Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
A variety of supracondylar osteotomies have been proposed, yet most of them involve immobilisation of the elbow in a plaster cast for 3 to 5 weeks, which implies a considerable delay in starting physical therapy.
Opisane so številne metode suprakondilarne osteotomije za korekcijo varusne deformacije komolca, značilnost večine pa je, da je po operaciji in interni učvrstitvi potrebna še zaščita osteotomije z mavcem za tri do štiri tedne in s tem odlog fizikalne terapije.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(xxv) Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions;
(xxv) naklepno stradanje civilnih oseb kot način vojskovanja, tako da se jim odvzamejo stvari, nujne za njihovo preživetje, vključno z naklepnim preprečevanjem dobav pomoči, kot so predvidene po Ženevskih konvencijah;
3 Končna redakcija
Taking themes as the starting point, they could be divided as follows:
Tematsko bi jih lahko razdelili na:
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
start-up grants to young farmers to help them finance the acquisition of assets.
zagonske podpore mladim kmetovalcem, katerih namen je financiranje pridobitve sredstev.
5 Končna redakcija
We made it possible for them to pay minimal rents, " adds Waldner, describing the start-up of the MQ entity.
Omogočili smo jim plačilo najnižjih najemnin, " je začetke življenja biotopa MQ opisal Waldner.
6 Končna redakcija
When Bosnian refugees started to arrive in April 1992, however, more public attention was focused on them initially.
Ko so aprila 1992 začeli prihajati bosanski begunci, jim je bilo že od začetka namenjeno več javne pozornosti.
7 Končna redakcija
Member States shall establish the necessary rules among themselves and start the international negotiations required to secure this protection.
Države članice med seboj določijo potrebna pravila in začnejo mednarodna pogajanja, nujna za zagotovitev te zaščite.
8 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
Entries from Federations must therefore rank their entries in each event so that the organiser can allocate them to the correct starting positions.
Zato morajo prijave Zvez rangirati svoje prijavljene v vsaki disciplini, da jih lahko organizator uvrsti na pravilen štartni položaj.
9 Končna redakcija
Before 31 December 1993, Member States shall establish the necessary rules among themselves and start the international negotiations required to secure this protection.
Do 31. decembra 1993 države članice med seboj določijo potrebna pravila in začnejo mednarodna pogajanja, nujna za zagotovitev te zaščite.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1621
Until the start of the 2001/02 marketing year processors may entrust the storage of the quantities they are unable to store themselves to individual producers or producer organisations;
do začetka tržnega leta 2001/02 lahko predelovalci skladiščenje količine, ki je ne morejo skladiščiti sami, zaupajo posameznim proizvajalcem ali organizacijam proizvajalcev;
11 Končna redakcija
The centrality of their figures is achieved primarily through the gaze of two women who admiringly stare at them: a famous actress on an LDS poster and the leader's wife on an NSi poster.
Njuno središčnost ustvarjata predvsem pogleda dveh žensk, ki občudujoče strmita vanju: v prvega znana igralka, v drugega žena.
12 Končna redakcija
whereas it is possible to limit the duration and impact of these conditions and to adjust them flexibly to market trends but the ratios must gradually be reduced to zero within four years starting on 29 April 1999;
ker se lahko omejita trajanje in vpliv teh pogojev, ki se lahko prožno prilagodijo tržnim gibanjem, vendar je treba od 29. aprila 1999 razmerja v štirih letih postopoma zmanjšati na nič;
13 Končna redakcija
On the paradigmatically opposite, western side of 'foreignness' are 'the Germans'. Seen through the eyes of the bar flies they appear as follows: 'Despite a hundred years of slavery under the Germans, we easily got rid of them at the time of liberation, forgot them and, with new generations, we even started to hate them while growing fond of our southern brothers to whom we became so attached through the past decades that nothing can detach us, not even the plebiscite...'
Na paradigmatsko drugi, zahodni strani 'tujstva' so ' Nemci', ki jih pivci vidijo takole: 'Kljub stoletnemu tlačanstvu Nemcem smo se jih z osvoboditvijo mirno znebili, jih pozabili in z novimi rodovi celo zasovražili ter vzljubili južne brate.' Nanje smo se v nekaj desetletjih tako navezali, da nas nič ni odvezalo od njih, niti plebiscit ne...'
