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statements of case
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Within two months from such notification, those countries may lodge at the Court of Justice statements of case or observations.
V dveh mesecih po tem uradnem obvestilu lahko te države vložijo vloge ali pisna stališča.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Within two months from such notification, those countries may lodge at the Court of Justice statements of case or written observations.
V dveh mesecih po tem uradnem obvestilu lahko te države vložijo vloge ali pisna stališča.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
In accordance with those Statutes, any Member State, or the Commission, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to paragraph 4, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice in cases which arise under paragraph 3.
V skladu s tema dvema dokumentoma ima vsaka država članica ali Komisija, ne glede na to ali je podala izjavo v skladu z odstavkom 4 ali ne, pravico, da za zadeve iz odstavka 3 Sodišču predloži obrazložitev zadeve ali pisne pripombe.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The written procedure shall consist of the communication to the parties and to the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union whose acts are in dispute, of applications, statements of case, defences and observations, and of replies, if any, as well as of all papers and documents in support or of certified copies of them.
Pisni postopek zajema posredovanje tožb, vlog, odgovorov na tožbo in pisnih stališč, pa tudi morebitnih replik kot tudi vseh dokazov in listin ali njihovih overjenih prepisov, strankam in tistim institucijam, organom, uradom ali agencijam Unije, katerih akti so predmet postopka.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
In accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, any Member State, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to Article 2, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in cases which arise under Article 1.
V skladu s Statutom Sodišča evropskih skupnosti je vsaka država članica, ne glede na to, ali je podala izjavo v skladu s členom 2, upravičena, da Sodišču evropskih skupnosti predloži zaznamke ali pisne ugotovitve za primere na podlagi člena 1.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
In accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, any Member State, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to Article 2, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in cases which arise pursuant to Article 1.
V skladu s Statutom Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti ima vsaka država članica ne glede na to, ali je dala izjavo na podlagi člena 2 ali ne, pravico predložiti Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti vloge ali pisna stališča v zadevah iz člena 1.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Within two months of this notification, the parties, the Member States, the Commission and, where appropriate, the institution, body, office or agency which adopted the act the validity or interpretation of which is in dispute, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice.
V dveh mesecih od tega uradnega obvestila smejo stranke, države članice, Komisija in, kjer je to primerno, institucija, organ, urad ali agencija, ki je sprejela akt, katerega veljavnost ali razlaga je predmet postopka, predložiti Sodišču navedbe o zadevi ali pisna stališča.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(ii) A brief statement of the facts of the case and their legal characterization; and
(ii) kratko navedbo dejstev zadeve in njihovo pravno označitev in
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
projected cash-flow statements and liquidity plans for the first two years of operations;
projekcija izkazov denarnega toka (gotovinskih prilivov in odlivov) in načrtov likvidnosti za prvi dve leti poslovanja;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
In such a case, the Party shall give a statement of its reasons for withholding approval.
V tem primeru pogodbenica da izjavo o razlogih za zavrnitev.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
The request for arbitration shall consist of a statement of the case together with any supporting documents.
Zahtevo za arbitražo sestavlja predstavitev primera skupaj z ustrezno dokumentacijo.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
The request shall contain a description of the person being transported and a brief statement of the facts of the case.
Prošnja vsebuje opis osebe, ki jo je treba prepeljati, in kratko izjavo o dejstvih v posameznem primeru.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The decision of the national court or tribunal shall, moreover, be notified by the Registrar of the Court of Justice to the States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and also to the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in that Agreement which may, within two months of notification, where one of the fields of application of that Agreement is concerned, submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice.
Sodni tajnik Sodišča o odločitvi nacionalnega sodišča obvesti tudi države podpisnice Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, ki niso države članice, ter v tem sporazumu navedeni Nadzorni organ EFTA, ki lahko v dveh mesecih od uradnega obvestila predložijo Sodišču vloge ali pisna stališča, če odločitev zadeva eno od področij uporabe tega sporazuma.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Where an agreement relating to a specific subject matter, concluded by the Council and one or more non-member countries, provides that those countries are to be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations where a court or tribunal of a Member State refers to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on a question falling within the scope of the agreement, the decision of the national court or tribunal containing that question shall also be notified to the non-member countries concerned.
Kadar sporazum, ki ga Svet na določenem področju sklene z eno ali več tretjimi državami, določa, da imajo te države pravico na Sodišču vložiti vlogo ali predložiti pisna stališča, če sodišče države članice predloži Sodišču v predhodno odločanje vprašanje iz okvira tega sporazuma, se o odločitvi nacionalnega sodišča, ki vsebuje to vprašanje, uradno obvestijo tudi zadevne tretje države.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
In the case referred to in Article 34, paragraph 1, a copy of the statement of consent shall be sent to the State from which he has been transferred.
