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special arrangements for the association
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The special arrangements for association set out in Title IV of Part III shall apply to the overseas countries and territories listed in Annex II.
(3) Za čezmorske dežele in ozemlja, navedena v Prilogi II, velja posebna ureditev glede pridruževanja iz IV. naslova III. dela Ustave.
2 Končna redakcija
The Conference recognises that the special arrangements for the association of the overseas countries and territories (OCTs) under Part Four of the Treaty establishing the European Community were designed for countries and territories that were numerous, covered vast areas and had large populations.
Konferenca priznava, da je bila posebna ureditev za pridruževanje čezmorskih držav in ozemelj (ČDO) v četrtem delu Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti zamišljena za številne države in ozemlja z veliko površino in velikim številom prebivalcev.
3 Končna redakcija
The special arrangements for association set out in Part Four of this Treaty shall apply to the overseas countries and territories listed in Annex IV to this Treaty.
Posebna ureditev glede pridruževanja iz četrtega dela te pogodbe se uporablja za čezmorske države in ozemlja, navedene v Prilogi IV k tej pogodbi.
4 Končna redakcija
The special arrangements for association set out in Part Four of this Treaty shall apply to the overseas countries and territories listed in Annex II to this Treaty.
Posebna ureditev glede pridruževanja iz četrtega dela te pogodbe se uporablja za čezmorske države in ozemlja, navedene v Prilogi II k tej pogodbi.
5 Končna redakcija
In these circumstances, the special arrangements for association as they were conceived in 1957 can no longer deal effectively with the challenges of OCT development.
V teh okoliščinah posebna ureditev za pridruževanje, kakor je bila zasnovana leta 1957, ne zadošča več za učinkovito soočanje z izzivi razvoja ČDO.
6 Pravna redakcija
whereas the Community has concluded an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters with Turkey extending the aforementioned special arrangements for the duration of the Association Agreeement with Turkey, on the basis of a flat-rate reduction in the customs duties (2);
ker je Skupnost sklenila sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem s Turčijo, s čimer so bili podaljšani prej navedeni posebni režimi za trajanje sporazuma o pridružitvi s Turčijo, na podlagi pavšalnega znižanja carine ( fn );
7 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, for olive oil falling within CN codes 1509 10 10, 15091090 and 15100010, Decision No 1/77 of the EC-Turkey Association Council provides for special arrangements comprising a flat rate deduction of ECU 0,7245 per 100 kilograms from the levy applicable to that oil;
ker za oljčno olje, ki sodi v oznake KN 1509 10 10, 1509 10 90 in 1510 00 10, Sklep št. 1/77 Sveta evropsko-turškega združenja navaja posebne režime, ki obsegajo pavšalni odbitek 0,7245 ekuja na 100 kilogramov od prelevmana, ki velja za to olje;
8 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, if the present conditions of the special arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement are amended, in particular as regards the amounts, or if a new agreement is concluded, it may be necessary to adjust this Regulation to incorporate those changes;
ker se lahko zgodi, da bo treba prilagoditi to uredbo, da bi vključili spremembe, če se sedanji pogoji posebnih režimov, določeni v sporazumu o pridružitvi, spremenijo ali dopolnijo, zlasti kar zadeva zneske, ali če se sklene nov sporazum;
