitve možnih finančnih virov in finančnega bremena, ki ga nosijo.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Each Party shall present on its register, in an adequate spatial disaggregation, the information on releases of pollutants from diffuse sources for which that Party determines that data are being collected by the relevant authorities and can be practicably included.
Pogodbenice v svojih registrih z ustrezno prostorsko razpršenostjo prikažejo podatke o izpustih onesnaževal iz razpršenih virov, za katere pogodbenica določi, da podatke zbirajo ustrezni organi in da jih je mogoče vključiti.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Each Party shall ensure that its competent authority collects, or shall designate one or more public authorities or competent bodies to collect, the information on releases of pollutants from diffuse sources specified in paragraphs 7 and 8, for inclusion in its register.
Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da podatke o izpustih onesnaževal iz razpršenih virov iz sedmega in osmega odstavka za vključitev v registre zbirajo njihovi pristojni organi ali pa za to določijo enega ali več javnih organov ali pristojnih teles.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
If the authorities have to base their findings, including those with respect to normal value, on information from a secondary source, including the information supplied in the application for the initiation of the investigation, they should do so with special circumspection.
Če oblasti utemeljujejo svoje ugotovitve, vključno s tistimi, ki se nanašajo na normalno vrednost, na informacijah iz sekundarnega vira, vključno z informacijami, ki so vsebovane v vlogi za uvedbo preiskave, tedaj morajo biti posebej previdne.
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
6.5.2 If the authorities find that a request for confidentiality is not warranted and if the supplier of the information is either unwilling to make the information public or to authorize its disclosure in generalized or summary form, the authorities may disregard such information unless it can be demonstrated to their satisfaction from appropriate sources that the information is correct.[46]
6.5.2 Če oblasti ugotovijo, da zahteva po zaupnosti ni utemeljena, in če tisti, ki je podatek dal, ni pripravljen objaviti podatkov ali pa dati pooblastila za objavo teh podatkov v splošni ali povzeti obliki, lahko oblasti take podatke zanemarijo, razen če je možno oblastem na zadovoljiv način dokazati iz ustreznih virov, da so podatki točni.(18)
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
12.4.2 If the authorities find that a request for confidentiality is not warranted and if the supplier of the information is either unwilling to make the information public or to authorize its disclosure in generalized or summary form, the authorities may disregard such information unless it can be demonstrated to their satisfaction from appropriate sources that the information is correct.[114]
12.4.2 Če oblasti ugotovijo, da zahteva za varstvo zaupnosti ni upravičena in če subjekt, ki je vir informacij, ni pripravljen te informacije razkriti ali privoliti v razkritje v splošni ali povzeti obliki, lahko oblasti take informacije spregledajo, razen če je možno na podlagi ustreznih virov na zadovoljiv način ugotoviti, da so informacije točne.(43)
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
Where tax has been levied at source in excess of the amount of tax chargeable under the provisions of Articles 10, 11 or 12, applications for the refund of the excess amount of tax have to be lodged with the competent authority of the State having levied the tax, within a period of five years after the expiration of the calendar year in which the tax has been levied.
Kadar je pri viru odmerjen višji davek od zneska, kot bi ga bilo treba plačati po določbah 10., 11. ali 12. člena, se vloge za vračilo preveč plačanega davka pri pristojnem organu države, ki je odmerila davek, vložijo v petih letih po koncu koledarskega leta, v katerem je bil davek odmerjen.
10 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Where information other than that supplied by or on behalf of the producer is used for the purposes of determining a computed value, the authorities of the importing country shall inform the importer, if the latter so requests, of the source of such information, the data used and the calculations based upon such data, subject to the provisions of Article 10.
Če se uporabijo podatki, ki so drugačni od tistih, ki jih da proizvajalec ali so dani v njegovem imenu z namenom določitve izračuna vrednosti, morajo oblasti države uvoza pod pogoji določb 10. člena obvestiti uvoznika, če ta zahteva, o viru takih podatkov, o uporabljenih podatkih v izračunih, ki temeljijo na teh podatkih.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(4) Where the appeal relates to a response to a request as referred to in Article 30 or 31, the Joint Supervisory Body shall consult the competent data protection authorities in the Member State or Operational Partner which was the source of the data or the Member States or Operational Partners directly concerned.