V primeru iz prvega odstavka 34. člena te konvencije je treba kopijo soglasja poslati državi, iz katere je bila oseba predana.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The statements and notices of lesser importance shall not be entered in the record, but shall be subject to official note made to be entered in the file of the case.
O manj pomembnih izjavah ali sporočilih se ne sestavi zapisnik, temveč se naredi v spisu samo uradni zaznamek.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
In this case, this Contracting Party shall submit an explanatory statement of its reasons and cannot put in question the common policy as defined in Article 6.2.
V tem primeru ta pogodbenica predloži izjavo o svojih razlogih in ne sme omajati enotne politike, kot je opredeljena v 2. odstavku 6. člena.
18 Objavljeno
Based on the own experience of 60 observed cases the authors comment and discuss the different and often contradictory statements found in the pertinent literature.
Podatke iz literature osvetljujejo s prikazom 60 pregledanih bolnikov.
19 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
In any case, the other Party is to be informed of the results of the investigation and shall receive a final statement as to the reasons and extent of the security violation.
V vsakem primeru mora biti druga pogodbenica seznanjena z ugotovitvami preiskave in mora prejeti končno poročilo o vzrokih in obsegu kršitve varovanja tajnosti.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(c) In the case of a request pertaining to paragraph 2 of this article, a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting State Party and a description of the actions requested.
(c) če gre za zaprosilo po drugem odstavku tega člena, opis dejstev, na katera se sklicuje pogodbenica prosilka, ter opis zaprošenih ukrepov.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
The statement shall be accompanied by the citation of the documents believed to support the stated conclusion with such explanations as the circumstances of the case may require.
Ob tej izjavi se navedejo listine, na katerih temelji naveden sklep, in vsa pojasnila, ki so v konkretnem primeru potrebna.
22 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
making public the results of votes, explanations of votes, statements in the Council minutes and items in those minutes relating to cases other than those referred to in paragraph 2);
objavljanje izidov glasovanja, obrazložitev glasov, izjav iz zapisnika Sveta in točk zapisnika, ki se nanašajo na primere, razen tistih iz odstavka 2);
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
If a friendly settlement is effected, the Court shall strike the case out of its list by means of a decision which shall be confined to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached.
Ob prijateljski poravnavi Sodišče izbriše zadevo s seznama s pomočjo odločitve, ki se omejuje le na kratek povzetek dejstev in na opis dosežene rešitve.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
in the case of Article 23, paragraph 1.b, a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting Party sufficient to enable the requested Party to seek the order under its domestic law;
b) v primeru iz pododstavka b) prvega odstavka 23. člena navedbo dejstev, na katera se opira pogodbenica prosilka in ki zaprošeni pogodbenici zadoščajo, da v skladu s svojo nacionalno zakonodajo zaprosi za odredbo;
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The plea of defense shall contain a statement of grounds indicating whether the defendant refutes the whole claim of plaintiff or only a party thereof and, in the latter case, which particular part.
Odgovor na tožbo mora biti obrazložen. Iz obrazložitve mora izhajati, ali tožena stranka nasprotuje tožbenemu zahtevku v celoti ali deloma in v katerem delu.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(d) If the person sought has been sentenced, a copy of the sentence imposed and, in the case of a sentence for imprisonment, a statement of any time already served and the time remaining to be served.
(d) kopijo izreka kazni, če je bila oseba, za katero se zahteva predaja, že kaznovana, pri kazni zapora pa izjavo o dolžini že prestane kazni in dolžini preostale kazni.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
In that case, the latter approval authority prepares a statement of compliance outlining the areas and production facilities it has covered as relevant to the product(s) to be type approved.
V tem primeru ta homologacijski organ pripravi izjavo o skladnosti z navedbo področja in proizvodnih obratov, ki jih šteje za ustrezne in se nanašajo na izdelke v postopku homologacije.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
In the case where only one party has announced the appeal, a judgment containing a statement of ground under the fourth paragraph of Article 324 of the present Act shall also be served on the opposing party.
V zadevi, v kateri je ena stranka napovedala pritožbo, se prepis sodbe z obrazložitvijo po četrtem odstavku 324. člena tega zakona vroči tudi nasprotni stranki.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(6) The provisions of paragraph 4 and 5 of this article shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to cases where the writing or statement were published on radio or television, the Internet and the World Wide Web.
