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spatial planning measures
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) When the minister responsible for spatial planning and construction matters concludes a written contract on the execution of material acts of the execution of inspection measures with the selected contractor specified in the previous paragraph, while the contract is valid the contractor shall be deemed to hold a public authorisation for the execution of material acts of the execution of inspection measures.
(2) Ko minister, pristojen za prostorske in gradbene zadeve, z izbranim izvajalcem iz prejšnjega odstavka sklene pisno pogodbo o izvajanju materialnih dejanj izvršbe inšpekcijskih ukrepov, se v času njene veljavnosti šteje, da ima takšen izvajalec javno pooblastilo za izvajanje materialnih dejanj izvršbe inšpekcijskih ukrepov.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The minister responsible for spatial planning and construction matters shall, with the approval of the relevant ministers, prescribe the manner of signposting, the organisation of the regulation of individual types of construction sites and the content and method for administering the construction diary for specific types of works and the ledger of quantitative measurements.
83. člen
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spatial planning measures