14 Končna redakcija
But in reality, they were adolescents with no fully developed political views, who did not know exactly what to say, so they selected a public relations representative (undoubtedly the one that was most politically involved), so everybody started to perceive them as serious.
V resnici pa je šlo za adolescente, ki niso imeli preveč izdelane politične zavesti, ki niso ravno vedeli, kaj naj sploh rečejo, in so si zato izbrali predstavnika za javnost (nedvomno takega, ki je bil najbolj spolitiziran), dokler jih niso vsi začeli jemati resno.
15 Končna redakcija
Each producer Member State shall allocate the quota referred to in paragraph 3 between undertakings producing potato starch, for use in the marketing year 2004/2005, in particular on the basis of the average amount of potato starch produced by them in the period 1999-2001 for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, 1998-2000 for Lithuania, and taking into account irreversible investments made by those undertakings prior to 1 February 2002.";
Vsaka država članica proizvajalka razdeli kvoto iz odstavka 3 za tržno leto 2004/2005 med podjetja, ki proizvajajo krompirjev škrob, predvsem na osnovi povprečne količine krompirjevega škroba, ki so ga proizvedla v obdobju 1999-2001 za Češko, Estonijo, Latvijo, Poljsko in Slovaško ter v obdobju 1998-2000 za Litvo, in upoštevajoč nepovratne investicije teh podjetij pred 1. februarjem 2002.".
16 Končna redakcija
The major issue over which 'the bar flies rack their brains is whether the Yugo-brains already have so much authority over Slovenia, or is it that many of them we voted for sold themselves, so in a very short time we will again be the Balkans, locked in their brotherly embrace tighter than ever, will we not even manage to remain the ante-room of the Balkans or of Europe, will our children again start practicing the Cyrillic alphabet and will mosques and Orthodox churches start springing up across our cities and villages?'
Osrednje vprašanje, ki ga pivci 'tuhtajo, je, ali ima jugomozeg že tolikšno oblast v Sloveniji ali se je toliko naših izvoljencev že prodalo, da bomo res že v zelo kratkem času spet Balkan, še bolj zbrateni kot nekoč, ali nam res ne bo uspelo ostati niti predsoba bodisi Balkana ali Evrope, bodo otroci spet začeli vaditi cirilico in bodo po naših mestih in vasicah pognale džamije in 'popovina''?
17 Končna redakcija
Prior to the start of operation by a ro-ro ferry or high-speed passenger craft on a regular service, or within 12 months of the date referred to in Article 19(1) for a ro-ro ferry and high-speed passenger craft already operating a regular service on that date, host States shall carry out an initial specific survey, in accordance with Annexes I and III, to satisfy themselves that the ro-ro ferry or high-speed passenger craft fulfils the necessary requirements for safe operation of a regular service.
Pred začetkom opravljanja linijskih prevozov z ro-ro trajektom ali visokohitrostnim potniškim plovilom ali v 12 mesecih od datuma, navedenega v členu 19(1) za ro-ro trajekt ali visokohitrostno potniško plovilo, ki na ta datum že opravlja linijske prevoze, države gostiteljice opravijo prvi posebni pregled v skladu s Prilogama I in III, da se prepričajo, ali ro-ro trajekt ali visokohitrostno potniško plovilo izpolnjuje potrebne zahteve za varno opravljanje linijskih prevozov.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
- start- up grants to young farmers to help them finance the acquisition of assets.
- zagonske podpore mladim kmetovalcem, katerih namen je financiranje pridobitve sredstev.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2236
Delivery of potatoes shall take place either at the starch-producing undertakings themselves or at their delivery points.
Prevzem krompirja poteka bodisi v samih podjetjih za proizvodnjo škroba bodisi na njihovih prevzemnih mestih.
20 Pravna redakcija
From the start of the examination referred to in paragraph 1, the rapporteur Member State may request the notifiers to improve their dossiers, or add to them.
Od začetka preverjanja iz odstavka 1 lahko država članica poročevalka zahteva od priglasitelje, da dokumentacijo popravijo ali dopolnijo.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D1445
After a three-year period starting on 1 January 1999, it shall be decided, in the light of experience and under the procedure laid down in Article 5(2), whether to continue with the measures, amend them for the remaining two years or terminate them.