(6) Določbe četrtega in petega odstavka tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo tudi v primeru, če sta bila spis ali izjava objavljena po radiu ali televiziji, medmrežju in spletnih straneh.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(b) In the case of a request pertaining to paragraph 1 (b) of this article, a legally admissible copy of an order of confiscation upon which the request is based issued by the requesting State Party, a statement of the facts and information as to the extent to which execution of the order is requested, a statement specifying the measures taken by the requesting State Party to provide adequate notification to bona fide third parties and to ensure due process and a statement that the confiscation order is final;
(b) pri zaprosilu iz točke b prvega odstavka tega člena, pravno sprejemljiv izvod odločbe o odvzemu, na kateri temelji zaprosilo države pogodbenice prosilke, navedbo dejstev in podatkov v obsegu, ki ga zahteva izvršitev odločbe, navedbo ukrepov, ki jih je sprejela država pogodbenica prosilka, da je ustrezno obvestila tretje dobroverne osebe in zagotovila predpisan postopek, ter izjavo, da je odločba o odvzemu pravnomočna;
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The statement of ground shall consist only of a brief description of factual considerations and the indication of provisions of the substantive and procedural law which have been applied in determination of the case (third paragraph of Article 324),
Obrazložitev sodbe obsega samo kratek povzetek dejanskih ugotovitev, navedbo določb procesnega in materialnega prava, na podlagi katerih je bilo odločeno (tretji odstavek 324. člena).
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
whether or not ledgers have been kept in good and due form; it is necessary to note cases where the material presentation of the financial statements diverges from accounting principles generally recognised and invariably applied;
izjavo, ali se računovodske knjige vodijo v ustrezni obliki; opozoriti je treba na primere, pri katerih stanje v računovodskih izkazih ni izkazano skladno s splošno priznanimi in redno uporabljenimi računovodskimi načeli;
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
(ii) furnish to the Bank as soon as available, but in any case not later than six months after the end of each such year, (A) certified copies of the financial statements referred to in paragraph (a) of this Section for such year as so audited, and (B) an opinion on such statements, records and accounts and report of such audit, by said auditors, of such scope and in such detail as the Bank shall have reasonably requested; and
ii) predložila banki (A) potrjena revidirana finančna poročila iz točke (a) tega odstavka in (B) revizorsko mnenje o poročilih, evidenci in računih ter poročilo omenjenih revizorjev o opravljeni reviziji, kakor hitro ji bodo na voljo, vendar ne kasneje kot šest mesecev po koncu vsakega fiskalnega leta, in sicer v takem obsegu in tako podrobno, kot banka upravičeno zahteva, in
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
This statement should contain some assessment of the proposal's financial impact and, in the case of a European framework law, of its implications for the rules to be put in place by Member States, including, where necessary, the regional legislation.
Ta izjava mora vsebovati podatke o predvidenih finančnih učinkih osnutka, v primeru evropskega okvirnega zakona pa tudi o posledicah za pravila, ki jih morajo sprejeti države članice, po potrebi vključno z regionalno zakonodajo.
35 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(ii) furnish to the Bank as soon as available, but in any case not later than six (6) months after the end of each such year, (A) certified copies of the financial statements referred to in paragraph (a) of this Section for such year as so audited, and (B) an opinion on such statements, records and accounts and report of such audit, by said auditors, of such scope and in such detail as the Bank shall have reasonably requested; and
(ii) predložila banki (A) potrjena revidirana finančna poročila iz točke (a) tega odstavka in (B) revizorsko mnenje o poročilih, evidenci in računih ter poročilo omenjenih revizorjev o opravljeni reviziji, kakor hitro ji bodo na voljo, vendar ne kasneje kot šest mesecev po koncu vsakega fiskalnega leta, in sicer v takem obsegu in tako podrobno, kot banka upravičeno zahteva, in
36 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-108
In the case of students working on their theses or dissertations this might be replaced by a statement of both the advisor of the home and of the host university that the study abroad period served the purpose of working towards a thesis or dissertation, respectively.
Če študenti pripravljajo nalogo ali disertacijo, se namesto tega lahko upoštevata izjavi mentorjev domače univerze in univerze gostiteljice, da je študijsko obdobje v tujini namenjeno njeni izdelavi;
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(c) In the case of a request pertaining to paragraph 2 of this article, a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting State Party and a description of the actions requested and, where available, a legally admissible copy of an order on which the request is based.