(4) Če se pritožba nanaša na odgovor na prošnjo iz 30. in 31. člena, se skupni nadzorni organ posvetuje s pristojnimi organi za varstvo podatkov države članice ali operativnega partnerja od koder podatki izvirajo, ali z neposredno vpletenimi državami članicami ali operativnimi partnerji.
12 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
In fulfilling their co-ordination role with respect to facilitating supply from commercial sources, the Host Nation military authorities will not obtain services or commit to any commercial contracts on behalf of the Visiting Forces unless the latter have specifically consented to accept the services, supplies etc, and have also consented to pay a specified cost for them.
Pri usklajevanju organiziranja oskrbe iz gospodarskih virov vojaških organov države gostiteljice zagotovijo storitve ali sklenejo poslovne pogodbe v imenu gostujočih sil samo, če te posebej soglašajo s storitvami, materialnimi sredstvi idr. in njihovo ceno.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
the extent to which public authorities, government agencies, State enterprises or similar bodies are important participants as a source of demand.
obsega, v katerem javni organi, vladne službe, državna podjetja ali podobni organi pomembno sodelujejo kot vir povpraševanja.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
any financial or other support received from whatever source (including public authorities) by any of the parties and the nature and amount of this support;
vsa finančna ali druga podpora, ki jo je katera koli od strank prejela iz katerega koli vira (vključno z javnimi organi) in vrsta ter znesek te podpore;
15 Končna redakcija
The journalistic myth of objectivity and of the standpoint 'what I am telling is a reflection of reality' in practice add to the power of organized and authoritarian sources.
Posledica novinarskega mita objektivnosti in stališča 'kar pripovedujem, je posnetek, ogledalo realnosti' je v praksi povečevanje moči organiziranih in avtoritarnih virov.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
In the case of outbreaks of illness of unknown origin which may spread within or to the Community, the Centre should be empowered to act on its own initiative until the source of the outbreak is known and then in cooperation with the relevant competent authorities at national or Community level as appropriate.
V primeru izbruha bolezni neznanega izvora, ki se lahko razširi znotraj Skupnosti ali v Skupnost, je center pooblaščen za delovanje na lastno pobudo, dokler ni znan vir izbruha, nato pa po potrebi v sodelovanju z ustreznimi pristojnimi organi na nacionalni ravni ali ravni Skupnosti.
17 Končna redakcija
The entire modified dynamics of communication in the tele-tabloids borrows primarily from the conventions of traditional realistic journalism and its authoritative language, while at the same time it sources from aesthetic visual culture, melodrama, face-to-face communication, talk-shows, and advertisements.
Celotna spremenjena dinamika komunikacije v teletabloidih si sposoja najprej od konvencij tradicionalnega realističnega žurnalizma in njegove avtoritativne govorice, obenem pa črpa iz estetizirane vizualne kulture, melodrame na sploh, komunikacije face-to-face, talk showov, oglaševanja.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
However, in case of secondary outbreaks, the competent authority may decide to derogate from subparagraphs 1 and 2 and establish ad hoc sampling procedures, taking into account the epidemiological information already available on the source and means of virus introduction into the holding and the potential spread of disease from the holding.
Vendar se lahko v primeru sekundarnih izbruhov pristojni organ odloči za odstopanje od pododstavkov 1 in 2, ter zahteva takojšnje postopke vzorčenja, ob upoštevanju razpoložljivih epidemioloških informacij o viru in sredstvu vnosa virusa na gospodarstvo ter o možnosti širjenja bolezni z gospodarstva.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
An independent agency, named the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control should serve as a Community source of independent scientific advice, assistance and expertise from trained medical, scientific and epidemiological staff from its own resources or from those of recognised competent bodies acting on behalf of Member States' authorities responsible for human health.
Neodvisna agencija, imenovana Evropski center za preprečevanje in obvladovanje bolezni, naj deluje kot vir neodvisnega znanstvenega svetovanja, pomoči, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj Skupnosti, kar prispevajo usposobljeni zdravstveni, znanstveni in epidemiološki uslužbenci iz lastnih sredstev ali iz sredstev priznanih avtoritet, ki delujejo v imenu organov držav članic, odgovornih za zdravje ljudi.
20 Končna redakcija
In order to reduce the burden on enterprises, particularly on SMEs, surveys need not be carried out if the national authorities have information from other appropriate sources or are able to produce estimates of necessary data using statistical estimation procedures where some or all of the characteristics have not been observed for all the units for which the statistics are to be compiled.