9 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the conditions of the special arrangements for imports of olive oil from Turkey provided for in Decision No 1/98 of the EC-Turkey Association Council make no provision for reductions in the customs duty to be subject to the application in Turkey of any special export charge; whereas Commission Regulation (EC) No 151/98 (6) should therefore be repealed;
ker pogoji posebnega režima za uvoz oljčnega olja iz Turčije, predvideni s Sklepom št. 1/98 Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija, ne predvidevajo zniževanj carine, ki so odvisne od uporabe katerekoli posebne izvozne dajatve v Turčiji; ker se naj bi se zato Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 151/98 fn razveljavilo;
10 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the special arrangements for imports of olive oil from Turkey provided for in Decision No 1/98 of the EC-Turkey Association Council adjust in particular the reductions in the customs duty applicable from 1 January 1998; whereas Regulation (EC) No 2008/97 should accordingly be adapted to incorporate those reductions in place of the amounts provided for pursuant to Decision No 1/77 of the EC-Turkey Association Council (5);
ker poseben režim za uvoz oljčnega olja iz Turčije, predviden s Sklepom št. 1/98 Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija, prilagaja zlasti znižanje carine, ki se uporablja od 1. januarja 1998; ker naj bi se zato Uredba (ES) št. 2008/97 ustrezno prilagodila, da bi vključevala tista zniževanja namesto zneskov, predvidenih skladno s Sklepom št. 1/77 Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija fn;
11 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Additional Protocol to the Agreement creating an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey on new concessions for imports of Turkish agricultural products into the Community (1) provides for special arrangements for imports of durum wheat and canary grass, rye and malt originating in Turkey;
ker dodatni protokol k Sporazumu, ki ustanavlja Pridružitev med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Turčijo v zvezi z novimi koncesijami za uvoz turških kmetijskih proizvodov v Skupnost ( fn ) predpisuje posebne režime za uvoz trde pšenice in kanarske čužke, rži in sladu s poreklom iz Turčije;
12 Pravna redakcija
whereas, provided that Turkey levies an export charge, those arrangements provide for a further reduction of that levy corresponding to the amount of the special charge, but not exceeding ECU 13,14 per 100 kilograms, representing the reduction provided for in Article 2 of the Association Agreement and a reduction of ECU 13,14 per 100 kilograms, representing the additional amount provided for in Annex IV to that Agreement;
ker ti režimi zagotavljajo, če Turčija zaračuna izvozno dajatev, nadaljnje znižanje tega prelevmana, kar ustreza znesku posebne dajatve, vendar ne presega 13,14 ekuja na 100 kilogramov, kar pomeni znižanje, navedeno v členu 2 Sporazuma o pridružitvi ter znižanje za 13,14 ekuja na 100 kilogramov, kar pomeni dodaten znesek, kot je navedeno v prilogi IV k zgoraj navedenemu sporazumu;
13 Pravna redakcija
Where the present conditions of the special arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement are amended, in particular as regards the amounts, or where a new agreement is concluded, the Commission shall adopt the resultant adjustments necessary for this Regulation in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 38 of Regulation 136/66/EEC or the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organization of the markets concerned.
Kadar se sedanje pogoje posebnih režimov, ki so navedeni v sporazumu o pridružitvi, spremeni ali dopolni predvsem glede zneskov, ali kadar je sklenjen nov sporazum, Komisija sprejme posledične prilagoditve, ki so potrebne za to uredbo, v skladu s postopkom, ki ga navaja člen 38 Uredbe 136/66/EGS ali ustrezni členi drugih uredb o skupni ureditvi zadevnih trgov.