(c) pri zaprosilu iz prejšnjega odstavka, navedbo dejstev, na katere se sklicuje država pogodbenica prosilka, in opis zahtevanih ukrepov ter pravno sprejemljiv izvod odločbe, na kateri temelji zaprosilo, če je mogoče.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
Only the seals mentioned in (b), (c) and (e) may be removed in cases of emergency; for each occasion that these seals are broken a written statement giving the reasons for such action must be prepared and made available to the competent authority.
V nujnih primerih se lahko odstranijo samo žigi iz pododstavkov b), c) in e); za vsako odstranitev žiga je treba pripraviti in dati na razpolago pristojnemu organu pisno izjavo z razlogi za tak ukrep.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(a) In the case of a request pertaining to paragraph 1 (a) of this article, a description of the property to be confiscated and a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting State Party sufficient to enable the requested State Party to seek the order under its domestic law;
(a) če gre za zaprosilo po pododstavku a prvega odstavka tega člena, opis premoženja, ki naj se odvzame, ter opis dejstev, na katere se sklicuje pogodbenica prosilka in zaprošeni pogodbenici zadostujejo, da pridobi odredbe po svojem notranjem pravu;
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(b) In the case of a request pertaining to paragraph 1 (b) of this article, a legally admissible copy of an order of confiscation upon which the request is based issued by the requesting State Party, a statement of the facts and information as to the extent to which execution of the order is requested;
(b) če gre za zaprosilo po pododstavku b prvega odstavka tega člena, pravno sprejemljiv izvod odredbe za odvzem, ki jo je izdala pogodbenica prosilka in na kateri temelji zaprosilo, opis dejstev in podatke, do katerega obsega se zahteva izvršitev odredbe;
41 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
(iv) Every half-year, a statement of the sums paid by the receiving State in the course of the half-yearly period in respect of every case regarding which the proposed distribution on a percentage basis has been accepted, shall be sent to the sending States concerned, together with a request for reimbursement.
(iv) Vsakega pol leta se izkaz o zneskih, ki jih je država gostiteljica v šestmesečnem obdobju plačala v zvezi z vsakim primerom, za katerega je bila sprejeta predlagana razdelitev na podlagi odstotkov, pošlje zadevni državi pošiljateljici skupaj z zahtevo za povračilo.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Committee referred to in paragraph 1 shall confirm that the financial statements, as well as any other financial information contained in the annual accounts drawn up by the Board of Directors, give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Bank in respect of its assets and liabilities, and of the results of its operations and its cash flows for the financial year under review.
(3) Odbor iz prvega odstavka tega člena potrdi, da računovodski izkaz kot tudi drugi finančni podatki v letnem poročilu, ki ga pripravi Svet direktorjev, kažejo resnično in pravo sliko o finančnem položaju banke na aktivni in pasivni strani, ter o rezultatih poslovanja in denarnih tokovih v zadevnem poslovnem letu.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(a) In the case of a request pertaining to paragraph 1 (a) of this article, a description of the property to be confiscated, including, to the extent possible, the location and, where relevant, the estimated value of the property and a statement of the facts relied upon by the requesting State Party sufficient to enable the requested State Party to seek the order under its domestic law;
(a) pri zaprosilu iz točke a prvega odstavka tega člena opis premoženja, ki se odvzame, ki naj po možnosti vključuje kraj, kjer je premoženje, in če je ustrezno, ocenjeno vrednost premoženja ter navedbo dejstev, na katere se sklicuje država pogodbenica prosilka, ki zadostujejo, da zaprošena država pogodbenica lahko zaprosi za izdajo odločbe na podlagi svojega notranjega prava;
44 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
In addition to cases where Council deliberations are open to the public in accordance with Article 8(1), where the Council acts in its legislative capacity within the meaning of Article 7, the results of votes and explanations of votes by Council members, as well as the statements in the Council minutes and the items in those minutes relating to the adoption of legislative acts, shall be made public.
Poleg primerov, v katerih so razprave Sveta odprte za javnost v skladu s členom 8(1), se v primerih, kadar Svet v skladu s členom 7 odloča kot zakonodajni organ, objavijo izidi glasovanj in spremne obrazložitve glasovanja članov Sveta ter izjave v zapisniku Sveta in točke zapisnika, ki se nanašajo na sprejemanje zakonodajnih aktov.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
3 If the consignor has loaded the goods, the consignment note shall be prima facie evidence of the condition of the goods and of their packaging indicated in the consignment note or, in the absence of such indication, of their apparently good condition and of the accuracy of the statements referred to in paragraph 2 solely in the case where the carrier has examined them and recorded on the consignment note a result of his examination which tallies.