Da bi zmanjšali obremenitev podjetij, še zlasti majhnih in srednje velikih, ankete ni treba opraviti, če imajo državni organi podatke iz drugih primernih virov ali lahko napravijo ocene potrebnih podatkov z uporabo postopkov statistične ocene, kadar nekatere ali vse značilnosti niso bile opažene za vse enote, za katere je treba zbrati statistične podatke.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
In the case of the products referred to in Annex VII(B)(3) to Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999, an authority designated under Article 72(1) thereof may, provided that it acts in compliance with the general procedural rules adopted by the Member State, require bottlers, consignors or importers to provide proof of the accuracy of the wording used for the description as it relates to the nature, identity, quality, composition, origin or source of the product concerned or the products used to make it.
Pri proizvodih iz Priloge VII(B)(3) k Uredbi (ES) št. 1493/1999 lahko zahteva organ iz člena 72(1) navedene uredbe, ob upoštevanju splošnih postopkovnih pravil države članice, od polnilcev, pošiljateljev ali uvoznikov dokazilo o točnosti navedb, uporabljenih za opise, ki se nanašajo na vrsto, istovetnost, kakovost, sestavo, poreklo ali vir zadevnega proizvoda ali proizvodov, uporabljenih pri njegovi proizvodnji.
22 Končna redakcija
On presentation of a document establishing their authority, inspectors shall at all times have access to all places and data and to all persons who, by reason of their occupation, deal with materials, equipment or installations subject to the safeguards provided for in this Chapter, to the extent necessary in order to apply such safeguards to ores, source materials and special fissile materials and to ensure compliance with the provisions of Article 77. Should the State concerned so request, inspectors appointed by the Commission shall be accompanied by representatives of the authorities of that State:
Ob predložitvi dokumenta, s katerim izkazujejo status uradne osebe, imajo inšpektorji vedno dostop do vseh krajev in podatkov ter do vseh oseb, ki se pri svojem poklicu ukvarjajo s snovmi, opremo ali napravami, nad katerimi se opravlja v tem poglavju predvideni nadzor, kolikor je to potrebno za nadzor nad rudami, snovmi vira in posebnimi cepljivimi snovmi in za zagotovitev spoštovanja določb člena 77. Na zahtevo zadevne države morajo inšpektorje, ki jih je imenovala Komisija, spremljati predstavniki organov te države;
23 Pravna redakcija
a list of designated conformity assessment bodies or authorities, or a source from which to obtain such a list;
seznam imenovanih organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti ali oblasti ali vir, kjer je mogoče dobiti ta seznam;
24 Pravna redakcija
In the event of a further positive result from the same source, the competent authority must sample each consignment from the same source until six consecutive tests again prove negative.
V primeru nadaljnjega pozitivnega rezultata iz istega vira morajo pristojni organi vzorčiti vsako pošiljko iz istega vira, dokler ne dobijo negativnih rezultatov šestih zaporednih testov.
25 Pravna redakcija
a list of authorities responsible for designating the conformity assessment bodies and the source of the procedures and criteria;
seznam oblastih organov, odgovornih za imenovanje organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti ter vir postopkov in meril;
26 Pravna redakcija
The Community authority may release sets of anonymised microdata obtained from the following surveys or statistical data sources:
Organi Skupnosti lahko v svojih prostorih objavijo skupine anonimiziranih mikropodatkov, pridobljenih iz naslednjih raziskovanj ali virov statističnih podatkov:
27 Pravna redakcija
the extent to which public authorities, government agencies, State enterprises or similar bodies are important participants as a source of demand.
stopnje pomembnosti državnih organov, vladnih agencij, državnih podjetij in podobnih teles kot virov povpraševanja.
28 Pravna redakcija
any financial or other support received from whatever source (including public authorities) by any of the parties and the nature and amount of this support.
katero koli finančno ali drugo pomoč iz katerega koli vira (vključno z javnimi viri), ki je je deležna katera koli stranka, in naravo ter znesek te pomoči.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
The operator may, with the approval of the competent authority, combine measurement and calculation for different sources belonging to one installation.
Upravljavec lahko s soglasjem pristojnega organa kombinira meritve in izračun za različne vire, ki pripadajo eni napravi.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
On the basis of the operator's justification, the competent authority may approve the operator's use of a continuous emission measurement system for certain sources in an installation plus approve all other details of the monitoring methodology for those sources as to be contained within the installation's permit.