Po koncu triletnega obdobja, ki se začne 1. januarja 1999, se glede na izkušnje in po postopku, določenem v členu 5(2), sprejme odločitev o nadaljnji uporabi ukrepov, njihovih spremembah za preostali dve leti ali njihovi ukinitvi.
22 Pravna redakcija
or the amount of starch produced by them in the marketing year 1992/93 and for which they received the premium referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1543/93.
bodisi količine proizvedenega škroba v tržnem letu 1992/93 in za kar so prejeli premijo iz člena 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1543/93.
23 Pravna redakcija
In the case of maize used in the manufacture of starch and starch products, equivalent compensation is possible between all varieties with the exception of maizes rich in amylopectin (wax-like maize or "waxy" maize) which are only equivalent between themselves.
Pri koruzi, ki se uporablja za pridelavo škroba in izdelkov iz škroba, je enakovredna nadomestitev možna pri vseh sortah, razen pri sortah koruze, ki so bogate z amilopektinom (koruza, podobna vosku ali "voskasta" koruza) in ki so enakovredne samo med seboj.
24 Pravna redakcija
either the average amount of starch produced by them in the marketing years 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1992/93 and for which they received the premium referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1543/93,
bodisi povprečne količine proizvedenega škroba v letih 1990/91, 1991/92 in 1992/93 in za kar so prejeli premijo iz člena 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1543/93,
25 Pravna redakcija
the lowering of at least one rescue boat and one lifeboat to the water, starting and testing their propulsion and steering system, and recovering them from the water into their stowed position on board,
spuščanje vsaj enega čolna za reševanje in enega rešilnega čolna v vodo, zagon in preskus pogonskega in krmilnega sistema ter dviganje iz vode in namestitev na njihovo mesto na ladji,
26 Pravna redakcija
Whereas producer Member States should allocate their quota for a period of three years between all undertakings producing potato starch, on the basis of the average starch produced by them during the marketing years 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1992/93 and for which premium was received, or the amount of starch produced in 1992/93 only an the same basis, at the choice of the Member State, and investments made by those undertakings prior to 31 January 1994 in relation to the production of potato starch;
ker morajo države članice proizvajalke razdeliti svojo kvoto za obdobje treh let med vsa podjetja za proizvodnjo krompirjevega škroba na podlagi svoje povprečne proizvodnje škroba v tržnih letih 1990/91, 1991/92 in 1992/93, za katero so prejela premijo, ali pa količine proizvedenega škroba samo v tržnem letu 1992/93 na isti podlagi, po izbiri države članice, in naložb, ki so jih ta podjetja izvedla za proizvodnjo krompirjevega škroba pred 31. januarjem 1994;
27 Pravna redakcija
Those last-mentioned Judges shall be designated from the lists referred to in paragraph (2) and following the order laid down in them, the starting-point being moved on by one name at each general meeting of the Court.
Zadnji navedeni sodniki so imenovani iz seznama iz odstavka (2), po tam določenem vrstnem redu, pri čemer se izhodišče na vsaki skupščini Sodišča premakne naprej za eno ime.
28 Pravna redakcija
the new instruments will be used from the start of this programme in each theme and, where deemed appropriate, as a priority means, while maintaining the use of specific targeted research projects and coordination actions,
novi instrumenti se bodo uporabljali od začetka tega programa pri vsaki temi in, če se zdi primerno, kot prednostno sredstvo, pri čemer se bodo še naprej izvajali posebni ciljno naravnani raziskovalni projekti in usklajevalne dejavnosti,
29 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities detecting an infringement shall provide all necessary assistance to the authorities of the flag Member State to enable them to start the procedure referred to in Article 13 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1627/94.
Pristojni organi, ki odkrijejo kršitev, morajo organom države članice, pod katere zastavo plovilo pluje, zagotoviti vso potrebno pomoč za uvedbo postopka, ki je naveden v členu 13(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1627/94.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Consultations, first with the country authorities and then with the exporters/producers themselves were started within a matter of days and were pursued throughout the investigation with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable solution.
Posvetovanja, najprej z organi države ter nato z izvozniki/proizvajalci samimi, so se začela v nekaj dneh ter so se nadaljevala v času preiskave z namenom doseči obojestransko sprejemljivo rešitev.
31 Pravna redakcija
However, it is not necessary for them to apply to cosmetic or medicinal products, medical devices or their starting materials or intermediate products, for which other specific rules, in particular on the non-use of specified risk material, apply.