Če je blago nakladal pošiljatelj, se tovorni list uporablja, dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno, kot dokaz, da stanje blaga in njegove embalaže ustreza podatkom v tovornem listu, če pa takih podatkov ni, o njegovem na videz dobrem stanju ter o točnosti navedb iz drugega odstavka samo, če jih je prevoznik preveril in svoje ugotovitve o skladnosti vpisal v tovorni list.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
When a judgment of first instance is set aside and the case remanded to the court of first instance for re-examination of facts, the statement of ground shall indicate the points in which the determination of the state of facts made by the court of first instance comes short or is erroneous, as well as wherein the presentation of new facts and evidence is important for a correct decision and why such evidence and facts affect the correctness of the adjudication process.
Če se sodba prve stopnje razveljavi in zadeva vrne sodišču prve stopnje v novo sojenje, da pravilno ugotovi dejansko stanje, se navede, v čem so pomanjkljivosti pri ugotovitvi dejanskega stanja oziroma zakaj so nova dejstva in novi dokazi pomembni za pravilno odločbo in zakaj vplivajo na tako odločbo.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Where a Contracting Party notifies the General Assembly or the Council that overriding national considerations pertaining to national defence and security interests prevent it from acting on a decision adopted by a majority of the votes cast as provided for in Article 8.1 above, it may derogate from that decision subject to communication to the General Assembly or the Council of an explanation of the reasons and a statement as to whether:
Kadar pogodbenica obvesti Generalno skupščino ali Svet, da ji prevladujoči nacionalni razlogi, kot so interesi državne obrambe in varnosti, preprečujejo ravnati v skladu z odločitvami, sprejetimi z večino glasov, kot to določa 1. odstavek 8. člena zgoraj, lahko odstopi od teh odločitev, če v sporočilu Generalni skupščini ali Svetu razloži svoje razloge in da izjavo o tem, ali:
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Europol organs, their members, the Deputy Directors, employees of Europol and liaison officers, as well as persons under the obligation provided for in paragraph 2, may not give evidence in or outside court or make any statements on any facts or information which come to their knowledge in the performance of their duties or the exercise of their activities, without reference to the Director or, in the case of the Director himself, to the Management Board.
Organi Europola, njihovi člani, namestniki direktorja, uslužbenci Europola in uradniki za zvezo kot tudi vse druge osebe, za katere veljajo obveznosti, predvidene v odstavku 2, ne smejo razkrivati dokazov na ali izven sodišča ali dajati kakršni koli izjav o katerih koli dejstvih ali informacijah, s katerimi se lahko seznanijo med opravljanjem svojih dolžnosti ali izvajanjem svojih dejavnosti, brez navodil direktorja ali, v kolikor gre za direktorja, brez navodil Upravnega odbora.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) Where the holder wishes to renew the international registration in respect of a designated Contracting Party notwithstanding the fact that the maximum period of protection for industrial designs in that Contracting Party has expired, payment of the required fees, including the standard designation fee or the individual designation fee, as the case may be, for that Contracting Party, shall be accompanied by a statement that the renewal of the international registration is to be recorded in the International Register in respect of that Contracting Party.
(b) Če želi imetnik obnoviti mednarodno registracijo za imenovano pogodbenico ne glede na to, da je najdaljši možni rok varstva za modele v tej pogodbenici že potekel, je treba plačilu zahtevanih pristojbin skupaj s pristojbino za standardno oziroma posamično imenovanje za to pogodbenico dodati izjavo, da mora biti obnovitev mednarodne registracije zanjo vpisana v mednarodni register.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) Where the holder wishes to renew the international registration in respect of a designated Contracting Party notwithstanding the fact that a refusal is recorded in the International Register for that Contracting Party in respect of all the goods and services concerned, payment of the required fees, including the complementary fee or individual fee, as the case may be, for that Contracting Party, shall be accompanied by a statement that the renewal of the international registration is to be recorded in the International Register in respect of that Contracting Party.
(b) Če nosilec želi podaljšati mednarodno registracijo za imenovano pogodbenico ne glede na dejstvo, da je za to pogodbenico v mednarodni register vpisana zavrnitev za vse zadevne proizvode in storitve, je treba ob plačilu zahtevanih pristojbin za to pogodbenico, vključno z dodatno pristojbino oziroma samostojno pristojbino, predložiti izjavo, da se podaljšanje mednarodne registracije za to pogodbenico vpiše v mednarodni register.
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