Na podlagi upravljavčeve utemeljitve lahko pristojni organ odobri upravljavcu uporabo sistema nepretrganega merjenja emisij za nekatere vire v napravi in poleg tega odobri vse druge podrobnosti metodologije spremljanja za tiste vire, ki so navedeni v dovoljenju za napravo.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0044
Consequently, for the exports provided for by this Regulation, the information from the Russian authorities should be considered a new source of proof supplementing the existing sources of proof.
Zaradi tega je treba za izvoz, predviden s to uredbo, šteti podatke Ruskih organov kot nov vir dokazil, ki dopolnjujejo obstoječe vire dokazil.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
With the approval of the competent authority, the operator may apply lower tiers for the variables used to calculate emissions from minor sources, including minor streams of fuels or materials than the tiers applied for the variables used to calculate emissions from major sources or major streams of fuels or materials within an installation.
S privolitvijo pristojnega organa lahko upravljavec uporabi za spremenljivke, ki se uporabljajo za izračun emisij iz manjših virov, vključno iz manjših tokov goriva ali materiala, nižje stopnje od tistih, ki veljajo za spremenljivke, ki se uporabljajo za izračun emisij iz glavnih virov ali glavnih tokov goriva ali materiala znotraj naprave.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
The operator shall state the approved combination of tiers for each source in an installation in his annual emissions report to the competent authority for each activity and relevant stream of fuel or material.
Upravljavec navede odobreno kombinacijo stopenj za vsak vir v napravi v svojem letnem poročilu pristojnemu organu o emisijah za vsako dejavnost in za ustrezen tok goriva ali materiala.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
In order to provide this justification to the competent authority, the operator shall report the quantitative results of a more comprehensive uncertainty analysis considering the following sources of uncertainty
Da bi podal pristojnemu organu to utemeljitev, upravljavec poroča o količinskih rezultatih celovite analize negotovosti ob upoštevanju naslednjih virov negotovosti.
35 Pravna redakcija
permanent records of the source of live bivalve molluscs, relaying periods, relaying areas and subsequent destination of the batch after relaying must be kept by the operators of relaying areas for inspection by the competent authority;
upravljalci v območjih za ponovno nasaditev vodijo trajno evidenco izvora živih školjk, obdobij ponovne nasaditve, območij za ponovno nasaditev in kasnejših namembnih krajev serije po ponovni nasaditvi, za pristojne organe, ki opravljajo pregled;
36 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1798
(b) that requesting authority has exhausted the usual sources of information which it could have used in the circumstances to obtain the information requested, without running the risk of jeopardising the achievement of the desired end.
(b) je organ prosilec izrabil običajne vire informacij, ki bi jih v okoliščinah lahko uporabil za pridobitev potrebnih informacij, brez tveganja, da ogrozi doseganje želenega cilja.
37 Pravna redakcija
transboundary waters are protected against pollution from point sources through the prior licensing of waste water discharges by the competent national authorities, and that the authorized discharges are monitored and controlled;
varstvo čezmejnih voda pred točkovnim onesnaževanjem s predhodno pridobitvijo dovoljenja za izpuste odpadnih voda, ki ga izdajo pristojni državni organi, in s spremljanjem ter nadzorom dovoljenih izpustov;
38 Pravna redakcija
The use on, or the discharge or emission from, offshore sources of substances which may reach and affect the maritime area shall be strictly subject to authorisation or regulation by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
Za uporabo, odvajanje ali emisijo snovi, ki lahko dosežejo in vplivajo na morsko območje, na viru na morju ali iz takega vira je treba nujno pridobiti dovoljenje ali upoštevati uredbo pristojnih organov pogodbenic.
39 Pravna redakcija
Point source discharges to the maritime area, and releases into water or air which reach and may affect the maritime area, shall be strictly subject to authorisation or regulation by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
Za odvajanje iz točkovnega vira v morska območja in sproščanje v vodo ali zrak, ki dosežeta in lahko vplivata na morsko območje, je treba nujno pridobiti dovoljenje ali upoštevati uredbo pristojnih organov pogodbenic.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1177
The Community authority (Eurostat) may grant access on its premises to confidential data or release sets of anonymised micro-data from the EU-SILC source, for scientific purposes and under the conditions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 831/2002.