Njihova uporaba ni potrebna za kozmetične ali medicinske izdelke, medicinske pripomočke ali njihove izhodiščne snovi ali polizdelke, za katere se uporabijo drugi posebni predpisi, zlasti o prepovedi uporabe snovi s specifičnim tveganjem.
32 Pravna redakcija
farmers, concerning all processors who have supplied a service of processing the relevant product of the harvest to them for planting, in the current marketing year and in the three preceding marketing years, starting in the marketing year as specified in paragraph 3.
prek kmetov glede vseh dodelovalcev, ki so kmetom opravili dodelovalno storitev zadevnega pridelanega proizvoda za sajenje v tekočem tržnem letu in v treh predhodnih tržnih letih, z začetkom v tržnem letu, kakor je opredeljeno v odstavku 3.
33 Pravna redakcija
Producers shall, when so requested by the Agency, notify it in respect of a given period, as provided for in Article 3, of stocks held by them at the start of the period, their estimated production and, on the basis of contracts already entered into, their delivery programmes.
Proizvajalci v zvezi z obdobjem iz člena 3 uradno obvestijo Agencijo na njeno zahtevo o svojih zalogah na začetku obdobja, svoji predvideni proizvodnji in, na podlagi že sklenjenih pogodb, svojih dobavnih programih.
34 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of paragraph 1 the producer organizations shall, at the start of the marketing year, enter into contractual agreements with charitable organizations approved in accordance with Article 11 (2) and (3) and notify them to the competent national authorities as soon as they are concluded.
Za namene odstavka 1 organizacije pridelovalcev na začetku tržnega leta sklenejo pogodbene dogovore z dobrodelnimi organizacijami, odobrenimi v skladu s členom 11(2) in (3), ter takoj po sklenitvi teh dogovorov, o njih obvestijo pristojne nacionalne organe.
35 Pravna redakcija
The time limit for delivery referred to in Article 6(1) for the 1999/2000 marketing year shall be 31 December 1999. Until the start of the 2001/02 marketing year processors may entrust the storage of the quantities they are unable to store themselves to individual producers or producer organisations;
rok za dobavo iz člena 6(1) za tržno leto 1999/2000 je 31. december 1999; do začetka tržnega leta 2001/02 lahko predelovalci skladiščenje količine, ki je ne morejo skladiščiti sami, zaupajo posameznim proizvajalcem ali organizacijam proizvajalcev;
36 Pravna redakcija
In order, firstly, to guarantee that the Schengen provisions on visas are respected and, secondly, to avoid damaging the interests of the merchant navy, implementing procedures ought to be defined so that seamen who present themselves at borders at the start or the end of their service can enter and/or pass through Schengen territory.
Da bi se zagotovilo spoštovanje schengenskih določb o vizumih in ne bi bili ogroženi interesi trgovskih ladij, morajo izvedbeni postopki na mejah potekati tako, da lahko mornarji, ki prestopijo meje pred nastopom oziroma ob zaključku službe na ladji vstopijo na schengensko ozemlje in/ali prek njega potujejo.
37 Pravna redakcija
The institutions of the European Economic Community and of the European Atomic Energy Community (hereinafter referred to as 'the institutions') shall establish historical archives and open them to the public on the terms provided for by this Regulation after the expiry of a period of 30 years starting from the date of the creation of the document or record.
Institucije Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu 'institucije') ustanovijo arhive in jih v skladu s pogoji te uredbe odprejo za javnost po izteku 30-letnega obdobja, ki začne teči od datuma nastanka dokumenta ali spisa.
38 Pravna redakcija
In the light of the criteria listed in Article 40(2)(a) it shall assess the consistency of the strategy and targets selected with the specific features of the regions or areas concerned, including demographic trends, and the expected impact of the planned priorities for action, quantifying their specific targets in relation to the starting situation, where they lend themselves thereto.
Glede na merila, našteta v členu 40(2)(a), se ocenita usklajenost strategije in ciljev, izbranih po specifičnih značilnostih zadevnih regij ali območij, vključno z demografskimi gibanji, in pričakovani vpliv načrtovanih prednostnih nalog za delovanje, s kvantifikacijo njihovih posebnih ciljev glede na izhodiščno stanje, kjer je to mogoče.