14 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Regulation (EC) No 2008/97 provides that where the conditions of the special arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement are amended, in particular as regards the amounts, or where a new agreement is concluded, the resultant adjustments to that Regulation may be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 38 of Council Regulation No 136/66/EEC (3), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1581/96 (4);
ker Uredba (ES) št. 2008/97 predvideva, da kadar so pogoji posebnih režimov, predvideni v pridružitvenem sporazumu, spremenjeni, zlasti glede zneskov, ali kadar se sklene nov sporazum, lahko Komisija sprejme nastale prilagoditve navedene uredbe skladno s postopkom iz člena 38 Uredbe Sveta št. 136/66/EGS fn, nazadnje spremenjene z Uredbo (ES) št. 1581/96 fn;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0846
Whereas the conditions of the special arrangements for imports of olive oil from Turkey provided for in Decision No 1/98 of the EC-Turkey Association Council make no provision for reductions in the customs duty to be subject to the application in Turkey of any special export charge;
ker pogoji posebnega režima za uvoz oljčnega olja iz Turčije, predvideni s Sklepom št. 1/98 Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija, ne predvidevajo zniževanj carine, ki so odvisne od uporabe katere koli posebne izvozne dajatve v Turčiji;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0846
Whereas the special arrangements for imports of olive oil from Turkey provided for in Decision No 1/98 of the EC-Turkey Association Council adjust in particular the reductions in the customs duty applicable from 1 January 1998;
ker poseben režim za uvoz oljčnega olja iz Turčije, predviden s Sklepom št. 1/98 Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija, prilagaja zlasti znižanje carine, ki se uporablja od 1. januarja 1998;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2008
whereas the Community has concluded an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters with Turkey extending the aforementioned special arrangements for the duration of the Association Agreement with Turkey, on the basis of a flat-rate reduction in the customs duties (2);
ker je Skupnost sklenila sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem s Turčijo, s čimer so bili podaljšani prej navedeni posebni režimi za trajanje sporazuma o pridružitvi s Turčijo, na podlagi pavšalnega znižanja carine [2];
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2008
Whereas, for olive oil falling within CN codes 1509 10 10, 1509 10 90 and 1510 00 10, Decision No 1/77 of the EC-Turkey Association Council provides for special arrangements comprising a flat rate deduction of ECU 0,7245 per 100 kilograms from the levy applicable to that oil;
ker za oljčno olje, ki sodi v tarifne oznake KN 1509 10 10, 1509 10 90 in 1510 00 10, Sklep št. 1/77 Sveta evropsko-turškega združenja navaja posebne režime, ki obsegajo pavšalni odbitek 0,7245 ekuja na 100 kilogramov od prelevmana, ki velja za to olje;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984R1555
for those products originating in Turkey which enjoy a special arrangement under the Association Agreement, the duty under the Common Customs Tariff currently applicable to countries covered by the most-favoured nation clause, reduced in accordance with the provisions of the preferential scheme in force as at 31 December 1980.'
za proizvode s poreklom iz Turčije, za katere velja posebni režim v skladu s pridružitvenim sporazumom, dajatev v skladu s skupno carinsko tarifo, ki se trenutno uporablja za države, za katere velja klavzula o priznavanju največjih ugodnosti, zmanjšano v skladu z določbami preferencialne sheme, ki je veljala dne 31. decembra 1980."
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971R2622
Whereas, by Regulation (EEC) No 1234/71, the Council adopted rules of application for the special arrangements for imports of rye from Turkey laid down in the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and Turkey and in the Additional Protocol to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey;
ker je z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1234/71 Svet sprejel predpise za izvajanje posebnega režima za uvoz rži iz Turčije, določenega v Začasnem sporazumu med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Turčijo in v Dodatnem protokolu k Sporazumu o pridružitvi med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Turčijo;
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0251
The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other part(4), no longer provides for special arrangements for the importation of olive oil falling within CN codes 1509 and 1510 wholly obtained in Tunisia and imported into the Community direct from that country outside the quota of 46000 tonnes at a reduced rate of duty.
Evro-mediteranski sporazum o pridružitvi med Evropskimi skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami na eni strani ter Republiko Tunizijo na drugi strani [4] ne predvideva več posebnih režimov za uvoz oljčnega olja pod oznakama KN 1509 in 1510, v celoti proizvedenega v Tuniziji in prepeljanega neposredno iz te države v Skupnost, nad kvoto 46 000 ton z znižano stopnjo carine.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0953
Whereas the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other part (4), no longer provides for special arrangements for the importation of olive oil falling within CN codes 1509 and 1510 wholly obtained in Tunisia and imported into the Community direct from that country outside the quota of 46 000 tonnes at a reduced rate of duty;
ker Evro-mediteranski sporazum o pridružitvi med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in Republiko Tunizijo na drugi strani [4] ne predvideva več posebnih režimov za uvoz oljčnega olja pod tarifnima oznakama KN 1509 in 1510, v celoti proizvedenega v Tuniziji in neposredno prepeljanega iz te države v Skupnost, nad kvoto 46 000 ton po znižani carinski stopnji;
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special arrangements for the association