Organ Skupnosti (Eurostat) lahko v svojih prostorih odobri dostop do zaupnih podatkov ali objavi nize deindividualiziranih mikropodatkov iz vira EU-SILC za znanstvene namene in pod pogoji, ki so določeni v uredbi (ES) št. 831/2002.
41 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0049
If the requirements for exemption cease to be fulfilled, the receiving company or permanent establishment shall immediately inform the paying company or permanent establishment and, if the source State so requires, the competent authority of that State.
Če zahteve za oprostitev niso več izpolnjene, družba ali stalna poslovna enota prejemnica o tem takoj obvesti družbo ali stalno poslovno enoto plačnico in, če tako zahteva država vira, pristojni organ te države.
42 Pravna redakcija
"quiet area in an agglomeration" shall mean an area, delimited by the competent authority, for instance which is not exposed to a value of Lden or of another appropriate noise indicator greater than a certain value set by the Member State, from any noise source;
"mirno območje v strnjenem naselju" območje, ki ga pristojni organ razmeji in ni izpostavljeno vrednosti L den ali drugemu ustreznemu kazalcu hrupa, večjem od določene vrednosti, ki jo je določila država članica, ne glede na upoštevani vir hrupa;
43 Pravna redakcija
In order to reduce response burdens, the national authorities and the Commission shall, subject to the limits and the conditions fixed by each Member State and by the Commission in their respective fields of competence, have access to administrative data sources.
Zaradi zmanjševanja obremenitev enot poročanja imajo nacionalni organi in Komisija dostop do virov upravnih podatkov pod pogojem, da upoštevajo omejitve in pogoje, ki jih na svojih področjih pristojnosti določi vsaka država članica in Komisija.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
Under the calculation-based methodology, the competent authority will have approved the combination of tiers for each source in an installation plus approved all other details of the monitoring methodology for that installation as contained within the installation's permit.
Po metodologiji, ki temelji na izračunu, pristojni organ odobri kombinacijo stopenj za vsak vir v napravi in poleg tega odobri vse druge podrobnosti metodologije spremljanja za to napravo, ki so navedene v dovoljenju.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0156
The operator shall state the uncertainty figure resulting from this initial comprehensive uncertainty analysis in his annual emissions report to the competent authority for the relevant sources until such point that the competent authority reviews the choice of measurement over calculation and requests that the uncertainty figure be recalculated.
Upravljavec navaja vrednost negotovosti, ki izhaja iz te začetne celovite analize negotovosti, v svojem letnem poročilu pristojnemu organu o emisijah za ustrezne vire do takrat, ko pristojni organ preveri izbiro meritev namesto izračuna in zahteva, da se ponovno izračuna vrednost negotovosti.
46 Pravna redakcija
At the time when they present their proposal, participants shall have at least the potential resources needed to carry out the indirect action, and shall be able to specify the relevant source of those funds made available by third parties, including public authorities.
Ko udeleženci predstavijo svoj predlog, morajo imeti vsaj potencialne vire, potrebne za izvajanje posredne aktivnosti, in lahko navedejo ustrezne vire sredstev, ki jih zagotovijo tretje stranke, vključno z javnimi organi.
47 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority of the requested State need not comply with the request if it appears that the competent authority of the State making the request has not exhausted its own usual sources of information, which it could have utilized, according to the circumstances, to obtain the information requested without running the risk of endangering the attainment of the sought after result.
Pristojnemu organu zaprošene države ni treba ugoditi zahtevi, če se zdi, da pristojni organ države, ki je dala zahtevo, ni izčrpal svojih običajnih virov informacij, ki bi jih lahko izkoristil v skladu z okoliščinami, da bi dobil zahtevane informacije brez tveganja, da bi ogrožal pridobitev iskanega izida.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
The aim shall be to support the efforts of the authorities of the OCT to derive maximum benefit from local, regional and international tourism in view of tourism's impact on economic development and to stimulate private financial flows from the Community and other sources into the development of tourism in the OCTs.
Cilj je podpreti prizadevanja upravnih organov ČDO za pridobitev največje možne koristi iz lokalnega, regionalnega in mednarodnega turizma glede na vpliv turizma na gospodarski razvoj ter spodbuditi pritok zasebnih finančnih sredstev iz Skupnosti ter drugih virov v razvoj turizma v ČDO.
Prevodi: en > sl
source of authority