39 Pravna redakcija
Conceptually, this approach means that, starting from the type of products that the undertakings involved sell and the area in which they sell them, additional products and areas will be included in, or excluded from, the market definition depending on whether competition from these other products and areas affect or restrain sufficiently the pricing of the parties' products in the short term.
Konceptualno ta pristop pomeni, da bodo, če izhajamo iz vrste proizvodov, ki jih prodajajo udeležena podjetja, in območja, na katerem jih prodajajo, v opredelitev trga vključeni ali iz nje izključeni dodatni proizvodi in območja, odvisno od tega ali konkurenca teh drugih proizvodov in območij kratkoročno dovolj vpliva na ali omejuje oblikovanje cen proizvodov udeleženih podjetij.
40 Pravna redakcija
Before the start of manufacture, the manufacturer must prepare documents defining the manufacturing process, in particular as regards sterilization where necessary, together with all the routine, pre-established provisions to be implemented to ensure homogeneous production and, where appropriate, conformity of the products with the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of this Directive which apply to them.
Pred začetkom proizvodnje mora proizvajalec pripraviti dokumente z razlago proizvodnega procesa, zlasti kar zadeva sterilizacijo, kjer je ta potrebna, skupaj z vsemi rutinskimi, vnaprej določenimi določbami, ki se morajo uveljavljati za zagotovitev homogene proizvodnje in, kjer je to primerno, skladnosti izdelkov s tipom, opisanim v potrdilu o ES tipskem preskusu, in z vsemi zahtevami te direktive, ki veljajo zanje.
41 Pravna redakcija
Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is attributed to shortcomings in the standards or technical specifications, the Commission, after consulting the parties concerned, shall bring the matter before the committee referred to in Article 19, as well as the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC in the case of shortcomings in a harmonized standard, within two months if the Member State which has taken the measures intends to uphold them, and shall start the procedures referred to in Article 5 (2).
Če je odločitev iz odstavka 1 posledica pomanjkljivosti v standardih ali tehničnih specifikacijah, Komisija po posvetovanju s prizadetimi stranmi zadevo v dveh mesecih preda odboru iz člena 19, če gre za pomanjkljivosti v usklajenem standardu, pa tudi odboru, ustanovljenemu na podlagi Direktive 83/189/EGS, če država članica vztraja pri sprejetih ukrepih, ter začne postopke iz člena 5(2).
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
start-up grants to young farmers to help them finance the acquisition of assets.
zagonske podpore mladim kmetovalcem, katerih namen je financiranje pridobitve sredstev.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
Like all medicines, Starlix can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Kot vsa zdravila ima lahko tudi zdravilo Starlix neželene učinke, ki pa se ne pojavijo pri vseh bolnikih.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
clotting problems before starting the treatment, or if you develop them during treatment.
strjevanjem krvi pred začetkom zdravljenja, ali če se takšne težave pojavijo med zdravljenjem.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R0097
Starch manufacturers shall take delivery of potatoes either at the starch-producing undertakings themselves or at their delivery points.
Prevzem krompirja poteka bodisi v samih podjetjih za proizvodnjo škroba bodisi na njihovih prevzemnih mestih.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
Trazec tablets start to act quickly after you take them and are eliminated from the body rapidly.
Tablete Trazeca zanejo delovati kratek čas po zaužitju in se hitro izločijo iz telesa.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Starlix tablets start to act quickly after you take them and are eliminated from the body rapidly.
Tablete Starlixa začnejo delovati kratek čas po zaužitju in se hitro izločijo iz telesa.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0681
It might be that a company will start by registering its single sites and later on to unify them under one registration number as one organisation.
Lahko se zgodi, da organizacija začne z registracijo svojih posameznih lokacij in jih pozneje združi pod eno vpisno številko kot eno organizacijo.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
If you are already taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and/ or corticosteroids, you may continue to take them after starting Arava.
Če že jemljete nesteroidna protivnetna zdravila (NSAID) ali kortikosteroide ali oboje, lahko z njimi nadaljujete tudi po začetku uporabe zdravila Arava.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0382
'3.At the request of the competent authorities, the plan referred to in paragraph 1 must be notified to them before the start of the projected work.'.
Pristojnemu organu je na njegovo zahtevo treba poslati načrt iz odstavka 1 pred začetkom načrtovanega dela."
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